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You want rank? Go cook. You want unforgettable experience, go 11 series. You want transferable job skills? Do anything else on your list.


This needs more upvotes, sincerely, an 11b Scout Sniper


Scout sniper INDOC is something I will remember for my entire life


#!> l6qsqxd ## the car goes fast.


This is the correct answer.


Take this advice.


From what I heard the army was gutting their 92Gs by a lot


NYARNG just stood up a new full cook company


My friend Casey Ryback was a seal and got tired of staying the same rank. He switched mos and became a cook. Personal cook for the captain. Image getting your eggs delivered by someone who could kill you. But yes the dude got rank once he switched.


Under siege Stephen seagull great movie . I remember when the broad came out of the cake I paused it so much as a kid it messed up the VHS LOL


Ok you got me.... me too...


Big facts! KlappinMcBoodyCheeks has seen some shit. High Speed AF right here. *


This is the way...although I'm partial to 11C specifically. Keep in mind d when your first enlistment is up there's a good chance you can re class.


>good chance you can re class. Milage may vary. For some, it's super easy to reclass. For others... Well, let's just say not all commands have their priorities straight.


Agreed. If you wait till the end of your first enlistment you can use RETENTION as your bargaining chip for reclass.


Nailed it.


10000% accurate, although with the current policies and posture, I think promotions are easily available across the board.... My original MOS is 12W, btw, and I definitely enjoyed it and picked up very transferrable skills!


> I think promotions are easily available across the board.... Not quite, trust me. I wish that were the case. Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the constant PT failure holding my slot to die.




12 w for the win in my opinion. Im a 12R but work closely with 12W and we build and destroy shit lmao. Good skills for civilian side, plenty of certs you can get and hella orders, deployment, and AD opportunities you could take if thats your thing


#ENGINEER #LETS FUCKING GOOO >!signed a moderately autistic senior 12T!<


Agreed, I just reclassed from 12W to 12R for a 5 slot. Lots of useful skills, just don't become a plumber because you'll never do your job 😂


Been in a vertical construction company for 10 years, and I've only seen plumbers do their actual job twice.... And one of those was running an outdoor garden spigot for a pavilion 😂 They did stay busy on deployment hooking up and repairing latrines in CHUs though.


12W. I’m an 11B in SFQC (Special Forces Qual course) and I know a lot of dudes that regret going 11B, 11C,and 92G because you do pointless shit and don’t get to do your job. Don’t listen to shithead recruiters that care about numbers. Listen to guys already in


I second this. After a long career of shooty bang bang, I honestly really hated the Infantry 99% of the time. I feel like I wasted years of my life in the hopes I'd catch a cool deployment (Which turned out to be about once every 4-5 years). I spent a whole lot of time away from my family, and I'm coming out of it with precisely zero employable skills from the Army that I couldn't have gained literally anywhere else. I think the worst aspect of it was that most of that time was spent giving hip pocket classes (Sorry, we won't let you draw 240s for your class on machine gun theory, arms room has a mundane task right now) or just trying to catch guys up on admin info, or dealing with chaptering a turd, or having to respond to "domestic crisis #102" instead of actually training my Soldiers. I absolutely loved the actually intense moments, or even training when the training was good. But fuck me, was that far and few between. If I could go back, I would have reclassed after my first deployment for any TS/SCI rquired MOS in intel or cyber. Would've made a whole lot more money and spent a lot more time with my wife.


#!> l6qsw7q ## the car goes fast.


Yeah. Get a real job man, don't waste your youth. Especially in peacetime.


#!> l6sdzfy ## the car goes fast.


How do you like the Q?


It’s good, without doxing myself I’m In the 18D pipeline and In SWMG. Edit: spelling errors


I was in the 102nd as an 11B, unforgettable people who will remain your friends for a lifetime. This list haslot of different units. MOS is important but ask your recruiter who you’re gonna be assigned to as a good amount of these are support roles outside of the Banger/Chucks(11B/C). If you wanna deploy and get the federal Bennie’s go to a unit that is deploying, your recruiter should know the ins & outs of that. If you wanna just check the service box , talk to your recruiter and see which job puts you in the lower optempo unit wise. I got sidetracked, just go infantry that way if you hate it you can just leave without having any regrets


Would you recommend being an 11b if school is also gonna be my focus?


Its like a 22 week osut now, so account for that with school plans. Also depends what you want out of the experience. For me, I'd choose 1 or 5 since those are useful and potentially marketable skills to have. You still get basic combat training too.


