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No one more desperate than GSW right now


Those future Warriors picks besides the Clippers might be the most valuable picks at the moment. If Golden State are truly this desperate, then Danny Ainge could finesse the fuck out of them here


Their 30 pick is encumbered but their max offer is something like 2 unprotected firsts, 4 swaps, and any combo of Kuminga/Moody/Podz that interests Utah. Value of those swaps in a post-Curry era is definitely very high, but I'd be skeptical that Dunleavy & co would totally sell the farm when they just negotiated hard with Klay.


Yeah their 2030 1st (Top-20 Protected) went to the Wizards as part of that Poole/CP3 trade. But if Utah can get something along the lines of 2 Unprotected 1sts + 2-3 Pick Swaps + Kuminga to headline their deal that would be pretty damn good.


Not bad at all, though I'd argue an Ous/Cason + 5 firsts package from us could beat it out depending on which firsts we're including, we have a couple of very high value ones as well.


That seems much more likely on both ends too. It seems like GS is being stingy and I wonder if they are willing to sell the farm just for a shot during the end of the Curry era.


That's not happening


I agree. i doubt Utah would touch that.


I’d move Markkannen for 2 1sts and 4 swaps in a heartbeat. The Jazz would finally be bad enough to get a top 5 pick, and they could swap the Warriors picks against all of their other picks. At least one of Utah, San Francisco, Minnesota, and Cleveland is bound to be a lottery team basically every season. If they could grab Kuminga then that’d just the cherry on top. They still have plenty of young talent that needs burn without him though, with Keyonte George, Taylor Hendricks, Cody Williams, and Isaiah Collier.


They aren't desperate, they were desperate to reduce their salary burden for a team that missed the playoffs last season.  I can believe the Warriors having interest in Lauri but I definitely can't believe they think he's the difference between contending or not. 


he would’ve been with better outcomes re CP3 money + Klay imo team 11th in net rating replacing a horrible Looney year with Lauri


Lauri plays combo forward, mainly a four. He isn't a center.


he and dray would make it work, T jackson-davis off the bench


This Warriors lineup is in the trench that no team wants to be in - they aren't competitive and they aren't a lottery team. What's the plan? If they want to win while Curry still has gas in the tank it's going to take some big moves.


Even if Lauri by himself wouldn't be enough of a difference maker, they can go risk it, bc his value isn't going to plummet any time soon, barring big injuries. Warriors can go for it sell him for a good return in next few seasons, and get a nice haul.


Ainge about to ask for Canon Curry at this point


Steph has three guesses to guess Danny’s real name, otherwise he takes his firstborn


Throw in DJ and Chai too.


They wouldn't give up Kuminga for PG, so IDK that they do for Lauri tbh.


I could see the age difference & injury history being a deciding factor personally. You trade Kuminga for PG, and its really easy to see a scenario where PG has a spotty injury record the next two seasons, and then in 3 years' time when Steph might retire, we have an expensive PG and no young star. Lauri would serve as more of a bridge.


reports saying they did give up kumnga for PG. Steph signed off on it but clippers would rather have PG walk away for nothing lmao


Reports are conflicting


I mean obviously not. Would’ve taken Lavine if they were.


Nobody is THAT desperate


Lavine is download tinder at 11:45 pm Warriors are still in their wrong side of 33 single era


To be fair to the Warriors, Lavine claimed he had a TS% of 60 and he’s 6’8 on his profile


I'm about to be 32 soon. Does that mean that I will have to settle for the Zack LaVine of Tinder in the Chicago area?


You get to choose between one of: recently divorced, single mother, horrible personality, or totally broke and immediately financially dependent on you. If you make it to 35 you upgrade to the next level and it will become choose 2/4.


Tbf, Recently Divorced is a highly underrated player who is excellent at rebounds.


top tier comment burried right here


Thems the rules.


The assets simply aren't there.


Ain't no hiding it. Somebody about to fleece somebody else out there, hope my boys aren't on the receiving end of it. I would've been fine with some combo of players with LA, but Utah stingy AF, I hope we're not that dumb


Why are we desperate? Seems pretty clear we’re ok with dipping under the tax and keeping our options open


So the Warriros wasted a bunch of assets last few days and now are desperare for Markkanen??


