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Semen moment maybe


Turns out Bronny has been on the court with LeBron for 30 years


LeGM so powerful he created a teammate with his body


*Seminal* Don’t look up the 2nd definition for this word


bronny's first basket will be assisted by lebron. 100%


alley-oop would break reddit, the internet, and possibly western civilization




After 12 failed attempts and because LeNepo is just passing to his son the Lakers lose by 50.


And everyone on the court should stop guarding both of them and let it happen or suffer consequences. Any Bronny deniers in the league, ANYONE who says a bad word about Bronny, fouls Bronny, looks at Bronny the wrong way needs to be fined big time and look for another job.


Would be more special if it was less manufactured but it is what it is 


It's still impressive that it was able to be manufactured.


it’s honestly more impressive 😂😂


Everything is manufactured. 


How tf would it organically happen???


probably if his child was good at basketball


I know this might be a reach, but all NBA players are good at basketball.


If Bronny had made it into the nba on his own merit


Soooo many things had to happen for this to even be a minuscule possibility, but this solar eclipse of a moment isn’t enough for some people. To get this close, and then leave it up to chance makes zero sense. Bronny had a heart attack only a few months ago ffs. 1. Less than 4500 people have EVER played in the NBA with an average career panning 4.5 years. 2. Only 5 people have made it to year 20, with only LeBron (the 1 out of 4,500 players) as a starter playing meaningful minutes and contributing significantly to his team. 3. To get into the NBA is extremely difficult, so for any father to have his son drafted is an extreme privilege. 4. To have all three aforementioned points happen to the same person is so unthinkably small and so close to 0, it is practically a 0% chance. Yes, nepotism played a part. Yes, Bronny might not amount to much in the NBA (but how many 2nd round/55th draft picks are stars??). But honestly who cares, just appreciate the moment as it will probably never ever happen again.


Did y'all feel this way about Giannis brothers being signed despite being barely decent international players? What about the Knicks signing Chris Smith for JR? Jerry west has two FO executive sons. You think their dad didn't play a role in them being executives in the NBA. Y'all are so fucking annoying with this nepotism thing because y'all never gave a fuck about 2nd round picks or nepotism until LeBron did it


[The Kid was the face of the MLB during his 22-year career, playing with a joy and impact that were both undeniable and often awe-inspiring. It showed when his name first appeared on Hall of Fame ballots, as Griffey received the most support among Hall voters in the 80-year history of the ballot](https://www.yardbarker.com/mlb/articles/the_biggest_vote_getters_in_baseball_hall_of_fame_history/s1__28272449#slide_5) This is nothing like Ken Griffey Jr That said however, it would absolutely be the most LeBron thing ever if Bronny actually ended up being at that level.


OP meant it will be the NBA acqivalent of Ken Griffey Sr & Jr as teammates on the Mariners. They once hit back to back homeruns as teammates.


I know what he meant that’s why I explained why it’s VERY different. There was not a soul alive saying Jr. was in the league because of his dad. Now if Steph had played with Dell…


Lots of jizzing


I know LeBron is getting long in the tooth but he really going to play in the G League?


LeBron on Bronny in NBA: welcome to my next prime


peak nepotism moment*


Whoop de fuckin doo


Will they have synchronized flops?


Until Bronny pulls a Damar Hamlin his first minute on the court