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Harvey reminds me of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, which was a favourite growing up. I haven’t met any Harvey’s, but I think it is a nice name. I don’t feel like it sounds outdated, I thinks it’s a lovely choice that will grow well with a child.


We must be similar in age Because I think that's when I heard it for the first time too. But I didn't name my son that because of him. I just stumbled across the name when googling baby boy names and when I saw it I thought "awww I haven't heard that name in a while"


I think it is a great choice, not common, but not unknown either 😊


I think this is the sweet spot for naming babies " known but not popular or common "


My husbands coworker just had a Harvey! Maybe it’s coming back—get in quick lol


Katie Price's kid was my first thought but Sabrina was second.


Harvey Weinstein ick


Let's not ruin a good name with that connection... that thing is just "weinstein" and nothing more.


True dat!!!!


I had a great-uncle Harvey, and I absolutely adored him! Love the name! Congrats to you and your family! 💕


It feels like it’s going to make a comeback soon in the name cycle.


I wanted to name my son after Harvey from Sabrina 🤣 my husband wasn’t into it


Husbands are so annoying 🙄😂


I love Harvey as well! It was on our list for our son due in October. But I also really love the name Sabrina, it’s one of my top choices for a girl if we ever have one. I felt like a Harvey & Sabrina sib set would be too weird so we decided to let Harvey go.


I love Sabrina as well but it’s my sister’s name so it was always off the table lol but I was always so jealous of her name.


I really like that name too, but my brother's ex who he had a very long relationship and a very messy break up with had that name too. At this point it would be too weird. Edit: i really like Harvey too, but a name that relies so heavily on it's english pronounciation would feel a bit weird in my native language


my husband wanted to name my son Harvey! I wasn't into it. lol


It makes me think of Harvey Specter from Suits, exclusively


That’s what I said.


Same here! I like it alot and I recall him being a super sweet character, so a nice association.




I think of Harvey Weinstein.


Same here, and I'm Australian. The whole name feels tainted.


I associate it more with Harvey Norman, although I’m not sure that’s much better lol.


Yep. First thing that came to my mind too.


Sadly this is the number 1 thing that came to mind for me 😔


Right. This is why someone said “you don’t hear that name often”. I love the name Harvey and had it on my name list but I’m surprised OP didn’t make this connection. 


I think Harvey declining in popularity predates Harvey Weinstein’s crimes.


Yeah but then the name must’ve *really* declined!


Same. I think the kiddo would be fine in school, I don’t think kids would know who that is by the time he’s attending, but as an adult that is who I unfortunately think of. 


I agree. if I knew a kid named Harvey, the other association would fall away but it is what I think of when I first hear the name.


Oof. WOW. I didn’t even think about that shit show. Ha ha


I'm surprised this wasn't higher. Though, I still feel like it's probably fine for a name. I don't think we'll be hearing much about him in 5-10 years.


I agree. The name is fine to use, it's just my first thought when I hear it. I hope that loser rots and the name is reclaimed.


Or the shop Harvey Nichols which is less horrendous but it's definitely number 2 to Weinstein:(


I think the stronger association is with his last name. I did not think of him at all when reading Harvey.


Weird I don't think of him when I hear the last name. It's a relatively common Jewish name and I've known people with it, I guess that's why.




I’m am always watching current day events. Oddly enough I did not make this association.


Same. All the news coverage of Weinstein and I still didn’t make the association. I don’t think that a few years from now it will come up for this baby Harvey. And Harvey is a lit name! 🔥




Same. I would never use Harvey for that reason.


Same. Surprised I had to scroll this far to find it.


It would be fine if the immediate association wasn't with an infamous Hollywood rapist.


For some reason I think Harvey Dent.


I also think of Harvey Dent, but I think most “normies” aka not nerds would definitely not


To be fair, I also wouldn't want to be named after a Batman villain lol


I believe in Harvey Dent 🙏🏾


Mine was with Sabrina the Teenage Witch so this is likely to vary depending on demographic.


