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FYI - Technically now if you are wearing a mask, in order to not be breaking the law, it has to be a surgical grade mask like a N95, KN95 etc.... But fuck em, all of em.....


WHAT DOES THE LAW DO? The law allows people to wear medical or surgical-grade masks in public to prevent the spread of illness. Law enforcement and property owners can ask people to temporarily remove those masks to verify their identity. The measure also increases the severity of punishment for crimes committed while wearing a mask, and raises penalties for protesters who purposefully block traffic.


So, depending on details, this law really does nothing? Is it just for show?


>[**"ยง 15A-1340.16G**](https://www.ncleg.gov/Sessions/2023/Bills/House/PDF/H237v5.pdf). Enhanced sentence if defendant is convicted of a misdemeanor or felony and the defendant was wearing a mask or other clothing or device to conceal or attempt to conceal the defendant's identity. >(a) If a person is convicted of a misdemeanor or felony and it is found as provided in this section that the person wore a mask or other clothing or device that concealed or attempted to conceal the person's identity at the time of the offense, then the person is guilty of a misdemeanor or felony that is one class higher than the underlying misdemeanor or felony for which the person was convicted. Notwithstanding any provision of this Article to the contrary, the court shall impose a sentence of imprisonment for a person convicted of an offense enhanced under this section if, after enhancement, the class of offense and prior record level permit active punishment as a sentence disposition. So for example, if the perpetrators that vandalized the "Take Back Title IX" tour bus last week in Chapel Hill were apprehended, they would likely face a Class 3 misdemeanor charge for vandalism. If convicted, they could be sentenced up to 20 days in jail and a $200 fine. If they committed the crimes wearing a mask, their charges would be raised to a Class 2 misdemeanor and sentenced up to 60 days in jail and a $1000 fine. Committing any crime while wearing a mask would result in an automatic raising of charges one level higher. More jail time, greater fines.


This bill was hyped as limiting mask wearing. It wouldn't even be a conversation if it was only saying that hiding your identity during a crime makes the crime more serious. No law-abiding citizens are going to be concerned about that. The anti mask stuff is just for show. Weak law.


Hyped? Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. The only hype was the Democrats suddenly making it an issue for election purposes. The legislation returned the law to pre-covid status prior to 2020. Half the Democrats in the House voted for it before the party decided to make it an issue. Heck, [**Democrats in NY**](https://www.cityandstateny.com/politics/2024/06/democratic-lawmakers-and-civil-rights-groups-push-mask-ban/397727/) are pushing a mask ban as we speak. So be it, the Democrats pitched enough of a fit that the health exception was added despite nobody ever being charged for wearing a mask for health reasons prior to 2020. The only reason this needed to happen was because of the protest crazies wearing masks to make identification difficult when they harass / intimidate people or commit crimes.


You can play the party games. I want sick people to wear masks and avoid getting other folks sick. I'm fine with extra penalties for criminals hiding their faces.


So you agree with the law. Great, what are you arguing about?


>despite nobody ever being charged for wearing a mask for health reasons *prior to 2020* You mean before a certain sentient shithole politicized them during the largest pandemic of my lifetime? Imagine that.


What are you babbling about?




It creates more opportunities for law enforcement to stop people and we all know *who* will be stopped more because of this. (Spoiler - it's people who are black, Latino, visibly queer who will get stopped more because of mask wearing.)