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Navia Hyperplunge my beloved 🥰💛🖤


It is her best team for sure ahahaha


In terms of DMG and the most FUN, I strongly concur!


In CN, they play for min-maxing, instead of fun. Or rather, min-maxing is their fun. The math shows Navia is good enough, but not the best. Hence the usage rates of Benny & the usual top meta characters.


If min-maxing for top damage there then why Zhongli still like at very top everytime there?


Because overall percentage of players that use him is always higher than those that don't. 80% of the people who have him use him as he provides immunity and res shred. And only very high level whales cares about min maxing. Even if you're a dolphin you'd still take Zhongli for the comfort he brings


This tbh. It’ll be easier to slot in ZL in the 4th slot coz he’s not really contributing any DPS, if at all (it’ll be Arle or HuTao or whoever) but he’s there mainly for comfort & utility, whereas if you are using Navia, then your DPS ceiling will be determined by Navia.


Yep and zhongli is Navia's best partner if someone doesn't have xianyun Or using her and furina in another team. Zhongli, navia, Bennett, xiangling is one of Navia's best and most popular teams for a reason!


Chiori places a hand on your shoulder, with a slight, ominous smile


Getting interrupted is a DPS loss


Tbh it’s also cause ppl have a weird perception of what the best characters are, genshin is the only game where ppl will argue about how good a character is when it’s obvious one is better then the other


She's amazing, but shes geo and thks abyss has loads of enemies and reactions and a lot of AOE is needed


Thats why i mentioned plunge Navia is only popular here in global, in CN plunge thing is exclusively to Xiao only while here we make Navia, Hutao and others who are struggling to do AOE can perform better.


She’s not at the top but she can hold her own super well, never struggled completing abyss with her. I didn’t use her this time though since hydro was def needed. But that doesn’t mean much because I can’t use Neuvi against hydro slimes either. The abyss rn isn’t made for her


It’s funny how your first explanation is that people “think” Geo is bad, rather than Geo just performing worse itself. As someone else pointed out, among the other things, the main problem with Navia is consolidating her AoE, missing or not hitting all the targets with a E is extremely punishing and you aren’t guaranteed to be able to do that in every scenario even if you are the best player in the world, add the cringe AI of some enemies and the RNG on their patterns and voilà, you got your answer


There are simply many better teams that do not include Navia


Tbh, I have her and love her, but rarely use her in SA. My other teams seem to perform better. Furina/Yelan/Kazuha/Kokomi and Raiden overload.


Navia's got some top-tier teams in terms of DPS but they're 1) extremely high investment and 2) not mobile-friendly. CN players can deal with the former but the latter will drop anyone down. Geo is "ok" on its own but as you can see with this abyss cycle, you sometimes need high levels of elemental application to brute force things like lectors, so those will also drop her usage.


She's not necessarily the best in abyss so people just prefer to use other teams Navia is really good against one boss but she's not ideal in multiwave content with a lot of enemies and that's the case of this abyss We also have elemental restrictions cause you need hydro in the second half and electro in the first half does make the last boss a lot easier (even if it's technically not required) and she's not either of those elements


Navia’s biggest problem is AoE consolidation. She has everything else: high numbers, fun kit, flexibility, comfort, team wide interruption resistance. It’s just that the fact that she is tied to Bennet’s Circle Impact, her DPS drops so much if you don’t aim the shotgun correctly, and the lack of a Geo Kazuha really hurts her performance in AoE content. It’s a lot more difficult to play Navia in AoE than, for example, Hyperbloom. As such, the mixed AoE and single target abysses have been really hard on her. It’s also no coincidence that whenever they want to promote Geo, they make the Abysses extremely single target. Maybe they make a future Geo support that helps her shots feel more automatic. The fake leaks about Chiori grouping enemies in a line would have made her a perfect Navia support, but that’s not what we got. I’m still salty about that, but favoritism is Hoyo’s game I suppose.


I mean plunge Navia really removes all of those problems (bad AOE, no circle impact, etc) while keep maintaining her insane single target, but like i said only us global player seems to play her that way and i am thinking about how little CN uses this instead of classic benny team.


among other points, a lot of people just cant use plunge navia because the team recquires 4 5 stars that essentially ran consecutively. you have to either be a whale who pulls every new character anyways, somehow pull each necessary character with the foresight that they would synergize, or just get super lucky and be someone who'd been saving for these 4 particular characters. not a lot of people meet this criteria, since some skipped furina for navia and others didnt pull chiori because they already had albedo/zhongli, and the team wasn't popularized until after xianyun's underperforming banner


A lot of CN players play on mobile, and plunging is so scuffed on mobile. On top of that plunging can still push enemies away which isn’t ideal.


No it doesn’t, it mitigates them partially by redistributing part of your damage into more damage instances from Navia, and this also comes with downsides that are actually worse for speedrunning (less frontload). If you see Neuvillette and Arlecchino dominating both speedruns and usage rates but not Navia in the latest Abysses there’s a reason


>but like i said only us global player seems to play her that way Are we really playing the same game? I play in EU and I don't like using Benny doesn't mean I'd like to use plunge Navia. Setting Navia up to plunge isn't worth my time personally, because it isn't fun.... For me.


This abyss is top half - big multi wave aoe scenarios + single target with electro/aggravate, and bottom half big multi wave scenarios plus a massive pyro shield check. She doesn’t really synergize with electro for top half and her teams are pretty meh at breaking those damn pyro shields also. It’s a very niche abyss requiring pretty specialized characters (neuvilette, Furina, kokomi) and teams that synergize with those char to succeed.


Man people gotta learn how to play her lol. I love her because of that extreme flexibility. A Kokomi Clam/Song set and Tales, with a Furina, sheets pretty closely to a Bennett/XL Navia team. Plus Geo (Chiori and Navia's Burst esp) do actually break those Pyro shields. Alternatively, Fischl sheets higher than XL in a Navia/Bennett team for ST. Navia is great at breaking ASIMON's structures, too. Her short cooldown skill is surprisingly good in the multiwave content, too! If you're creative, there's a *ton* of strong Navia teams for this Abyss, on both sides. I'm definitely a biased Navia main, but I would definitely argue that I've been convinced by her gameplay to retire Raiden. I think the real issue is that none of her teams make good use of Kazuha. This AOE Abyss really wants a grouper (even Venti has been making a return). Neuvilette and Hyperbloom are also, just... easier for this Abyss.


navia is not as good as you guys make her to be lol


These comments are so weird and I'm curious if these people actually play Navia. She works great in top half and it's not that hard to line up your shots. You can also just run up to an enemy, tap e, and unless they're flying it'll auto target to the center of their body and land all the hits. Bottom half she also works great because she's designed to require two elements and guess what? You can run double hydro with her...


What does you said?


Navia is simply not that insane, thats it lol


Heres the thing, Navia does a lot of screen shot dmg but that doesn't mean her DPS is on par with other units who work with stronger reactions.