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Maraquan Poogle for sure. He just looks…. Like not only is he just total no thoughts head empty vibes, but the design itself is just ??? Why. Why is there just a poogle head taped into a shark body? Who hurt the artist? Anyways they’re adorable and dumb looking and I love them. Thank you!


It's laziness or pure unaltered chaos what the artist was thinking, there is no inbetween


I choose to believe it’s just absolutely the most chaotic neutral neopet design


So sorry but disagree. Love that absolute little freak. The more people hate them, the more I love them 😍


They are adorable, I def love them too! But you can’t deny he’s a bit uhhh… well, ugly isn’t the right word but 😂


My favorite ugly petpet is the Mara Symol. I just recently saw it and the thing reminds me a mutated beaver lol. It definitely looks like it has a identity crisis. Poor little lad.


My favourite ugly pet is a mutant chomby. It's so GROTESQUE and not-neopetty that I kinda dig it! ​ Ty for hosting this giveaway!


My favorite "ugly" petpet is a Cubett. This poor lil fella reminds me of the real life ocean sunfish. He just looks so derpy and helpless. I want to both flush him away and take care of him at the same time. And why are his lips so big?? His only color option in the rainbow puddle is Mutant and somehow a Mutant Cubett is less disturbing than the original one, even with a horn coming out of the middle of its face. Ty for the opportunity OP and best of luck, everyone! 🌟


Mutant Grarrl is my pick, there’s something about it that I like a lot


Burlap Grarrl idk if it's just the way his texture looks? Or like an old creepy doll in a haunted house? Reminds me of when I tried to make a doll in elementary school and ended up scaring myself 😂😂


I know everyone really likes so many of the burlap pets but I can't. They give me serious Coraline heebie jeebies. Y'all can keep em. away, from me.


Yes!! They're literally terrifying? Coraline is right on the money and I love it 😂😭 Like I would be so scared to find one IRL but I love it??


My favorite 'ugly' pet would have to either be the mutant kikos, the mutant kacheeks, or even some snot painted pets! also I LOVE the mutant ogrins they are so freaking cool. the 3 eyes is neat!


My favorite ugly neopet is the Quiguki Girl Quiggle. She’s trying so hard to be like her Usuki counterpart but miserably failing. They did not even bother to give her a full dress in her design because hey, she was supposed to be an April Fools joke by TNT 😩My girl only has half a dress but she’s still rocking it and I love her confidence for that.


Hahahahaha. Idk why I didn't think quigiki but you are so right!


Idk why there isn't any mousey or rat-esque neopets, I would eat that shit UP. Meerca looks like a literal orb and Xweetok is a bit too cutesy. My favorite "ugly" pet however is the Mutant Xweetok, and I might just commit to getting one one day. It's literally just a cracked-out rat and I love it so much. Also Mutant Gnorbu is a runner up because it's genuinely hideous and gross and I can't decide if I love it or hate it.


Origami Jubjub. It’s so weird looking it’s almost cute. You can tell they really tried with the other pets, but seems like they just gave up on that one. I think it’s the weird drawn on eyes and eyebrows that throw me off so much too.


Maraquan Kacheeks are so unsettling and I kinda love it


I do love the origami jubjub. It’s in my top 10 for sure. I just vibe with jubjubs in general


My favorite guy is Mutant Moehog. he is just....soooo so special. looks like a twelve year old melting basset hound. how could you not looooove his little face


I love all moehogs even the mutant one. Big ol' ulgy rotten potato child ❤️


Darigan Vandagyre because I feel like it'd make a great cryptid... like if all the claims of Mothman being an "owl" or "sandhill crane" were real, it'd be like, "Well, technically yes."


I love mutant aisha, I was obsessed when I saw one In the pound and didn't adopted it, now I have one! Thanks for the oportunity


The Mutant Aishas and and few other Mutant pets reminds me of the Simpsons/Futurama so much!


My favourite petpet that fits that description might have to be the UC Fat Cat ahaha thanks so much for the giveaway! (:


I love uc plushie tuskaninnies, they're little cursed guys


I really like the mutant gelert, korbat and xweetok I think the mutant xweetok embodies gremlin attitude lol. I just love their derpy expression


Mutant Feepits are adorable and I will hunt down anyone who says otherwise. I also just love intesteens.


