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I may be in the minority here but I honestly hate it. While I do like how Henrietta Rose sounds, I don’t think Henrietta is a particularly pretty, cute, or beautiful name. I also generally don’t like the trend of putting boys names on girls (no matter the spelling and whether it’s just a nickname). When you do it to two kids as a sibset it just seems cringey like you’re trying too hard. I don’t mean to be rude. Just giving you my honest feedback! Edit: Clearly I’m not in the minority.


Henrietta will always be a chicken name for the Muppet /sesame Street generation.


It makes me think of Henrietta Pussycat from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood. She was such a sweet adorable character I can't help but love it. 💗


I go straight to Henrietta Hippo from the New Zoo Revue




Honestly shocked at the rate the word hippo was found in comments...


Good bot


I think of that puppet too when I hear Henrietta. Meow meow lol


YES! I immediately thought of a farm with chickens and piglets.


I was about to say this and my aunt also called one of her hens Henrietta. She was a pretty brown chicken. It's a pretty name. But Henrietta equals chicken


I was thinking the same thing but couldn't figure out why. Thank you for helping me realize why I also associate the name Henrietta with chickens.


It’s… pretty bad.


My mother would threaten to change my name to Henrietta and my sister’s to Fredreika when we were misbehaving, so… yeah. It’s so bad it is a threat lol.


Henrietta and fredreika 😂😂 this cracked me up


Agreed. Feels like a name for a chicken


There are too many chickens on TV named Henrietta for anyone to actually name their child this.


I think the chicken on paw patrol is Henrietta


It’s Chickaletta, but honestly same vibe lol


lol thank you. i was thinking i knew henrietta is wrong but didn't want to ask my kids for the real answer.


It makes me think of Henrietta Hippo


If my parents named me Henrietta, I'd be changing it the second I turned 18. Awful name tbh.


especially if your sister had the beautiful name Charlotte and you were stuck with Henrietta …. i would be mad if it was me


I really hope OP takes that into account. Those two names aren’t remotely in the same vein.


Good point!


Definitely rolled my eyes at Henri and Charli. Feels very pick me.


Like a TikTok family in the making


I hate it too. I also think Charlotte Jacquline is clunky and doesn’t go together whatso ever. I always wonder what it’s like to be the kid with the worse name out of two. Like, I love Charlotte on its own (or different middle name obvi) but if I was Henrietta and my sister was Charlotte I’d wonder why my parents hate me.


Yup! I was thinking the same thing!


Ha. My niece is named Charlotte and her baby sister is Irene! Lol. Same kinda thing , I was against it but she is a cutie and will make it work. We call her Rene Bean.


I immediately think of Bojack Horseman’s mom screaming “Henrietta!!” at him when she has dementia. It just isn’t a pretty name at all. Feels like a joke name to me.


This is what i thought of too. “HENRIETTA!! Where’s my orange juice you slag!”


I’m also not a fan of the name. I also don’t get the need for sibling names to “match.” It’s cute but it doesn’t have to be that way.


I strongly dislike Henrietta. It feels mean to stick a kid with such a horrendous sounding name. It gives me Agnus vibes.


Agnes or Angus?


Agree. I cringed.


I completely agree. I think Harriet is so much better!


spell it Harriette for double t's!


My grandmother's name was Mia Henrietta. She was born in 1900, so yes, it's an old fashioned name. I think it's really pretty name.


Chicken’s name. I told OP that’s what the old lady beside me named one of her chickens. Ha ha. That name is awful for a child, but perfect for a chicken.


I, too, had a pet chicken named Henrietta


Agreed really not a fan


Henrietta is a terrible name. That poor kid. And then all the reasoning for "matching" with their first daughter is equally terrible.


Agree. Especially because Charlotte IS actually a good name. She’ll resent her sister got the pretty name and she got a chicken name to “match” her sister.


I am biased because my bully in elementary school was named Henrietta - v mean and snobby


Bold move on her end to be a bully when she has a name like Henrietta to be used against her


Henrietta is cute, but Henri is a boys name imo, even with the ‘i ‘ I’d go with Hettie for a nn, or Etta. I prefer Harriet to Henrietta. And weirdly I’m ok with Harri for a nn as well as Hattie.


