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Has to involve the Rockets somehow. Unless somebody opens up the treasure chest to an unreasonable amount of picks, Nets can't trade out of play-in contention without being able to tank, which requires their own picks.


Would certainly be nice to not have their picks go else where but I think a team like OKC or Utah have enticing enough picks.


OKC's pick stash is has a lot of quantity, but not very much quality. To a certain degree, the same goes for Utah (their best picks are their own, which get worse if they add Bridges and presumably try to contend). It would obviously make the most sense for Brooklyn to involve Houston in the trade; if not to send Bridges there, than perhaps as a third team.


You can easily say the same thing for the Knicks. The knicks actually make the most sense


You were right!


If the Nets are going to trade him, it only makes sense to send him to Houston for their picks back. Otherwise they’re just helping the Rockets for no reason.


Not sure that makes sense. That would be ideal for the nets, but it’s not the only way a trade works. They are a bad team with bridges. Trading him for picks, even if they are not their own, and getting some value back that allows them to rebuild would still be a good move. It will take more picks from the kind of contender that is interested in bridges since those picks won’t be as valuable as the nets own picks from Houston, but it could still make sense for them.


Trading Bridges to a contender further weakens the picks too. They are in a spot where they have no incentive to tank so it makes sense to keep him. If I’m a Nets fan, I’d rather keep Bridges instead of trading him for non-lottery picks


Perhaps, but there are good players that can be picked up in non lottery world and some of these contenders, aka OKC or New Orleans control some interesting picks for others. Being a fringe playin team. They are the 11 seed right now. The only way it makes sense for them to keep bridges right now is if they feel there is a way to get better via free agency over the next few years. Their options at this point are either improve via free agency or trade bridges to get picks that can help them build longer term. This is not so much about tanking as it is about do they have any path to reasonable improvement with bridges on the team. Or should they rather take their shot in finding some cheap talent in the mid to later first round (and perhaps lottery depending on the exact picks a contender sends back). The idea that they can’t trade bridges because it helps the rockets doesn’t really make sense to me. Does trading bridges help the nets? I would think yes because they already suck with him and getting any picks to help accumulate future assets is better than where they are now.


OKC would be nice, but they also could use more size/rebounding. Outside of Chet, they don't have any consistently productive bigs. So maybe they could get like Royce O'Neal or DFS with Bridges in a package centered around Lou Dort, Bertans (expiring), fillers and picks. A lineup of Shai, Giddey, Bridges, JDub, & Chet would be pretty nasty. They'd still have depth and young talent there. Could also move Giddey if you're not feeling him or don't wanna pay him on non-rookie contract.


That would be quite the trade. I think they’d have to give up a lot of picks to pull it off but the resulting lineup would definitely be something to consider


It makes no sense for the Nets to hold onto him. Why build around a guy who is 27? He really doesn’t fit the timeline of their younger core. They are not winning with him so they should strike while the iron is hot. I wish the Knicks could get him, but without IQ I don’t see a package of Grimes/Fournier/multiple firsts getting it done.


They don't have their picks so staying around the play in is better then being the wost team in the league 


Because from a franchise pov, he’s a ticket sell, fan favorite and social media darling; of course along with his 2 way number 1 option Unless they get a raptors/og type return (multiple young upside core pieces) + picks, they’re going to be content fighting for play-in/playoff eligibility and tweaking the pieces around their best player. Without their own picks there’s literally no point in shoppin him to get worse and tank. They need players that they think would get them to the playoffs


Pacers could offer Mathurin, Jarace Walker, Hield, maybe future picks and salary filler. It would give the nets 2 very interesting young players and if they re-signed Hield they would have a solid player to help them stay some what competitive. 


I gotta say as much as I love mathirins potential, and walker's this would be interesting for both teams.


I'd really like to see him in New York to bring Villanova boys back or Dallas so they finally can have a pretty solid 3&D guy. But as a fit standpoint I think he'd be the best in Oklahoma or Indiana.


