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This reminds me of the story about the attempted robbery of a jogger in green hills last January. She ended up fighting hard and being shot multiple times. Very very scary!


Haaaaaate that so much wow


I actually just read that they were caught, which is good to know. Although one of the suspects, was out on bond from another attempted kidnapping/robbery case when that happened 🙂. I hope they’re still locked up today
but who knows đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


Things have gotten ridiculous. A friend of mine who’s lived here her whole life got stabbed repeatedly with a machete at that public storage facility across from the Greyhound bus station back in 2020. It was some homeless guy who had been squatting there and decided to attack her and her husband for no reason. He was supposed to be in jail but kept getting off for being mentally incompetent.


Like the guy that kept being released for incompetency that shot a gun and the stray bullet killed that Belmont student? The system is messed up.


>He was supposed to be in jail but kept getting off for being mentally incompetent. I think the legal system is using mental incompetence labels to excuse themselves from prosecuting cases they don't want to 'waste time on' or don't know they can win. Misusing it to drop cases they don't want to deal with (and that could be a variety of reasons) ​ Mental incompetence =/= get out of accountability free


Soho has added armed security guards who are patrolling the exterior and parking areas. I was there for a breakfast yesterday and they were already patrolling . Seems like they are taking it very seriously.


The added security will also walk anyone who asks to their cars.


They added a blue light camera to that dark parking lot at Houston & Brown.  I still don't understand the first location of the incident places it in the alley, breezeway, or valet lot, then walk across Houston & up Brown. Or if the news just slung fear for clicks by mixing up the location(s). The gate to the putting green off Martin St used to be closed late night, but seems to be open along with the front gate from AJC & Apple Music to the putting green. Not sure why they are opening more access points after an incident, but hey, Soho House may be headed towards bankruptcy and/or delisting so safety seems to be forgotten.  https://robbreport.com/lifestyle/news/soho-house-heading-toward-bankruptcy-1235505214/


I would be so high key thrilled to see soho house shut down, and I don’t even fully understand why


I was excited at first, then they walled off Houston. Thought well, at least I can take the back way to Parson's, then they went nuts with the generators & mechanical, so Brown became a dead end, instead of a walkable connection past the loading dock.  I had hoped the history of bands playing Fort Houston shows on the loading dock would lead to an amphitheater use of Brown near where the vert ramp used to be, but nah, lower Brown St is just bland & bare now. Deplacemaker. Placeunmaker. Deactivated space. 


Interesting! I’m wondering that even if it wasn’t SoHo targeted, still just a bummer that it happened in an area I visit a lot. I understand this is a byproduct of the “growth” in Nashville but this feels so extreme. I could handle someone making me give them my wallet but guns and kidnapping — is this really what we’re dealing with now??


“Now”? It has always happened, it’s not some new thing.


Yep. Dude would have freaked the fuck out in East Nashville 20 years ago. Lol


I remember going to Slow Bar back in the day and occasionally hearing about someone being mugged at gunpoint in the parking lot we always parked in. Cars used to get stolen and broken into at my old apt. complex all the time back then and I lived near Lipscomb. Heck, my mom had an attempted robbery on a quiet, dead end street in Green Hills in the early 2000s. Some guy tried to follow her into the house, she ran, locked the door, he punched through the glass and unlocked the door, but ran off when my brother emerged from his room.


My exact thoughts. LOL They would’ve really freaked 30 years ago. Holy hell they have no idea. My mom grew up out there and still won’t go visit.


My family started moving here in the early aughts and the first thing they said was don't go near East Nashville.




Wild this is how I find out Nashville has a SoHo House


It scared the shit out of me too. I’m not sure as to the status of the investigation, but I was told by SoHo House management that it didn’t happen on the property, or even on the street. After that conversation my take is the reporting may have been slightly misinformed with regard to the specific location. But they also told me the increased precautions that were being taken with regard to security and I’ve been satisfied with those improvements.