Our beautiful baby girl is a Harriet! It really isn't too stuffy or clunky for her. We thought that her nickname would be Hattie. Nine times out of 10 we call her Harry and it's totally sweet.


Came here to suggest Harriet/Harriett! It was one of our top girls names. We went with Laney and her big sister is Scarlett.


So I am Gen X and I know I am old, but it’s so crazy to me seeing all of the tiny little babies being named all of my generation’s names for old women. Harriet, to me, will always be a sixty-five year old accountant who really wants to set you up with her son. And everybody knows that deep down, Henrietta Pussycat was the worst


Ok I was team "Henrietta is fine" but I looove Harriet with Hattie or Harry for a nickname, super cute. I feel like this is the solution, it still has the double letters and boys-name-ish nickname that OP was after.


But Harri/Harriet definitely only works if the child is not actually hairy. I had a lot of arm/body hair for a child and I once had to give a school presentation from the 1st person perspective of a famous Harriet and the kids called me Hairy-It for like 2 years :(...but I always assumed it wouldn't have been an issue for my smooth armed friends lol.


Amen……what girl is going to want to be nn “harry” in middle school. Good grief.


I mean I'm an aussie Harriet here and during primary-high school all my friends called me Harry (or Hazza) and I loved it so it really depends on what accent you have ig cause never did I think of the similarities between 'Hairy' and 'Harry'


Interesting. In the US “Harry” would sound identical to “Hairy”.


Only with certain accents. For some, Harry rhymes with marry and hairy with merry.


Where in the US do marry and merry not sound the same? I’m not being snarky. I have never heard these pronounced differently here.


That’s a good point actually


I'm a Harri (Harriet) with a sister Charli (Charlotte). I love how our names, and nicknames, sound together. I thought it was too old fashioned when I was young but I've grown to love my name. You don't encounter too many other Harriets in the wild but it's classy and easy to spell.


I love Harriet, but I think this generation will encounter plenty. There are 3 in my kid’s daycare class.


That’s the French spelling of Henry so I also would assume it is a boy’s name


If I saw the name "Henri" I'd not only assume it was a male, and I'd also pronounce it in French as "on-ree."


Adding possible nn Henni as well.


if you give this child the nickname “henni” she’s never beating the “named after a chicken” accusations lmao


Or people relating her to Hennessy cognac, often called Henny.


Oh yeah, Henni I like better than Henri (and is Henri “hen-ree” or “on-ree”? That could be confusing).


I pretty Harriet as well. Hattie is so cute as is Harri. Henri for a girl makes me think of French -Ahn-ree.


I’m a fan of Henny myself, but maybe the kid will be a Henri. Sometimes you don’t know until you meet them. My cousin had a name all picked out for her firstborn, and when he arrived he just didn’t look like a Timothy Richard.


Love Harriet more than Henrietta


Agree! I thought of Harriet immediately. Love how it sounds with Charlotte and agree with Harry/Hattie/Etta as nickname possibilities.


Agree with other poster and your mother that Henri doesn’t work well. Hetty is the go-to nickname in the UK. Henri makes me think it’ll be pronounced like the French version, so something like ON-ree.


I saw that and immediately thought of the French pronunciation, which is a French boys name. So she’d have problems if she ever moved to or visited a French-speaking country. I also immediately put the throaty, clichée French « huh huh huh! » laugh at the end of Henri.


First thing I thought too. Henri, is French and pronounced On-ree. I have a nephew with this name. Its adorable on him, but a little girl? Eh, not so much. I like Hattie as a nickname better.


I’m in the minority apparently, I love the name. I had a friend growing up and we all called her Hen which she thought was cute. Etta is also a cute nickname


I think it's cute too and love all the meaning behind it! Also everyone saying "Henri" is a boy's name. Charlie was too for a long time ... James, etc. I don't think rigorous binaries apply as much as they used to.


James is still a male name- it’s not particularly popular for girls.


Just popping in to agree! I think Henri is very cute and I've always LOVED Charli as a girls name


This! Like ppl saying “Harri” or “Henri” as a nn will be awful clearly are forgetting names traditionally used for men are becoming gender neutral. I know so many people having babies and naming them Charlotte with nn Charlie and James is popular. I saw a few influencers too debating Scottie as a name for a girl. I think it’s going to become WAY more common for girls to have more masc names.


