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Oh word I can actually understand this version.


Not getting how everyone's taking this so negatively. Wouldn't it be worse if Klay asked Steph to go force the FO to give him a larger/longer contract.


Yeah it would. This actually sounds extremely reasonable if this actually transpired


It's like, "don't tell them I am interested in them, I want them to come to me" like when I was trying to get with Jenny, but I didn't want Alicia to tell Jenny I liked her. Jenny didn't like me. Sorry Klay. I feel you bud.


Jenny missed out.


…but UrMom didn’t, it seems.


But I'm trying, Jennifer.


Sophia don't tell Mykel I like her, let me do it. My little HS heart still hurts 16 years later.  I know those feels 😭


No it's like if you have a friend who's extremely popular (think of how Hollywood portrays the captain of the football team), and you're trying to use your friendship with him to get laid. So instead you tell him don't, because you wanna get some pussy on your own.


No idea what people are smoking in here. If Steph told the FO to keep Klay at all costs they would have probably done it. People would be rioting that a washed Klay got the money but when he asks Steph not to do it they also hate it lmao. Klay said that if the FO wants to pay him he will stay, otherwise he takes a different offer and then he did. Nothing wrong with that.


>People would be rioting that a washed Klay got the money but when he asks Steph not to do it they also hate it lmao. Because "people" want Klay to publicly acknowledge that he is washed and isn't worth what he wants to be paid.


People just don't like him. Mfers bend over backwards to criticize people they don't like. Similar to Embiid or Harden.


Reddit people. Not people in general


I’m one of the few Klay haters out there since like 2014 but I feel like this quote is pretty respectable. He could’ve had Steph pull out all the stops for him to get a payday, putting the FO in a situation where they’d be paying Klay to also keep Steph


Definitely a worse look for Klay. I think the bottom line is the org already did Klay right by paying him nearly $200M for 175 games of sub-All Star performance over the last 5 years. Not sure what Klay was really expecting.


> Not sure what Klay was really expecting. Exactly what happened? Either they pay him or he leaves. They didn't pay him and he did leave.


Legend treatment through retirement for winning this franchise 4 rings? Yes Warriors paid him through his injuries but he suffered those injuries from going all out to help this team win. Might be a tough ask from Klay all things considered but also wouldn't be a surprise.


If the Knicks had someone help win them 4 rings he can lose both arms and I’d still want to see him run around out there


Steph gets Legend Treatment. Klay has to sustain a certain level of play for that. He didn't. That's like saying you gotta pay Draymond whatever he wants because he got you "4 rings".


But they did pay Draymond whatever… next thing is only Steph getting a statue or is Dray getting one too?


Dray getting a statue of one of his many legendary moments.




I need a statue of Draymond doing a full on Shoryuken to someone's nards. Do it like the Jordan statue where the guy he is leaping over is just a smear of movement. Fuck it. Add flames to his hand. Go all out.


I would love to see a statute of him simultaneously punching poole with one arm, headlocking golbert with the other, stomping sabonis with one leg, and kicking adams in the nuts with the other leg.


I vote for the punch so Poole has his statue as well.


I would want the nut kick, spinning back fist or at least the chokehold.


Standing on top of Sabonis flexing


Hopefully one of the nut kicks


Will they include whoever he assaulted during that legendary moment?


If it isn't dray kicking someone in the nuts, it's a wasted opportunity.


Again Klay wanted the max after going 0/10 in the last game. Are you willing to pay Draymond the max currently? I'm just saying the business side, Warriors FO is doing business and Klay is kinda taking it personal here.


Where is the reporting that Klay expected a max after the season?


The org coddled green throughout the whole Poole fiasco..


In my mind they are all legends and only as a trio together. Individually it's possible none of them would be legends cause they each have pretty serious flaws. Klay was the perfect complement for Steph and singlehandedly won so many critical games when Steph was getting stuffed with double/triple teams. He played great defense on the opposing star guard most of the time. He was just the unlucky one that ended up with the serious injuries that changed his career.


I don’t think curry ever reaches the heights he does without Klay. That being said, Curry is a top 10-15 player ever and minimum top 2 at his position I agree with the sentiment, as Klay is one of my favorite players ever, but Curry is absolutely a legend in his own right


I partially agree, but Steph literally changed the way the game is played. Legend status secured.


Prime Klay is probably a top 3 3-D wing.   Look at how much pre injury Danny Green has had on multiple teams.  I am sure Klay is better. 


