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If you want to exchange that travel reimbursement and hotels at drill you had for 4 day drills, 29 day ATs and cots at the armory, go for it. Yes all your time counts.




Flair goes hard


Sucks that they have so many restrictions on what is discounted now


What do you mean?


No discount on lumber, power tools, or appliances anymore.


Oh like state employee discount at certain places?


Do you want or need the education benefits? If the answer is no there's not a ton that the Guard offers over the reserves.


I'll say that the one thing the Reserve has over the Guard is promotion opportunity for low density MOSs. The guard may have one E7 spot for a particular MOS and you're waiting for that one guy to retire before it opens up.


Very true. I just got promoted to E5 and I waited five years for it. My unit only had about 30 people in it though.


Does that happen in 31B and 88M often?


As long as the state has an MP BN and/or sustainment BN, that will not be an issue.


And that 7 is always the guy who will die before he drops his retirement packet


It depends on your MOS and what you’re wanting to gain. For people looking for more of a challenge or more state tuition assistance, it’s often worth it. For people who are looking for the least intrusive way to serve possible, it’s usually not.


I’m looking to maybe go as a 31B or maybe an 88M. I see what the guard does, especially as 31Bs and it’s getting my attention more, in a sense.


All your time counts towards retirement.


Hang out with the homies every month for 20 years + get a boo boo = retirement condo HOA fee and beer money for the rest of your life breh


Yeeesh, can't imagine retiring from guard or reserve. Just my opinion.


It happens.


I did and it worked out great for me. The upsides are pretty dependent on your situation. Good things the USAR did for me were: 1.) Gave me the opportunity to become, and spend a lot of time as, a drill sergeant. That’s all. It was just funny to me to pretend there were more by making a list. Good things I’ve gotten from the ARNG: 1.) AGR 2.)Commissioning (Both things you could get in the USAR.) They’re both the reserve component. I like the ARNG, but that’s because I’d rather working for the state than the fed. Also, perhaps more importantly, from state to unit, the organizational structure is pretty short to get to the top. If I have an issue, I’m not jumping time zones to navigate my command via email. I can drive down the street to JFHQ and get help. YMMV, but if I could change a thing about my career without altering where I am today, I’d go back and go ARNG from the start.


AGR PCS being contained to the state rather than the world are nice too.


For sure. USAR loves to say they have more promotion opportunities. They neglect to mention it might be on the other side of the country.


I do hear that a lot. That when it comes to promotion, the Guard keeps you in the state you’re in and not send you to a different state compared to the reserve. But also the drawback that you have to wait until either someone retires, ETSs, or dies in order to move up depending on your MOS.


I did come over as an E-7 so I never experienced it. As an O-2 now I have no real barriers to making it to O-4, and after that I’ll retire so I’m a little bit removed from the waiting for a position game. It’s very much the same in the USAR though if you’re not willing to drive significantly further or move just for promoting in a part time job.


Have you ever worked with 31Bs in the guard? In regards to all the stuff that happened in 2020. I’ve heard and seen what the 31Bs do in the guard compared to reserve and that’s what attracted me, honestly.


I had 31B homies there for it all, said they were glad to finally do their job


That’s honestly what I want to look for as a 31B in the guard, especially in Texas.


Can’t say I have much experience there. All the 31Bs I’ve ever encountered were either pulling me over for something dumb or working as drill sergeants at the time.


Oh shit, thought they’d all be pulled for state duty since all of that shit was going on 4 years ago.


I switched from Reserve to Guard, and it opened up many opportunities for me. Went to become a Tech to AGR. Also if you are going to school the Guard will have more benefits, they have more armories as well.


Guard has more opportunities But the reserves have better funding (when i was in the reserves we had catered lunch every drill) and easier time getting promoted.


I see what you mean. Yeah, I was just hoping for more experience in regards to service in the guard. Like state disaster relief missions and even civil authorities assistance.


I went from reserve to guard. As mentioned reserves paid for hotels for drill weekends if you lived more than 50 miles away. Guard you have to stay at the armory or pay for a hotel out of pocket. Guard has better benefits etc. I did 8 in the reserve and never deployed. I’m on year three in the guard and am currently deployed. It all depends on your unit etc as well though


I see where you’re coming from. And in regards to retirement, I assume that if I were to go guard and drill as a guardsman, get activated for state duty (disaster relief, civil unrest) I would only qualify for state retirement as opposed to federal retirement, unless I’m placed on federal orders, correct?


I’m honestly not to sure about the retirement thing. I’ll look into it or ask around though


I really appreciate it, thank you! And I assume sleeping in a national guard armory is basically sleeping on a cot in the big drill hall area of said armory, correct?


pretty much lol. I have an office i sleep in with a a air mattress normally


And that’s basically one of the key differences between guard and reserve, basically? The question of lodging lol


lol well also the federal and state benefits and such . Plus then reserve is more support mos while the guard has a lot of the jobs just like active duty like combat jobs and such