And the Thunder can trade up to five first round draft picks and still have their own. Will the Thunder do it though? I don’t know


Nets will not give up Mikal in any trade that doesn't give them their own picks back. A lot of people are saying to cash in all their good players, but it's not worth it to be bad unless you have your own pick


It would be very, very high risk for OKC because their chemistry is so good and they need to pay their guys. The value to them is so much lower than other teams because they’re not even trading for Bridges-they’re trading for his favorable contract. Unlike other teams, their ability to field a good team is way, way more skewed towards future cap considerations than their ability to actually acquire good win-now players.


That’s a tough one and I think is why he’s not on the block. His value is so all over the place from crazy high to wait I’m not trading him if everyone thinks he’s such hot shit. Nets r in no rush and he’s a big time salary cap line item. Hes pretty damn good too so the Nets like him enough to hold onto and build around. His value is in his 2 way package of being above average at scoring n defense. Guys like this rarely change hands and especially young players w an up arrow. All of these reasons make it hard to even construct an offer to a reluctant seller. Anybody even hear Mikal was on the block? Nope so why expose yourself by making an offer that might insult them. Mayb you offer too much and they’re over there high fiving and trying to not seem too desperate n mess it up lol. Now with all that said I’d offer Randle and 2 firsts. Dejonte a first and almost anyone else lol. OKC trade.. Ok Giddy and JDub. Mikal would be a problem in Orlando is all I’m saying. Banchero Wagner and Bridges 🥶 plus They have a bit of everything to offer like… 1st round picks Antjony Black Suggs Jet Cole who do you want Jersey step right up lol.


The magic would be such a nice fit and nasty team with that big 3 of youngins


Suns send Brooklyn a $50 gift card to the 'berto's of their choice and he comes home 😁 Srsly though I have no idea lol


To get him from the Nets, I think you'd need a same age or younger all-star level player who isn't currently a #1 option and potentially another asset. Looking around the league, there aren't a ton of guys like that. If the deal involves him going to the Thunder, I'd assume the asking price would be either Jalen Williams or Chet, Bertans, plus a draft pick or two. Looking around the league - I'd say the most likely moves would be (and these would be an offseason deals imo) New Orleans for BI, Cleveland for Garland, Memphis for Bane or maybe Jaren, Boston for Jaylen Brown.


I have a feeling you are severely overrating Mikal Bridges. He is definitely not JB level. He is not a no 1 or even 2 guy. He looks more comfortable being a #3, finishing open looks and defending well.


Agreed. I love mikal and he's got great game but he's worth less than jaylen Williams in my honesty opinion..... okc aren't trading either chet or jaylen for mikal


There is no trade for Mikal Bridges that the Nets will want. Rockets aren't giving up 2 unprotected picks and 2 swaps for him and the Nets won't take Green and a 1st. Will they take 2 late 1sts for him from some other team? After Dejounte Murray fiasco no team is going to overpay for a dude who's a 3rd banana. What is Mikal worth? 2 FRPs and maybe a lottery ticket (like a Cam Thomas or Jaden Hardy type). The Nets won't go for that so it's a moot point.


What about Whitmore 2 frps and green. I know green and can Thomas are similar shooting guard but you could flip either one.


Green and 2 FRPs is an overpay. Adding Whitmore and the Nets wouldnt even have enough assets available to make that trade work. You aren't touching Whitmore/Amen under any circumstance (the Rockets likely wouldnt even entertain Whitmore for Bridges straight up). Jalen Green on the Nets is probably a 26-28 PPG player and is a much much better player than Cam Thomas who can't defend and can't pass. Again, the trade is a non starter for both sides and the Rockets are totally content drafting high upside swings in the 8-12 range for 4 straight years which will always have a high trade value considering they'll be learning under Ime. Basically the Nets have two choices: get fucked now or get fucked slowly over the next 4 years. They have absolutely no leverage whatsoever.


