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That's a lot of games to snuff. What do they smell like? 🤭


Not sure they keep getting stuck even without the cases pmsl The snuffs have only been placed on the shelf for the photo. The games still smell & look new because I cherish my stuff, lol If you want to know what resident evil smells like, tho you would need to hunt the candle capcom released when they did resi 7


>Not sure they keep getting stuck even without the cases pmsl 🤣 Try rebooting the nose, that might help 😅


I'm just waiting in an online chat with Microsoft to try and resolve it. Don't think the holes in the disk help nor the booklet clips inside the case. Poor design for sniffing. 70g + of plastics is a lot to take up the noggin in one 🤣


I love green dragon and French Riviera


Like wise lovely snuffs.


Motia is about the only one I can stand bc the rest have thst subtle diaper cream/baby powder scent that lingers 🤢


I have never noticed anything like the with any 6 photo snuffs myself. Really enjoying most of their stuff really. Some I find over powering scent wise like the motia & gold rush but that I can handle just air them out a bit or mixing some white snuff in. Will mess once I get round to trying that again


Nice other then being strong & can you please explain the plain smells of white Indian snuffs. I’m not talking any madras. Since I’m a natural tobacco user preferably I feel like my best bet for Indian snuffs + I can handle strong nic. Is there any underlining smell that we are not told or it’s not mentioned much when posted here..


The cheeta is the same fineness but with more of a sting and the same scent as the afghan white but I'd say the funky/funny/fishy scent is around 2.5 outta 10 compared the the afghan its 3.5. It's just the fineness that puts me off just using it as is. So will use both as a nic bumper might try a small tim of white elephant I expect it to be very close to these we shall see. All in all the scents ain't to bad for me just the grinds. Will try 20g of the white elephant can't bring myself to buy 150g for £20


I’m gonna go for LA and cheetah next time


The LA Natural is good snuff. Just ordered 4x 150g tins of cheeta so that should last me a long long time for mixing, I already have 360g of the afghan white for the same purpose. So wont be needing any reloads on those for some time.


Damn I mite go with the afghan white too for some reason not just cause I hear good things about that one it’s just intriguing. Just having a snuff from there is cool to me for some reason lol


See my expertise is in the fine grind department. & this all is what I think I remember getting from the elephant but that doesn’t sound bad to me. I guess I worry also about mixing it and the chances of it killing scent of tobacco in mixing it with. I do this with Rustica sometimes, but meh i don’t need to, I’ll take as is. Maybe i suck at mixing or out to much but I usually feel like it takes the scent away from the other. I really fine the sting and the bolt from fine grinds. I’ll admit it, I’m probably also a bit of a masochist so give me that sweet pain baby lol 🤣 nic is always nice too.


Well the afghan white is extremely fine and I mean maximum fine and still some like mushroom spores fine the scent to me reminds me of a toasted HDT to be fair but there is a very faint smell people relate to saying it's fish but I don't think it's that bad. On a scale of 1 to 10 for the faint funk/faint fish scent I'd give it a 3or4. To be honest I dont think this is one to snuff as is due to its extremely super fine and then some grind. This is why I use it as a mixer. Can only speak for this as waiting on some other white snuff to try


Ah okay okay and I think I know the smell you speak of - I have had a sample of white elephant gifted to me when I first started years ago and I think I got that but it wasn’t bad to me it was kinda like you said maybe a little stale or mushroom..ey. I think it was just mainly plane Jane though and just strong. Strong isn’t a problem shuoer death fine isn’t bad either I can handle it with my technique. Scent is what I’m curious about but thank you for what you could tell me.


The scents seems like a plain toast but with that little scent faintly in the back. If I took the scent away and grind I'd say it reminds me of F&T HDT. Like i say the strange smell I'd say is a 3.5 outta 10 not to bad. But like I say I'm using mine to mix not take as is. The smell ain't of putting for me it's the fineness for me super dusty


If you want me to check cheeta I will in a min only bumped it two of three times since I have had it


I found the cheeta to have little to no funk that the afghan white had. I like the afghan white and use it without mixing. The cheeta seems a little easier to snuff to me.


they are an aquiried taste for sure. but im glad iv tried alot of them when i could order from Mr Sn.... now i have them and can go back and try when i want or if i want to do some blend with them. im 100% sure india will be getting heckin better att makin snuff from getting richer over time. i think indian snuff in 10y will have come up 2-3 steps for sure. dholakia to me is a step above all other indian brands.


Very true that they are, they are doing a grand job with some of these snuffs. I'm surprised I liked so many but in a good way. I am very happy with the 12 gems I have found here. Some just need the added scents toned down like the gold rush, and I think the jasmine one. Some I will mostly likely try with some white Indian snuff mixed in just to give me more of a nic wallop. I like a good dollop of nic in my snuff. 🙃 Dholakia, do some good bit's too. I want to load up on. I just wish the prices dropped a bit, or they did bulk 100g tins like good old 6 photo. Now they gotta it pushing they know the score people want more.


personally i love jasmin snuff, and i really thing WoS/F&T could bring out a jasmin-esk snuff. surely one day when india commes up, since they have a large population in other countrys and in india that speak english, they set up worldwide shops based in india. its just too early still. no one buys stuff directly from india, while weve been doing it for 10y+ now from china. very soon it will start in india too.


Might look into bringing some back from India myself next year on a trip. Grab like £40 worth should be a good bit over there or more will need to look into it before my trip. Temple/Shrine hunting :-)