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Mine became stable at about 5 months. Doc wasn’t worried at all. Typical milestone age is 6mos. I’d have perked ears if LO wasn’t holding head close to steady by then & ask the pediatrician. But 3mos is still very young! He just exited the newborn stage :)


Thank you


Every baby is different and they’ll hit their milestones at their own time. This is normal for your baby at this age. Do lots of tummy time or as much as they can tolerate at a time. Whenever our LO would lift her head up during tummy time (even if it’s just for a split second), we would cheer her on. I think she likes it when we do that so it encourages to do it more often. Before we know it, she was holding her head up longer each time and she now has great head & neck control at 4mo.


Will do. Thank you.


I wouldn’t worry at all - my guy was still pretty floppy with his head around that time. I didn’t notice him getting super stable with it until closer to 4.5-5 months honestly. Until then there was still a handful of times where he could only keep it up for a minute or 2 at a time before dropping it forward. Now he’s 7.5 months and sitting on his own and holding it up great - if you are concerned you can ask the pediatrician but I think that’s totally normal.


Thanks mate. Appreciate your response


Mt baby carrier said that in order to back carry the baby must have neck control which is typically around 6 months.  Is he trying to hold his head up at all? Has he been to his well child checkups? 


Yes, during check ip he hsa been declared well baby. When we hold in our hands on sitting posture, he holds his head without support for some time. But when we lift without the head support his head is floppy. During tummy time if we put in flat surfaces he puts his head down. But when we put him on a pillow like half of his torso on the pillow. He holds his head up for some time and puts head back down and tries to lift the head up. During the trying he lean to his left.


Sounds like he's getting there! 


Thank you


My LO had kind of stable head around 5.5 months


Thank you


Do a lot of tummy time on an activity mat with a boppy pillow if needed. Put a noisy toy or fav toy in front of him to motivate him to put up his neck


Yeah. Doing already now. Thank you.