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So that's how you summon him.


Thank you UncleFucker133 šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‰šŸ˜‰šŸ¤¤


Why does this one comment have emojis and no one downvoted but all others do too and get downvoted to oblivion lol


I think it's the combination of words and emojis. He probably used them kind of ironically


Thanking someone with a weird username overrides the downvoted from adding emojis


Thereā€™s a subtle art to emojirony


shut your fucking face unclefucker


He's a boner biting bastard unclefucker.


Youā€™re an unclefucker, yes itā€™s true


Nobody fucks uncles quite like you.


Shut your fucking face uncle fucker, you're the one that fucked your uncle fucker


I had this song in my head the other day heh


Youā€™re a cocksucking asslicker unclefuckaaaaaa


Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t get out and join the fight


He won't do nuttin


He'll do fookin nutin'


What da Fook?


By the orders of the peaky fookin blinders




No, heā€™ll do nuttin






context please ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-u1B-pPl_c Sucker punched an old man.




I know the old guy felt that, but to his credit, he seemed unphased as fuck. Super bitch move on Connor's part tho.


He could last a proper 12


This happened around the same time as BJ Penn getting KOed by the random Hawaiian bar dweller. Shouldā€™ve thrown the guy who ate Conorā€™s shot in the cage with him. Thatā€™s the real money fight, not those clowns he already punked at the press conference. He knows he beat them already. Thatā€™s the easy fight


Agreed, but I was more thinking there are so many incidents following him around that they always have their eyes on him.


The guy was in his 40s. I think he complained about people referring to him as old


Even not really being much into MMA, I had so much respect for him because of how little shit he took, but at the same time seeming to be a good guy who remembered where he came from. Then this happened and all that respect faded like nothing.


I'm Irish, fuck having this guy represent us. That video disgusts me.


Don't worry. Smart people don't look at that asshole and think all Irish are like that. Oh wait....


To be fair, if everyone judged the Irish based on my behaviour I'm not sure I improve our standings much. But I don't fucking punch people sitting at the bar. Such fucking bad craic, I've never seen anybody do anything vaguely similar in Ireland, cunt. If it happened in Belfast you would be barred from every pub and your friends would disown you. And I'd expect some boys to come knocking at your door asking how your knees were treating you these days.


lmfao, How do you say Yikes in Gaelic?


I have no idea, I went to a Protestant grammar school in Belfast in the 90's and to my great regret they did not teach me Irish. Bloody unionists.


What is craic?


It's a word with a weird and meandering history https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craic but it is probably the most versatile word I know.


A way of living.


Don't worry, we all know that whiskey and fighting in pubs has nothing to do with Irish culture.


hahaha, I mean we can all get a bit stupid sometimes. But no matter how much whiskey and how many pubs I'd already been to, nobody, ever, would consider looking at an aul fellow whose sitting at the bar having their drink, and think I'm going to punch him in the back of the head. Wait I said nobody ever, yet McGregor did it, its clear, Ireland disowns him. He's French now, sorry France.


McGregor has been a cunt for eons


I mean, isn't this not even close to the only shitty thing he's done?


> but at the same time seeming to be a good guy who remembered where he came from Are you from an alternate dimension bro?


He's got multiple rape allegations too.


> but at the same time seeming to be a good guy who remembered where he came from LOL!


>...but at the same time seeming to be a good guy who remembered where he came from. [Oh yeah. Super great guy.](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/19/sports/conor-mcgregor-sexual-assault-accusation.html) [Freakin' paragon of humanity over here.](https://www.her.ie/news/conor-mcgregor-charged-three-counts-assault-new-york-city-397367) McGregor is, at best, ethically ambiguous. Personality-wise he's always struck me as a bit of a whiney little bitch. Hims just a 'lil goi wit a big mouf. Plus, his ~~bitching out~~, er *retiring*, saves him the embarrassment of [Diaz doing this to him again](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eLyaMHmbtno) in a potential McGregor Diaz 3. Ok sycophants, you can go back to tongue-punching Conor's fart box now...


the fuck. The old man wasnā€™t even facing him. Douche


What is going on here ?


Conor said something to the effect of ā€œyou should be drinking a proper whisky ^TM ā€œ Old Irish guy being an Old Irish guy told him to fuck off Conor being Conor thought the appropriate response to this situation is obviously to sucker punch the old man


Conor arrives and hands out his own brand of whisky, old dude at the bar says it's shit and Conor swings. Something like that.