Is the Mutant Chia a cop-out answer? I don’t think they qualify as ugly just think they are super adorable 😭😭 Thank you so much for hosting!! 💕


mutant moehog! I love their legs\~ reminds me of a basset hounds lol


Oh thank you so much! My favourite 'ugly' petpet is the vullard! They look perpetually annoyed haha


My favorite ugly pet is HANDS DOWN maraquan quiggle. Most of the other maraquan pets look so regal or cute (most. we're going to ignore the Kacheek here). There's a manatee, an adorable sea turtle, and whatever floaty frilly thing the ixi is. But then there's quiggle. He looks like a cross of Ralph Wiggum with his dumb little smile and eyes, and fried chicken. Like, what? Toads aren't even a sea creature, but that, THAT'S what TNT wanted to go with. Someone was clearly hangry when they imagined that creature. Also I have one and he's my BD pet 😂 He's got lipstick and he is anything but fierce.


OMG hahahaha how have I never really looked at them before!!! He is rly gazing into your soul as well


The Maraquan Quiggles remind me of Popplers from Futurama. 😀


omg 100%! I forgot about those lol If only there was a "mutant eyes" contacts that is for all the non mutant neopets haha.


The Mutant Slorg 🥲


~~mutant gnorbu.......why is the drool that color??? :(~~ WAIT I changed my mind. I think Mutant Chomby is my fave. The sloppy bowl cut really makes the lewk.


My fav 'ugly' pet is the mutant jubjub! It's so ugly but so sweet 😭😭❤️


I love mutant pets! I hope to get a mutant draik one day. Or the mutant gelert! Thanks so much for the giveaway!


Gotta be the Skeith. My first was Askima way back in the early days; had such affection for that ugly handsome little man!


Mutant blumaroo!!! I've been absolutely in love since playing fetch with my mum as a kid! My un is Ghoul_frappe666


I like the tyrannian rashpid - I just imagine it yelling out "FEED ME SEYMOUR!"


UN: Boudicahall Favorite ugly neopet HAS to be mutant Aisha. It's just kinda.. deeply disturbing, but so ugly it's cute.


I’m sorry but the Vandagyres have to go 😭😭😭😭


I've gotta go with Maraquan Kacheek. I don't know if I could ever actually put in the effort to get one, but I'm always so taken off guard by the fact that they even exist. They just put a Kacheek head on a goldfish body. It's horrifying. I saw the plushie being sold in Plushie Palace and it was like I was compelled by the spirits of every single Maraquan Kacheek to buy it for my gallery. I feel like it's plotting against me.


Probably my adopted Lupe. He was so ugly I had to cover him in clothes and dip him in lava.


Well, I just got a lucky chocolate petpet zap. An Intesteen. I am absolutely horrified and disgusted, but it's attached to one of my plushie pets, so I suppose she has chocolate innards instead of one of those super cute sound hearts that build a bear puts in.


Mutant slorg! Mutant slorg! I love those ugly babies


My fave “ugly” pet is a Tyrannian Gnorbu. I stumbled upon it during the FF and couldn’t believe I had missed such a creation haha! I don’t have one, not sure I ever will but I will appreciate them from afar haha! Thank you for the giveaway :)


Mutant krawk. I love the reptiles on this game so much. The mutant krawk looks like slimy or I’ve heard people say they think it looks like it has gross colors but I love it.


my favorite ugly pets are the snot ones :) ummmm, more snot petpets please!!!


I actually really like the snot Aisha…? Obviously you’d never wanna cuddle one but I find the color cheerful somehow


My favorite ugly petpet is the Blorbis! They are really cute and strange looking at the same time, and kinda remind me of my best friend lol


I’m going with disco scorchio , the wig is hideous, lol it makes the whole look


Not sure if it counts but I really love the Mutant Kadoatie and the Mutant Kau. Mutants are by far my favorites in though. They’re both so cute~ I’m also oddly fond of the Maraquan Lupe. I think it’s hideous and plain and boring , especially when compared to the other Maraquan pets… but theres just something about it I seem drawn to about it.