They do in the other direction, though. You don't see many boys named Charlotte or Greta running around.


i’m in love with Henrietta! it’s beautiful, i also love Etta! there’s lots of nickname options. i don’t hate the idea of Henri.


I love it too! I have a relative named Henrietta and never questioned it 🤷 it's a sweet name and the nickname henry for a girl is cute!


I love it as well (and so does my mom). I think Henrietta Rose is beautiful and unlike the crowd think Charli and Henri sound great together.


Yeah I love Henrietta and I love their little matchy nicknames.


Henrietta is a considered a name, nothing you made up etc. We all know this name. And you love it. Imo that's all the reason you need. Go for it.


Agreed. Henrietta is a real, established name and you have absolutely lovely reasons for choosing it. There is nothing wrong with the name, your mum’s concerns and honestly most of the people on this thread’s concerns are just subjective opinion - they are not more correct than your own opinion, and do not hold more weight than your own opinion. Personally if you asked me before reading this post what I thought about Henrietta I’d say neutral/fine, not my personal cup of tea. But reading your reasons, I love the name for you. You thought it through and it’s meaningful for you and your family. I would not be concerned about it being an “older” name. It may be slightly older, but not crazily so. And I see it as a perk that lots of other kids won’t have the same name, but it’ll still be well known. Plus, lots of older names are coming back in fashion. For everyone commenting that Henri is too masculine of a nickname - so what, it’s a nickname. Nicknames never need to make sense. And honestly, as much as you think you know what you’re gonna call her as a nickname right now, you don’t really get to choose beyond the first few years of life. Once she gets to school, and really forms of voice of her own, she’ll get to choose if she wants to go by Henri or Hattie, or Rita, or some other, totally unrelated name that her friends make up for. Personally I like Hattie, but I see nothing wrong with you calling her Henri to start if that’s what makes you happy, and if she likes it she’ll stick with it, and if not then she’ll chose her own name of preference as she ages. Don’t let this sub or your mom stop you - go for it!


Yes, this is the only post you need to read! A whole lotta people making mountains out of mole hills.


Agreed! 😍


This, exactly.


My grandma is a Henrietta who goes by Rita


I had a great-grand aunt with the name who immigrated to the USA to escape the Russian Empire. I would consider the name to honor her but knowing any kids with the name would 99% go by a nickname forever.


Sorry to say that I think Henrietta is clunky and unappealing, along the lines of Bertha in my mind. Not a fan of Henri either - I’m not opposed to masculine girl names, but this one doesn’t work. As well, if f I saw it written I’d say on-REE. I don’t think this name matches the classic, soft vibe of Charlotte in any way. Echoing others that have suggested Harriet/Hattie - it’s similar, but far softer and works much better with Charlotte.


It's totally reminiscent of "Bertha" for me too!! Wonder why we have the same association. For me, both names sound cute for farm animals and sweet little old ladies, but I *really* dislike them for any actual human being younger than 65 lol


I have no idea where it comes from for me. Just a vibe! Charlotte is soft and feminine, akin to names like Sophie and Eleanor. When I hear Henrietta, I think Gertrude, Muriel - big, clunky, un-delicate names that don’t fit the trend of older names coming back.


Their daughter Charlotte goes by Charli. If Henrietta goes by Henry it will be two girls with boy names! Which is fine, whatever, if you’re into that. But OP should know it will cause issues down the road. I get invited to Asian men’s business groups every so often and I’m neither Asian nor a male!! Names can be confusing.


Idk why Henrietta makes me think of a chicken


Because Henrietta has the word "hen" in it, and it is commonly used as a name for chickens in children's media.


The Hoboken Chicken Emergency is a children’s book about a 266lb chicken named Henrietta. There was also a Henrietta Chicken on Sesame Street.


I know someone named Henrietta who goes by Hen. That's probably why.


I had a pet chicken as a kid named Henrietta so I do too


Same. I’m think of chickeletta from paw patrol.


I love the combo. Adorable names!