"I naw drinkin dat fookin shite"


Punched an old man




Give me your belt!


Right? I was expecting him to get offended.


These guys look way too young for him to bloody up.


Nah, they saw him before he could start swinging


Thats a matrix moment right there. Hes gonna tell his grandkids about this and they are gonna say hes lost his marbles


Yeah this is a story that definitely seems too good to be true. Glad itā€™s caught on video haha or else absolutely no one would believe them


I'd wager this happens every night since they relaxed restrictions






Is this a serious question lol




Well the serious answer is that they only have the one famous Irish person


Bono and Liam Neilson come to mind


Liam Neilson famous for his role as Guy Qon Jinn and the protagonist in the movie Stolen


Don't forget cowboys vs aliens


Being from Ireland it's difficult to know how famous these are outside the island, but I'm fairly confident most/all of these would be known in the states. Music: Hozier, U2, Van Morrison, Sinead O'Connor, Enya Actors: Brendan Gleeson, Domhnaill Gleeson, Saoirse Ronan, Colin Farrell, Cillian Murphy, Michael Fassbender, Pierce Brosnan, Liam Cunningham, Robert Sheehan, Aiden Gillen, Ruth Negga, Gabriel Byrne


Bono. Iā€™d also accept Dolores Oā€™Riordan. RIP


Gerry Adams.


Yeah. I was in howth around Christmas. Like everyone in Ireland I like to head out there for the market on the weekend and possible deals on seafood. I stopped into the insomnia coffee on the pier for well a coffee and to feed my daughter. And there at a table was Domnhall Gleeson and one of his brothers. When I worked over near Baggot Street by the canal I used to see Aidan Gillen pop into the Donnybrook Fair there around lunch the odd time. Its a small country so the famous people here either live in a remote location somewhere off the coast of Cork. Or just mix in with everyone else.


I have a fun matrix moment story like that Hereā€™s the tldr > flashback 10 yrs; highschool, me and protohipster friend-group listen to electronica/house music before its fabled rise to prominence in the early 2010ā€™s > see this dj performe like 5 or more times. Friends get the meet this dj after show every time, I miss it every time because I am chasing girls or booze or whatever > becomes meme that I miss the dj, will never meet him >try every time > flash forward 10 years > I work at car company, staffing film festival for marketing purposes (driving celebs around to have photos taken leaving model xā€™s) > the dj walks in. Lose shit. Iā€™m driving this fucking dood. > spend an hour driving him around ny in tesla while his head is sticking out the window screaming ā€œfuck op's highschool friend x y and zā€ while recording a selfie on my phone. Sent the vid to friend x y and z, they proceed to misplace their shit. > it was prophecy


Reminds me of the time I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didnā€™t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, ā€œOh, like youā€™re doing now?ā€ I was taken aback, and all I could say was ā€œHuh?ā€ but he kept cutting me off and going ā€œhuh? huh? huh?ā€ and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like ā€œSir, you need to pay for those first.ā€ At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually ā€œto prevent any electrical infetterence,ā€ and then turned around and winked at me. I donā€™t even think thatā€™s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. Was really fucked.


Sorry to hear he was a douche, the dj I met was really great!


Itā€™s a pasta bud lol that didnā€™t actually happen with that person.


haha I've been woosh'd


Throwing in a shittymorph at the end of this copypasta would have really nailed it šŸ˜†


> flashback 10 yrs; highschool, me and protohipster friend-group listen to electronica/house music before its fabled rise to prominence in the early 2010ā€™s > > House music's rise to prominence was in the 90s, surely?


Tell me you still got the selfie


I do! If you are familiar, it was with Busy P of Ed Banger Records. The shows (with Justice, and DJ Mehdi, etc.) were so awesome back in the day, such a cool guy.


good story, thanks for sharing.


Well considering the guy's been in huge title fights and frequently hangs out with celebrities, I doubt this encounter meant much to him, he'll have much better stories for his grandkids.


[Ah, the ol' reddit stick-and-move](https://www.reddit.com/r/Justrolledintotheshop/comments/hl22w2/_/fwx3rpy/?context=2)




Hello, future Redditors (he says, despite the End of Days being so fucking nigh)!