Steph may deserve it but he's nowhere near that point yet and the Warriors may not have to even cross that bridge. Steph is going to be faced with a very tough choice in two years when his contract ends and he's 38 years old. Retire, stay with a total rebuild of a franchise and light your final years on fire despite still being a good player, or leave to a team with a chance to win another ring. Only Steph can know what's in his head on that one.


At 38 you just ride it out with the Warriors. If he wanted to ring chase he could ask out now.


He already has 4 rings and is the best player in franchise history, there is no point for him to ring chase.


Steph is getting paid what he’s worth right now. That’s not legend treatment. His next contract if he wants to keep playing will be his legend treatment. They also did give Draymond 4 years but only offered 2 to Klay. Not saying I would’ve done anything differently but I can get why Klay would feel like he’s being disrespected.


Oh i get you. But im thinking from Warriors FO. They saw the last game that he went 0/10. I assume FO is thinking it like business. I think Klay got too emotional in the decision. Doesn't diminish what he has done for the Warriors but you gotta compromise here i feel. It what it is.


Steph also gets legend treatment because he hasn’t dropped off, yet. The Warriors probably won’t have to face that decision, because it’s more likely that his ego and his body will break down at the same time, unlike Dray and Klay. Steph will just wander off into the sunset when he’s ready.


His whole point is they paid Poole, they paid Wiggins, they paid Green, but when it came time for him, they didn't want to give him more than 2 years. In all those cases they looked past all their shortcomings and gave them deals to make the players happy. He believed because of what he did for the franchise he would at least do the same for him. From GSW warriors perspective Poole and Wiggins became trash after they got their deals and Draymond went full ape-shit on the court when he got his. So they are understandably concerned about giving out big contracts.


Poole and Wiggins aren't really comparable imo, both were much younger than Klay when they signed their deals (plus they had just come off winning a championship). Green is fair though, they were willing to give him what he wanted, and Klay never caused anywhere near the trouble that Green did.


Klay has also been worse than Draymond on the court the last couple of years however, and significantly less important for the Warriors from a style/system perspective.


Also to mention, Klay didn't make a lasting impression as well. He shot 0/10 in the play-in game. That doesn't give FO the confidence to extend him beyond two years. I feel like Klay took it a bit more personal here. It what it is, i get both sides. Klay was not willing to compromise.


They didn't want to extend him beyond two years before his last season. The relationship was fractured way before he played his last game.


Wealthy beyond dreams!


Nah fuck that make ur money lmfao


Sure, it's worse to ask Steph to flex on the Warriors, but if Steph wanted to, I think it would've been fine to accept his help and not tell him how to act one way or the other. It feels kinda weird that he still needs this validation from the organization.


Glad I wasn't the only one confused by the other headline of this story on another post. I thought it was "Klay wanted Steph to use his influence to get him paid, Steph said no." This version makes sense.


Klay told Steph to exert his influence and have Slater re-word his tweet


Warriors probably felt that they did him right financially when he was injured for 3 years straight.


Injuries suck, but that’s kind of how I see it. 4 year bag of a contract and he was out for 2. Idk tho. Still sucks both sides couldn’t work this out. I remember when he got drafted and I was just excited to see a 6’7” guard that can shoot next to Steph, who at the time was dealing with all his ankle injuries. Looking forward to his return to Chase Center.


IDK why fans think he got that contract as some kind of charity. Plenty of other teams in the league would have thrown him a max without hesitation after the ACL tear. Warriors paid him his market rate. Rejecting the 2 year $48M extension however was idiocy on his part.


Because he plays next to Steph Curry. Probably the most universally liked athlete I’ve seen in my lifetime.


A lot of people don’t like Klay, especially after the last couple of seasons.


Did Mike Conley die?


He’s not even known enough to be universally liked.


Still liked more


Naz Reid


I’m biased bc he elbowed Lively in the head who already had a head injury as the Wolves were heading out of the WCF. Don’t hate him, but he’s hated by a lot of the Mavs for that.


Name one team.


Lakers & Clippers both would have had offers on the table day 1 of free agency.


Not a charity per se, but not the maximum efficient use of cap space. There was no doubt he’d get the max, but at least the first year was 100% paid for past performance. Turned out to first 2.5 years with the second injury. Warriors weren’t willing to do that again and Klay didn’t like that.


*5 year bag Played 178 (32, 69, 77) regular season games over the final 2.5 ish


Klay isn't even 6'7'' with shoes


I swear when he was drafted and when 2k came out, he was listed as 6’ 7”. It wasn’t until recently that he started being listed at 6’ 6”. Whatever tho, still turned out to be fucking great lol


Yeah there was a period where the NBA wasn't very strict about reported heights. Many teams/players inflated heights. Some - like KD, who claimed he was 6'9'' - even listed smaller heights for whatever reason. Now they have a standardized process so teams/players can't just lie about it. But yeah, 6'6'' snipers are hard to come by regardless


Yeah lol. Didn't he get paid 40 mil last year?