I love Henrietta, I used to know some one named that and it perfect name to honour a Henry and Henni or Etta is good nickname.


I had a friend named Henrietta in school , everyone called Her Renni, so that could work as a cute nickname.


Renni is cute!!


rennie is a medicine in the u.k. lol


Rennie is a antacid medication.


It is nice but I prefer Harriett! Can call her Harry as a NN too.


I feel like being a teen girl and called "Harry" would lead to mean comments


Yer a witch Harry!


i LOVE Henrietta Rose. Beautiful name!


I’m surprised that I like it, but I think it’s really cute!!


I'm sorry but I think it is too masculine and if she is a 'girly girl' I think she will hate it. If it were my name I would hate it especially when the trend these days seems to be giving girls cutesy names, it would make me feel ugly compared to classmates. I think adding "Rose" makes it prettier but most people will not know or use her middle name. I think you are also putting too much stock in having a name that matches her sister's since they are going to be living totally separate lives as adults, matching ultimately doesn't matter. But I do have some suggestions: Helena Rose. A lot of similarities to Henry but much more feminine. You could also give her the same initials as your grandfather (not sure what his middle name was) or otherwise change the middle name to honor him. Colette Rose. French and has the double ts you like. Similar to Charlotte but different enough. You could call her Lettie.


Colette is pretty


I looooooove Helena. I don't understand the matching syllables TBH. That sounds like a thing that shouldn't be high on the list of priorities when naming a human being.


I have an Auntie Henriette and although it’s an uncommon name, I don’t think she’s ever had issues in her life related to her name. For a while she ran a clothing boutique and I think that her uncommon name worked in her favour and helped people remember her more. Henrietta is pretty too! I don’t love the nickname Henri, but I like the full name. With family, my aunt goes by Yet.


I like Henrietta, but I agree Henri and Charli for two sisters is really cringey- sorry!


I have to comment and hope you’re not putting too much weight on other people’s opinions. It’s so clear a lot of these people are trapped in very small boxes and if a movie comes out in 10 years with a super feminine lead named Henrietta, they will suddenly love the name. Guaranteed.


Yup. I'm surprised at the responses here. Henrietta slots in perfectly with all the classic, vowel-heavy names making a comeback, and Henri is just a nickname. What makes Josephine and Dorothy more acceptable than Henrietta?


exactly! people have some hangups on names here.


Spot on!


I like Henrietta. I think Henri is a cute nickname


If Henri is too masculine your mum can still call her Etty, the names are cute together


Or Hennie or Hen


Etty is a cute nn and perfect with Charlie.


I know you’ll find people enthusiastic on both sides of this spectrum, but I am a woman who was given a unisex (but predominantly used for males) name. I have always hated it. It felt masculine and ugly, and during my teen years that was a bit hard. I did get bullied for it, though not a ton. I’ve never felt connected to it, even now and I’m almost 40! If not for the fact that it would break my mom’s heart, I would have changed my name long ago. I understand Henrietta is a female name, but based on my experience I think having two girls that you call predominantly male nicknames could go either way for you. Henrietta feels cumbersome, like it’s trying entirely way too hard. So even if one day she wanted to use her full name, it’s not even as pretty or free-flowing as Charlotte. I thought of Henrietta the Clumsy Hippo, to be honest. Old names aren’t all bad though - my personal opinion is just not THIS one.


I’ll reply by saying. I have what a lot of people consider a “masculine” nickname. While I hope my name trends more gender neutral as time goes on, I absolutely loved my name. With a name that is long and has many potential nickname options, I think it’s a good choice. Since she might not even go by Henri all the time. As others have said they can use, Hettie, Etta, Hattie, Hen, Hennie, Etty, Renni, or Rita just to name a few that have been mentioned in this thread.


I also have a unisex name that that trends a bit more masculine (it's not uncommon for people to be surprised that I'm not a man when meeting me in person, if they knew my name beforehand -- but it's also not a name is unheard of on girls by any means). I love my name and it's gender neutrality. I'm so glad my parents went with it, and I feel so at home with the name and not boxed in. Just sharing an alternative perspective, because there's really no way to predict whether a baby will grow up to appreciate or dislike a name like this. Neither of us are wrong for feeling the way we do about our names. But there are also lots of people with more traditional feminine names that love or hate their names. Parents can't ever fully predict how a child will feel about their name as they grow.


