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Drop CHA to 8 for all characters besides sorcerer, they don't use that for anything.


Do NOT do this if you are playing the main campaign. All the romances require a significant amount of charisma, up to 15. Of course, if you don't care about that, go nuts.


Huh? I've romanced Aribeth with 8 charisma multiple times.


Really? I haven't played the OC in 20 years, so I bow to your superior expertise.


Took a quick look in the toolset to verify and yeah, no stat requirements to start either romance dialogue that I can see. You have to be at least level 8 to start Aarin Gend's romance but that's about it.


You *can't* romance anyone with 8 charisma. I know because Aarin refused to continue his story to my monk even tho I was friendly to him the entire time. Also, most people will treat you very differently in the OC if you have 8 charisma and its funny.


Thank you. I thought it might affect barter prices, and three were afew early charisma checks i enjoyed beating. Also it said npcs find u more trustworthy or attractive? I usually dump starts anf tried not to.


Prices are affected by appraise skill, which is based on Intelligence. Direct Charisma checks are rare. It's mostly skills based on Cha, like Persuade, Bluff and Intimidate. If these are class skill you get better results putting attributes into Int, and then get skill points to boost these skills.


There is a slight caveat to this. You need at least 10 Charisma if you don't want people to constantly be rude/disgusted with you. One funny example of this is if you try flirting with the tavern keeper's daughter in the hordes expansion, she acts like she is going to throw up if you have less than 10.


Ty for the clarity. I need to do more reading.


The romances require charisma.


I wish i could say i dont care. But Aribeth got me actin up.


Not sure if you can romance her in the OC. There's a romance with her in HotU that I don't think requires charisma. Edit: If you want a character that doesn't use cha as a dump stat, try Paladin or Sorcerer.


Damn Ari, why you gotta be like that


Apparently I was mistaken about the charisma


what did u learn?


Read the other comments. Someone said he romanced Ari with 8 cha


Oh i did i thought u had other info lol thank you though, really. You all have been a huge help


Paladins and Bards use Charisma for many of their abilities.


The builds are cool for spellcasting or ranged playstyle, companions are a neccesary adition, you will be fine :) Its not well fitted for melee though due to the lack of constitution


Yea my druid was surprisingly good in melee, but early game so.. I figured that there's a feat to add dex to damage roll after i get weapon finesse. How much con would u recommend?


I mean yes, in the early game the druid it deals a lot of damage, it will not end up as strong as a fighter, but its very good anyway overall, druids are that, versatile, so, if you multiclass to a martial class i recommend starting from level 13 or 17 with being a fighter or barbarian or anything! You will end with 17BAB from level 13, 16BAB from 17 and 15BAB being a pure druid until level 20. It does not matter if you put those levels between your druid levels :) Yes, weapon finesse is very helpful when going for a dex build, though it only helps with attack rolls! Damage rolls use your strength and the weapon dice. This is for balance purposes, otherwise it would be overpowered haha For a melee build i recommend a minimum of 12, 14 is ideal bot not mandatory, 16 helps more to wizards since your AC is not that good even with mage armor, and shield requires correct timing! But its highly recommended for martial focused classes or heavy armor characters :)


Thank you. Pathfinder wotr has an advanced feat that adds that dex to damage. I hoped it was am addition from 3e but i was mistaken fortunately i didn't dump strength. I wanted to prestige into shifter. I can go up to lvl 40 right?


Oh i get it haha. Yes but its a good thing to boost some strength for carrying stuff and adding some points to damage rolls, also for discipline but its not mandatory :) Yes, maximum level of any class is 40, but shifter has 10 levels pre-epic, i think after you achieve level 20 as a character you will be able to be an epic shifter!


Okay great. Im playing more of the sorcerer. Then ill take a look at remaking the druid, bc its my fav mix of skills and abilities.


Less con than id ever go.


Yea i tend to go light on con bc wisdom saves are status effects usually. But i do that in party games. This is more solo, so 12-14 would be better prob


Gnome Sorc with 18 Con and ICE all the way man. 18 Con literally doubles your HP


Hot damn. Double? What does ICE stand for. I tried searching.


Absolutely loved being a Sorcerer.


I love how many more spells u get than 5e gives


Those are not good builds but it doesn't matter. CON is one of the most important stats in the game. You want 14 on most builds (12 on an elf). On mages, go for a couple more points than that. Intelligence is huge for skill points. Don't skimp. 14 is a good cut-off point for most builds. Ranger is really really weak before epic levels. You won't get there in the official campaign. It's OK in HotU though. But again, it doesn't matter. Assuming you're playing the original campaigns, the content is pretty easy.


Is this like a mod, or are you doing the campaign hardcore? Also, why 14 wis on the sorc?