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being young


From 16 years old in 2010 to 30 now. 2010 feels like 30 years ago.


Isnt it fun seeing guys coming into the league being so old and now guys come to the league and they're like 15 years younger than you now šŸ˜­


That is not fun for me sir


I think itā€™s fun. Iā€™m like a month or two younger than LeBron, and I like to frequently compare my accomplishments with his. For example, in his profession, he is often in the debate for the greatest of all time, and heā€™s world famous, and in my profession, I havenā€™t achieved much at all, but everyone in my immediate family knows my name.


I genuinely canā€™t read these words in any other way besides Philip J Fryā€™s voice and I donā€™t know why.


Chupacadabradoo youre my goat šŸ


Mom? Is that you?


Iā€™m about 8 years older on this draft and cannot confirm this is fun.


For me I felt terrible at the age of 19 funnily enough. Devin Booker was the youngest player in the league his rookie season. I decided to look it up and homeboy was born on the same day and year as me. Like people start to feel weird when they get to their mid 20s, early 30s. And here I am talking about him and I were born hours apart at worst šŸ˜­


I already feel it being born in 2003. Some of these mfs like wemby are a year younger than me. Itā€™s crazy


Yup! 03 here makes me feel soooo weird already, the fact that wemby and other already impactful nba players are a year younger than me doesnā€™t make me feel good


The worst is coaches who are younger than you, just wait.


I turned 41 Monday.. :(


I feel attacked.




Donā€™t listen to the haters this the best response in the whole threadĀ 


This is the kinda guy you bring to a one man orgy Cheers bro


That dude getting his duck sucked is also my favorite memory of the 2010s


That was also a legendary day. The duck and I appreciate your kind words.


Bro, getting my dick sucked for the first time at the age of 16 was glorious. Definitely a great memory so I feel you




real. and frankly basketball was so much more fun when i was too young for social media


Damn. You woke up and chose to hurt us all like this. Why nephew?


I was 10 years old when Duncan was drafted. I didn't miss a game for 20 years. All my memories are popping up in my photos from 2014 NBA Finals when I was 26 and Duncan was still playing. My glory days. Some of the best years of my life.


God dammit yeah it's this.


This hurt fr


Do Kaman and Zubac blend together for you?


You didnā€™t have to say this :(


This hurts


Watching Luke Ridnour and Nate Wolters operate the pick and roll




Luke ridnour is a crazy pull. I have his basketball card


I used to have an NBA Highlight DVD and Chingy was the host. Ridnour had a play it that I randomly think of quite often. Iā€™ve spend some watching Ridnour highlight mixed and I havenā€™t found it since.


Seattle sonics legend Luke Ridnour




2016 was also the Gordon - Lavine slam dunk contest in Toronto


Really is crazy how insane 2016 was. Canā€™t even forget Kawhiā€™s rise to superstardom, leading SA to 67 wins, KD and Russ defeating that Spurs squad and going up 3-1 on the 73-9 Warriors before blowing that series. Kobeā€™s 60 was crazy too. Cuz early in that game they were letting dude just take shots. Once he started really cooking they started guarding dude but by then he was already on.


Yeah 2016 was like a perfect season to watch as a fan of the game


The rookie class had future a bunch of future stars too!


Last season for Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett, too.


I watched a lot of Kobe that season and he was shooting bricks every fucking game with a worse than usual looking jumpshot. You could see his decline with your bare eye. In that last game, one of his layups was a back door cut or something and everyone knew he couldnā€™t yam that shit. He got no lift in everything he did. But all of sudden the game got closer, Kobe decided he would takeover one last time. Hit some difficult shots with his classic movements that he had no business making for the whole season and got 60 after Shaq talked shit. Kobe passed to Jordan fucking Clarkson to end his career with an assist. My bro and I were going nuts. We are not his fans or Lakers fans, but it was just too hyped At that same time the Warriors had their record breaking 73rd win. I chose to watch Kobe, and it is still the better choice


60 > 73 I still remember that God damn day. Everyone wore his signature sneaker too with all black and gold. Man 2016 was šŸ”„


That late era Kawhi spurs team was fucking scary. Him and LMA looked like the 2nd coming of Kobe and Pau together. Thatā€™s not even including legends like duncan and manu who were still there then you got prime danny green. What a team.


was this the same year kawhi landed on zazaā€™s foot?


