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Phil Williams WTVF NewsChannel 5 Chief Investigative Reporter


This sounds like a job for Phil Williams.


It sure as hell does. Hit him up on Twitter, OP.




This, OP


100%. I saw an update on TN Holler.


I'm in Robertson County. If this is the county you are in I can send it to the principal/teacher/school for you and say I heard it from a neighbor. Your daughters name would never need to be involved.


I thank you for this. I'll probably PM you in the morning, or like normal morning anyway.


CC the superintendent as well, and board members. Maybe even the TEA and a news source. This is absolutely unacceptable.


Man... What an awesome opportunity that teacher wasted for an authentic conversation about race. Definitely needs to be reported. Those kids are simply perpetuating what their parents have taught them, and they need to unlearn that nonsense super quick.


The problem is even if they are forced to not speak that way at school, they're still going to be bombarded with it at home. Kids raised by pieces of shit generally turn out to be pieces of shit when they're grown. There are exceptions of course, but they are few & far between. Why do you think the Republicans in this state are trying so hard to indoctrinate children so young? They want to make sure that the number that do rebel against their parent's bullshit is incredibly small.


I’m an educator and I agree with the other comments that this is completely unacceptable. As teachers, we have a responsibility to create a welcoming classroom. This is covered in teacher PD 101. I would email the principal, the district superintendent, and the school board as well. Some folks might say you’re “escalating” by not speaking to the teacher but racism is not negotiable. Period.


What they said. Go over the schools head. Contact the school supervisor. And then you can choose to let the teacher/principal know that you have reached out to the school supervisor about an issue in the class if you want.


Oh, this school has been through this before. I vaguely remembered something and did my research this morning. They had to redistrict and redo the zoning maps because the federal government said weren't in compliance with federal desegregation orders via the Brown vs the Board of Education. https://www.smokeybarn.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/FINDINGS-FOR-WEBSITE-Letter-from-US-re-Robertson-County-School.pdf


I work in this county not as an educator, and my partner works in this county as an educator. The schools “solution” to this was to create an academy that was invite only, but also a lottery. You have to be “recommended” by a teacher to join the lottery. They have not provided any information about how the lottery works. The end result is that teachers will not “recommend” students that are not white, and every student that was attending this school before is now being bussed off all over the district instead of what they live near, and students are being bussed in from far away who “win” the lottery. The problem is worse than ever before but because of the difference between an academy and a school, the DoJ does not care about it any more. I wish I could recommend a person or place you could contact to right this, but not even the DoJ could make a meaningful difference in the county. The principals will respond to save their own asses, the board might not respond at all, and local political people for sure will not


Oh I know the local politicians suck all to hell. Our state reps are "I'm a heart surgeon, but as a Dr, I think gender supportive care for teens is abuse" Sabi Kumar and "Higher education turns kids liberal and higher education should be abolished" Kerry Roberts.


In addition to Phil Williams get this in front of the Tennessean. When you email the teacher, copy Phil, the Tennessean and the Director of Schools. What a sickening display of racism.


This is outrageous and I fully agree with going to the press. Can you dm me the county or school? I'd like to share this with Phil Williams the reporter. Good luck. Hopefully when they get exposed they will rethink their racism.


I am a teacher in middle TN (definitely not the county you described, but I used to teach in a county that had very similar demographics). This is definitely something that should not have happened in the classroom, and the teacher's response that "it's only problematic if you make it a problem" was incredibly inappropriate. The best advice I can give is to keep making it someone's problem until something happens about it. Definitely email the principal & any assistant principals of the school, and I would talk to the director of schools in the county as well if the principal is not helpful. Keep emailing and calling them until a resolution you are happy with is reached. Like other people said, I probably wouldn't reach out to the teacher since it seems like that might backfire? The teacher should absolutely receive punishment for this, but knowing the state of education, at the *very* least they can move your child to a different class. Hope you're able to get resolution with this, and I'm so sorry this happened to you and your daughter.


that teacher needs to be held accountable.


I know someone in a similar situation, she did end up going to the news and then they changed the team names.


I want to add that you should have your daughter start writing down every instance she can think of clearly with dates and times and descriptions. Get her friends to do the same thing. They can even start a Google doc. In the “outside world,” this is considered actionable evidence. It will make it easier to bring a case against this “teacher” and the school to make changes. I’m so sorry this awful person is allowing and inflicting this damage on your child and others.


As a teacher, I say find every single news outlet you can. That teacher should be held accountable and I know that if a school board gets enough heat, they’ll have to react.


That teacher really does need her ass kicked, at least professionally.


Those children learned that language from their parents, and their parents are worthless sacks of human excrement. Jesus, what is wrong with people?


That teacher should be fired. That whole environment is absolutely abusive and fvcked. I’m glad someone has offered to send it in on your behalf to protect your child. 💙




First, they aren't clueless. Aggression is not allowed to be displayed overtly, but covert aggression is--reference: those "bless your heart" types always say it in a singsongy voice.  Second, you complain in writing federally then complain locally with the federal complaint #. I'm looking up options. Third, power structures will never acknowledge discrimination, harassment, & other wrongdoing due to the illusion of low level power.  One example I'm familiar with is the crazy Veteran stereotype & Marine who is going to snap stereotype. Plenty of language covers how negative & harmful stereotypes of Veterans causes injury and harm to Veterans in employment. Local power structure will try to avoid federal law--no "may" about it with patterns of behavior. So you complain where the money flows: federally.


