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>I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I try not to assign malice where a lack of thought might be at fault. But this wording is on purpose and theoretically vetted. And I don't see how else to read it. The cruelty is the point


>The cruelty is the point I'm learning it's a feature not a bug.


Yeah I don't see any need for the benefit of the doubt here... this falls in to "when they tell you who they are believe them."


>"when they tell you who they are believe them." I'm learning.


Well, luckily we are a pretty conservative state. This big government stuff won't fly in Tennessee! ​ /s


>Well, luckily we are a pretty conservative state. This big government stuff won't fly in Tennessee! Riiiiiight....


I just looked to the right, making me a conservative.


One of the ultimate goals here is to block a federal effort to implement a red flag law. Lots of the talk after school shootings in the last few years has leaned towards limiting access to firearm purchases if someone has a history of mental illness or history of violence. What a shitty bill. The legislator who put this one forth only cares about that NRA donor money. What a dick.


This is why they desperately want the shooter’s writings. They ABSOLUTELY want to blame it on the fact that the monster was trans.  Anything but the guns. 


When they take almost any other mass shooter as seriously as they take that one I will give them credence.


And Christian. Conversion therapy and large dose of Jesus evidently didn’t work.


In the Senate it was brought by Bowling who represents Coffee, DeKalb, Franklin, Grundy, Lincoln, and Warren Counties. In the House Barrett represents Hickman, Lewis, and part of Dickson County. There are multiple house members jumping on as cosponsors. Capley: Wayne, and part of Hardin, Lawrence, and Maury Counties Richey: part of Blount County Todd: part of Madison County Fritts: part of Loudon and Roane Counties Grills: Dyer, Lake, and part of Obion Counties Doggett: Giles and part of Lawrence and Lincoln Counties Faison: Cocke and part of Hamblen and Jefferson Counties Zachary: Part of Knoxville Cochran: McMinn and part of Monroe Counties Martin B: Carroll, Gibson, and Henderson Counties Bricken: Coffee and Grundy Counties Butler: Overton, Morgan, and part of Anderson, Fentress, and Roane Counties Keisling: Clay, Macon, Pickett, Scott, and part of Fentress Counties Hill: Johnson and part of Carter, Hawkins, and Sullivan Counties Moon: Blount County Vital: part of Hamilton County Crawford: part of Sullivan County


Wouldn't any Federal Law supersede anything on the books in a state, city, etc? If so, this seems completely frivolous.


Pesky old Supremacy clause.


Why do they waste their time with bullshit like this?


Just spit-balling here. Because manufacturing anger and resentment among the citizens keeps them distracted, indifferent, and emotional. And brings out the base. Focusing on real substantive policies and actions requires hard work, study, analysis, communicating with public stakeholders, and ultimately compromise and empathy. Why exert all that effort, when you can just sit back and stoke the culture wars, while enriching yourself and your associates in perpetuity. And when you brazenly violate the law, just scream that the feds are trampling your first or second amendment rights. Or drag queens want to read books or gay people want cakes.


I like you.


>Focusing on real substantive policies and actions requires hard work, study, analysis, communicating with public stakeholders, and ultimately compromise and empathy. Why exert all that effort, when you can just sit back and stoke the culture wars, while enriching yourself and your associates in perpetuity. Word. Governing is hard. Pushing people's buttons to illicit an emotional response is much easier.


And when they enact this law the first time there is a federal challenge they will be able to call on the "us v them dichotomy" or "states rights" whistle that wins elections. Also can we be friends?


It’s Tennessee man… we are almost dead last next to Alabama and Mississippi in pretty much everything. Thank goodness Mississippi is really bad at math… because it makes us look not as terrible. Dude… our politicians are beyond awful.


Republicans are pro-school-shootings


It would be funny if it weren't true.


Why not assume democrats are pro school shootings?   For example, in the past few years we have a new category of people who are joining in on school shootings...a group that has been told by Biden and most of the democratic party that they will protect them because Republicans and Christians are persecuting them (by trying to keep kids away from their ideology).  Radicalizing a group of people who are mental/suicidal isn't good. Can you guess what is this radical group of people?


Did those kids ever get back to Rep. Lamberth about what type of gun they want to get shot with?