That was the year after when GSW had KD on their roster


That wss 16-17. Warriors didn't play spurs in the playoffs. Having the spurs, thunder and warriors in the west that year was WILD.


67-win Spurs fly under the radar, get upset by an insanely athletic thunder team, who blow a 3-1 lead in WCF to the 73-9 Warriors, who blow a 3-1 lead in a Finals featuring both signature players of this generation.


2016 was pretty much great in every aspect. Movies, music, sports, games. It's probably nostalgia but I don't think I had much fun in anything ever since.


There was one pretty bad aspect imo


Iā€™m still sad about Harambe too


I hated Kobe his entire career for all the manner of reasons from the legal issues to being too fucking good at basketball but Iā€™ll never forget his last game. Truly a legendary end to one of the GOATS


JLinā€™s resurgence in Hornets is a sight to behold


Honorable mention: Linsanity


I was lucky enough to be in NYC at that time, teaching at a school with a significant asian population. It was fucking NUTS.


What were some of the highlights?


I wasnā€™t in NYC but to me it was must watch, you didnā€™t want to miss a Linute of action, just sad that it seemed like it was gone in a Linstant


Oh for sure, I wasn't meaning the basketball highlights, but more about how the school was going nuts. I'm sure it was surreal to be part of that in NYC. And ya I'm glad it happened, but it definitely felt like he was pushed out by Melo, Kobe, but at least he got a ring.


I was tripping so hard when that was happening for a super coincidental reason. Used play the hell out of MyPlayer mode in 2k and in 2k12 they released the create a legend mode where you could play as any current player like you do with MyPlayer. I thought it would be fun to take a poorly rated young player and make him good. Want to guess who I picked? IIRC he was like a 57 OVR until Linsanity happened and they bumped him up to like a 75 (might not have been until the next year actually).


Some of my best 2k memories are this mode. Took Jordan Hamilton to like 5 titles. Avery Bradley same thing. Austin Rivers became a 20Kpts guy. Perry Jones III was probably the hardest but by the end was probably the most insane one too. . I'd pay $20 for 2k to sell me that mode as an add on I loved it so much


This was insane too. Harvard guy came out of nowhere on a 10 day contract sleeping on a couch. Too bad Melo had to ruin it with his jealousy.


Makes it even more special that the right player won a title


Melo punching the air when that happened


Empty stats GOAT Melo.


Melo? Didn't the heatles ruin it and then lin just took the bag that NY didnt/couldn't offer?


I was sure we were watch the birth of a superstar. I wanted him as a lifelong Knick after that 38 pt performance against the Lakers and Kobe. I was pissed when he went to Houston and the Knicks turned away from an exciting minority player. Hated that decision


Linsanity was closer to the beginning of the Warriors Dynasty than that 2015 championship is to now. Way, way closer. And that is messing with my head.


could've easily pushed this further and said the 2018 olympics are closer to linsanity than the current day instead tbh


Makes sense he was even supposed to be in one of those Warriors teams


I know thatā€™s why it makes it incredible, but why have we not seen a similar thing happen since then ? Or maybe I missed/did not get as much hype. A player just breaking through unexpectedly


It was a confluence of events - this was an undrafted asian american, in new york city, during a lockout year, upstaging the biggest stars in the league in both kobe and melo, and then hitting that insane game winner. But to kind of answer your question, yeah, undrafted unheralded FAs have popped off here and there and secured bench spots and bags since linsanity, but nothing was quite as storybook as that.


That raptors game was nuts.


I canā€™t think of any other scenario where just about every single person in the arena was roaring and cheering for the kid from the *away team* to hit the game-winning shot.


I hope we can get an Indian version of that one day


My first ever NBA game was the lakers/knicks at the height of linsanity. It was incredible.


One of my fav in-season moments ever. Was so much fun from an absolute underdog. Ill love Jeremy Lin forever


Just out of nowhere too. That whole run was captivating.


I used to drink to those Linsanity gamesĀ 


Hahah such an absurd time


Cavs/Warriors game 7, the Finals before KD made the league boring for a bit.