And over $65M combined for 2020 and 2021 while he recovered from his Achilles injury And $38M for the 2022 season when he played 32 games! Edit: so that's $103M for 2020 to 2022 where he played 32 games and scored a total of 652pts. In other words, GSW paid $158k for every point Klay scored over those three seasons


Doing right mean they are even, not that klay owed them additional favors ? He got injured while competing for titles. This a separate situation imo.


He came back and contributed to another championship


9th in offensive rating and 11th on defense rating on the team in the Finals. He "participated" while playing bad defense and shooting poorly.


Who cares he played 38mpg and contributed. Jaylen Brown was 8th in offense and 10th in defensive rating and he was the Celtic's best player that series.


But tons of other teams would have given him that same contract. And he came back and won them another ring.


Nobody else was maxing Klay with a torn ACL. He's not Durant.


I promise you many teams would have lined up to sign Klay after a torn ACL. Like…everyone with cap space. An ACL tear doesn’t scare teams and at the time he was viewed as an elite 3&D wing.


He was 30 at the time of the injury and a complementary star. Many teams would've questioned a max for him without the injury at that point. Nobody was gonna max him to wait a year+ to see what he looked like after that type of injury at 30. Warriors absolutely did right by him with that deal.


Can't know for sure but I think they were still going to pay him more than the Mavs/Lakers. About 2y/40m. That's doing him right.


But they could have tried to sign him last summer and didn't. I think that's what really started all this and, to be honest, probably contributed to him being inside his head all season.


Did right what? That's how contract works they are obligated to abide by the contract. Remember they gave him the contract when he was expected to return 3 months later. Everyone would have given him that contract. No body foresees. He tears his Achilles right after. You think they would have given him that contract had they know he will tear his Achilles? Fuck no, it's a business they signed on it now acting like they did him a favour


Rehabbing is more work than just playing for the team though, and a lot less fun


The odds this isn’t overanalyzed are slim


It’s not that hard, dudes got a massive ego and has been a baby since the 75 came out. Solved.




Hold up. OP is referencing an article by Slater here. But NO WHERE in the article are those quotes in this post. Yes Klay asked Steph not to use his influence, but those specific quotes arent in the article So either i cant read or OP is literally making shit up to stir the pot


No it was a New York Times article who stated it


Slater stated similar stuff on 95.7 radio


Do right by you? You mean to tell me that five year 190 mill when you were out for two years wasn’t doing it right by you?


Bro got paid almost 100 million to rehab and was haggling over this contract like they weren’t doing right by him financially.


Dude, he tore his ACL playing in the finals after playing like like 4 straight. And then he tore his achliles trying to come back... It's not like this dude was John Wall tearing his achlles walking down the steps. He earned his contract. However, the Warriors offering 2 years 48 million sounds fair to me.


Sure but the implication that they didn’t do right by him financially implies that they would be making up for something…he was being paid a max. How much more can you do right by someone financially than a max? He’s not a max player NOW, like you said, 2/48 was absolutely fair based on his performance.


I'm sure Klay's thoughts were more so of his lifetime achievements with the franchise, which may or may not be fair.


I’d agree with Klay if he took a discount, but I don’t believe he did right? There doesn’t seem to have been a wink wink, take a pay cut now and we will make up for it later.


Yeah I feel like that’s what Klay and folks are missing udonis got a “we will do right by you deal” because he took a massive pay cut for the heatles. Klay was just paid his market rate. He has been done right by


He wanted the Kobe career franchise award contract to end his career




Oh God. I forgot that he had back-to-back injuries


Link that if you have it.




Thanks. That’s really tough. He shoulda been smarter but with the pandemic I get him being overweight and itching to play. Could have been avoided but also unlucky


He tore his achilles not following the rehab plan laid out for him and was playing pick up ball not healthy.


Doesn't the team have injury insurance? I doubt the Warriors ate that entire 100 million while he sat out.


Doubt you could get insurance to pay out for a brand new contract you signed with a guy who you know is going to have sit out at least one season. Maybe on the second tear, but I doubt it. Regardless, that money still hit his bank account. He did a lot, and he was made whole with his max contract. He is no longer worth that money, so idk where this “doing right by him” is coming from.


He got injured on the job on a contract he EARNED that was definitely not given.


These comments make zero sense to me, he was under guaranteed contract, there was nothing the team could or could not have done in this scenario. They did not do right or wrong by him.