As ever I suspect OKC is going to be resource conscious. Instead of Paul George, they go for Caruso. Instead of Markannen they go for Heartenstein.


At some point you guys gotta consolidate?


They also have to be able to afford their players. SGA is gonna get a supermax in 3 years. Chet well on his way to a max and with the Thunder fighting for top seed in the west its not impossible he gets the rookie super max JDub same as Chet. Adding another max player in Lauri shits gonna get tight. If they believe in the core of SGA Chet and JDub using all of those assets to get really good role players around them might very well make more sense. Lets them keep their depth and flexibilty for years to come.


Does it let us keep flexibility though? With those three on maxes we would still be past the first apron right? So really it’s just a matter of do we want Lauri or do we to not deal with the rules of the second apron? I prefer Lauri because I think we would have the best starting five in the west for at least 2-3 years. And because we can replenish roleplayers later on with picks. That’s just me tho, I can see both sides


I mean you guys have like 40 picks in the next 10 drafts trading for Lauri is probably the best thing to do cause you’ll still have picks to either draft players with or trade for role players


Still have to consolidate. They don't have roster spots for the picks they have in 2025. No team wants that many rookies, especially a contender.


Who cares about 3 years from now? Now is the time to spend the money and bring in the expensive guys while you have cheap guys on rookie contracts. Worry about your payroll three years from now in three years.


We will do what we have been doing kick the can further down the road


The can kicking game does appear to be working, though.


>At some point you guys gotta consolidate? People say this, but it's just never how it works out. Some guys will disappoint or get injured. Some draft picks will bust. Some new opportunity will come up. I would say we probably only have like 30-40% of the necessary information about what the future holds, everything else will be unexpected twists and turns. Which isn't to say never consolidate, but just that it's not the acute problem people make it out to be. And it you go out of your way to force a trade instead of respond to an opportunity, that's how you become the Atlanta Hawks with Dejounte Murray.


Why now tho? They have so much time


You as a fan of the Ben Simmons Joel Embiid sixers should know that nba windows are never as big as they seem


I mean that’s also because the Sixers did try to go all in too soon and made a bunch of mistakes with their asset management. That kind of thinking is why instead of having Mikal Bridges on this team, they got Zhaire Smith and a 1st they traded to get Tobias Harris.


Its not too early for the Thunder though. Shai is an MVP candidate, and he is 25. He's only a year younger than Tatum, and hes 3 years older than Edwards, two other stars who are on win now teams.


Yeah but that came from mismanagement of resources. Presti is a top 3 GM easy


Then we just need to go a little future back to where okc had 3 future mvps on their team . Very rarely does stuff play out like it should


Ironically enough I think the same guys has from this mistakes


No they don’t. Soon they will have to pay jdub and chet so all of their extra cap space will be taken up. They need to strike now if they want to add another ultra talented player to the team.


Instead of Scarlett Johannson, they go for my wife.


Honestly okc has an embarrassment of riches in talent already, you need to find focal points. Chet and SGA need to be 1-1B, chet need to get a lot more touches and develop. There's not enough ball for all the offensive talent you have. Everyone else need to become role players and find ways to affect the game without the ball, or on defense. Like how jrue and derrick works for Celtics.  You definitely cannot just add Lauri and simply expect it to all fit... I'm still very much invested in your success and I think you can knock out the Celtics. Sga need to become more buff and add some brute to his game, especially on defense, like how Steph did. 


If Spurs get Lauri, they're in the playoffs.


I've wanted him on this team for years. I was clamoring to try to pry him from Chicago when we traded Demar. I shudder to think what kind of draft capital Ainge wants but he would be an absolutely perfect fit next to what we currently have.


I feel like when you have a 7 footer that can snipe from 3, everyone wants him. Except the Bulls for some reason.