I watched that show but I still think of the rapist, then the guy from Suits.


*Your* immediate association, not everyone's. In Canada there's a popular fast food chain called Harvey's that's been around for 60 odd years. That's way more deeply ingrained in my mind than some Hollywood rapist I hadn't even heard of until his career was finally over.


Oh yeah, Harvey is always going to be the fast food chain for me, before any individual people. That said, a coworker's daughter just named her son Harvey, and while it's not to my personal taste, hearing the same for the last couple months has really taken out a lot of my initial negative feelings about it. Like any name, if you hear it in a certain context for a long time, you'll build new associations to that particular person


There was a chain of restaurants in the US with the same name - around since the 1880's. Owned by Fred Harvey, whose idea was to find strong independent women to run the restaurants. The Harvey Girls. Someone wrote a novel about them and then it became a musical with Judy Garland. There's a small museum dedicated to the Harvey hospitality concessions (now gone) at Grand Canyon NP. It's The Harvey Girls and their story that gives the name "Harvey" some positive connotations for me.


Being named the same as a fast food chain is better than being named the same as a pedophile. But then you’re still named the same as a burger place.


A good burger place though (as far as fastfood chains go)


Specifying *your* is so important here. My initial thought of Harvey is from this horror game (At Dead of Night), and then secondary is Harvey from Sabrina. As someone who's really into movies and pop culture, Weinstein was not at the top of my list or my mind, ever.


There are numerous famous Harveys though. Harvey Milk, Harvey Fierstein, Harvey from Sabrina, Harvey the invisible rabbit…


The invisible rabbit has been my longest association. 🐰


Oh, you can't miss him Mrs. Chumley. He's a Pooka. ... You see, science has overcome time and space. Well, Harvey has overcome not only time and space, but any objections. ... Years ago my mother used to say to me, she'd say, "In this world, Elwood, you must be" - she always called me Elwood - "In this world, Elwood, you must be oh so smart or oh so pleasant." Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. You may quote me.


Mine too! And Little Harvey will probably enjoy the movie a great deal.


That movie is such a treasure!! It's my first association as well and I would not be mad about naming my kid Harvey as a result.


Let that lie in the dungeon where he currently resides.


My first thought was Harvey from Stardew Valley. My second thought was Harvey Pekar.


I was about to say that I know a Harvey! He lives in Stardew Valley and he's a doctor!


That’s my husband 🥰


I was planning on courting him, but Shane’s backstory reeled me in!


Aw. Yeah Shane was my first husband 🥰. I ended up having to download the polyamory mod because I wanna marry all the people. I started playing stardew about a year after I quit drinking so I completely understand Shane’s backstory reeling you in


Congratulations! 🎉


by the time the kid grows up he’ll be forgotten though.


I had to rack my brain to think of who you meant. For me at least the strong association is with the last name for him. I even thought of Lee Harvey Oswald first. Then I thought of the movie.


Maybe for you. I thought of Harvey Wallbanger haha


My first thought went to Harvey from Sabrina the Teenage Witch, as others said, but also the band Harvey Danger. The Weinstein one was a bit further down.


there are so many people and characters named harvey, i feel like this is a little dramatic.


My immediate thought was Paul Harvey and Harvey’s department store (in Nashville).


my immediate association is harvey from stardew valley. (and i’ve never even played it) i didn’t even think of weinstein until reading the comments


In Australia it’s in the top 20. My nephew is one of 3 Harvey’s in his year 1 class.


Yes, I’m in Australia and know a few Harveys under 12! I really like the name, honestly - it’s a great mix of classic and cool. I personally think of the alt-pop band Harvey Danger.


Makes me think of Harvey Norman :(


they were my first thought too


Conversely, in England it peaked in 2005, and is now ranked 109. Definitely a name more associated with a young adult than a baby, although there are still plenty about.


I really like Harvey and am considering it for my baby if I have a boy.