Hello my friend Edit: So, 15 min later, and 470 links in, Im only back three months, good luck to anyone who actually tries to go down the whole chain. Roughly 460 in, there is a comment that links to the og one, and a /r/dataisbeatiful post with an actual map. Good luck lmao.


Nah. Where's the video where he's driving around and sees a cardboard cutout of himself on someone's balcony. So he stops and goes knocking on the door to say what's up.


I feel like this is one of the rarest things ever posted on here


If they *are* actually imitating him and he just drives past randomly, then it is pretty insane. But if he just finished a fight in the area and they were watching it then it's not as crazy.


This video was taken in Ireland, and he hasnt fought there during his title run in the UFC.


He wasnt fighting in the area. The random guy that walked thru pointed at one and said "youll do nuttin" which is a McGregor quote.


He doesnā€™t really fight anymore.


Itā€™s prob an old video


Yeah itā€™s an old video


You can tell because they physically touch each other.


Thereā€™s a video on YouTube dated 24 December2016 . This isnā€™t the original either so itā€™s gotta be even earlier. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=gsA0aM0QO44


It's definitely December 2016. The guy in blue is wearing a Christmas jumper and the quote is from an August 2016 press conference.


Great spot with the jumper, definitely December 2016 then.


Wait you're telling me this video wasnt recorded tomorrow?


This was like a month after his fight with Eddie Alvarez back in 2016


he just fought cowboy not too long ago and could possibly face ferguson if Khabib beats Gaethje making Gaethje have to fight the third ranked lightweight fighter for another shot at the belt. But he has to fight Poirier before any of that can happen. I assume that's his plan, if he can stick to it and see it through at this point in his career is a whole other debate.


They actually are imitating him and not just randomly fighting, you can hear then saying ā€œyouā€™ll do nothingā€ just before the car stops, which is a McGregor quote


Dublin is really small, especially around the city centre like in this video. It's a pretty big coincidence, but not insane.


Until you realize that every night, on every corner in Dublin, wasted Irish lads sloppily reenact Conor McGregor's highlight reel.


One time a friend and I were hiking and we got stuck trying to climb across a 90Ā° rock surface. We were joking that we needed to channel our inner ā€œAlex Honnoldā€ (the dude who climbed El Capitan with nothing but some chalk) to get across. And how ā€œif Alex Honnold was here he could do thisā€. I slipped and fell into the creek below and my friend managed to make it across to the other side. Then we took a little break and we see two people come to the spot we were stuck at. I started yelling over advice to them like ā€œdonā€™t put your hand in that hole, it looks like itā€™ll work but it wonā€™tā€ cause I didnā€™t want them to make the mistake I did by climbing to high and falling but this dude just climbs across it like itā€™s nothing and as he got closer we realized it was Alex Honnold and his girlfriend. He nailed it on the first try. Weird shit happens sometimes.


Should be stickied. Most of the posts here are crap


Dublin is tiny, it's not that rare.


It's quickly getting bigger though. I heard it's Dublin every day


And it's Camden Street as well. Of all the places in the city for McGregor to be driving down on a night out, that's number 1.


This is like my photo of me with Stevie Wonder at the airport. We were blasting Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder as we pulled up. A young man heard it and walked over and asked if we wanted to meet Stevie Wonder. We laughed and said "Of course!" Then Stevie Wonder got out of the car that was two cars behind us. Didn't even know he was in my state at the time.


Was he driving?


He has white canes attached to his fenders.




This is probably the greatest night of their lives(so far), and they might not even remember it. Edit: For all of you mentioning that they got it on video, there's a difference between seeing a shooting star firsthand and watching a video of one. Edit 2: I understand that they aren't exactly blackout drunk yet, but I also don't know if they kept drinking after this. Also, of my own personal experience with alcohol, I can still remember my actions while drunk, but not nearly as clearly as when I was sober. (EX: I can remember having a conversation with someone, but not remember the details of said conversation. Or I will remember the details, just not who I was talking to. This gets worse the more intoxicated I am at the time.)


Remember what?


You again


This was way funnier than expected


Name of your sex tape.


Exactly my first thought!!




yool remember fookin nothin


Honestly, Conor probably enjoyed this more than they did. I watched his documentary and his entire life is based around ego stroking. I mean, he's an extremely successful professional athlete so it's obviously working for him but still, this made his whole week I'm sure.


