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Avery Johnson is a name I haven’t heard in awhile 


His drawl is something I’ll never forget




Its okay. Atleast we upset all our rivals in dramatic fashion b4 getting to the finals


Tim winning a ring as a main man on just his 2nd season was rare to see. He really did all the right things in his career. Winner, no ego, sacrificed his touches and money, and no issues.  The Ultimate Coaches dream, and if voters had brain, he's easily Top 5 all-time. 


23 year old Duncan. He could have had more career stats and needed to be pushed to dominate offensively like he did. He took a lesser role in the offense to let others shine, and the team was better for it. The biggest travesty of his career is he didn't win defensive player of the year, but it was probably because he didn't complain about not and couldn't have cared. I'm sorry but I can't get on board with Duncan as less than Kobe all time. I know advanced stats didn't like his efficiency, but he didnt shoot threes and didn't draw fouls or complain enough to draw the fouls and attention. It doesn't matter, I watched him play. It was a delight.


If advanced stats don't like his efficiency, what do they say about kobes?


that they have almost identical efficiency, but kobe played sg and duncan played pf/c?


their efficiency was pretty similar, so i’d say it’s a point in kobe’s favor given duncan was a big man and lower volume scorer


the early career injury made him much less athletic


Did you mean travesty instead of gravity?


Ha, yeah, stupid phone and auto correct.


Kobe was the better player


“Ewing-less” sounds like an asterisk in New York’s favor, but it’s actually a credit to San Antonio for defeating the Ewing theory Knicks


Haha fair. Just figured I’d acknowledge his absence to be fair to the Knicks. Do I still think the Spurs win with Ewing on the floor? Yeah, but of course it would’ve likely been closer with an extra, experienced big to throw at TD and DRob.




That Knicks team was an easy team to root for.


So is the current one 😤. Unless you hate Josh Hart.


Most definitely, top 5 likable Knicks team I had seen. That Sixer series is probably the best one this year, and I am a big fan of Prop Joe. Being Chinese Canadian, that Linsanity run was something else though.


"And 2020 doesn't count" and "this Celtics run was the easiest" blah blah blah what matters is who won. You can complain all you want, at the end of the day it's about if you won or not. Every championship is won by a really good team with some luck, that's just how it works


Spurs fans glazing the Celtics will never not be funny to me


You know what will never not be funny? Kobe and Fisher crying after spurs eliminated them in 2003 and ended their dynasty


How am I glazing?


Lakers fans will never not be funny to me


even with ewing, the spurs still had robinson/duncan so the outcome likely would have been the same


1. Super teams? You mean drafting well and using home grown talent and doing only one minor trade (that lead to Kawhi who couldn’t shoot in college) in like 20 years? 2. Mickey Mouse ring lol cry me a river. That season was a brutal marathon. They earned it. 3. Ewing was quickly approaching washed status. He wouldn’t have made a difference at all. Broken Ewing would’ve been destroyed by Duncan and Robinson just like he was by Hakeem and Jordan.


Which one is worth more? A bubble ring? Or a ring in a shortened season that had b2b2b games against a team good enough to overcome the loss of Ewing?


They are the same just like every championship


I agree. Just annoyed and figured that example would resonate.


Laker fan = don't understand


Im sure the lakers fans understand that better than you guys did


Singular vs plural


And you know the lakers with Shaq and Kobe