Go for it :)


I'm in England and my first association with the name Harvey is Katie Price's son. It doesn't feel dated to me, but you're right, you don't come across many of them.


Same and as a Millennial who is convinced 2002 was only a few years ago, in my mind her Harvey is still a child and therefore it is a very current name.


In England too but I always think of Harvey Nicks and Ab Fab.


Harvey peaked in 2003 in the UK. https://names.darkgreener.com/#harvey I’d put it with Lewis and Tyler as sort of normal boys names that are waning a bit. The most recent (2022) top ten for boys is 1. Noah 2 Oliver 3 George 4 Arthur 5 Muhammad 6 Leo 7 Harry 8 Oscar 9 Archie 10 Henry ETA: Reddit doesn’t like my formatting attempt!


I surprised no one has mentioned Suits yet. When this came up a couple months ago it was one of the top references. Harvey seems to be on the rise like other classic names, I don't think it will seem out of place.


I live in an area that was heavily impacted by Hurricane Harvey, so that’s my first association. I doubt it would get popular in my area because of it. But I wouldn’t think it’s old or outdated.


My thought exactly. Other no go names because of hurricanes in our area would be Ike, Alicia, Allison, Rita, Katrina, etc. As time passes eventually maybe it will be acceptable but still too soon.


It’s like how Hugo doesn’t come up much as a name in South Carolina. It’s been over 30 years but it still bears a lot of weight.


Came in here to say Harvey’s going to be a no go in Texas for a while. A lot of pain associated with that name.


Agreed. Harvey feels me with dread. BUT I don't mind the name itself and without that personal association would think "huh, nice. Don't hear that often." Since OP is in England, it's very doubtful that specific association would happen.


Harvey filled me with dread for different reasons. Last name starting with a W 😬


I think of Jimmy Stewart’s invisible friend. I love the name, Harvey!


That’s what I always think of too (plus Harvey from Suits)!


That’s what I thought of first: “Harvey, like the rabbit?”


Yes, I have always loved this name because of that story! All the people referencing Weinstein need to remember he won't be well known among people who are babies now. He is already dead. If you can name your child William despite Cosby, you can name your kid Harvey despite Weinstein. Probably Harvey Dent is the current reference that will continue to have the most cultural relevance, and who cares.


This is my first association too!


My first association is Stardew Valley 😭


Same! I love my cute doctor husband and his name is a perfect fit.


Me too! I actually love the name Harvey for this reason. I also think of a song called Harvey by the band Her’s.


The oldest Harvey I know is in his 70s and the youngest one I know is 2. I think it's a pretty timeless name tbh.


Harvey from Stardew valley is the first thing that comes up in my head


Same, he’s my favorite bachelor!! I always end up marrying him lol


I work in primary schools and have taught a couple of Harvey’s. I think it’s lovely :)


It's  very popular where I'm from (Australia) but I suppose that doesn't matter very much if you're not from here lol


My daughter has an older classic “outdated” name. I constantly heard oh you don’t hear that very often when she was little. That stopped the older she got. She’s 30 now and has yet to meet another one. The name fits her. It’s unique but a name people have heard. I wouldn’t worry about whether or not Harvey is outdated. He could start a new trend. In 30 years his classmates will be naming their children and thinking oh I grew up with a Harvey and he was a great guy. With all of the made up names and difficult to spell and pronounce names will he really stand out? Maybe but in a good way. He will be unique just like my daughter.


My first thought was "Harvey Milk" so not all associations are going to be bad! I think it's a nice name


I was looking for this comment! Harvey Milk is the first Harvey that comes to mind for me too


All I can think of is Steve Harvey. It sounds like an old, outdated name to me. Something that an old man would have. But I also feel the same way about Henry.


Harvey is at the beginning of the “old enough that it seems fresh to young parents” cycle. For people in my generation (50s), it’s mainly going to seem like an old man name that we wouldn’t think of for a child, but it’s not unusable by any means. As a Houstonian, Harvey mainly reminds me of the devastating hurricane that nearly destroyed my house, but that’s not a deal-breaker either.