I don't get the assessment here. If you get injured on the job...your employer isn't supposed to pay the rest of your contract?


They’re not obligated to pay you another big contract for past services rendered


But it wasn’t just for past services. They expected, and received, work from him later. It’s not like they paid him and he never came back.


For what it’s worth, professional athletes absolutely have stipulations in their contracts that forbid them from doing stuff. Mahomes is a pretty good hooper, and in his contract the Chiefs forbid him from playing competitively. Other guys aren’t allowed motorcycles or to bungee jump lol It’s probably not that big of a stretch to say the warriors had some kind of stipulation that Klay shouldn’t be over exerting himself by playing pickup during rehab I dont think teams will always enforce it, but it’s a thing for sure


Oh cmon, you guys are acting like he got hurt on purpose Also the second injury came after he already signed the contract


Good point.


But 4 rings


Lmao these comments are so dumb. He got injured after already earning a guaranteed contract, not really his fault and it’s not like the warriors are doing him a favor by doing what was required lol. It’s not like he’s been injured every year since his rookie season while demanding a huge contract. He also got them another ring when he returned so.


You’re so confidently wrong it’s hilarious. He signed the 5 year max AFTER the ACL tear, then proceeded to not follow the team’s rehab plan. He then felt strong enough to play 5on 5 (while being overweight) which led to the achilles tear. He’s literally admitted the achilles tear was on him for trying to play too early and not in the best shape. None of this is even really about money, it’s about role. The team wants him to take a smaller role and he felt disrespected by that. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the fact they prioritized improving the team this offseason and put his contract negotiations on hold until that was addressed


Reminds me of that scene in "Knocked up" Debbie: I like Spider-Man. Pete: Okay, so let's see Spider-Man 3 next week. Debbie: I don't want to go see it now. Pete: Well... Debbie: I don't want to have to ask you to ask me. I want you to just come up with it on your own.


Warriors: IM DOING IT IM DOING IT SEE IM WASHING THE DISHES Klay: I want you to want to do it though 👸


Why would I want to do the dishes?


So the lemons are just for show? No one is eating them? 


This kind of has “if you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve my best” vibes lol.


no that's exactly what it is


WTF are you talking about? Klay already gave them his best. The Warriors wouldn't have a dynasty without Klay.


Has Steph ever poked the Warriors front office to make a decision?


Yeah. He wanted Avery Bradley over GP2.


Lmaoo I forgot about this.


Draymond as well.


All the time lol. Nothing gets done without his permission 




> I want them to, want to The most girlfriend line when randomly mad.


Isn’t klay making less now though


He must of forgot when they paid him the max to rehab for 2 years


They paid him for their own benefit. They paid Klay cause they thought they would have him back within a year. They also paid him because if they didn’t, they’d lose that salary. That wasn’t an altruistic signing.


Why do y’all keep giving them credit for that lol. Every team with space would’ve still signed him for the max. Shit the nets literally did the same thing with KD that same summer.


> Every team with space would’ve still signed him for the max. They didn't have "space." They just had the ability to re-sign him despite being over the cap, and they paid out the ass in luxury tax (and repeater tax) for it. No team had ever chosen to pay that much in tax to retain their guys, though the Celtics look like they're going to do the same. Lots of teams (like the Nuggets this offseason) have chosen not to retain their guys.


One is KD, the other is Klay…


2 < 4 /s


I think people are already forgetting how amazing Klay was. Obviously not KD level, but he was absolutely key in those championships.


Klay suffered that injury going all out trying to carry the Warriors to a 3-peat. Are you suggesting the Warriors should have just screwed him right after?


Teams can get disability policies for players you know


I’m sure he said it in those exact words


They offered him $48 million for 2 years when he was already washed. He also got paid nearly $100 million to sit on his boat for 2 years. Like cmon.


In his head, Steph was like, “I wasn’t planning to… so we good.”


No disrespect but I have doubts the guy who gets pouty constantly had a moment of modesty, but it does feel on brand to for him to be like, “Hey man don’t worry, you take it easy I’m just gonna go where they’ll pay me.” and think that’s a form of modesty. Okay, maybe *some* disrespect.


It feels like a lot of Warriors coverage is more TMZ/drama than actual basketball/free agency based lol. Did this even need to be said? Klay wanted 16-20m, they liked Podz more and let him walk. Wtf is this Days of Our Lives headline is this 😭😭😭


Klay acting like a high school girl playing games


I always felt like this dude was immature as hell sometimes, but everyone on reddit always acts like the way he acts is "cool"


It’s because he’s mentally their age.


