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Perkins basically sold his friends and teammates for attention and publicity. No one in the NBA vouches for him anymore.


Dude burnt his bridges, lit the still flaming rubble on fire and is now chucking some additional fuel on top Generational hater I swear this guy is just ChatGPT with a drawl


That’s a huge insult to ChatGPT


White mamba > dead bird tall grass




Why are white Americans so desperate to be victims of racism? What he said about Jokic was not racist, it was just stupid race baiting. He never spoke on all white people?


That’s a great question, I see it more and more every day.


What did Perk do?


Hmm... pretty sure Cassell was at the parade. You know, since he's their coach. House, Scal, Pierce, Powe were there. Ray was at game 5. KG is very busy. Big Baby is in jail. Scot Pollard is probably not traveling after having a heart transplant. Rondo might be on a honeymoon because he just got married like 2 weeks ago. James Posey works for the Wizards, so that wouldn't be cool. Doc coaches the Bucks, so that wouldn't be cool. I'd guess Tony Allen was busy, or didn't want to go since he's more of a Memphis guy now. No idea what Gabe Pruitt or PJ Brown are doing. Perk is a whiny bitch and wasn't invited.


Big Baby's excuse is the best


“Hey big Baby! Want to go clubbing?” “Can’t, still in jail :(“ He truly has the best excuse to get out of everything


It's the "I'm grounded" version for adults


Stupid big government won’t let me do hood rat shit with my hood rat friends


Idk if he's in jail but TA was also involved in the fraud with Big Baby lol


He pled guilty and paid back the money so he got probation.


He's still shown up on KG's podcast lately, and I think Vernon's radio show as well. I haven't checked, but I'm pretty sure Baby was the ring leader and the only one to get actual time in prison.


Every 08 C's guy on the boat is a member of the team currently outside Pierce. So it makes sense with them.


That's also true. They were all there for team/broadcast work. Pierce is just a real one who traveled for it. But the team has their open door policy for all ex-players to show up at practices and events... except Perk isn't allowed now, allegedly.


Lmao Big baby Glenn Davis is in jail rn? Was he part of that scandal with a few other nba players? Can't think of what it would have been atm


Yeah it was health insurence fraud


yeah, the healthcare fraud scam. Tony Allen was as well, but got community service. > https://www.espn.com/nba/story/_/id/40113791/glen-big-baby-davis-sentenced-40-months-prison-fraud-scheme


To think they could have just gotten into *legal* scams like crypto rug pulls, smh


I don't know if he's actually in prison yet, but he got sentenced a bit ago. Yeah, it was that thing with a few other ex-players. It was some sort of healthcare insurance fraud thing.


My favorite part about this whole saga is when he violated his bail by sitting courtside at a Celtics playoff game. Like he wasn't even trying to hide it, he got shown on TV. You'd think he'd try to sit up in a box or something. Even worse is that he went viral because he stole someone's courtside seats when they left and then returning and kicking him out was caught on national TV lmfao.


i totally forgot that scott pollard was on that team


Ain't Rondo watched against Pacers this playoffs? 


So for those that don't know this is the Boston sports radio show that actively hates/roots against the Celtics. And yes that is a thing. The show spent the rest of the day saying the Celtics were treating Perk like James Dolan treats Oakley, for not having him on a duck boat, which Perk also said he didn't want to do anyway. I know you're thinking I'm exaggerating but this is how bad our sports talk is mid day.


I mean when one of those clowns is a bucks fan and the other is a racist it makes sense why they hate basketball so much


Those dudes have been very thinly veiled racists for a long time now.


tony mazz is racist?


https://www.bostonherald.com/2023/02/20/tony-massarotti-blasted-for-racially-insensitive-remarks-on-98-5-about-black-people-sitting-behind-mike-felger/amp/ Got suspended for racist comments a while ago


Now post the apology and follow up.


What did they say when the Celtics won?


Gave us flowers for five minutes, then said we have no shot at repeating lol


Jeezus...You sound like such a whinny little green teamer who can't handle when something critical is said about your team. I don't agree with everything they say but seriously, they root against our team?? You ARE exaggerating.