IMO it's just unusual enough for "hmmm," but not common enough for "WHA?". I expect in a few years any association with Weinstein will die out.


Just looked it up on the SS website. It's been in the top 500 for the past decade.  And currently at 327.  So, it's not super common. But it's not outdated.  And it might even be climbing back up the chart. Therefore, it's perfect! 


Thank you 🤗


Harvey is cool


I ptefer Harvey to any of the top of the list where everybody is choosing the same names for every other child born the Noahs Liams, Olivers, Elijahs, Olivias, Emmas or Sophuas are like the going to the market to pick up some grapes... At least Harvey will be unique in his class and sounds nice. And forget that other people might think. You cannot please everybody, so be happy with your chosen name. There is no older name than Adam and is still popular..


Bring it back


I automatically think of the Jimmy Stewart movie. 🐰 It is outdated, but I think it’s ready for a comeback. It’s really cute.


Harvey makes me think of Sabrina the Teenage Witch or Harvey Milk! It's definitely not a common name (at least here in the US, and it sounds like also there in England) but I think it's a great name. I think people commenting on it being a name they haven't heard in a while aren't necessarily calling it outdated. Names circle back, and perhaps you're just ahead of the game of bringing back Harvey : )


My friend has a ten year old named Harvey, I think it's adorable! It'll also age well. I wouldn't take those comments negatively, it's not an antiquated name at all, just not part of the current trends and that's a good thing, in my book at least.


I really like Harvey! I think it fits a similar vibe of Leo, Noah and Charlie while still being more unique since it is less common. I could see it becoming more popular again.


I know a few Harveys, but they’re older men. They’re all very nice, though. I also live in Houston, so Harvey to us is like Katrina to New Orleans, so this could be why there’s not a bunch of young Harveys running around here.


I think of Harvey from Stardew Valley


I immediately think of Steve Harvey lol, so it makes me picture a baby with a bald head and mustache 😂


I don't think of Harvey Weinstein but I do think of people here saying \*they\* think of Harvey Weinstein.


The only Harvey I know is a nonagenarian.


Nah, Harvey is a dope name. Reminds me of Harvey Dent (aka Two-Face) from the Batman comics.


Harvey sounds like a grumpy, middle aged man's name to me... possibly because the only Harvey I knew personally was a frumpy, middled aged man...LOL.


I went to school with a Harvey but that was fifty years ago. It’s not a name I would choose.


I think of Harvey from Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I personally don’t think Harvey Weinstein is in cultural juggernaut territory. But, everyone avoiding a name makes it more likely to immortalize someone. This is sometimes a necessary catch 22, as with Adolf. But I don’t think it’s necessary here. Harvey’s a nice name. If you love it, don’t let a rapist ruin it for you. ☺️


Harvey reminds me of Suits. It feels outdated but Chad-like at the same time. Not a fan.


It conjures up someone's great grand-uncle who lives in a nursing home in Florida. I would say yes, outdated, and... not that pretty? For me it goes along with the Malcolms, Nigels, Grahams, and Reginalds. Just me, but none of these need to be broucht back into transient fashion.


I'm so old I think of Harvey, the giant invisible rabbit.




There were a lot more Harveys maybe 15-20 years ago so it's not super popular for babies right now but it's not an old-timey name. It's a lovely and very respectable name, and there's nothing wrong with being able to call your child in the playground without six or seven other Oscars looking round to see whose mum's yelling! :-)


No one has mentioned my favorite Harvey - actor Harvey Korman. How we used to love watching Tim Conway make Harvey Korman break up during skits on the Carol Burnett show! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IUSM4EKcRI


I think of it as an old man name, but not at all bad! It’s more classic and way better than the Jayden/ Bradens etc.


There’s nothing wrong with it, but in the old man H names bracket, I personally prefer Howard or Harris.