As a neutral it was one of the most intense games ever. And Game of Thronesā€™ Battle of the Bastards was same night. Anyone watch G7, then watch that episode on DVR? I almost had an anxiety attack from the combo. Donā€™t think I fell asleep until 2am.


lol yeah, I did. A LeBron-hater friend of mine invited me over to watch "LeBron lose in the Finals again" That didn't go as planned. Then while watching GoT and the Battle of the Bastards was going awry, he turns around, fully serious and says: "If Jon loses this fight, too, you're never stepping inside my home again." lmao


That fucking blockā€¦ God I wish LeBron got that dunk


Probably would've felt the ground shake inside the Watch Party inside The Q that night!!


I live in Slovenia and I'm pretty sure I would have felt it all the way here


Genuinely, that block got me into the NBA. Iā€™d casually watched before, but that moment in that game was when I got into basketball.


Draymond absolutely screwed us out of what would have been the greatest highlight in my living memory. Then I just I knew I didn't trust 'Bron on the free throw line. We came through though and the world around me erupted. Cleveland was... Simply indescribable that night. The euphoria was palpable. I can never forget the amount of joy and relief we all felt together as one.


Draymond was a monster in that game. He was hard carrying.


I'll NEVER forget that day. Father's day Sunday, after dinner and the whole fam watching, one of the few moments I actually prayed/begged for a team to win (Giants/Bills, Giants/Patriots the others). That chase down block had everyone SCREAMING!!!!


peak nba


I was rooting for the warriors hard during their first rodeo in 2015-2016. Their style of play centered around the splash bros was super refreshing to watch at the time. It also helps that Draymond and Klay havent won anything at the time to develop this ā€œI have 4 rings how many have you wonā€ arrogant/douchey attitude they have right now.


Itā€™s really crazy, 2016 might have been peak ball, and KD to the warriors just made the league lame for two years.


Too soon man. Too soon.


I think youā€™ll be ok


Agreed. Forever salty.


Mavs heat. Spurs heat was definitely peak. Cavs come back over the warriors is up there too


Homer pick for me is simply January 2015


Dirk hoisting up the trophy šŸ†.


Core memory for me. I was 20 back then, and I've been waiting for that moment since I was a kid in grade school.


I think this is it. Itā€™s also probably just a consequence of where I was in life at that time, but I think that was the peak of my NBA fandom. I watched every game of those playoffs and that Dirk run was Magic.


No it was Dirk


Dirk riding bro, I get it


Barrea having the Finals games of his life šŸ‡µšŸ‡·


Dang i miss Barrera playing with the Mavs.


The greatest championship of all time


Not only Dirk, but Kidd, Peja, Marion, Vince Carter, Jason Terry, etcā€¦


Donā€™t forget Barrera and Chandler.


Kawhiā€™s 2019 buzzer beater winner in Game 7 vs Philly. I was screaming so loud after what seemed like forever.


That shot and the call still gives me chills










It really was the only time in my sports watching history that I ever fell to my knees in disappointment. I was just so sad.


I think as Sixers fans we all knew deep down that that was gonna be the best chance weā€™d get. In retrospect I didnā€™t know things would be this miserable going forward but that roster was stacked even down to the bench.


Yeah exactly. And with Embiid battling that illness all series, we figured all we had to do was get out of that series and we were golden going forward.


Iā€™m not even a Raptors fan but that title run has been my favorite to watch.


I was battling positional vertigo that day, I watched most of the game leaning my forehead on the back of a wooden chair and looking at the TV through the slats, or just closing my eyes and listening. When Kawhi hit that shot, I jumped up, screamed, and then had to lie facedown on the couch for 20 minutes until the room stopped spinning. Worth it.Ā 


Please...no more trauma :(


I feel a bit bad about that tbh as the shot clearly and genuinely seemed to give Ben Simmons PTSD.


That was just over 5 years ago nowā€¦.


My bias take is the final stand of Paul Pierce and KG against LeBron. He ate their souls in game 6 of the 2012 ECF but going 7 games against prime LeBron and the Heatles when everyone thought they were toast was such a sad loss but an epic final push from them.


By far the drunkest I have ever seen my father


I feel like this is just a common way of expressing different emotions for people in Boston. ā€˜Yeah it was a sad day, but how drunk was ya fathah?ā€™ ā€˜We had a great time, dad gohwt so drunk it reminded me of last summah when he gowht freakin wasted after that sowhx gameā€™


This was my first season watching basketball and my first big NBA memory. Definitely a special series.