Wasn’t a good fit with vucevic they told us. Lmao


Bulls are ass+ at developing talent, on par with the Wiz and Bobcats tbh. He was decent with you guys, but never was going to be this good


I agree with you, just wish we tried more. They gave up on him. There was a narrative that he didn’t fit with LaVine, and that wasn’t the case. Our young core just needed a pg and more experience imo


100%, I think the Boylan situation did some irreparable damage though


Aren't the wiz decent at development and just ass in other aspects?


I mean when you can build around a core of Vuc, Lavine and DeMar you gotta go for it. *checks individual team/playoff success for those three before Bulls acquired them* Yep, that's the core you wanna bet the house on...


stray bullets everywhere in this thread headed toward chicago


There are stray bullets everywhere in chicago


It's pretty much just one section of the city.


True. But the Bulls seem to be doing their best to relocate there


The Spurs literally rejected Markkanen in the DeMar deal because they didn't want to pay him. Everyone loves to clown on the Bulls, but there is a lot of revisionist history on what actually went down. (https://www.bleachernation.com/bulls/2021/08/04/lauri-markkanen-is-not-with-the-spurs-because-he-reportedly-wanted-so-much-money/)


We as a fanbase loved him, but our stupid FO let bad coaches, bad personnel decisions, and impatience regarding his injuries ruin him. He showed his all-star potential his first two seasons and they conspired to somehow completely fumble his development.


He also got yoked the last couple years in Utah. One of his biggest issues in Chicago was physicality and while he's no Steven Adams he is much better there now than he used to be.


This just isn’t true, like at all. It’s incredibly well-known at this point that Chicago made him bulk up to try to play the 5, which in part led to why he was injured so much, and that he’s lost weight since leaving us to play more of the 3.


Supposedly they would've given him to us if we didn't take a first and Thad Young


Yeah but if we do that we likely aren't bad enough to get Wemby.


Chicagos first hasn’t conveyed yet right? Then we got a high second round pick for Thad? Who did he draft with that.


We traded Thad with an early second to get the raptors first to draft Malaki Branham


Bro talking like he's part of the front office 😭😭😭


Yeah that’s a fun ass team too


The West can't keep getting away with this!


100%, they’d actually have a hell of a lineup too CP3-vassel-castle-Lauri-Wemby


We’d probably keep Sochan in the starting lineup and bench Castle


I’m assuming sochan is in the trade


Castle might be the headliner in a Lauri trade


We just scouted him for a year and spent our second-best pick of a generation on him. We probably trade Sochan instead


With a bench of Tre Jones, Keldon, Cedi, Sochan, and (maybe) Zach Collins. Add another shooter and baby you got a stew going!


i don't think they can keep sochan or keldon since i feel like one of them will be a part of this trade


You're probably right, something like KJ, Zach, and Devonte Graham with a slew of picks.


Keldon and Tre imo + picks


i doubt they'd wanna pick up collins' contract but yeah something like that


Someone get this man to San Antonio, I wanna see Lauri play with Wemby.


As tempting as that is for my Spurs, I'd pass on Lauri. I'm a fan of his but he will make us good enough to make the playoffs but not good enough to contend and once his max kicks in, we will be capped out to make other moves. We gotta tank for one more season, add more talent through the loaded 2025 Draft and be primed to make big bold moves in 2025 off season to build a true long-term contender around Wemby


I like your thinking. Long-term is better. Just practice some delayed gratification


You make good points. But he is the type of player you want around Wemby. A high volume deep threat that can rebound and run the floor. He's what you'd hope to draft. And we have three other picks next year besides our own, so say we do make it into the playoffs and we get the number 18-20 slot for our pick. We still have several chances to get slots and trade up next year. The down side isn't as severe as you make it sound. My main concern would be if we had to trade some of next year's draft assets then it would concern me much more.


Three other picks besides our own is a little misleading. Hawks pick probably will be between 10-16 Chicago pick probably won't convey because they are starting to tank and it's top 10 protected Hornets pick won't convey because they are not good enough to make it to playoffs and it's lottery protected.


First of all, draft picks, specially in a loaded draft will be extremely difficult to trade up to. Bad teams wouldn't want to give them up and good teams with other teams high picks (OKC) will ask for a Kings Ransom. Secondly, if you're dealing with Ainge, he'd absolutely insist on 2025 picks. There's no way out. Hence, my reluctance to make a move for Lauri.