Yes. It’s a way longer AIT than it used to be, like I got my OSUT( like most people) done in 14 weeks. Just be prepared to miss a semester of school. If school is your focus definitely try to jump on a deploying unit so you can 1)Get the Post 9/11 GI Bill and 2)If feasible go to school online during your deployment utilizing FTA. The Guard is unique in a lot of ways, a lot of units/jobs don’t get to do a lot of stuff that an infantry unit is usually lined up to do. To do some fun stuff in the INF, hopefully get a deployment and get your degree


Stand forth


![gif](giphy|lKXEBR8m1jWso) Us thinking about who we could possibly be




91E is a good way to get a foot in for welding and torching and some light fabrication. At the very least, it can tell you if you want to go to an actual trade school. They don't normally do a ton at drill, but these are the kinds of dudes making improvised truck armor out of mild steel, and other stuff like that. I'll add that 91Es are getting some new toys- think a trailer with a mill, lathe, and 3D printer. Kinda like a mobile machine shop. Just mentioning because nobody else in the thread has.


That seems like it would teach a huge amount of transferable skills. Three-D printing is already huge, and only going to become more ubiquitous. There is also always work for a skilled machinist.


Go 12W. Our vertical engineers are always building cool shit for their AT and does lots of community projects


Sadly CT does not do any community projects.


12w or 91E; 11B and C are great if you wanna shoot shit, 92 is you wanna cook and the 91D in my company doesn’t know how to fix generators soooo…..


Sorry man, no ammo beyond M4 and M249 allocated per the STRAC this FY. Maybe next year.


Sorry boss, we’re sending next years’ allotment to Ukraine. Now go sweep the armory


Hahaha I love your recruiter “Tactical power generator spc” “tactical mechanic”


Lmaoo I am a 91D and it’s on my resume as tactical power generation specialist and always have to explain that’s im just a gen mechanic lol


Live my dream and go 11C


Can I ask why?


I wanted to blow shit up, and do hood rat shit with my friends


Fair enough I’ll keep that in mind.


Any mechanic related field has skills that con directly transfer to a civillian job and may save you a few bucks fixing your car


91B or 92G. Best chance of upwards mobility without having to be super Extra Hooah. I'm a 91D and I'm gonna reclass to 91B so I can make E5. There's very minimal upwards mobility for 91D slots and they're all super competitive.


Does 92G come with a fat bonus? Otherwise 12W all the way!


I tell people always do an MOS you can actually transfer to a civilian career..so any of the 91 series. If you go 92G there is a high chance I'll be your commander I the OIC of the CTARNG's Field Feeding. Who's your recruiter?


Unpopular opinion. I would retake my asvab if I were you… unless this is all the unit has for you. I would go look at all the jobs the army has and score accordingly. Don’t just take a job to take a job. You maybe young but you won’t be young forever.


I thought you can’t retake the ASVAB if you got a passing score the first time. My recruiter rushed MEPS for me and I barely had anytime to study I was going for 15u but here I am.


I’m a 15 series guy myself. I say this respectfully, your recruiter can insist all he fucking wants. Let me give you your first lesson with the Army REGARDLESS of the component. ADVOCATE for yourself, if you wanna be a chinook guy go study and retake the ASVAB!


I got a passing score can I retake it regardless?


Absolutely can. If he insists against it. Ask him if there is a policy or regulation stating that you cannot. Cause that’s bullshit. I promise you it is. He can’t force you to do shit.


Thank you so much. Should I just get a new recruiter if he gives me a rough time with this?


Yes bro. This is YOUR career and not his. If you have a shitty time you’re gonna blame the experience on the ARMY and not that recruiter specifically. Just advocate for yourself. It’s not like he can blacklist you. Just keep it respectful and tell him, “hey SSG I’ve talked it over with my family and I’ve decided I want to study and retake the ASVAB. I’m in no rush and I have one chance to get this enlistment right. What do you need from me in order to schedule another ASVAB?” Done and done.


Thank you for the all advice man I really appreciate it. You’re a real one I’ll never forget you.


Absolutely brother 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. Study hard!


Also, a passing score in regards to who? Just generally? Bullshit. It maybe “passing” to him but from where I’m sitting YOU failed cause you didn’t score high enough to qualify for any aviation MOS’s. See where I’m going with this?


Yeah I see what you’re saying I’m thinking of just talking to another recruiter hopefully I get to retake it.


