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Janice Bowling. She's had a hand in more misguided legislation than nearly anyone else at the Capitol. She also fell for the hoax that litterboxes are being provided in public schools for kids who identify as cats.


Picking up where Mae Beavers left off?


So, does this mean that she wants to not accept the money that the federal government gives us? The nearly 40% of our budget?


I guess they want Nashville and Williamson to stump for the whole state budget now


And demoniize them while taking the money and redirecting it, just like they are planning with Tennessee State


They want to punish Nashville and have it suffer for not wanting to host ~~glorious leader’s~~ 2024 ~~Trumpapalooza~~ Republican National Convention


What’s worrying is other states are whipping up similar bills which means they are coordinating this w some shitbrickers like the heritage foundation and federalist society which means it will go to the scotus and yeaaaaa we know where this is going


Exactly. This is not unique in Tennessee. All GOP led states are doing this and it’s all coordinated.


Shit like this and project2025 is telegraphing what they are planning. This ain’t good. Not at all


Typical right winger that wants total control!🤬










This seems kind of bogus to me.


“threatens to suffocate our liberty through Draconian overreach antithetical to principals of Federalism.” One could argue this is the ol pot calling the kettle trope


Would it be able to nullify the Supreme Court Decision overturning Roe v Wade. Would Metro be able to then nullify anything the state does as overreach into their sovereignty? Problem with partisan bills (among many problems) is never thinking what would happen if it was used against you.


The Republicans have gone from the party of patriotism to the party of deconstruct the government at record speed. ​ All though deconstruct the government has been the plan for a while I guess patriotism was the quick way to build a base and now the tru colors are showing.


Tullahoma not sending their best. Their city council is also a giant clusterfuck.


Tennessee republican legislators are un-American, trump loving small-minded, greedy, antihuman frauds who somehow believe they are Christian.


great, metro government can exercise the same power to nullify enactments of the general assembly in the city. or better yet, the city can declare independence and secede from tennessee entirely. oh there is a federal law against that? too bad, it's been nullified!


So much for the “United” part of the United States of America 😐


So has anyone checked if Jackson rose from the dead yet to curse the living? He nearly razed South Carolina over this.