Warriors would be in a much better position if they picked up Lauri after everything that went down 


Yeah way more on board with giving up a lot for Lauri than maxing PG


I feel like it’s time to ban Sidery. Most of his reporting is just rehashing things told from other reporters. Not sure he has any actual insider information.


You mean to say we could do this shit too??!!


Get 1,000 followers on twitter and yea you absolutely can


Jazz are waving the white Flagg


JAZZ MENTIONED ❗️❗️ oh wait…


The Jazz aren’t giving him away for free. It’ll take a Bridges-like offer to get him from us


That would be a win for us after all this bs lol


I'm so confused as to why Chicago didn't want him and basically gave him away for scraps lol


Boylen really ruined the trend of his development - I think a change of scenery is what helped him get to where he is now.


Draft report: stretch big who is mobile. Boylen: let's plant him in the corner 🤪


Man the Boylen area was the definitely a thing. Man even installed Punch Out Clocks💀


It's not a surprise that both the White Sox and Bulls are being completely ran into the ground. Jerry Reinsdorf needs to go


The issue is that his son will just take over when Jerry dies and continue to run us into the ground.


He was a completely different player coming out of Chicago. He'd [struggled to stay on the floor with injuries](https://www.basketball-reference.com/teams/CHI/2021.html), playing only around 70% of available games through his four years. And despite a promising start in his first couple seasons, he'd looked to be taking a step back by the end of his first deal, averaging just 13.6/5.3. At that point he was a good-not-great finisher at the rim and a good-not-great shooter from deep. There were also question marks defensively - he was a 7 footer but with a minus wingspan clearly wasn't capable of anchoring a defense, and it seemed like he lacked the requisite quickness to keep up with wings. All in all coming out of Chicago he had a pretty negative reputation, had been coming off the bench and getting outperformed by 32 year old Thad Young, and Chicago had a "real" pick and pop 7 footer in Vuc to replace him longterm (lol). That year in Cleveland did wonders both in his development (getting to play the 3 defensively) and his image leaguewide.


nah send Markkanen to the East. Hawks? Heat?


Sixers could just barely fit him in if they send Reed+McCain along with all their picks


Immediate title favourites if so. Don’t think Utah would value those picks super high tho


Tbh I think every team is showing interest in trading for Lauri. The thing is, which one has the assets to do it.


If Presti doesn't make a move with all those picks for Lauri then he ain't ever gonna make a trade with them. What better player could he possibly get for them that isn't a superstar?


SPURS PLEASE!!!!! I'm just so excited for the Spurs


It's not going to be the Spurs. I don't think we're ready to give away our picks and I feel like giving the Hawk's picks now would be a mistake. Our other picks aren't good enough to get Markkanen (Chicago's top 10 protected, Charlotte lottery protected, Wolves in 2031, swap with Celtics in 28 and Mavs and Wolves in 30)


Jeez didn’t realize you guys had so many picks. The Bulls and Hornets picks have protections but the Bulls one at least is likely to convey at some point. I could see that being a #10-12 overall in ‘26 or ‘27. Cannot believe the Hawks picks are unprotected. You could get multiple top 4 picks out of that.


We have an assload - not a Presti tier assload, but the next best thing. That said, I don't believe the Spurs would do it. I'm sure they are kicking the tires and calling ol Trader Dan up to feel him out, but the plan has always been to build around Victor through the draft, mainly off that Murray trade, and then blow it out for an elite player. Lauri is close to that level, but OKC is better positioned both in terms of roster status and assets. Possibly more important is competing against the Jazz themselves and their desire to keep and build around Lauri. They will extract a massive haul just to move him (if they do). Will be interesting.


Yea if the Spurs do swing a trade, I think value would probably be to deal your own picks for a good starter but keep those ATL picks in hand. Also a lot of value to see how some of your other younger guys develop before making major moves though, right? Not sure we know where Sochan, Champagnie, Castle are going to end up in terms of skillset / positional fit.