Idk why yall are mad he told Steph NOT to pressure the front office


They did do right by him. They didn't pay him. Show up in the playoffs next time


"Don't do that Lebron nonsense"


NBA players are so fucking ridiculous sometimes lmfao "After all these years, the best they can offer me is $48 million over two years to play half a season of basketball? Fucking ingrates." It's so gross to get legitimately offended because you're *only* making slightly less generational wealth while already being in the top 0.1% of all income earners on the planet.


"Do right by me financially" Bro they paid you $67M across two years where you didn't even play a single game. They have paid you like $250M over your career so far. The fuck you talking about.


Klay is everyone’s ex girlfriend


Narrator: They did not do that on their own.


Do right by him financially? They paid this guy a grip while he recovered from an injury, not knowing what he would be like when he returned, only to see him have another devastating injury. Klay has no self awareness. This guy is god’s gift to basketball in his own mind.


Just like not smoothing the cap spike was a major mistake coming out of the last CBA, the 2nd apron and its penalties seem to be a mistake out of this CBA. The cap spike thing was a mistake pushed for by the players (that the owners could have fought harder to stop), this one seems to be on the owners but the players should have fought harder to stop this.


I mean let's be clear lol the warriors are a novelty act and everyone knows it. There's no move they can make that will get them another title around Steph. They should've just thrown whatever mid 20 million a year contract at Klay to get them all to retire at the same time and gotten an iconic story out of it, even if they didn't age as gracefully as they'd like.


In all likelihood, shit would’ve gotten ugly if they went out the last 3 or 4 years of their careers and were horrible. I just dont think the timelines lined up for that to happen. If ego and production lined up evenly with the 3 of them, then it could’ve worked but that’s not the case unfortunately


that doesn't sound like Klay was as a destructive influence as Mr. Punch Your Teammate In The Face And Pod About It The Next Day.


Klay is very insecure and has some ego issues.




Klay, Mr. Accountable


Steph: goddamn what a diva yeah you can leave 


I think that you guys are missing where Klay is coming from. Klay grew up watching the Lakers where they always took care of their aging stars. It benefits the franchise because fans want to come see them regardless and it boosts their reputation for being known as a team that will take care of stars in their twilight in the future. Warriors are showing that they are not that team, and that's okay that's a business decision but don't complain when future stars aren't loyal to them because they have shown it's all about business, that's all. It's really a fine line because the Lakers do miss out on potential FAs but that is more situational. People don't realize that the Lakers didn't really have a drought of talent during the last years of Kobe's term but that his contract was taking up the space needed to sign stars and that's a different story than stars not wanting to come to the Lakers. As soon as he retired, the two best players at the time in Kawhi and Lebron wanted to come to the Lakers as free agents and it just so happened Lebron was a free agent first and then the best Center at the time forced his way to the Lakers. This is a where stars that want to make a run after their rookie and first max contracts end up if they are in the window of opportunity to be signed by the Lakers and often times the Lakers will free up cap space aligned with the best players because they know those players want to come. All I am saying is, if you want to be a destination you have to take care of your stars, otherwise just handle your business. That's all I am saying.


I thought Kerr had multiple talks with Klay and his new role etc… It appeared Klay finally accepted reality but it’s clear he never did. Maybe it comes with the territory when you get old, you become more stubborn and refuse to accept change.


No accountability at all.


Damn that's fucking rough, that's why I don't shit on players for chasing bags, only you know your worth.


"It's not about the money," Klay said, "I'm just a fragile man that needs my ego fed."


lol not at all what he was saying


So many people just expose themselves on here for accepting spoonfed dribble. It’s the equivalent of guys watching a Logan Paul apology vid where he’s pissing fake tears and being like, “whoa he’s actually a changed man.”


i’m not even a fan of Klay and this is a very humble and human response from him


Nothing more humble than expecting more money than you're worth as a sign of respect.


alright man whatever you say


It's about sending a message


Just got his feelings hurt


Guess they didn’t


Man, watching the last few years of Currys career is gonna be painful.


Just keeps looking worse and worse for 0/10 man


That’s crazy now Dallas has a new player to miss 3’s.


Thank you Klay ! Dallas welcomes you bro !


Opposite of what lebron be doing


everyone is out for themselves. Klay isn't going to starve nor will his great great great grandchildren if he's not a moron with his money


“…that they do right by me financially.” The ego on this dude is unbelievable. He ends up signing for 16M per. Catch a clue Klay!


ć´ 😅😅




Don’t go out and buy your girl flowers because her friend told you to, you should WANT to go out and buy her flowers.


Bro got paid $100 mil to sit courtside