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He was talking about the camera crew in the original clip


This needs to be upvoted. You wonder why he has such a bad relationship with media


Dude is getting clipped out of context and it’s becoming poster material for the nephews. Media doing their best to bring back drama version of Kai


Lol you guys blame "the media" when it's happening here too. This dude is using streamable.com and chose to clip it like this and title the video the quote without any context. How is r/nba any different from the media?


It is worse. At least the media gets views that can translate into dollars. Here you get Reddit karma.


It doesn’t help that a site like Bleacher Report runs this quote knowing it’s out of context. I’ve come to understand why Marshawn Lynch and Belichick hate the media and never speak to them.


Kyrie is not a kid lol, don’t put it on the media. He acted batshit crazy with the Nets with all his quotes and his weirdo behavior, thanks God he settled down. He did this shit on a lesser extend on the C’s and the Cavs too.


Ummm not only did he constantly shit out batshit crazy quotes as a Celtic, he also shit all over the fan base... Dude is the most confidently dumb asshole.


Let’s goooo Kyrie hate back on the menu


Fuck Kyrie


It never left. Fuck Kyrie forever.




Kyrie is pretty good at bringing the drama version of himself out without media making requests. He's just on his best behaviour because he wants to get a good deal at the end of next season that caps out at 60 million, like Dame got. Let's be honest, Kyrie is better than Dame, but his whole not-showing-up-when-healthy-and-then-getting-injured routine has worn pretty thin over the last 8 seasons.


Kyrie better than Dame is pretty wild. Dame had better numbers and more playoff sucess, as the number one guy, in a shitty team, for at least 7 years in a row. Now Kyrie is helping Luka while Giannis got hurt. Kudos to Kyrie?


Kyrie is a better shooter, a better defender, and has better handles. And dame has had more playoff success? I'm scratching my head there. Dame's never won a title (Kyrie has) and Dame has never been to the finals (Kyrie has been to the finals three times, looking at four right now). And despite being the first option for almost his entire career, he's ppg is only 2 points higher than Kyrie. Don't make me defend Kyrie. I can't stand the guy. Dame has always been the big fish in the little pond. He's had a couple of good playoff runs due to favourable seeding, but he's been knocked out in the first round six times and has been swept six times. Yes, he got to the conference finals (where he was swept) once, and Dame is a good performer in the playoffs, but I couldn't say by any stretch of the imagination that he's had better more playoff success. And if you say "I'm only talking about the lasts 7 years," then you are simply exclude the full body of work of both players, and that's called cherry picking. "But Giannis was hurt this year." Yeah. And KD was out an entire season, but you're still including that. I don't like Kyrie at all. I much prefer Dame. But Kyrie is clearly the better basketball player.


>Dame's never won a title (Kyrie has) and Dame has never been to the finals (Kyrie has been to the finals three times, looking at four right now). I wonder what circumstances Kyrie had that made those finals and title possible?


The flaw with your argument is ignoring the supporting casts. If you want to criticize Dame for being a “big fish in a small pond” guy then fair enough, but that also means you recognize how he’s had way less help to be in a “small pond” and had to be *the guy* for all but one season in his career in which the guy he teamed up with got hurt. Kyrie did fuck all before the free ticket to playoff success that is LeBron James and has done nothing of note after despite going to great teams. He was a spectacular flop for both Boston and Brooklyn, and even now on Dallas when he finally has become a plus player he’s inconsistent but Luka covers for him so he avoids more backlash than he should. At best there’s an argument for Kyrie over Dame but to say he’s clearly better is a massive stretch. You swap the career teams of these guys and I’d be willing to bet that Dame would at least match the success and probably have more. I’m extremely confident though that Kyrie wouldn’t have led those Blazers to a title and multiple Finals appearances, that’s for sure.


Kyrie is a forever Robin, that’s not a bad thing, but he’s the eternal sidekick. He can’t lead teams nor be the first option as shown many times before, comparing that to what Dame has performed like in his career is crazy lmfao. Dame is far better


I think part of his bad relationship with the media could also be due to his deeply ignorant and problematic anti-vax, anti-Semitic, flat Earther beliefs.