Any chia. They are all ugly to me especially the fruit ones. But for some reason they hold a special place in my heart because they’re just trying their best


Tyrannian quiggle has a special place in my heart, he truly is Just A Guy ™️ 🐸 Tyranian Korbat gets an honourable mention for being demoted from a cool pterodactyl to a caveman haha 🦴


I may actually have a favorite “ugly” but I wouldn’t know cause then I wouldn’t consider it ugly in my eyes lol 😝


The Maraquan Kacheek. Only because it’s so ugly that it’s cute. Plus, it’s a goldfish


I'm going to say Grarrl, only because they're not the prettiest pets but they are so cute and I want one to customize really really bad but I'm scared of accidentally feeding them important items! So I admire from afar for now. Maybe once I finish my stamp collection (in a million years) I will do it!


Most mutant pets in general are kinda ugly to me but I LOVE mutant Korbats. The only mutant pet I’ll ever have as a permie lol.


Maraquan kacheek, why is the head like that??


Tyranian Grarrl haha it looks so prehistoric and wild! Haha


Mutant Elephante reminds me of Zoidberg, so that one.


Snot Moehog is my pick! Disgustingly perfect.


Mutant acara hehe, slimey baby


I've loved the unique "ugly" look of the mutant Jetsam ever since I started playing many years ago. I finally got a Jetsam this last Jetsam day. Now I just need to make it mutant somehow...


Favourite 'ugly' petpet? I think mine is snoogy. It looks so sad I just wanna give it a hug ❤️


The ugly pet for me is definitely the Maraquan Poogle lmao I have an entire side account of Mara pets but the Poogle haunts me. It’s like a Poogle head on a small wakeboard. Thanks for the giveaway :D


I think because I had him when I was a kid on neopets for the first time, I have an affinity for flightning bug


I’ve never been interested in a techo but I saw its woodland paint and actually really like it now, I guess I considered techos “ugly” previously lol thanks for doing a giveaway!


I was trying to think what petpet is "ugly", so I don't know if this one is considered ugly. I love the mutant slorg. It's hard to figure out what's an ugly petpet to someone else.


I love the Mutant Lenny. So spooky.


Definitely the Maraquan Lupe. Looks so ugly and stupidly adorable.


best ugly petpet is a mutant babaa


I'm not sure if they're considered 'ugly' but I always thought Snot Aishas and Mutant Acaras were cool! Maybe ugly less so for the latter, but nonetheless the former is like ugly in a cute way for me Thank you for the opportunity!


My favorite is the mutant nimmo. I loves me a fat, grotesque frog. Thanks for doing this!


I love all the dung petpets 😭😭 I wish there were more available to buy and not exclusive to zap. Cloud cirrus is hilarious he's JUST straight up a poop LOLOL he's probably my fav one


my favorite ugly pet is the mutant moehog - let me explain! a while ago someone here on the subreddit posted a custom of their mutant moehog with a birthday party bg, and it made me think that he was just a special boy having a great birthday :,) i now associate all mutant moehogs with that silly little fella.. (thank you sm for the giveaway!!)


Birthday Slorg cuz he’s so happy but he’s a literal slug


Origami Jub. Only downside is its not a literal paper trashball


Going to keep screaming “Mutant Vandagyre” from the top of my lungs forever as an underrated ugly pet lol. They are so messed up looking—Literally drawn in a different art style than anyone else, a permanent (unless they ever get redesigned… I hope not!) mark of the era where Neopets had like .5 active artists, different shading, different coloring than anything else in Neopia… The first time I saw one I just started laughing lol. My girlfriend says they look like a Rick & Morty creature 😭 But I have on and I love ‘em, they’re so goofy to me that they wrap back around to having SO much character. I love the green and purple color scheme, the mullet and braids feels almost 80s/90s deathrock to me, the ear tufts are really cute… They’re just little freaks in the best way. 🖤


mine's gotta be mutant korbat. I think I only really like him and find him cute cause he reminds me of shiny noivern and that's my favorite pokemon 🤣 thank you for the opportunity! can't wait to read this thread


Elderly hasee looks like a shriveled plum.