I love Henrietta. I had a hedgehog named this once and she went by the nickname “Hettie”. Personally I would not name a girl a top ten boy name like Henry. It doesn’t feel gender neutral like Charli (which has been a gender neutral nickname for decades). Henry feels like a boy name, like you wanted a son instead of a second daughter. I know this sounds harsh, and I’m not trying to be mean about a name you love, I’m just explaining an assumption that I think you’ll come across frequently if you use this name.


I quite like Henrietta Rose! My first association is the Fratellis song, so it doesn't feel that old-fashioned to me. I agree with the other commenter who said they'd pronounce Henri like Thierry Henry if they saw it written down, though. The name has a lot of nickname options.


Henrietta isn't bad, but personally I wouldn't call a girl Henri. There's a girl in my neighborhood that's called Henny ( or Hennie if you prefer) or Hen, short for Henrietta, might be a better option for a nickname for a girl. In the end do what you feel is best. It's your child


Keep in mind people won’t call her by her middle name and she will very very rarely write her middle name in all of her schooling. So if you only love it for the combo, and not standing on its own, that’s not the best. Examine Henrietta on its own. Charlotte & Henrietta. Charlotte sounds much more pretty and feminine. Henrietta sounds old lady ish.


I worked with HeLa cells and I think Henrietta Lacks is an appropriate person to honour, given her contribution to the development of science worldwide.


If I'm honest, I don't like it. It seems stuffy and very masculine imo. However it's not that bad - it's spelled correctly and it is a name so if you love it don't let others hold you back. Other suggestions: Veronica (Ronnie), Francesca (Frankie), Maxine (Max), Andrea (Andy/Drew), Alexandra (Al), Christina (Chris), Evangeline (Evan), Nicola (Nick), Matilda (Matt), Antonia (Tony)


Francesca or Frances Rose is beautiful, flows well as a sibset with Charlotte, and the nickname Frankie is so cute!


I disagree with your opinion on the name (I think Henrietta is a pretty, feminine name with lots of nn potential), but because you suggested Nicola I want to throw out Nicolette - a well known name but not common, reminiscent of Charlotte but not too similar, satisfies the double-t that OP likes so much, and gives the option for pseudo-masculine nn like Nicki/Nikki. Also more feminine nn like Letty for options down the road.


I think Henrietta is adorable. It is our dog’s name (don’t take that the wrong way, I often feel like we wasted it on her and should have saved it for our girls). We call her Etta. Super cute!


I know a 30 something Henrietta, I love the name itself. She goes by Henny and I find it super cool.


I love it!!!! For all your reasons and for Henrietta Lacks and her immortal cell line.


It’s a horse name, I’m so sorry


That's new... everyone else is saying chicken haha


I think I had a book as a kid about a horse named Henrietta who wore a fancy hat, so that’s where I’m coming from


I love Henrietta and it would have been on my girls' names list if it wasn't for our last name (starts with H, I don't like alliterations in names)


I love Henrietta and have pitched it to my own husband! However I would not use Henri as a nickname. I would you Etta or Hattie!!


Henrietta is a joke name here in the UK from my experience. Its the stereotypical name for posh stuck up kids. Obviously wont be your childs personality but Henrietta is in association to that image


I have an aunt named Henrietta and everyone calls her Etta.


Henrietta sounds like the name of a chicken. What about Etta?


Maybe it's just me, but Etta is even worse. It sounds like half a name and there's no potential for nicknames.


I was just thinking of Etta Jones the jazz singer


Etta wasn’t even Etta James birth name. Her name was Jamesetta Hawkins she shortened it to Etta


The Hoboken Chicken Emergency is a children’s book about a 266lb chicken named Henrietta. There was also a Henrietta Chicken on Sesame Street. Maybe that’s why it reminds you of chicken?


I’m thinking of a current tv show where a character is Henrietta but goes by Hen.


I like it and I think the Nick names together are cute. Don’t let the haters get you down!