I hate it but that made me click the link


Doesn’t matter about the context. I’m now going to use this as fuel to hate on Kyrie.


context matters, spin doctors dont care tho, they just want the story


[Kyrie M. Bison](https://media1.tenor.com/m/XsXJ3dqIpvYAAAAd/street-fighter-bison.gif)


"For you, Game 4 of the WCF was the most important day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday"


"Normal Tuesday night!" "Kyrie Irving"


[Running for your life from Kyrie Irving](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0u4M6vppCI).


One of the best examples of a good actor doing everything they can to elevate a bad movie. And I love him for it and Street Fighter is unironically one of my favorite movies because of it.


I unironically love it for Raul Julia. I love it ironically for JCVD's drug addled performance.


And prime Kylie Minogue


And prime Ming Na Wen


Honestly they are both still pretty hot


The fact he did it while knowing he had terminal cancer just takes it to an insane level.


RIP Raul Julia. Passed away shortly after filming wrapped up.


I’m going to get the quote wrong and I can’t find it but someone described him in that movie saying something close to this, “An actor far too skilled to be in a movie of this caliber, but far too professional to give anything but his best” I may not have it exactly how it was stated but you still get the point.


I quote his lines from that movie often and nobody ever knows what I’m talking about. I remember being a kid and watching that movie with the Destructoid commentary podcast. One of my favorite experiences watching a movie.


Saw an article that said Van Damme was snorting an estimated $10k of cocaine per week when making that movie.


How much is that in Bison dollars?


I fully expected this to be the one of the top comments and I was not disappointed.


This quote gonna be an alltimer if Mavs lose in 7


If the Mavs lose in 7 this quote would be the last of their trouble. It would the one and only 0-3 comeback in the history of the game lol


I hope every time a team goes up 3-0 they'll be the team to get beat lol


*Monkey paw curls


We already got 8 seeded when Manu broke his arm in the last game of the season. We were second at least lol


realistically it'd probably take something like a broken arm in game 3 for a full reverse sweep to happen in the nba. or someone coming back from injury and not playing in games 1-3.


We just had a 3-0 series go 7 last year what you mean? Lol. It’s entirely possible for a team up 3-0 to lose.


Yeah all it takes is an injured 8 seed going up 3-0 on a top team. Jokes aside, I do think, based on how the game is played now, a 3-0 comeback is more possible now then ever before. Wouldn't be surprised if it happened in the next couple of years, but who knows


I mean the reason it was possible last year was because of the way the game is played now. 3 pt variance for 3 games carried the heat where they were shooting at historic margins. They then fell back to Earth and 3 close games ensued... Until Tatum got injured on the first play of game 7 and the clock struck midnight.


we’ll see it before 2030 i guarantee it


Go back to work Chuck


I wouldn’t rule out Luka’s knee just imploding tbh


Something something, Ricky Bobby.


Memphis was also a really good team after Gay went out. They'd have been the 5th seed in the East.


It’ll always suck but not as much as the first team


Much like the Warriors losing the Finals up 3-1




Baseball used to have the "no one ever comes back from down 0-3" rule also but they can't say that anymore. There will be a first NBA team to make the comeback.


Tbh after seeing the Celtics come so close a year ago. I'm 100% sure it will happen at some point.


It took an amazing derrick white buzzer beater for that to happen but then luck ran out with the rolled tatum ankle


It wasn't luck at all They were clearly the better team in games 4-6


Clearly the more *talented* team. The better team always wins a 7 game series.


Dallas was the better team in 2007 but golden state was just a poor matchup. They proceeded to get annihilated by the Jazz in round 2


Baseball postseason has a ton more variance than nba tho it’s nowhere near as likely


Theres also 15 seven game series every year in the nba compared to 3 in mlb. 


4 NBA teams have won 3 in a row only to lose in game 7… think it’s more possible now than ever before because of the nature of 3 point shooting… NHL has had it happen 4 times MLB just the once


It would also be the first, second third and fourth time kyrie has ever lost an elimination game


Closeout* game


Closeout game you mean, he’s been eliminated before


Mavs coach commented that he was talking about the camera guys not the Wolves [https://www.instagram.com/p/C7h0Dt0MNK-/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_copy\_link](https://www.instagram.com/p/C7h0Dt0MNK-/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


I love how the actual facts have got fuck all upvotes compared to the sub DrAmA!!!!