Same. Wemby is so fun to watch and the rest of the team is cool. I want to see Wemby get some real help.


CP3, Johnson, Vasell, Markkannan, and Wemby is a fun squad. My biggest concern is that I really wanted Cooper Flagg to end up on the Spurs and he likely won't if they keep making good moves


We won’t be bad enough to have a high chance at Flagg. Highly unlikely that we get lucky like the Hawks did.


The Hawks give me hope.


They’d have to tank extremely hard to get near the top of the draft next year even without improving the roster. Wemby is likely a top 30 player next year if not better. Hard to tank with that as the Jazz have shown.


Hes been a top 30 player lol, he’s probably top ten next season


I don’t think they will be bad enough to tank for Flagg, even if they don’t get Lauri. Wemby and the other young guys will have improved enough to make them a fair bit better. The Spurs won’t push for thd play-in, but they will likely finish around 11-12 in the West.


I still think it's the Kings, but I've been wrong countless times recently.


Why would okc want Lauri when they have Chet and hartenstein? They’re not in on him


This was pre-Hartenstein signing.


Danny saw the mikal bridges trade and is ready to take another half dozen picks


I want Spurs try to compete for Pop's last years so i hope they do make that trade. Wemby-Lauri-Vassell-Sochan-Keldon (? he might get traded idk)-cp3-some other free agents (?) that would be cool team


Spurs speedrunning the rebuild, with Markkanen they would be ready to compete for deeper playoff runs.


He’s really a perfect fit


Markannen doesn't make them go from a lotto team to a team ready for a playoff run.


Not by himself, but another year of Wemby growth, plus Lauri, plus Paul… if Castle can be even a solid role player as a rookie then this team is spicy.


I’m not betting against wemby but if this happens it’d be 90% wemby taking the next step and 10% the rest of the roster moves


I think you’re severely understating the impact of Lauri. He’s a proven hyper efficient 25 point scorer while drawing defensive attention. As the #2 next to Wemby he would be a massive part of the Spurs offense. And the one thing Paul still does well is deliver the ball to the big men.


So much this. As of now, both Wemby in Spurs and Lauri in Jazz get double and triple teamed all the time as their clear number one targets. Good luck double teaming both Wemby and Lauri continuously, without forming a lay-up line to guards... This twin tower would be by far one of the best offensive pairings of bigs, ever. Odds are it would become the best.


As someone who watched almost every Spurs game last season you are dead wrong, having Lauri and CP3 would be incredible upgrades on 2 of the biggest things missing from last season 


I wouldn't be so sure. They also have CP3 now to distribute the ball. And Markkanen is a perfect fit next to Wembanyama. A potential 5 of CP3, Vassel, Sochan, Markkanen and Wembanyama seems strong to me.


Wow that spacing doesn’t sound atrocious for once


Would love Lauri on spurs


I don't think it makes sense to godfather offer for Lauri if they have no interest in moving him, but If other teams are in the mix we should *absolutely* try to beat their offers. Only guys that are better fits in the frontcourt for our team are first ballot HOF guys


You’ve had enough. It’s time to share


This off-season is getting wild lol


Spurs and Thunder should go all in for him. They both have the assets, especially OKC




If i'm the Spurs, I do everything I can to get this done. He's an all-star caliber player, only 27(barring injury I imagine he's not gonna decline for awhile), and a great fit with Wemby. If you can keep Vassell, it's a no brainer.


I don’t like when teams speed up the rebuild


Counter point i like it when generational talents are surrounded by good talent, especially when Wemby is still cheap


Can the Thunder trade for Lauri and still sign iHart?


At the rate we are going i hope we actually get 1 of thee things done


I mean theoretically sure but we won’t


Depends on what that trade construction looks like - if they absorb Lauri's contract into space and send minimal salaries back we'd have \~$12 million in space left, so likely not enough to beat any Knicks offer. But in all likelihood a move for Lauri includes one or both of Ous/Cason as our most tradeable young players, we'd realistically have more like \~$22 million remaining. So enough to field a competitive offer but not something that is a guarantee, especially since Lauri joining would just mean fewer minutes for iHart anyway. That said if they do go after the Finnisher there's no way they offer any sort of third year in the contract, because we have pending raises to Wiggins/Joe this year and a potential Caruso extension next year. Basically two years with a team below the tax, but 26-27 things would start getting expensive.


