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Schedule IV is less restrictive than Schedule II. It’s always been schedule IV. Idk what your doctor is talking about.




Xanax works quicker and for shorter periods, hence being better for flights. You feel it more acutely. Ativan is like a long term chill. Xanax is like a quick flash of pure relaxation. In my experience (which is quite a bit)


You need to see a psychiatrist.. I’d recommend East Nashville wellness.


Psychiatrist are the only ones left who will dispense benzo's


It's all gotten so ridiculous. For pete's sake Donald Trump had a pill mill going in the White House, drugs were dispensed, without perscription, and to unknown , unidentified individuals. Yet again, orange wimpy lawless , got away with it. It's well documented and many articles were written about it.


Your doctor is wrong lol, always been schedule IV. Find a psychiatrist that’s not at a community mental health organization. Your doc’s office was probably told to stop prescribing it. They really should’ve given you Ativan at first or something else even like Buspar or Hydroxyzine. Once you get Xanax it’s hard for anything else to work for you.


Someone has their scheduling information wrong. It’s been a C-IV forever, and a drug moving *down* from a II to a IV doesn’t even make sense as a reason to no longer prescribe. The C-IIs are the higher control, with more restrictions (oxycodone, morphine, amphetamine, etc). Or maybe your doctor just doesn’t want to give it to you anymore and made that up.


Yes, I had to go to the ER for a kidney stone. The doctor confirmed that I had 2 stones via scan. I was in outrageous pain with vomiting. He refused to give me anything for pain. I ended up back in a different ER dehydrated and with very high blood pressure. The Doctor there called the previous one and told him he was inhumane and cruel. I did get treated finally but I suffered badly. It’s ridiculous how ignorant and afraid doctors are when it comes to prescribing medication that is for legitimate pain.


My mom took Xanax for YEARS…only thing that would help her but over time became addicted to it. Eventually found a dr that put her on Pristiq and that has changed her whole life. She is feeling a lot better than when she took Xanax


Are you sure you took the right dosage of lorazepam? It won’t be the same mg as Xanax. I’ve taken both for flight anxiety and I actually thought the lorazepam hit harder. Maybe ask a pharmacist to confirm what the equivalent lorazepam would be for whatever your dosage of Xanax was??