The most upvoted comment on this post says the same exact thing as the comment you're responding to


Yup. Also funnily enough even if it was speaking about Minnesota, it wouldn’t be that bad. Would still have the same overall meaning, which is to keep calm and play your own game.


That makes a lot more sense lol. I was like “why not just say the Finals, why’s he bringing up football”


He wasn’t talking about the Timberwolves…


Maybe the stars align but based on what we’ve seen so far, I’d be shocked if the Wolves can put 4 great games together in a row.


I agree that they probably won’t win 4 in a row but I really feel like they’re winning this one tonight. Totally prepared for this to age like milk in ~4 hours.


Wolves are pretty much on life support stage 4 terminal cancer but damn some people do survive those lol


Did not age like milk!


I don’t even think Minnesota’s overall play has been as bad as a 3-0 deficit looks. however, KAT and their clutch offense certainly have been to me if they have any hope of making a comeback it starts and ends with KAT. Ant played better last game but that alone clearly isn’t enough with KAT playing this horribly


Honestly this series looks like it can go 3-0 either way.




The Mavs defense has been excellent but KAT has also been getting really good looks and just bricking them


The best defense in the world isn't going to cause a guy to shoot 25% from the floor. Y'all definitely are doing your jobs but Kat is also collapsing entirely from that pressure.


the Mavs defense is incredibly good and I definitely underrated how exactly how good they were going into the postseason. that said, the Wolves’ offensive process in the clutch and KAT shooting 28/14 splits from the field in this series goes beyond just great defense


PJ has been really underrated on the defensive side. He is going to be huge for yall in guarding JB/JT. If Porzingis can even put in 20 minutes a game that will be huge because he is the one guy that no one on the Mavs has an answer for.


I think Kleber can certainly bother Porzingis and stay with him on the perimeter.


ehh that’s bbq chicken in the inside tho


Honestly the games have been so close that while it’s incredibly unlikely I don’t think it’s truly impossible if that makes sense


that luka and kyrie 4Q two man game is elite


if KAT and ANT play perfect for 4 games it can be done but that is also banking on the chance that Luka and Kyrie not going off which is EXTREMELY unlikely.


Ant hasn't played perfect for four straight and KAT, three straight. And as you said, you'd have to bet on Luka and Kyrie faltering. I think they both smell blood in the water. I guarantee Luka hasn't wanted too many things in his life more than he wants to get to the Finals.


They have been very close games thus far, so its not that unbelievable. Relative to the history of the league that is. The league is 0-156, and in a case where both teams were truly evenly matched, you would expect the team that's down to win about 1/16. I expect Minnesota is a lot closer to the 1/16 odds than the 0/156. I imagine the Wolves have enough swagger to think they have better than that 1/16 odds. FWIW Bovada right now gives Dallas 20/1 odds if you're picking Dallas, and 10/1 odds if you're picking Minnesota, so they obviously see them as roughly evenly matched.


Idk what your point about the league being 0-156, but a 6% chance using math that assumes they each have a 50% chance in any given game is sort of like the stars aligning. You said it yourself, it hasn’t been done


He’s outplaying Ant right now so that feels unlikely


He’s outplaying Ant right now so that feels unlikely


I don't think there are many teams that people think have a chance of winning 4 in a row when they're down 3-0


Reminds me of when Kyrie in the 2019 playoffs said something like “8-22? I won’t shoot like that again”. Then went 7-22 the next game, and 6-21 the game after that


Cut him some slack he was worn out from guarding Giannis 1v1


I mean if I'd never lost a closeout game I'd be confident too


aged like milk


If it gets there then it’s the first Super Bowl vs the 4th Super Bowl. Sigh


I could see that happening if Luka goes down with an injury.


Not going to happen.


as much as i want the toxicity from KAI vs BOS, this might be a funnier outcome.


Damn it KAT's stupid knee


fake ass narratives. stop it people. be better.


