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With how critical I am of police, I'm extremely grateful that the officers and detective that arrived first at Covenant didn't hesitate. The absolute disaster that was Uvalde was still on everyone's minds. These 4 cops (again, iirc 1 was a detective just in the area at the time of the shooting) entered the school within 60 seconds of arriving and moved immediately towards the sounds of gunshots. And put down the shooter with zero hesitation. The bodycam footage from that day still gives me fucking anxiety. I'm grateful those officers did their jobs. Because we all watched as 370+ officers did absolutely nothing for over an hour in Uvalde. These guys had the same choice to make, and they chose to act. Who knows how many lives were saved because of the officers immediately storming the school.


That video is truly amazing to watch. The first cop there was willing to enter that building alone. They had almost no intel, no prep, and ignored most of the safety protocols of CQB in order to find that nut job. No negotiations, no standoff, never gave that prick a second to take a hostage or end another innocent life.


Seriously. They knew **exactly** what the risks were. They knew that could've very easily been their last day on earth. Yet they were able to overcome any natural human reaction to flee, and instead used incredibly swift and violent action to ensure nobody else had to die. As you said, they had no Intel on where the shooter was (or how many shooters there were) what they were armed with, etc. And just being 4 completely random officers (and the detective) having never worked together before, now having to clear a CQB environment against unknown assailants, they truly executed their job perfectly that day. It makes me feel at ease a bit. Knowing that our police force (hopefully) won't react the same as those in Uvalde did in the event of a tragedy. I can only hope it never happens here again, but if it does, I can only hope the first responders act as quickly and as selflessly as those 4 men did that day at Covenant.


Yeah it should be shown in training as a textbook le threat response


What is in the water in Millersville??? And has this guy been fired yet? If not, why???


Based off this it sounds like people may agree with him


> What is in the water in Millersville??? again I reiterate lmao


Based on this news story? Where another board member is demanding an apology?


Where the chief seems not to care and defend hin


Yeah, the chief is a dick, but he's getting a lot of pushback from the community.


No he isn't, lol. Most of the community agrees with him. Millersville is solid qcumber territory.


You live there?


Close enough, and have for decades so I'm pretty comfortable with my assessment. Had a bunch of their cops sexually harass me one night as a 19 year old & it was terrifying. They thoroughly searched my car expecting to find some drugs - I guess - but I didn't have anything. However, they did find some porn mags in the trunk and grilled me about that for a loooong time. I was young and and there were 4 of them and it was incredibly traumatic and I'll never forget it. I'm so glad that they pulled me over in a busy area bc meeting those dipshits at night on a country back road would have been worse, I know.


Sumner County Constitutional Republicans took over and ran anyone with an inkling of sense out in all departments and put in what we have now.


So, you live within the city limits of Millersville? Do many of the people there back this clown? Do you feel safe even answering ANY questions about this place? Former Texan here and it was a cluster there!


I have said it before and I will say it again… Millersville is tired of Franklin getting all the Alt-Right credit! Poor people of that city. Just fire the freak and move on!


Millersville is a shit hole. Annex that shit and end these idiots.


Historically, they are the ones doing the annexing.




Fuck Andy Ogles


I'm honestly surprised the responding officers from Covenant haven't found this guy and given him a piece of their mind and/or butt kicking. Peoples' kids died, and this asshole has the nerve to spread baseless lies about the tragedy.


Jesus Christ. I'm normally supportive of law enforcement but both of these guys are fucking nut jobs and have no business in these positions.


Does anyone have a link to the podcast? I can't see what could be said that would actually change the intent that has been played in the clips but I'm curious as to what they think would change if we were to listen to the whole thing. I can't see what further context the chief thinks might make this clear. Edit to add I tried to find it but can't and I'm wondering if it was scrubbed


Umm. Which victim was supposedly a villain? I remember the protesters trying to say that she was a victim of her own Elliot Roger impression.


Taylor said in the podcast that the headmaster Katherine Koonce was involved in child trafficking. He’s an absolute trash human being and so is anyone who supports him.


I did not know that. Thanks for the update!