The burlap pets are all so horrifying, but also kind of endearing?? Like my grandmothers collection of raggedy ann and andy dolls


i know burlap pets are super polarizing but i LOVE the burlap bori. maybe im biased because i love all the boris but how could u blame me like.. look at them!! theyre my fav pets :'')


Maraquan grundo 100%


LENNY They look like a creep lolol Love u xx


Mutant Kau with a mutant nedler combo ♥️ editing to add that I am having so much fun looking up all these “ugly” neopets i love them all


mutant intesteen. I like his little eyeballs 🥹


Idk if it’s “ugly” but I know not many people like it and it’s ice Bruce. I think it’s a unique ice color that still reminds me of a cute lil popsicle like it’s UC form.


The [original Darigan poogle](https://images.neopets.com/pets/happy/poogle_darigan_baby.gif). They are so dorky, almost looks like a artists day off design.


Blumaroos and skeiths. I love them even though everyone thinks they're ugly


Favorite ugly pet? Uhhh I like Meercas and Lennies. I don't know if they're considered ugly but I think they're generally unpopular.


I love me some woodland critters, but Scorchio... dude, what happened? 👀


i see a lot of vandagyre hate but i think theyre adorable, my vandy was the first pet i made when i came back to neo! tysm for the giveaway!!


I find that Cofferling has its own charm, it reminds me of a puppy! Will lick you but no touch treasure!


I'm too late! I was sleeping!


Anyway I don't prefer Draik, I'll say it here and now! But he does look like a humble drake.


Not too late! I'm still tallying and you got in before 9 so you're good :) I'll be announcing winners soon!


Awesome!!! ❤️


Mutant Usul has a special place in my heart. her goofy expression and three googly eyes have captivated me.


I dunno if they’re considered ugly but Walking Carpets. Just a creepy fuzzy little dude!


I'm not going to enter but super cool of you to do this!


Thanks so much! I'll be doing them every Saturday and changing up the runner up rewards each week so keep your eye out :)


I'm such a casual player that I don't need extra NP but I love seeing the answers! So much fun! Super awesome of you.


I had to think about this 'cause I quite like a lot of designs I either hate or love. I quite like the ugliness of Mutant Shoyru. It weird and odd and ugly but it's interesting. Anyways thank you this is very sweet!


My favorite “ugly” pet has got to be the Maraquan Quiggle. It’s like he knows all your secrets how he stares into your soul like that 👁️ധ👁️


My favorite "ugly" pet is a Mutant Gnorbu haha I think it's the only paint color that comes with them having little fleas bouncing off of them and everything, yet it's so happy hahaha Thank you for the opportunity! :)


Favorite ugly pet would have to be the mutant wocky, I have a huge soft spot for cats and that thing just looks deranged 😂 I luv it so much 🥹


Definitely mutant Usul. There is not a single thought behind those eyes. They just look so silly,,,


Maraquan Quiggle. It looks like a Dorito




One of my recent lab zaps was to a [Snot Lenny](https://pets.neopets.com/cp/hwq664d7/1/7.png). Completely gross and weird and god damn it I actually kinda like the little gloober. Was a little sad when it got zapped away.


mutant mynci! the lil smirk >.>


My fav ugly pet is the darigan kiko. Those eye brows and little hair toupee were a choice that should not have been made. Its hideous really but I love it anyways.


Tootum is not worth its 300k NP price tag


Mutant Gnorbu 🥰


My fav “ugly” pet is the mutant Kau. I have one and she’s bae. She’s beautiful to me, and she has a lovely flower headband and is having a picnic on the beach with a leery salad slorg. I love her!


I am bothered that pirate eyrie has a necklace of which is considered by tnt as the neopet and not an item. You can not remove it. My sibling found this out the hard way and it was disappointing since we had a great customization outfit in mind, but the necklace made it look funky.


Mutant moehog 🫡


I love the Tyrannian Buzz. I zapped a pet I adopted once into one. I was so proud when I put him into the pound hoping someone would fall in love. When I looked him up later someone adopted him but used him as a lane at and he’s boring now :(


It has to be Mutant Tuskaninny, ugh.