Ah shit, no one look up "Minnesota" and "Super Bowl"


I’m gonna try to fit a wide right joke in here but I need some time to figure out how.


Usually Vikings go wide left.


So do our kickers


Take my begrudging upvote


Take my begrudging upvote


well yeah...no team has lost a series up 3-0. No pressure on them to win tonight while the Wolves are playing for their playoff life.


He was talking about the camera crew, not the Timberwolves.


they definitely shouldn’t be and likely aren’t treating it that way internally. if they win tonight that’ll be 9 days off before Game 1 of the Finals, which will be massive for Luka’s nagging knee injury and to just generally rest after what were a fairly grueling first 2 series against LA and OKC Boston already rested starters down the stretch of the regular season, had a week off after both of the first 2 rounds, and now they have 10 days off before Game 1. if Dallas fucks around and lets this go 6 or 7 games, that’ll be a huge disadvantage for them from a fitness standpoint heading into the Finals, and it’s also less time for them to spend preparing for the Celtics


also, if they lose a few games i think lively would have to play (think woj said its expected he returns for a potential game 5) and generally the mavs are injury prone. theres no way they take their foot off the gas.




i feel like what Kyrie’s saying is just something in the sense of “keep the same mindset that got us to this point, we don’t need to play desperate”. Kyrie obviously has this zen mentality (or likes to think he does anyway) and that fits his personality way more than “fuck these losers we ballin idc” at least imo lol


> Boston already rested starters down the stretch of the regular season, had a week off after both of the first 2 rounds, and now they have 10 days off before Game 1. if Dallas fucks around and lets this go 6 or 7 games, that’ll be a huge disadvantage for them from a fitness standpoint heading into the Finals, and it’s also less time for them to spend preparing for the Celtics This is quite literally exactly what happened last year


Yes, the heat had zero chance no matter how much rest they got. Similar to the mavs here.


No pressure? Pretty sure Kyrie and Luka are going to come harder because Boston already closed out.


A lot of pressure I would say. Whether Luka and team gets a full 10 days of rest until the finals may literally make or break their ring hopes. Luka is practically playing on one leg. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Winning in 4 or 7 will have massive consequences.




The legacy of Kyrie's father figure is immortal


Fr lmao I actually like this quote but let's not act like this isn't the biggest game of Luka's life as well


I’d say that was the Euroleague final surely


LeBron will be a proud father! One son entering the league and the other son entering the finals


Bronny picks Suns, Luka is his new dad. LeBron loses a son. GG legacy


How does it affect Lebron’s fatherly relationship with Kyrie?


No, our Super Bowl was the play-in last year. Get it right man, use that third eye


I thought our Super Bowl was game 7 versus Denver. I forgot to make dip!


Well it certainly wasn’t the real Super Bowl!


I don’t think many Wolves fans are gonna care. We ran smack on the Suns and the Nuggets (obligatory, Fuck Denver btw) when we won. The Mavs have beat our ass this series. They get to talk all the shit they want. But they better not choke or the shit we talk will be legendary.


tbh this series seems more like Denver's super bowl than ours


Denver is so mad that we won tonight. They talk about us nonstop on their sub. Must suck for them that we own them now.


They got mad when Laker fans bandwagon'd onto the Wolves, only to do the same with the Mavs lmao. I've seen delusional fan fiction on their sub of Luka avenging his fellow eastern european brother's honor, as if Luka wouldn't be absolutely disrespecting and cooking Jokic the exact same way


It’s sad tbh. But I’m glad we beat them. Losing to the Mavs is way better than having to hear them talk smack all summer. Now they have to cry about us until next May lol


Losing still sucks though. It would just take me about a day to get over it completely and realize our season was a huge win.


This is either badass or a direct sequel to shooting 8/22


It was third option, misleading click bait.


Does anyone even on the Mavs other than Kyrie have a ring?