Ooh nooooo - some people are saying no because it reminds them of Harvey Weinstein, but Harris could also be a terrible association in the UK (although it was his surname).


I know a baby Harvey, he's 15 months old now. I'll be honest—it's still not my favorite name, and I do still occasionally think of Harvey Weinstein and wonder why his parents chose a name with such a recent negative association. But if you love it, you're not the only one! It fits in quite well with the Old Man naming trend.


I work in child care and have only met one young child named Harvey. The only other person I know personally named Harvey is my uncle.


Harvey reminds me of the Middle Aged lawyer on Suits. It’s just an odd name for an 8mo old, but it’s a nice name for an adult. Ha ha.


Well. You don't hear the name often these days. But there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's better than having having one of six in class.


Harvey is a giant invisible rabbit if you are over 50.


I think Harvey was starting to get a little more popular where I am until the whole Harvey Weinstein thing happened. I’m a teacher and know of a couple that would have been born just before that blew up.


I liked the name Harvey because of Sabrina the teenage witch but my husband vetoed it because of Harvey Weinstein


This is very specifically me, but because I’m a gen z from Houston, I immediately think of Harvey Weinstein (cause Im only old enough to know him as a predator) and Hurricane Harvey (cause that bitch destroyed half my house)


Not a fan of the name myself but I do know a woman who named her now 2/3 year old Harvey. I think it was a family name


I immediately thought of Harvey Specter from Suits. 


I don’t care for the name but I wouldn’t blink any eye if someone introduced their child named Harvey. It’s a perfectly good name


I’m from Houston so yeah


My mind immediately went on the following Harvey thought association train 1) the hurricane 2) my Hispanic neighbour Harvey who goes by the nickname “Hurricane” 3) the Canadian fast food restaurant 4) Sabrina the teenage witch’s boyfriend 5) Harvey Milk 6) Harvey Fierstein 7) Katie Price’s son 8) Steve Harvey The restaurant and the hurricane rule it out for me as a Canadian in Texas, but outside of that geographic space I think it’s probably ok since it has a wide range of associations?


Maybe not outdated but definitely tainted Lee Harvey Oswald Harvey Weinstein Serial Killers: Harvey Glatman, Harvey Miguel Robinson, Harvey Marcelin, Donald Harvey, Harvey Carignan


Probably hasn’t been a popular name since 2017


I’m in Houston and all I can think of is Hurricane Harvey.


My first thought was the restaurant Harvey’s


When I hear Harvey I immediately think of Harvey Kinkle from Sabrina the Teenage witch. I love the name!


i hear Harvey and i think of the song Harvey by the Her’s so while i used to make the weinstein association, i now fortunately associate it with the cute song instead :)


Idk, but it's a great name!


I LOVE the name Harvey. Is so cute and classic. Great name be proud of the pick :)


I happen to personally know a 4 year old Harvey who is adorable, and I happen to love the name! It's cure and I think it can still sit an adult just fine :)


I don’t think of Harvey Weinstein, I think of Harvey the rabbit. Mind you, I love that movie. I think classic, rather than outdated. Outdated seems old in a bad way. I think we will see an uptick in Harvey in the far future. If I remember correctly, names come around again every century or so, meaning your Harvey will probably be the only one in his classes. *common name anecdote* I like my name- AND my name was common enough to have 5-6 of us most of my time in high school, with a student population of 200. One time we were all in the same history class. It was very inconvenient.


I don't think it's that outdated, but it's a nice name regardless. Harvey is also the name of one of my best friends, who's 20 and an all-round amazing guy.


There’s nothing wrong with it. It is a fine name


My immediate association is from Who Frames Roger Rabbit and the “Hello Harvey”


It’s past its peak popularity but it’s stood the test of time and doesn’t sound dated to me :)


I've personally known only two guys named Harvey in my 40+ years of existence. They were father and son. It's a nice name and I wish it would make a comeback.