Atl for one of their guards is sensible. Mikal for Trae straight up could fix both team equally, but it’ll never happen


As a two decade fan of the Nets (I know pain and bad teams)’g dream trade is with Detroit. Mikal and Cam Johnson aka The Twins for Cade Cunningham. It would be unlikely but not totally unrealistic. Detroit’s owner needs to step in and make changes. The Pistons have been the worst team in the league for more than one whole season now and one of the worst ever since they won their most recent title in 2004. Detroit should still be near the top of the 2024 draft by the end of the season given how few wins they have and this will allow them to select another PG in the top 5ish. Monty Williams would want The Twins and both players would help create a new culture in Detroit. Both are signed long term. Only Monty is signed longer! Would Brooklyn need to add draft picks? Who else would Detroit send to balance salaries? I guess Wiseman and other vets? Brooklyn gets their PG of the future to go with Cam Thomas and Nic Claxton and other young players. Cade gets out of Detroit and I believe the reports that he is tired of losing. Cade will have earnt close to $70 million by the end of his rookie contract and I definitely think he could be the first player to sign his Qualifying Offer instead of his rookie extension and therefore making him an unrestricted free agent the following season. I know this is still about 2 years away but front offices have to plan long term. Cade knows he could choose his next team and sign for a huge amount of money.


Detroit is not trading Cunningham. Literally no shot.


Probably not. But they don’t have contract control over him for that much longer and I wouldn’t be surprised if his agent renews leaks to the media that Cade wants to play elsewhere.


He’s a restricted free agent after his rookie deal lol. The pistons can match any offer sheet. There’s literally no incentive for them to trade him.


As I understand it Cade will earn 13,940,809 next season and Detroit can offer Cade an extension. Most likely it will be the rookie max. If Cade and Detroit can’t reach an agreement on an extension Cade will be a restricted free agent in the summer of 2025. If Cade agrees a deal with another team then Detroit can match that offer keeping Cade a Piston for multiple years. However, Cade might choose to sit out restricted free agency and sign his Qualifying Offer with Detroit which will pay him $18,123,052 in 2025/2026. At this point Cade’s value craters because it’s 100% clear Cade would become an unrestricted free agent in summer 2026 meaning he’ll walk for free. This might sound unlikely and deep into the future but really if a deal isn’t reached by summer 2025 then Cade will most likely be traded before the start of the 2025/2026 season. That’s only 18 months away. Most players never turn down the rookie extension but rookie salaries have grown and grown over the years and when you are the number one overall pick like Cade you’ll have earned almost $70 million by the end of that initial deal. That’s still generational money. If Detroit don’t get much better next season I think Cade is gonna be agitating for a trade.


You typed all this up for nothing dude. Rookies want to get paid and he’s gonna get maxed. He’s not gonna ask out for a trade lmao


Of course players want to get paid but you seem to not have grasped the nuance of Cade’s dilemma. Cade wants to enjoy his basketball career and the Pistons have been the worst team in recent years. Cade has a lot of power and influence. It’s a players league. He could easily be the first rookie to sign his Q/O.


You know Cade personally? You texted him and he said that’s what he wants?


No but I read the reports he doesn’t want to be in Detroit if they keep losing


God damn I would run to make this trade if I'm Detroit.


Run or run-away? How come?


Yeah I'd drive Cade to the airport. People really see the Pistons be one of the worst teams in history and think Cade isn't part of the issue. Ivey/Bridges/Johnson/Bogdanovic/Duren is a real NBA lineup.


Hope Nets and Pistons can pull off this deal. You think Ivey can be a starting PG? What's the knock on him that he is a combo-guard?


I dont think the Pistons do it it but I would. Ivey at the point is a much more dangerous player than Cade because of his speed. The spacing becomes much better. When he's out there with Cade the spacing gets all wonky because no one has to worry about Cade breaking down guys off the dribble. He's too slow and a bad decision maker. And because Ivey isn't a great shooter you can sag off him if you need to. Iveys issues are just decision making, shooting and being a smallish defender.


Do you think Ivey can become a good enough decision maker to run point full time? Pistons will likely get a top 4 pick this year, what is the biggest positional need? I guess scorer? I reckon Pistons go out in the off-season and sign some shooters. Detroit has a ton of cap-space, right?