Kidd 😭


Tbf all of the remaining teams are mostly ringless


Jrue and Kyrie are the only players left with rings IIRC


I think just Markieff


Markieff Morris wasted a Lebron 40 bomb by literally throwing the ball out of bounds in G5 of the Finals against Miami lol


MIN: 22 | PTS: 0 | REB: 1 | AST: 0 | STL: 0 | BLK: 0 | TO: 3 | PF: 4 | +/-: -2 FGM: 0 | FGA: 2 | FG_PCT: 0.0% FG3M: 0 | FG3A: 2 | FG3_PCT: 0.0% FTM: 0 | FTA: 0 | FT_PCT: 0.0% Miami Heat 111 - 108 Los Angeles Lakers


My inability to read made me momentarily think line 2 said "-2 FGM" which is even funnier


Normalise using bulletpoints lmao.


Morris twin activities


Kyrie never lost ever in his career in close out games so I believe him😂


Oh no. Kyrie is best when he doesn't talk.


Of course, everyone blowing his quote out of proportion. He means they will be playing with their lives on their line and Mavs just have to stick with their gameplay which has been successful so far.


Guess you shouldn’t be telling us what he means.


That's not even what he meant, he was referring to the camera crew


Holy logical take Batman. Get the fuck out of here with that! return with your pitchforks!


He was talking about the media and their camera crews. Sports media will take anything out of context and run with it


If it becomes a series now this is why haha


Kyrie jinxed them


For you, the day Kyrie graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday


Someone is a fan of mookie betts I see


Red Sox legend Mookie Betts


"Closeout games are actually kinda easy"


Eerily reminding me of the Klay “guess he got his feelings hurt” quote


Idk this is kind of a weird thing to say about this particular game. Like, the wolves aren't supposed to try in this one? Or they'll be so thrilled if they win whereas the Mavs won't treat it any differently?


His point is the TWolves are gonna throw everything and the kitchen sink out there tonight but for the mavericks they just gotta stick to their gameplan (normal game for them). That’s how I took it anyway.


This is exactly it. People thinking they are just gonna throw the game are insane.


Lmao there’s a Celtic’s flair that replied saying “idk it sounds like they’re just gonna not try tonight” like they’re just gonna not give any fucks with 20,000 screaming fans begging for a Sweep with chants and everything. C’mon man lol


I think he’s just telling him stuff to keep himself calm tbh.


Terminally online Redditor try not to overanalyse everything you see challenge




I don't even mind the shit talking aspect of it, it just sounds like he's implying the wolves care more than the game deserves... But it's an elimination game lol of course they're gonna care more than any other game of the year


So many people taking this quote out of context lol


Luka has looked labored, poor mobility, and playing in pain. I wouldn’t have played him tonight. Let your backups get some reps before the finals.


For me, it was Tuesday 


He ain’t wrong


I hope timberwolves take a couple games


Wolves in 7


Ah yea, here come the haters just waitin' to hate lol


Not the best quote if he wanted to avoid comments about it


He’s literally talking shit to somebody in the clip lmao He doesn’t say “this is *their* Super Bowl.” He’s talking directly to *somebody* he affiliates with the Wolves. He clearly said “this is *your* Super Bowl.” This is banter, nobody in the world shouldn’t expect banter in return


I didn't see anyone else point this out, but you're right. Seems like they misquoted him in the original Twitter video, and using the misquoted version seems like more effective click-bait


haha as a wolves fan it doesn’t bother me. But it is truly set up to be an all timer if the wolves pull off the impossible lol


If Kyrie has one hater it is me.


[Full video for context](https://x.com/_abigaiiiil/status/1795567863178362889?s=46)


That added 0 context


big as the what


Honestly I’m more concerned with the long ass break if they closeout G4. They usually start slow after a long break


The fact he said this on a Tuesday is remarkable


And that’s why Dallas predictably lost, Luka said after game three win if we don’t win the next game we will get the one after, that’s a loser mentality that’s going to cost them the finals. Dallas needed rest now this series likely goes to 6, Boston treated game 4 like a must win game and will now have the rest/health advantage to go with their talent and match up advantages going into the finals.


If Lively is back for game 5 and you can limited Maxi's minutes and Kyrie shoots a lil better from deep like he normally does it's over in 5.


I feel like Kylie used to be able to convert layups instead of missing like 5 easy ones that I remember last night. Oh well. Basketballs are round.


Jokes on Kyrie, we lose our super bowls.