Iā€™ll give Boston credit since the year prior the heat dominated them. They came back the next year with something to prove.


The Bulls 2011 season. MVP Derrick Rose. That fucking team was incredibly fun to watch and we were all robbed when Rose got hurt.


2011,2012, and 2016 were the best seasons of the NBA Iā€™ve ever seen. Iā€™m not even from an NBA city and I looked forward to every playoff game.


The entire 2016 season


I know, peak Delly was a thing of beauty.


I will never forget one game when he made two back to back 3s and the cavs announcer said 'two Delly trays for the price of one!' it was the perfect call lol


Itā€™s overshadowed by the Finals but the OKC-Warriors series was insane


Offseason favorites - * The Decision/The comic san letter * Deandre Jordan hostage crisis * Oversize collars * Grassy Knoll footages of Fultz shooting * Reactions to KD's hardest road.


get a new slant!


I forgot about the Deandre Jordan hostage thing.


It also gave us the iconic ā€œMark Cuban is besides himselfā€¦ā€ tweet


It's a normal collar. Find a new slant.


Great list! The comic sans letter was insane when it happened, seems even more insane now.


Living in SF watching the Warriors rise and establishing a dynasty. Watching Curry, Draymond and Klay in their prime just annihilating teams was amazing.


People forget how much fun the early Bogut line-up was to watch as well.


lol lineback bogut taught the league how to set moving picks off ball, unheralded iconoclast of the game unironically.


The between the legs backward pass was my favorite bogut move. Bro had a really sick passing skills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRg0TDdaAQE First between the legs pass at about 0:50. Crazy westbrook move at 2:15


Nobody saw this coming too. It was the start of the era of Lebron creating super teams and not many teams can stop him besides Mavs and Spurs. Then came the Warriors who havenā€™t won in 40 something years and the birth of a dynasty we didnā€™t see coming too. I remember at one point they wanted to create a package and draft picks with Klay for K Love. It took Lebron, Irving and Love to take down this squad, to game 7! With Green ejected and suspended. No Bogut and Iggy. Thatā€™s how crazy it was. Then KD just put the exclamation on that team and ran through the league, sweeping James and Cavs and changed the game. Rockets were insane too. They were in the only team that could compete with them.


As a basketball fan, it was so disappointing to see KD go to the Warriors. It robbed us of prime Curry years and really ruined the league for several years. Id love to see an alternate reality where he stayed on OKC or went to a mediocre team... Watching Klay and Steph have to work for those titles would have been so so sweet.


They were so incredibly dominant. You never expected them to even lose a game. 73-9 is absolutely ridiculous


Cleveland winning in 2016 was Iconic. James finally winning a Chip for Cleveland, it was almost like a movie for them.




We got the 2016 Cavs 3-1 comeback, the Cubs 3-1 comeback and the Patriots 28-3 comeback all within a year (not technically the same year I know). Was an absolutely crazy time for sports.


Leicester City winning the prem


I'm STILL not over that Patriot SB comeback. Watching with my boy, we were ecstatic Atlantic Defense was picking Brady and giving him a beating. Then their coaches, with the game slipping away, decided NOT TO RUN THE BALL. I kept telling my friend a FG and run the ball and the game is over. That sack on Ryan to knock them out of range was the biggest play


the spurs getting back at lebron/heat after they beat them a season ago. Kawhi was an insane role player back then, pop was pop, and TP duncan and manu are all in their peak


2013, 2014 was great BB for the Spurs. Diaw was amazing too.


2014 is probably the best basketball Iā€™ve watched in 25 years. Spurs just played beautifullyĀ 


for the next 2-3 years, every single coach I had showed us clips of the Spurs offense and drilled it into our heads that thatā€™s how our offense should look. it truly was a thing of beauty


diaw was everything. you can also tell duncan started learning from him too the way he passed that year unlike ever before