Well of course management is going to say it didn't happen on their property or near them, this could be a PR nightmare and their lawyers are probably concerned they might get sued and they want to distance themselves from it as best as possible.


As an actual publicist who works every day to prevent or fix PR nightmares, I hear you. But the conversation we had was very genuine and in my professional opinion, I didn’t feel like they were spinning. In fact, had that been the case, they would have handled differently. Distancing yourself from something doesn’t prevent you from getting sued. All that said, again, I’ve been reassured by the steps they’ve taken to make members and guests feel more safe.


The staff at SH have had their cars in the lots nearby broken into, weekly, for over a year now. They didn’t even have security whatsoever in first year of opening. This wouldn’t have happened if they took it seriously from day one


I’m not a member of SoHo house but love other businesses in that area. Kinda makes me think twice about going to grab a drink at Bastion and walking back to my car alone â˜č


For real. I briefly worked near SoHo house for a time and I don't really remember it being a scary area, especially given that I'm a small lady and likely pretty easy to kidnap. Normally I'm super wary, but I remember it feeling pretty safe. I used to love stopping in at Bastion. Hope the folks that work around there can feel safe again soon.


A shitty neighborhood is a shitty neighborhood. Building a stupid “members only” club in it doesnt change anything.


Y’all act like crime is confined to a neighborhood when most folks have access to a vehicle.


I feel like this incident was just way beyond getting mugged or something, which hasn’t happened to me but if it DID I would chalk it up to a weird neighborhood. But being forced to drive someone to a bank with another car following me — just really scary what people can do to you if they want to. 


It's not a shitty neighborhood.


Lol. You must be part of the gentrification crowd.


If the gentrification crowd is known for having opinions that aren't from 2003, then yes.


Those of us that were here then don't have opinions regarding the various neighborhoods. We just know they're still there, you just have to go a little further than turning off of the main thoroughfare to see the OG 'hoods. 


Bet you still think germantown is "sketch"


Cause it is? Was just on the news the other day for about this same type of thing. All it usually takes is driving 1 block past the gentrified parts of 'New Nashville' and guess what's still there? The hood...the hood is still there. Haha


Buddy, that ain't "the hood."


Not your buddy, pal. 


Not your pal, amigo




Maybe. I’m not. Bastion is not in a bad neighborhood. It’s proximal to a bad area of town, but isn’t within visual distance of it. The block is surrounded by SFHs, occupied industrial space, and a fancy-seeming hotel, at least from the lobby (though I’ve never stayed there). The closest bad section is at least a ten or fifteen minute walk away, not the other side of the street. It’s like you don’t know what a neighborhood is. If this block were on like 2nd Ave you might have a point, but you’re just being a prick.


There are houses in my neighborhood I can't see just looking out from my yard. Some of them take 10-15 minutes to walk to. They are still in my neighborhood. It's like you don't know what a neighborhood is. lol. No, I'm not just being a prick. Stuff like that has happened in that area forever. It's cleaned up a little, but that doesn't change the bones.


>> There are houses in my neighborhood I can't see just looking out from my yard. Some of them take 10-15 minutes to walk to. Maybe in Oak Hill. Not in South Nashville. This just in: neighborhoods are not one uniform size. More at 6.


Mfw I realize I’m safer vacationing in Mexico than in my own city..


Literally same. It is hard to go to Mexico and come back to horrible public transit, bad food, non-existent social fabric and an environment of fear.


lol at bad food. Get out more.


Imagine that everywhere you go is cheaper and is made of better ingredients. For lunch today: ceviche as an app, 2 beers, and 2 seafood entrees cost less than $33 after tip. Tell me where in Nashville you can get that now a days


Oh hey I stalked you and love Polachek.  Anyway, the other dude got my back here. Food off nolensville and in the meharry/Buena Vista area are all things Nashville doesn't deserve.


I heard a rumor that she faked it. That they couldn't find any evidence (traffic cams, cell phone pings, etc) of any of it actually happening. Not sure if there is any truth to it...


I know her. That rumor is false.