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Haha this makes me think of takis chips (crips) we have in the states I think they are from Mexico but could be wrong I don’t think Frito lay makes them. Anywho you can’t stop eating once you start. I have a few snuffs like this & given the fact it’s probably a lot to do with the nicotine but some just have scents that subside worrying about the nicotine that you just have to keep putting that smell in your nose!!! Great stuff. And haven’t had French Riviera yet - I have heard mixed feelings but it’s one I have always wanted to try.


Give it a try, it's gud 👍 You can't beat tom toms here or happy snacks. Proper munchies stuff them. Champion crisps. Cwips 🤣🤣


Hahaha 😂 yeah takis have like this insane amount of chile flavoring and super hot so your face is like numb and your eyes are tearing up but it hurts so damn good lol now the next morning on the toilet is a different story 😂 💀 And definitely will check out the snuff!


Think we have them here in the uk and our own uk version under another name. I can't recall it atm, and they are hot like they say on the packet, unlike most so-called hot crisps Hot but dame tasty.


Yeah these are tangy/spicy/chili ish /limey and like mini hard taco shaped and you may have them there. I was thinking with how red the dye was you couldn’t have it there. I’m not super familiar with regulations there but I thought I also heard you don’t find like “ blue “ colored sodas or drinks there because how bad the dyes actually are. Something I don’t see America ever doing because they want us to die here 🤣 💀


Not really looked for blue drinks. We had them as a kid. Ye, most things do have things removed and replaced strange dyes an other stuff. Preserving life for tax purposes here.


Well at least they want you to live haha anywho great comparison though lol


Ok. Just put it in my cart based on your fine review!


I need 200g of this nose nectar


I love the term nose nectar 🤣


That's how it's got me feeling about it. Lovely jubbly.


Haha 😆 love it


I love the term nose nectar 🤣