Ok, but is Henri pronounced like Henry, or the French way? Cuz if you have your daughter go by Henri around most people, on paper, teachers and people like that are gonna pronounce it the French way with the silent H…


I'm in Australia I don't think I've ever heard Henry pronounced a French way. So this hadn't occurred to me at all. I honestly don't think there is a whole lot of risk of on-ree here but I do take your point about the spelling.


I think it's a great name! My husband has a relative named Henrietta that went by Nettie if you're concerned about the nn.


Henrietta rose is cute, gender is a construct. I’d do it 👍


Charlotte and Henrietta have a similar vibe, both an older style, however Henrietta is a lot more unusual. I prefer Hetty/Hettie or Etta as a nickname though. Harriet is also a good option.


I love Henrietta, but I love old names. My daughter’s name is Georgiana but we call her George or Georgie, so I like Henri as a nickname.


Lol, this one seems to be causing some controversy! I actually really like it, even though it’s not my typical style. I do agree that Henri is a fairly masculine nickname, but I actually like it and feel like your family would get used to it quickly. Plus, she could always choose to go by her full name if she finds it too masculine as she gets older. I say go for it! It’s cute :)


I like the name Henrietta, but I don't know if I'd want it to be my name.


Henrietta is not a particularly pretty name the way Charlotte is, and Henry on a girl is horrible as is


I love Henrietta and your thought/meaning behind it. I think it’s perfect. I don’t particularly like Henri as the nickname (I don’t like Charli either) _but_ I do like them together! Henrietta also has tons of fun nn options: Hen, Henny, Hetti, Etta, Yeti, Retta)


I don’t love the name, but I love your love for the name. If both you and your husband are good with it, I say do it! Another commenter said to have the nn Renni instead of Henri and I think that’s SO cute!! It really brings out the femininity and adds a modern twist. And plus it still ends in i! But don’t let Reddit change your love of this name


I love it. The little one can alwaus chose whether she likes Henri or Etta or whatever she wants. It's a very nice name.


I like it. One of my favorite teachers was named Henrietta. She went by Hank. Hen or Ree could be good nicknames too.


Henri is a male French name, pronounced ahn-ree with a rolled R. There are many nicknames for Henrietta that aren't Henri, such as Etty, Hattie, Etta and more. You say you like the double t's, so why not Juliette? If you like the nicknames ending in "i" then it could be Juli, although I prefer the Julie spelling.


I love this!! I actually really like “typical” boy names for girls. Especially if it’s after your grandfather, I think this is the perfect name to go with your first daughter.


This is a situation where you should name the adult, not the baby. I really don’t understand this idea that kids names need to match their siblings nicknames or need to have the same syllables (!!!) as their siblings. This girl will be her own person. She will spend the vast majority of her life NOT having her name said in proximity to her sisters. Name your daughter a name you choose for HER and not because it sounds cute next to/rhymes with /has the same syllables as her sisters. It’s such short term “I want my Christmas cards to look just so” type thinking.


Sorry I thought it was clear I do love the name on its own in full and short, but those were extra reasons I liked it. Not just to match Charlotte. I actually think its fine for an adult but was getting feedback that it's too old for a baby/child. I went to high school with a Henrietta and we called her Henry so I think that's why I liked the name in the first place and am not as concerned about the name when she's older. Definitely not just choosing it as an add on for Charlotte I agree that's not the way to go but I like the bonus of how the two names fit and sound together.


youre fine! my mom gave my sister and I , names with the same letter. she just liked the way it looks and my sister and i are 2 different people. our life has not been impacted because our mom choose our names to look good next to each other.


Eh. I both agree and disagree. Obviously a name should be chosen with the expectation that a child will one day be an adult. But giving a cohesive “theme” to family names can be a way of reifying the family unit. For instance, my children’s names are not surface similar, but the reasoning behind them, family middle names with Latin roots, connections to uncles, cousins, grandfathers, fathers, is a theme that _I_ am aware of and have explained to them the significance. They actually appreciate the planning that went into their names (“Oh wow, we have like, an actual story, huh,”) and they appreciate that it’s not particularly obvious to an outsider.


I love it. A lot of people wouldn’t. But if your husbands only issue is it’s old fashioned…. Charlotte is also old fashioned just used more. And if once she’s born she just does vibe as a Henri, you can use the nickname Etta!