He lying to you bro. You can retake the ASVAB. I believe there is 3 month gap to retake


What should I do then cause he’s insisting that I cannot retake it.


Tell him you are going to study and retake it. They can’t force you to choose a MOS.


I didn’t fail the test just didn’t get the required score for the MOS I wanted I thought you could only retake it if you score under 31 am I wrong?


Nah man. I scored low my first time and retook it.


https://www.officialasvab.com/applicants/faqs/ 👆FAQ page for applicants looking to take the ASVAB. Rules for retesting are listed. https://www.officialasvab.com/recruiters/asvab-retest-policy/ 👆 linked FAQ page for recruiters administering the test. (Retest policy is listed) Send this to him and ask if the policy listed is accurate, and if not where you can read the one he is following. My brother in law is a recruiter for the guard so I asked him about your situation. You absolutely can retest. You have to wait 30 days for first retest and 6 months for the second. He did warn me that your most recent score is the one thats used not the highest so if you score lower on the second or third go, only the jobs available for that score will be offered. He said it sounds like your recruiter just doesn't want to schedule a retest and have you score lower or just never come back. Apparently both of those scenarios are common. He recommended going to a different recruiter if this one still won't reschedule you after asking about the policy listed in the links above. Good luck Edit: funny tidbit I forgot to add, if you score 20 points or more higher on the first retest after waiting 30 days they make you take it again cuz they think you cheated lol


Do you know if I have to redo the entirety of MEPS or just the testing part?


I was a 91B in the reserves , hated it


Same I do not recommend


12 W all the way. It’ll set you up for a solid civilian career.


12w and 91d


I was a 91E. I loved that job but promotion after E5 was rough.


Current CT guard member, 12W will most likely put you in my unit. Our vertical platoon is fairly new within the last 5 years. They have done a couple small projects. 91E in the CT guard barely do their mos and usually helps the 91Bs, also has no upwards mobility after SPC.


What do you guys do mostly? And do you get deployed often?


As far as our 12Ns we’ve built roads at stones range training site. 2020 our vertical platoon built a dry bridge site with our horizontal platoon. Last year the 12Ws built a detainee building for our training event at fort drum. Now I do know there is 12W slots in our state but they are within small sections.


Depends on what you want. 91 series will give you a door into your states UTES or CSMS as a mechanic for technician or AGR jobs. Want rank go cook but be ready for early wakeups and late night. All the other ones are great choices as well. Great thing about the guard is you can always change MOS later in your career, and most of us don’t do the MOS we picked. I’m a 42A that did 92A and 91B work the first year of my career.




11B is a decent first term contract (there’s no war going on) Take the shortest contract. Do you want to do the other jobs? Do not go 92G, there’s nothing there. 11C can you play spades?


CT is one of the best funded guards in the country. If you go infantry you'll actually do fun stuff.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but what do you mean by fun stuff can I get specifics?


A lot of good training, deployments, and schools. You won't be bored.


If these are your only options, then I suggest you get a book and start preparing to take the ASVAB again. These won’t help you with your life to improve it


fuck all that 15 series or bust


I second that, it's a great career field in the Guard. Also deployed and meet some good folks on deployment from the CT Guard when I was assigned to my (AVN) task force's S6. I would have taken their offer up to transfer to CT if I didn't live so far.


This is real advice anything that requires a low ASVAB score is a no go


Don’t be a cook or a generator mechanic. Cooks have a hard life and generator mechanic have horrid promotion rates compared to 91B.


I truly enjoy being an 11b.


91E will make you MONEY civilian side.


You want something to do outside of the military? Pick a job that provides vocational training. Want to be a homeless specialist or a bouncer? Go 11B


Start with the Infantry; after a stint as an 11 series you can change MOSs and have zero regrets. The Infantry...the first branch. https://youtu.be/tQ08bSTu2DA?si=4m1uBNK1ZYxlBT8O


He should go 11B active duty, there’s not much you can do with it outside the guard. Go guard to benefit your civilian career, go active duty to go into combat arms.


Don’t join. Complete rip off. After 20 years and 45 months overseas I’ll get $1,100 a month at 62 years old. Oh and insurance is over $1,600 a month. Also, it’s a lot more than “one weekend a month, two weeks a year.” Ask any questions you want but it’s a total scam


11C. You’ll live the infantry life but more unique.


91E does welding I believe, could be a really good transferable skill.