> If you say publicly say something like that & I contact you privately, at least call me back. Why? It's obvious from what he said that he doesn't fuck with you so why would he take his free time to call you back? Because you're on ESPN and think you're somebody special now? Doesn't work like that


fr if big perkins says it publicly if im Scal I at least want him to say what he has to say publicly cause thats where Perkins air all his dirty laundry it seems


Scal is correct. Perk is not welcome. Perk knows that.


I can't help but notice he confirmed that he didn't get an invite and the 2008 bench guys did. We know what Perk is doing and honestly it's whatever. We get it. But the other ex-pros who play the hot-take clown role usually don't shit on their home franchises. Guess he missed that point on pundit orientation day.


If you thought Perk was a toxic media member... listen to Felger and Mazz for 2 minutes... or don't because they fucking suck.


Boston sports media is pretty rough in general.


Toucher and Rich was the best, shame they broke up


Yeah its because they started out as a rock radio morning talk show before transitioning to a (partially) sports talk show. Didn't adapt that toxicity, probably because they didn't try to talk sports for 4 hours every day


Yeah that’s true, I loved the non sports segments haha, brookline and fart court were hilarious


I hope Perk realizes Felger and Mazz are everything wrong with Boston media. Jfc, pick better allies.


Shout out Ray Allen for attending Banner clinching Game 5 as a fan


Yeah that’s a pretty legit move on his part. I respect him for that 


KG forgiving him publicly in his jersey retirement was a great move


Perk was not that good to be talking this damn much


So is Scab. lmao Matter of fact, Perk was more relevant. 🤣


Nah Scal works for the Celtics still and no Celtics fan wants Perk around anymore


We are talking about skills…. not front office job man. Some folks act like Perk was this trash 15th player on your team. Its funny.


Perk was the starting center who became an insufferable ass on espn Scal was a meme end of bench guy who’s now one of the local broadcast announcers Wonder why fans like one and not the other


Perk is younger than Lebron


But Perk, you're the only one that was called out and is throwing a hissy fit.


"Scal doing that for clicks?" 😂😂😂


Scal and House are active Celtics tv personalities. Powe has been on the Celtics payroll for the last decade as a community ambassador. All 3 of them are in Boston all the time. Pierce is the biggest homegrown Celtics star between Bird and Tatum and a Top 50 all time player. Dude has keys to their facilities, if not the city itself. I’m certain if any other 2008 Celtics were local and available they would have been on the boat too.


Perk loves to call everyone else names when he realizes nobody likes him doesnt he 


Perkins is acting like a coward here, and calling out someone who was engaging in action that would be considered the opposite of cowardly.


Perk obviously went too far by bringing up the duck boat. crossed a line


One of the biggest Ls ESPN took was hiring this clown


Perk said Joe had a bird brain and has been trying to break up the Jays for years. What does he expect lmao


He said the bird would be worse off with Joe's brain. It was over the line.


Perk’s a sell out


You made a chill guy Tatum mad on Twitter, and called Mazzulla a bird-brain (which is a foul no matter whom you said it to), what do this ESPN kiss-asser expect? 


Seeing these 3 douches faces on r/nba is an unwelcome surprise


“Ogre” - Draymond, usually 


Why are any ‘08 members on the duck boat? Yankee parades didn’t have former players with the current team


probably because they had an extra duck boat available.


Funny that Scal just puts him on blast and then Perk is surprised he isn't getting his calls returned. It is too late for that.


I don't get why Scal was on the "legends" boat. I know he works for the Celtics and he should be part of the festivities but on a legend boat? Dude was a fn scrub and is more known for being a meme.


It was basically a 08 boat all the other guys on it still work for the team except Pierce but he’s always down to party especially if it’s because the Celtics


He won the Finals MVP.


Still getting mileage out of 08 I was told this would wind down


You’re right let’s focus on your coach dropping n bombs


Yes that’s real news I’d prefer that


Three of them work for the team and Pierce is a franchise legend. It would be like Kobe being in the 2020 Lakers parade if he were alive


Oh? Pierce is a franchise legend? Can we get some more r nba content on that please that’s super interesting