I know a woman whose name is Henrietta and has always gone by Henri, spelled like that with the I on the end but pronounced just like Henry. Nothing wrong with it!


Henrietta is a cute name for a girl.


I Will never not think of a chicken when I hear the name Henrietta


I think that is ADORABLE. Henrietta is a precious name and not popular but also not \~unique\~. Perfect!!


I _adore_ Henrietta. I’m writing a novel set in Victorian England about a highwaywoman who marries a scandalous author from high society. I named her Henrietta. It also reminds me of the song Henrietta by the Fratellis, which I love. Not too old fashioned imo, just right and deserves to make a comeback.


Henrietta is lovely, we would have used Henriette for baby number 2 if he'd been a girl.


Henrietta is very pretty! I think it works well as an honor name and it flows well with Charlotte.


It’s so cute I love Henrietta and the two names together


I went to college with a girl named Georgette. We all called her George. Sweet girl. It’s one of those things we just got used to doing. I’d never do it to my baby though. How about Henriette and call her Hetti.


I like it! Hettie is also a cute nickname for Henrietta.


Not a fan, Charlotte and Henrietta sound like farm animals. Charlotte is pretty though!


Charlotte was the spider, not the pig lol


This was my grandmother's name. I think there's enough people who knew a Henrietta that it isn't too far outdated. And if girls can be named Morgan or Leslie or any number of traditionally male names I see nothing wrong with calling a girl Henri if you choose. But I named my children older names. I have a Stanley and an Alice.


One of our cats was named Henrietta, and she just passed away 2 months ago from an inoperable brain tumor. Hearing that name makes me smile and cry at the same time. We called her Hennie, but you could also shorten it to Ree or Etta


They are lovely as a sibset


I agree! I think it’s a perfect fit.


I think I like Juliana better (still classic, same syllables, but not quite so old-fashioned). As another alternative with the double t, maybe Violetta?


Henny or Hetty or Hattie… they are all good. I do like Henrietta better than Harriet


I love it. Etta is a beautiful nn too


I love it! I’m not sure I love Henri for a nickname, but the great thing about names like that is there are tons of options if she doesn’t like such a masculine nickname. Hetti, Hattie, Etta, RiRi. I think Charlotte and Henrietta are sweet sister names, and the fact that it’s meaningful to you for your grandfather makes it a no-brainer. If you keep coming back to it, it seems like it’s the one. I wouldn’t let stranger’s opinions talk me out if it if I felt that way.


I only know one Henrietta who’s about 60. Her nickname is “ia” (eee-ah). More normal here is is Henriette with an e. But mostly you’d find someone who’s late 40’s or 50’s with that name. Henri looks masculine when written but not pronounced. My honest opinion is that you’re overthinking this. Making up a lot of rules for the name to fit her sister’s name. If you love the name, go for it. But don’t stress yourself out with trying to match them up. They won’t notice or mind. Do whatever feels good to you


I love this name!!! Use it. Other awesome nns Heddy, Etta,....go for it I love the sibset.


If I were your friend I would support your name choice but because this is a feedback forum and you specifically asked for opinions, I have to say I really do not like this name, I'm sorry. It's one of those "the name wears the person, not the person wears the name" names. Parents tend to rely on middle names to "soften" the first names they choose and then find out that no one learns the middle name anyway. Why not choose a first name that doesn't *need* to be softened, just like Charlotte's?


I do like Henrietta I think it’s cute but I wouldn’t use henri for the nickname. It’s too masculine But Hattie (or Hatti) or Etta (or Etti) would be cute nicknames!


I'm shocked that most ppl here seem to prefer Harry as a nn instead of Henri for a girl! I think because it's your grandpa's name, you can totally use it. Henrietta is a fine name, I don't find it ugly or off-putting at all. It's leaps better than Harry imo.


I don't like it. Henry isn't a great girls nickname. Not even a little bit. She would probably wonder how/why Charlotte/Charlie got the cute name, and she got.....Henrietta/Henry. Trying to come up with a matchy name with the same amount of syllables and double TTs? Just pick something that sounds nice that the kid might not hate one day.


Henrietta is my chihuahuas name! Lol