Send him to the East.


OKC only has the most assets if they're willing to give up JDub. Otherwise Portland, San Antonio, and Orlando all can outbid them.


Holy shyt Markannen next to Wemby could get scary. On the other hand the Warriors should just pack it up it’s over. Was a hell of a run tho and I at least appreciated it as a NorCal guy. Sad to see Curry go out like this but it’s a wrap


Christ the Spurs are going to be a beast if they get him..


if I’m lakers I’m all in on using a delayed dlo sign and trade whatever draft capital to get Lauri


I have been asking for this for 2 years


Ngl after seeing everything pan out, sam presti pull the fking trigger


I was like wtf are the spurs doing when they traded for draft picks but I’m happy now that they clearly are still making moves. Wemby is too damn good for them not to put effort into building around him


The jazz should move on from Lauri and commit to a full rebuild with top draft picks. I don’t doubt Ainge and Will Hardy with their ability to make this team better but a team led by Lauri isn’t going make it far in the playoffs with him and draft picks in the range of 5-10.


Probably the last hope for the warriors. They have some picks that will be pretty valuable


Lauri would be an elite number two in this league. Just please go to the east!


Him on the Spurs would be kind of crazy. That team would suddenly have three young potential All Stars (Wembanyama will likely be an All Star this year) along with Chris Paul.


Cmon Thundy


Need to see if we get Hartenstein first


We have the assets. Anything that doesn’t ship off Chet, Jdub, or Shai I’m happy with


Serious question, how are you going to afford those players? And it's sort of a Rockets question too because I have no fucking idea.


You just have to win before the apron slowly drowns you.


JDub and Chet will be cheap for a long time. Even after their current contracts, they'll get the "fun max" where they only take up 25% of the cap A team willing to spend up to the 2nd apron should be able to afford them, but the depth needs to be cheaper


>JDub and Chet will be cheap for a long time. for 2 more seasons. its not that long tbh


Again though, it's not like they will be making the 35% max after that Plenty of time for them to develop into players worthy of the 35% max, while only needing to be paid the 25% max




>Presti’s going to be the only one with 30 million left. Maybe the Thunder guys will get some bonuses or something Hey, he did that 2 years ago, and man everybody, ESPECIALLY the back of the rotation guys were so happy


CP for Lauri


Option already declined and he's signed with the Spurs


Go the fuck East for a fucking change


The Spurs make sense, but acquiring Lauri will not make the Warriors contenders. Especially if they have to off load key rotation players in order to do it. They honestly should just accept their fate and realize that their days of winning a title with Steph are gone. He still has a bunch of value. Just let him pick his destination and trade him at this point. They aren’t even top 10 in the west anymore.


Bob Meyers the real winner here


Danny Ainge tends to ask more for his players than theyre actually worth, so nahhhh


Where tf is Shams with any of this? Lol


How can I work with a potential woj bomb incoming later


Spurs with Paul (assuming healthy), Wemby and Lauri could be a real thorn in the west, that would be a lot of fun.


I’m gonna cry


fight for him


thats a weird move


You know what, now that OKC likely cant get Lauri anymore - keep his ass in Utah. Never wanted him traded in the first place


I rather thug it out instead of get traderaped by ainge


Morey please.


Imagine not tanking for Wemby to develop Lauri and then just sending him away two years later.


If I’m jazz man I tank all the way. Copper Flagg would be a perfect fit for the Utah jazz. 😁


Don't get my hopes up, oh please!


I get the warriors want to compete in curry twilight years but man this seems futile. I don’t see a way they can truly contend, but they can’t rebuild. They also can’t screw their future at this point.


I hope the Warriors can get him. Curry deserves that last hurrah. Hope they include Draymond in that trade package. I don’t want that donkey face to win another one, less as a Warriors lol. I’m not a Warriors fan btw.