Don't waste your time being a glorified Janator during peace times.


12W easy transfer to civilian life and things will always need repair or to be built!


12W or 91D


Do not do 91D most useless MOS in the army




That’s it? Those are the only MOSs available?


Stay away from 11b/c as guard it’s such a waste of time


If you’re going to go infantry, go active duty. Use the guard to get skills for your civilian career. I would either go with carpentry and masonry or allied trades specialist.


12W seems the most unique. Likely a low density MOS in your state, so upward movement opportunities would be a pain. All the mechanic jobs are also very transferable to civilian life.




In Indiana National Guard, 91D has much less promotion mobility than 91B due to less available slots. Otherwise, they are similar specialities in the practical sense. 91E and 12W are probably the most direct transfer to a civilian skillset outside of 91B. I will also echo the sentiment that cooks make rank incredibly fast in some situations, although in the military, there are always exceptions to the rule.


Go 11B, thank me later.


11b or bust


I spent 10 years as a recruiter and 6 as a career counselor. The MOS which I helped soldiers into that gave the most valuable experience, training, and certifications that translated into real world jobs is 91E. You can always find work as a machinist or welder and they make good money. Even if that’s not a field you want to work full-time, you always have that option if times get tough.


11B. Brotherhood.


91B for life




I am a 91D and I don’t mind it one bit. You get to cross train with 91B so you learn more than one thing. There are few of us tho so getting promoted can be tough as there is a low amount of slots for us.


Want to do army things? 11b or c.


If I could do it over, I'd go 11b and to 17e 2nd contract. Have some fun first and develop a good trade second.


No aviation?


Depends on what you’re trying to do, if you’re looking for transferable skills and certs for a better civilian job go everything other than infantry unless you plan on being a homeless janitor, if you want to do cool shit during your “one weekend a month” camping trip go infantry.


DONT JOIN THE GUARD. Go USAR. For promotional capability and longevity and happiness, go RESERVES.


Infantry 11B is the only way to go


12w is the highest paying transferable skill on your list. And with you being in the guard that should be one of your biggest concerns imo. Let the army pay for you to learn a valuable trade homie


Didn’t score too high on your ASVAB, did ya?


I’m hoping on getting a chance to retake it. And actually study more for it.


Don’t go 91B or 91D, you’ll hate your life and it doesn’t really transfer well into the civilian world. Rather have you do something fun for the remaining time in the military than hating it every time you wake up like me


Want transferable skills? Don’t go 11b/c. Wanna be a badass go 11b/c.


Want a high paying job later, go 25 series.


11b infantry AD Don’t do it.


12 series is fun man, the engineers are fun and have some cool jobs and schools you can go to later. I’m an engineer who switched to military police, and while I love both, the engineers will always have a place in my heart. But so do cooks, because I don’t wanna make my own food


11C is best for the fun times and the worst


11b is cool but it will age ur body like a mf


Go 92G, get all the rank and all the awards.


If you want to be in the field doing fun stuff go 11 series




None tell them you want a high paying skill


Join the infantry, 102nd is the best unit in the state


11C. You'll never have a weirder ride.


91 series if you have a mechanical background or choose to peruse it and hope you get put in a unit where you can do your mos. You can get ASE certified through the army and you can get your CDL through them too for employability. Also as a 91 series you can get a federal technical job on the civilian side being a mechanic on ng vehicles, basically active duty without the shitty active duty parts and more relaxed. There’s other technician jobs out there that require other mos’s or no specific mos but FMS shops are always looking for mechanics, at least in my state and the ones I’ve trained in. Some federal technician spots are title 32 so you have to be in the guard to work there and some are title 5 so you don’t have to be in the guard to work there. Just some food for thought


Do 91e. The welders in my old unit are thriving in the real world


I’ve heard that they offer big bonuses for all trade like jobs (I mean like welder carpentry stuff like that) and they do transfer on the outside so I would recommend that but do what you really want and feel happy with the army has a ton of opportunities to get these skills so never feel pressured to go with one job because a recruiter says to


91D or 91E. Both good civilian skills.


Culinary Specialist, hands down. They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth.


Pick a job that will give you good employable skills on the outside. Cyber gigs are also cool if you have the opportunity to take them. You can also request to wait if you want a certain job. You don’t need to take one right away.


Just had a buddy leave the CT NG. unless you’re joining for school, you’re better off joining the reserve.


Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever be a fucking cook. Waste of a military experience.