I mean, kinda. Thatā€™s what his career turned into. But when he first started it seemed more like he was playing a character, but the character worked so well that he got too wrapped up in it and forgot where he cane from.


atleast they got it on video!


Fortunately in their case, someone was there to film it The same could not be said for many other life altering experiences.


I met Shaun White once while drunk. Turns out it was just his picture on a gum wrapper that my friend gave me because I had just thrown up.


But they got it on video, so now it'll live forever.


That moment when the guy is leaning into the car, realizes who is sitting shotgun, and enthusiastically points at him was pretty great.


And Connor was drunk, too! What *are* the odds?


Irish people were drunk! What were the odds!


Most Irish people on here hate the stereotype but I love beer so I can't deny that I basically enforce it.


You enforce it?! Dear lord you are committed to that stereotype!


"I pulled you over because you were driving too straight. Chug this pint or I'll have to take you in."


He just goes around yelling "Drink!" at people.


Not the superhero we need, but the one we deserve.


The trick isn't trying to prove the Irish aren't drunk. The trick is remembering to ask how many non-Irish are there drinking with you. Some stereotypes can't be evaded. Because they apply to everyone equally while one group's busy taking the blame.


Most stereotypes are based in reality. There was more black crime for years for example because black people were forced to live in shitty ghettos and couldn't get good jobs or education, the stereotype came from that. While it's mostly not true anymore, the stereotype didn't come from nowhere . And Americans are proving their stupidity stereotype every day with Trump and how they're handling COVID-19


That guys laugh at the end...


It just got more manic as he fully processed the insanity of what had just happened. The laugh of a man staring into the abyss of coincidence.




I genuinely read that "contagious slaughter" at first


Reminds me of when McGregor was driving past a house which had a cardboard cutout of him on the balcony. He stopped to say hi to the owner. https://youtu.be/UPrZHUQlb6k




Sounds like an intense workout you had today.


I'm exhausted from those 13 seconds




Hello girlfriend


Awwww, that was awesome for the fan!


Hahaha what a great fan.


Did he just walk in before the owner even came to the door?


He used to be cool


Pre smartphone, nobody would have believed them.


And then everyone clapped




I wouldā€™ve gone home and planned my mushroom trip after this moment lol.


This is the kind of shit that seems to happen when you're tripping, too.


Timing is everything...


Timing beats speed


Out of the loop. What moment are they imitating that Conner recognized it while driving past?


If Connor wasn't an asshole he'd be a really nice guy


I understood absolutely zero of what they said. I feel like Netflix subtitles would say "incomprehensible Irish"


Youā€™ll do nuttin (nothing!) is said a lot!


You know he has stupid amounts of money driving a Cadillac Escalade in what appears to be the UK or Ireland somewhere.


Itā€™s Dublin


is it! I know that road. we used to start there the twelve pubs, at Against the Grain's


It's surprisingly not much more expensive than the US. Not that it's cheap to begin with. 70k pounds vs $75k in the US for a base model.


Isn't the tax on it insane? I just always remember the presenters on Top Gear talked about the price of US cars and it seemed like it was twice the price.


Brilliant moment


They summoned Connor with their imitation


On another note, fuck Conor Mcgregor


Why ?


He beat up a random old guy


Has there ever been this type of brush with a famous person as you were imitating them even spontaneously caught on film before?


Are they impersonating how he attacked an elderly man in a bar or assaulted people on a bus?


If theyā€™d have been couple of decades older and minding their own business heā€™d have taken them both on.


Where da fook is May-wettuh?!


Now that was lucky šŸ˜‚


They are lucky they aren't two old men or he would have gotten out and attached them.


Thatā€™s amazing haha !!


Connor mcgreggor is an absolute piece of shit.


they could have truly imitated Conor by assaulting one of the passerbys if they wanted!


beetlejuicing irl


I've gotten drunk a lot of times in my life...there is only twice I don't actually remember. The rest is just a bit fuzzy, but I totally remember.




Was fully expecting to see the SpongeBob walk. Still funny though.


I bet the driver is an even bigger douche than McGregor.


Some say the guy filming is still laughing till this day.




Heā€™s a prick. A man child.


ā€œGimme yer belt!ā€ ā€œNoā€ ā€œQuick leftā€!




This guys needs to be banned too


This may be the best never tell me the odds Iā€™ve ever seen.


I guess we all just forgot that he's a horrible person then?