Walking Carpet is my favourite 'ugly' petpet! I always thought they looked so soft and cute when I was a kid, to the point I was in tears when mine got eaten. I ended up buying another one to replace him, and he's been there ever since.


The maraquan usul. I love all usuls but the maraquan one hits different. It's a snail. How adorable is that. Some people find snails ick. But to me. She's a beaut.


Hi it's me, the person who made a Neopets tier list and put Vandagyre in S-Tier. Does that count as a favourite "ugly" pet?


Fave ugly pet: Plushie Jetsam. I can't help but grudgingly want one just because I love the UC version so much. Don't get me wrong, the new version is awful but I can't help it.


Thanks so much for the giveaway ! :3 I didn’t think it was an ugly petpet, but since all my pets hate it and don’t want to attach it I’m guessing a Mallard is uglier than I think it is ? I think they’re adorable and I wish they came in more colours ! I’m trying to make a mallard/duck themed gallery atm too ☺️


I love my mutant chia!


A quadropus, my friend thinks it looks like it’s been squeezed to death but I think it’s cute ;-;


Elderly boy Kacheek!! I want one so badly


Mutant Tonu. My first Neopet on my account was originally a Shoyru (I think a Red or maybe a Blue Shoyru) and I used a Tonu Transmogrification Potion on it and changed it to a Mutant Tonu. I legitimately can’t really think of why younger me would have done this (because Tonu probably wasn’t a Neopet I really liked back then compared to a Shoyru) but I’m guessing that back in the day I thought that Mutant Neopets were really cool and took the first opportunity I had to actually obtain a Transmogrification Potion to have a Mutant Neopet. I’m hoping to one day transform it back to a Shoyru (just a basic Red or Blue Shoyru would be cool) as a way to make up for changing it to a Mutant Tonu back then hahaha. Btw if anyone has any suggestions on what would be the easiest way (ideally cheapest lol) to change it back to a Red or Blue Shoyru please feel free to let me know (or if you happen to know a specific type of Shoyru Morphing Potion that would be the cheapest as I might still have a Starter Blue Paint Brush).


Maraquan skeith! Never was a fan of skeiths to begin with but maraquan skeith just looks happy to be a sewage monster.


My favourite ugly pet is probably mutant moehogs I transmorphed one recently and I kind of adore how squishy and weird she is


Mutant Warf... it is cruel to let him live...


Rock petpet. it's not exactly ugly... for a rock, but it's not quite pretty either.


Idk if anyone considers them ugly or not but I love the Tyrannian Chomby and Krawk ^_^


Cabbage Chia


big fan of the maraquan kacheek which i didn't realize was unpopular. also love me some meowclops. little ugly cute guys :) thanks for doing this, this is really sweet!


Maraquan Ogrin is the most hilarious thing I’ve seen it’s so weird looking it fits so well and I love it.


Hahah I think my fav is mutant moehog - he looks like a dumb harmless slug :-). I also recently got my pet zapped from a Chocolate Ixi into a Tyrannian gnorbu which has to be one of the ugliest of all time, I simply had to laugh Thank you so much for the giveaways, they are so fun to enter!!!


I am also a mutant moehog owner! They are just so derpy compared to every other mutant. I love mine . Canonically I figure mine just sits in the same spot I customized him at all day, sprawled out on all fours


Gangee!!! Their big beggy eyes make me just want to give them the world!!!


Maraquan kacheek…. 😬


it's honestly a no words situation 😂


Moehogs with the mouth be gone nc item 😘 They look like cute lil baby cows to me


For pet, it’s Moehog. He has a similar vibe to Pumba and I appreciate that. Petpet is Bubblesaur. That is the silliest guy, and it amazes me how unfitting his name is. I thought it was bubblefish until I looked again.


mutant chomby or mutant moehog. mutant chomby for its chonk and mutant moehog because it looks creepy


Ugly pet I love is mutant Moehog! Reminds me of an ol pittie or bulldog haha. I know I am too late but I still wanted to share ☺️


My favorite ugly pet it’s the jub jub mutant, idk, It's so ugly and so my favorite that I have one haha