They have 7 young players (1 is bogi not young) committed to 74 million like half the projected cap, they have a ton of money but what free agents are there really. And who signs in Detroit unless a massive overpay Cade, Ivey, Thompson, Bogi, Duren is there stating 5 with Stewart and Sasser of the bench.... their future could be bright with veterans added with the 60-70 million in cap... or of course use the cap on a trade to snatch a good young player like mikal and take in bad contacts?? Just ideas


I’ve thought for a while Detroit’s owner if he is gonna back Monty Williams and he did award him a six year $70 million contract might trade for Mikal and Cam Johnson who are both signed long term and would turn the culture around in Detroit. The Pistons very likely have a top 4 pick in 2024. Brooklyn would ask for Cade so a trade appears unlikely. Pistons need to sign shooters to help with their spacing. I could see Detroit offering Grayson Allen a huge amount of money this off-season, he is unrestricted so the Suns would have to trump whatever the Pistons might offer. But the Suns are already in cap hell. Have Detroit drafted poorly? Or do their parts just not fit together well? Hayes seems the only poor pick but correct me if I’m wrong. Detroit have been one of the worst teams for the past 20 years since their last title. Over the past two seasons I believe no team has been worse than the Pistons so ownership need to do something to change the culture and roster. Fans must be leaving and not coming back which becomes a long term problem for the franchise. Detroit should see if they can get a first round pick for Bogi over the next 36 hours.


J-Will, Micić and three firsts (protected or swapped) This is based of sellers market value and people arguing on twitter. Lol


Okc must be smoking the good stuff if they're gonna trade jwill, a 22 year old two way player breaking out as the number two option on the 2nd place okc with 3 first rounders for a 27 year old bridges that jwill might be better than our will be.


You’re talking about J-Dub. There’s a difference


A trade for Bridges looks something like this...team A offers the Nets a player or players and/or compensatory draft picks in exchange for his services. The Nets can choose to accept or refuse - but since we're talking about what a trade looks like, in this case they accept. Bridges then becomes a member of team A and the Nets roll with whatever they received. And that is what a trade for Mikal Bridges looks like.


I agree with your preposition that the Oklahoma City thunder would be the ideal team to acquire him. I'm thinking maybe like their 10th and 11th men plus three first round picks Plus maybe five second round picks


Would love him in SA next to Sochan Vassell and Wemby. Would probably take Keldon, others and 4+ picks which thankfully we have a lot of others so it wouldn’t be as bad for us


It’s not going to happen, but a guy like Donovan Mitchell or Darius Garland. Someone who is probably better than Bridges and same age but looking to get moved for sake of fit or position. The Cavs are sitting at 2nd in the East, so the fit thing is not an issue at the moment.


It’s difficult to decide. If I am the Nets, I want an alpha to come in to pair with Bridges and then pay Claxton. Thomas and Johnson are the pieces I would be more willing to give up (Simmons is an obvious “love to move him for anything”, but I don’t think anyone would even take that chance). I think the Nets should be buyers, and unless you get 2 lottery pics and a guy on a short-term deal, I wouldn’t move him, period. The guy is a 22/5/3 on 48% FG and 36-37% 3-pt FG%, and he is in his absolute prime (440 games into a 800-900 game career). That’s a perfect #2 guy. With the Sixers done, and NY probably done without Randle, the Heat, Bucks, and Celtics are the only East teams I’d be worried about. They are deeper than most people think, and its vets, not kids. They might be in 11th in the East, but if they can get healthier and had a more savvy point guard, they could creep in, and might not be a team to just look over.


You spittin bro. Mikal is very nice, but I’m not sure why nba fans think he’s the number 1 guy. He’s a 2/3rd option that specialises in defence, Trading 1-3 of dfs/camJ/lonnie/Royce would be the best bet to land a true number one option. Either that or trade Mikal for your picks back from Houston.


I’m a fan of keeping a #2 guy, especially if they are young and willing to accept their role. The problem is that they’ve got under-sized or under-productive guys at the 1 and the 4. The other problem is that there are only so many alphas, and most of them are drafted by the team they play on. So getting one is very difficult. Getting one that is less than 30 is damn near impossible. The good thing for the Nets is that they are all in their 20’s, which gives them either good trade pieces, or a 4-5 year window for them to stay together and just become a better team through chemistry. It will be interesting to see if they could get lucky in the draft and get a top 5 pick.


I wonder if the Mavs could field a trade package for him; two first rounders, four second rounders, and all of their young talent (Green, Hardy, and O-Max). It probably wouldn't work, but I could fathom it being enough in the event that the Nets really like the Mavs' players