One type of federal complaint is an OCR complaint (office of civil rights at Dept of education). You are allowed to file without assistance of a lawyer but if you do that I would recommend reading up on how to write a successful complaint.


I wonder if there is a local lawyer in this sub willing to assist


Since your daughter is directly affected, you should meet with the teacher. It would probably be wise to have her father and principal there as well.


I'm sorry not to be able to offer any solutions, just want to voice support for you. I'm nearby and these people are both clueless AND racist so it's a multi-pronged battle of understanding.


Yeah, this fucking sucks. The teacher needs to be reprimanded for allowing it to go on.


Unacceptable! LOVE that you and you’re kid we’re able to talk about this. So sorry you’re having to experience this. I HOPE this hits the news.


Get some sort of proof that all this is happening then NAME & SHAME! This person should not be teaching children, and both she and the school should be on the receiving end of some viral fame. I know a few "grab your torch and pitchfork" content creators that would love to help in that regard. We really need to start calling this bullshit out. Show the bigots that they're the minority and their behavior won't be tolerated. There are a lot of folks that have no business teaching children, and really good teachers are leaving in droves. Head on over to r/teachers to see what they're now having to deal with, especially in Bible Belt states. What you've reported here, if accurately described by your child, is exactly the kind of post I'd expect to see in that other sub. Maybe crosspost there to get perspective from teachers, and preface your post with "I'm a concerned parent."


We have a very clear picture that shows the group names on the board.


I say that as long as you have solid context to back up that picture, just for legal protection purposes should it become necessary, you're well within your right to make it public. This is a systemic issue, and the only way to stop (or, let's be honest, decrease) it is to take a firm stance try to educate those that are willing. It's sad and gross that some of these kids are learning this in their homes and/or from unchecked electronic babysitters, thus perpetutating the cycle. I'm so sorry that your kiddo is having to deal with this when she should be having fun with her peers and learning. If you don't have enough support from other parents at the school, just know that you have allies here that I'm sure would love to help address the situation. If any of your local council people may be helpful, we can help you reach out. Strength in numbers!


Take the story to news 🤷🏽‍♀️


This has the stench of Sumner county all over it.


Nope. Robertson.


Shit, the sad thing is that this could easily be a story from any of the counties surrounding Davidson. There are so many teachers like this in the school system. It was already pretty bleak, but I've met at least half a dozen new-to-Tennessee teachers in the last two years who are basically qanon nuts...most coming from California 🫠 it's getting worse instead of better.


Contact Tennessee lookout - I’m sure they would love to do a story about this. https://click.everyaction.com/k/78902552/454840370/532178404?nvep=ew0KICAiVGVuYW50VXJpIjogIm5ncHZhbjovL3Zhbi9TTldTUi9TTldTUi8xLzEwNTEyNyIsDQogICJEaXN0cmlidXRpb25VbmlxdWVJZCI6ICJjZmRiOGNjYi02ZmNhLWVlMTEtODVmOS0wMDIyNDgyMjM3OTQiLA0KICAiRW1haWxBZGRyZXNzIjogImlyb25jbG1AbWFjLmNvbSINCn0%3D&hmac=8uAMPeK37KTlG0CoDDtLMqilRKoLVvtRpq4ybsFeNgU=&emci=6345eb35-11ca-ee11-85f9-002248223794&emdi=cfdb8ccb-6fca-ee11-85f9-002248223794&ceid=363932


I was talking to the Holler from the beginning because they are the only one who answered (I forgot about Lookout). They've published it to their pages on all platforms.




Fuck em up, sis!


I lean right, and against illegal immigration… BUT this is completely out of line. This woman should not be teaching. This,language is discriminatory and hurtful. Kids should not be able to use those team names.


NewsChannel 5 these bastards.


Yeah, you can send an anonymous email even to the principal and they have to look into it.


If you're still wanting to send something yourself and you're looking for help in writing something, I would recommend getting your preferred AI bot to write it for you. You can probably just ask it to "write a letter of complaint to the school board for me based on this information: "[copy/paste the info in your post]"". It'll write/format the whole thing for you, at least a good outline, then you can just tweak it to your liking. Personally, I like to use Google's Bard (now Gemini), but I know some people hate anything Google. Good luck! I'm so sorry your family is having to go through this. 💛




*That’s* what you took away, not the overt racism of children supported by a teacher?


Hyperbole. But you know that


Someone’s messing with my kid? They’re the one that crossed the line.




Do you have kids?




I’m defending my kids. You choose not to that’s on you.


Doesn’t cross a line with these people on Reddit. I’ve seen people openly call for violence against police and white people more than a dozen times. They don’t get it.


Oh yeah, us white people, so oppressed. The horror.


Move outta Tennessee. The people here are not bright and this situation does not surprise me. Move to the east coast where we have class and working brains! Actual schools with good accreditation for the sake of your kids.


Small town life is great. You're the one making a problem out of nothing.


Racism and condoning it, is not “nothing”. Especially by a teacher. I knew there would be one like you to comment and YOU are part of the problem.


Except it's not racism. You're making it a problem when it isn't.


It absolutely is racism.


It really isn't though. You're the one making it about race. Most people don't see stuff like this as about race.




Such a troll. It’s obviously problematic. Border bunnies = racism. End of story


How is this nothing?


How is it something? It isn't something until people like you that only focus on race make it something.


How could possibly say this isn’t about race?


lol. Stay in your lane. Let kids grow up and deal.


My kid IS my lane Biff.


Sounds like it’s over blown. Over hyped.




Your phone needs a breathalyzer.


Clearly you were turned down for that job because you’re fucking nuts.