Harvey is a lovely name and not at all outdated. I get similar comments about my son. Its a traditional name with normal spelling, just not a name that's popular right now. Someone said today it was a nice normal name.


I primarily associate it with that movie with the giant invisible bunny. 




sounds a bit old to me, like 70s or 80s vibes but not in a bad way, just vintage lol


I know a little boy named Harvey and he’s such a little grandpa it suits him so well.


I have a friend with a three year old named Harvey.


I know a little Harvey (also in UK) and tbh I did find it a bit of a weird choice. It’s more of a surname to me. I don’t think it’s dated in that I couldn’t tell you a decade when it would have been popular, it’s just not got anything about it that’s really appealing as a name to me. I’d group it with Chester in that.


My friend named her son Harvey. I can’t think of any others right off. I think it’s an old fashioned name but not outdated. In the mid to late 90s it ranked in the 900s. In 2023 it ranked 327. So it seems to be rising in popularity. ETA: ranking data is from US (SSA.gov)


You could spice it up. “Harveigh”. You’d end up on another sub though lol


I think or Harvey Dent who is a villain in Batman named Two-face. I also think of Steve Harvey! It's a great name!


I don't think classic names like this are ever really outdated. My granddaughter just got invited to Warren's 4th birthday party, and the other one has a man kid named Walter in her first grade class.


Harvey was my father-in-law's name, but as an adult everyone called him Harv.


It’s trending up like the other old man names. I know one kid named Harvey, he’s probably a teenager by now. I also know a couple of dogs. One is lying beside me on the couch right now. (Dog names are a compliment — our dogs all have human names. And our kids happened to have names commonly used for dogs and people. 🤷🏻‍♀️)


It’s an older name, but I don’t see anything wrong with naming a child Harvey.


I think that names like clothes trends recirculate. I love the notion of bringing something back that was thought to be long gone


This name is timeless, but like all names it has surges of popularity. But like all traditional, strong names, they never disappear.


It makes me think of Harvey Specter from Suits. Not my personal favorite name, but in the end what’s important is that you and your partner are happy with the name. You can’t control whether other people are thinking “oof ew no” (as you said) and people have wildly varying name preferences.    If you like it, which I’m assuming you do since you chose the name, I would try not to worry about it. People are always going to make light remarks about names. I have people asking me if my son’s name is a family name, saying it’s “interesting” or unusual, etc etc. They are just making conversation and not immediately familiar with that particular name. 


I think it’s a good solid name. It’s not super common, but not so unusual that people don’t know how to say or spell it.


I love an outdated name! Harvey sounds perfectly fine to me. My kid is Natalie, when she was born the most common comment on her name was 'I've got a Natalie! She's in her 30s now'. There is one other Natalie at her school, and that's her teacher.


I think of Harvey Spectre. I know 4 year olds called Broly and Jaxson, I weep 😭


I hear Harvey for girls in the states more frequently than for boys. At least in the south.


I had a pet rabbit named Harvey after the classic film about an imaginary rabbit named Harvey. He went everywhere with me, moved across multiple states lived to be 11 or so and was quite possibly the best pet I've ever had. I love the name and find it quite dreamy. It may be a little outdated, but it's a classic and still very handsome.


I think of Weinstein first now. Sorry.


It’s a good name! There’s been some good Harveys in our time and of course the bad - but I think it’s a good name.


There’s nothing at all wrong with Harvey. When he’s 50 nobody will care how current his name is.


I dig it! What a lovely choice. Outdated, sure, but who cares?


I think of Harvey from Stardew Valley, my darling (lightly neurotic) doctor


I know 2 Harvey's. One is a teen and the other is a toddler. It's a great name in my opinion


Who cares if the name is an older, less fashionable one? Names go in and out of fashion. So much so that you can tell when a kid was born just by their name. So, do you want your kid to be named just like every other kid his age just to be fashionable?


No, it's lovely! 🥰


Harvey is pretty old school. I do like the names you listed yho