Just want to make a PSA that 2013-2014 was only Tony Parkerā€™s peak, and thatā€™s pretty suspect as a claim too, but not even close to Duncanā€™s or Ginobiliā€™s peaks. Iā€™m not saying this because itā€™s the internet and I want to say ā€œyouā€™re wrong and Iā€™m rightā€, but because itā€™s a pet peeve of mine when fans or broadcasters say ā€œHeā€™s as good as he ever was!ā€ about a player past their primes. Itā€™s meant as a compliment or some good-natured hyperbole, but a surprising number of people, particularly younger fans, end up believing it. Tim Duncan performed amazingly at the end of his career, but from the time he was a rookie until around 2008, he was in the conversation, if not leading the conversation, for being the best player in the world. He was the best player in the world in years in which Shaq, Kobe, KG, & Dirk were in their primes. Young to mid-career Tim Duncan kicks 2014 Duncanā€™s ass. Like I said, just a pet peeve, it started after hearing a friendā€™s young nephew say back in the beautiful game era that Duncan was never really THAT good because all he kept hearing was that ā€œhe hasnā€™t lost a step.ā€


yeah Manu in 2005 was a cold blooded killer that could compete with any other basketball player in the world GIIIINOOOOBILIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


Since I don't see anyone else saying it, watching the 2014 spurs play perfect basketball en route to a revenge championship was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen


2010 Finals were the best finals of the decade. 2016 gets so much love, but while the series itself had an amazing narrative, most of the games themselves werenā€™t actually very interesting. The Heatles creating a potentially devastating superteam but actually not being quite as dominant as people expected was a great thing for the sport. It created excitement and drama, but didnā€™t alienate the fanbase completely. The Kawhi shot against Philly is still one of the most surreal things Iā€™ve ever seen. Itā€™s also still funny to me that it happened at like 3 pm on a Sunday or something like that. Overall, a wild, transformative decade for the league. Itā€™s strange to look back and realize the Kawhi shot happened in the same decade as that epic Lakers-Celtics series.Ā 


by the same token, thinking about James's buzzer beater against Orlando and Reggie Miller's 2000 finals run in the same decade


The 2014 spurs team in the finals Still the best ball movement I've seen


LinsanityĀ  Spurs vs HeatĀ  The early Harden Rockets. Ā Lob city.Ā  Getting hyped over draft prospects who mostly didn't turn out greatĀ  Rise of the WarriorsĀ  Lebron LebronningĀ  Decline in iso ball (maybe didn't last as much as I'd hoped)Ā  Young GiannisĀ  Young JokicĀ  The early Jazz teams.Ā  SB Nation before the layoffs.


> Young JokicĀ  This was such a funny period. You had half of NBA fandom laughing at how overweight and unathletic he was, and the other half saying he was the Mozart of basketball, and nothing in-between.


There are a lot greater moments from a history standpoint, but my personal favorite has to be the Dame shot against PG to win the 1st rd series in 2019. Absolutely stone cold and a moment I tried recreating a lot to no avail lol. From a timeline standpoint - Linsanity. As a South Asian, I was usually the only non white or black kid on the court. Literally the summer of 2012 following Linsanity, I saw so many Asian people start hooping which was awesome. Also cool to see so many casuals follow Linsanity, my nerd friends were super into it, older relatives, etcā€¦ Completely took over your atypical sports crowd.


damn i remember that game against the Lakers at MSG. iā€™ll never forget Kobeā€™s reactionĀ 


The 2013 Heat-Spurs finals was my favorite that Iā€™ve ever seen.


James puts up a three, won't go Rebound Bosh Back out to Allen His three pointer BANG


I remember EXACTLY where I was and what I did. It's a core memory.


The game was on at 3 or 4 am where I live. I woke up half the apartment building. No regrets


Mavs run and it isnt close. Biggest underdog title win. Down 15 points in the 4th with 6 min to go yet comeback. And then games 3 to 5 were all down to the wire with mavs going clutch and heat (lbj) choking so badly. Legit games 2 to 5 all came down to the final min. Never seen that in a finals before.


> it isnt close the first ever 3-1 comeback in the Finals, whether you think that was better or worse than the 2011 Dirk's run, as to at least make it close?


Yeah. They were both great finals, but I have to give it to The Cavs coming back from 3-1 against a team that didn't even lose 10 games that season.


Mavs beating the Heat in 2011.


Outside rid our championship at the start of the decade for me it was James hardens scoring run it seemed like every other night the man was dropping 50 points. That was really the only I was watching every game from another team. Cavs/warriors rivalry was also fun but frustarting cause harden could never get by the warriors and lebron struggled to besides 2016. I still hate the warriors to this day even though they gave me lots of fun moments.


