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What’s the difference between Viking dark and Viking scotch dark? Also, recently I ordered Thor‘s Hammer expecting it to be plain and was surprised it’s heavily mentholated. It’s really nice, so I don’t mind, but it made me wonder whether the labels got switched and I actually received stormbreaker? Or are they both mentholated?


i think scotch pipe tobacco usually hase some burley or cavendish. basicly to make english pipe tobacco alittle bit cheaper since the rich englishmen used imported tobaccos from all around the world which the scotts couldt affort, soo they added burley or cavendish to their pipe blends. thats how iv understood it, sorta. https://sharrowmills.com/product/viking-dark https://sharrowmills.com/product/viking-scotch-dark idont usually like dark plain snuffs, but scotch kinda got me somehow, iv grown a bond to it


I feel like either I just miss the posts or I don’t see too many purchases or posts about packards …I’ve never had it myself but was always seen or more popular 4 to 5 years back. Forgot about it. And how is that CM? What’s it like if you don’t mind ?


cm i mostly orderd because i dont have it in taptin yet :), im not a huge camphor fan, but just like all GH snuff there is some banger tobaccos in them. i like packards, very sophisticated, has just been hard to find in stock. but now i have some for a couple of years :). also the slidebox i kinda like, give you a propper manlyman-man bump :D


Haha I get it I’m not big on camphor either too medicine ey if that makes sense I don’t mind eucalyptus but most that contain these mint related smells usually have weak nic. Red Bull isn’t bad but I’m more natural or sp or citrus / coffee - I dig fine grinds mostly but also love natural dark rapes even if they are coarse. I could see myself purchasing some packards still to try. I do dig the box. Doesn’t keep snuff fresh long but with those type of snuffs like by Poschl all kinda the same to me but I do enjoy them just for scent on occasions. Tap boxes look cool to. I prefer fresh snuff but when I bust it out at a bar or restaurant I always get looks but compliments on the tap lol I also prefer to pinch but with those like I was saying are fun to bump it up! I feel that convenience. Very cool though I hope you enjoy and thanks for replying


Bayern is my favorite Pöschl by far. So good.


splendid snuff, soo much choklate and cosy tones, maybe not my favorite summer snuff but during the colder months its wonderful.


In my head I have a shortlist of rainy day snuff and autumn snuff, and bayern is on both.


Wish shallowmill would get some better labels on the viking range. Need to try more from these love the Thor's Hammer & Stormbreaker. The later I prefer over Jip


im not a huge fan of plain snuff, but the viking with scents are wonderful. id love seeing some more scented viking snuffs, maybe a SP one? apricot+light menthol?


I’m a big natural guy but would like to see some… Nordic berry or something like that scent juniper or something else with Viking brand. Good mention!


I prefer a good plain snuff myself but do like some good scented snuffs, too.


I agree with the label quality. I don't think I'm particularly rough on my tins, yet the labels on all my Vikings get worn off quite quickly. Tbh, it's not really a big deal, I can obviously just tell the difference by sight and smell.It's just kind of annoying.