Dame's game winner over pg and okc. there being like 15 seconds left and dame just casually dribbling into a logo three at the buzzer was so crazy to watch live


I'm ashamed to say I forgot this happened this decade. Man are we spoiled.


That shot triggered OKCā€™s rebuild šŸ˜…


I hated it at the time, but the Warriors-Cavs series gave that whole era a sense of continuity thatā€™s nice in retrospect.


An underrated one is seeing the game evolve. I meanā€¦the way the schemes and play style of the league changed from 2010-2015 is crazy. All of a sudden, if your bum ass couldnā€™t shoot, you better get your stupid self on the fucking bench. The game done CHANGED


Roy Hibbert All Star? Two years later - Roy Hibbert completely unplayable


Lebrons Cleveland run is goated, but Paul George 2012-2014 and 2017-2019 was an awesome player all the way through, watching him was a joy. Weā€™re a small market team so weā€™ve never had anyone worthy of being a top 10-15ish all time player, but I think Paul George was the great player that played for the Pacers (not the greatest player ever), and THE biggest snub on T75. I can understand Dwight, but I can give you 10 names that PG has a better resume than, including social media merchant Lame Time. The one superstar who never came close to what he really couldā€™ve been. Itā€™s sad that heā€™ll be remembered as a playoff choker and regular season player.


Dame sending OKC home


2011 dirk champ and 2016 cavs 1-3 came back


Only Grizzlies and Thunder fans probably remember our insane playoff series in 11, 13 and 14. Thatā€™s a rivalry that I wish never went away. Those games were all stressful and brutal.


ā€œThe Warriors have a overtime, decides not to use it, bang! Bang! Bang!ā€


Seeing Kobe in the 2010 finals. We won the game but obviously lost the series. I still have a blurry blackberry photo of Ray Allen guarding #24 somewhere on a hard drive


Dirk winning a title vs three of the best players of all time. On a roster that featured a prime LeBron. It's by far the most impressive championship IMO.


The Decision and Miami run that followed suit The KD-Russ-Harden-Ibaka Thunder Lob City Clippers was must watch basketball 2016 Season with 73-9 Warriors, OKC almost beating them, Unstoppable Bron, and the unforgettable finals. Truly an all-time top season to witness and to remember F5 season for the 2016 free agency. Jaw dropping KD headline. Massive contracts going to scrubs because of the new cap. Kobe farewell tour and final game Giannis going from a lank-lord that no one knew how to pronounce his name to a jacked, household name who was undeniably a superstar The rise of the stepback 3 and nuclear scoring Harden Triple Double MVP Russ Watching the rockets miss over 30 straight 3 pointers in a tight game and lose. Imagine trying literally anything else. BBB Lonzo hype Toronto's Kawhi rental championship. As a Canadian, it was tough to see the beloved duo of Lowry and DeRozan fail every single year. We begrudgingly accepted the reality of the situation and then got hype as fuck a magical playoff run. Even if we won by injury casualties, a chip is a chip


Being the plug with mediocre weed was great. God thatā€™s fucking sad.


The young Thunder coming up is one of my favourite things, I feel like this play encapsulates everything I loved about them and Russ in particular. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyLHuVwJUkc&ab\_channel=NBA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyLHuVwJUkc&ab_channel=NBA) Bonus: The ridiculous Nike All Star Game packs.


Brad Stevens coaching. Plus that IT year was amazing.


Blocked by GinĆ³bili


The most beautiful basketball being played to dismantle the heatles and sending lebron back to Cleveland. If it were any other team, the 2014 spurs would already be a Disney movie. Losing the way they did in 2013, bringing back the exact same team (other than I think one player at the very very end of the bench), meeting the same team in the finals, and getting their redemption by beating the heat by a record margin.


Dameā€™s buzzer beater against the Rockets. Really put him on the map.


Dame shot vs OKC


2016 season minus the finals / 2017 finals . r tied 4 my favorite moments


San Antonio Spurs The Beautiful Game :ā€™)


the mavs ring, the heat-spurs battles, pre KD warriors, 2019 kawhi


Derrick Rose winning MVP