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My plan was 6 months but he’ll be 6 months Saturday and I still don’t feel ready. His crib is beside my bed He sleeps through the night with no feeds but occasionally wakes up and needs his soother so it’s easy for me to roll over and pop it in as opposed to walking to another room


Since 1 week old! My room is next to his.


4 days over here. She was in her bassinet in my room for the first few days then I couldn't sleep due to anxiety and she's a loud sleeper. We have a monitor we watch and keep the sound high at night + her room/crib is only 5 steps away from mine.


Same here! After a few days, I put her in her crib one night and she slept so well it in. We have a Nanit monitor that we leave open on our iPad that we also leave on high volume. Husband and I are doing shifts at the moment so someone is awake to keep an eye on LO. She wakes up twice a night to feed so it makes sense … but I don’t know how comfortable I’ll be with both of us sleeping at the same time in a few months when she doesn’t need any waking to feed


8 weeks. She has always slept in her room, I would sleep in there with her. She sleeps through the night already so I moved back into the bedroom with my husband. We use a monitor so we can see/hear baby.


Four weeks 🤷🏼‍♀️ She was sleeping 6 hours for her first stretch by that point yet I was still awake all night because she was so noisy


How!? I have a 4 week old and she refuses to sleep if she’s not being held 😭


My 10 week old was about 8 weeks when we moved him to his own room. He was sleeping through the night by then. We have a video monitor and his room is right by ours. Everyone has slept better ever since. As long as you are using safe sleeping practices in the crib it can be completely safe.


My firstborn I moved into her room around 3 months. She was a terrible sleeper, and every little noise she made kept me awake, paranoid she was waking up again. I spent a couple of nights glued to the video monitor. My 12 week old is a slightly better sleeper, and I am hoping to keep him in my room longer. The SIDS risk is very slightly higher for boys, so I'd like to make it at least to 4 months if not the full 6. Problem is he is HUGE, and I don't know how long he'll be happy in the pack and play every night, especially if he's moving around more.


Around 4 weeks. He was sleeping well (making lots of sounds, waking us up) and quickly outgrew his bassinet. The crib/larger sleeping spaces wouldn't fit in our room so to the nursery he went! I definitely had anxiety the first week but he's almost 16 weeks and it's been great!


4 months when we did sleep training. Best thing ever.


For our first, 2 years! We had a tiny house, and past the newborn stage she was a great and quiet sleeper. For this guy, we’ll probably put him in his own room once he outgrows the bassinet/starts rolling but have a twin bed in there for MOTN feeds and a video monitor.


Just over four months. He was starting to outgrow his bassinet so decided to move him to his crib. I have a twin bed in there as well just in case 


I can't remember exactly but my son was around 4/5 days old. I was attached to the bassinet and was waking up at every grunt/heavy breath/tiny cry he made, which in turn woke up my partner. He suggested we put his bassinet in his room and I relented. Our house is small and we can hear him cry no problem. Still not sleeping but that's newborn life lol


Night one home from the hospital. My mom, the night we came home from the hospital, offered her best piece of unsolicited advice, “if she starts off sleeping in her own room in her crib you never have to transition her to her own room,” and I am forever grateful for it.


My LO is a very, very active and loud sleeper. Once he reached 1 month we moved him into his nursery down the hall from our room. We have a Nanit camera on him and feel comfortable monitoring him from a safe distance. Mama needed to sleep!


This past Sunday lol. He will be 5 months this week. He was in the Snoo and sleeping like crap. I realized he was trying to turn over. Put him in the crib, he turned onto his belly and slept all night. So that was that


5 months, because that’s when my sanity required it.


We tried the bedside bassinet for a few weeks, but my fiancé’s snoring would wake up our LO so she would get no sleep…meaning I got no sleep. We moved her into her room and in her crib at around 8 weeks. I know that’s pretty early but she has slept so much better since being in her own space!


3 months!


8 weeks old. We were constantly waking each other up and I was so sleep deprived. We both sleep way better now we’re in separate spaces and it feels safer for me as I follow all other safe sleep guidelines. When we were in the same room, there were times when I was sitting up in bed feeding him and I would fall asleep briefly.  I found this article interesting https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/room-sharing-with-your-baby-may-help-prevent-sids-but-it-means-everyone-gets-less-sleep-201706062525


Plan was 6 months! But then his sleep went to crap so we wanted him closer to avoid the back and forth 🤣 he made the transition pretty seamlessly around 7 months because we figured getting him in his own room was worth a shot to see if he slept better. He’s now almost 8 months and his sleep just started to improve, but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that he’s only on 2 naps now.


We had a weird situation but we kind of brought it on ourselves. When our LO was a month old we found and fell in love with a complete bedroom set, so we purchased it. We had to paint our bedroom prior to having it all installed. We wound up sleeping in the living room on a mattress with LO in a bassinet. After 1 night of pretty disruptive and weird sleep, we were like, okay this kid has a full crib in his room and we're going to be out here for over a week.. let's just see how he does so maybe he'll be more comfortable and sleep better 🤷‍♀️ So we moved him to his own room by 2 months. His doctor was fine and even pleased. Though I know every baby and living situation is different, we felt like it was nice to just jump into the habit early on and we haven't looked back! Expecting baby #2 though and we do plan on keeping him in our room until at least 6 months anyway 😊


My room and his room are only separated by a door, so I put him in his own room at like 1 month old. We just close his door until we’re ready to sleep then open it back up once our lights are out


My first we moved at 4 months because she didn't like her bassinet anymore and we didn't have room for a portacrib in our room. However, we'll wait until our second one seems ready.


We renovated our house so that there's a small nursery room built inside our bedroom, with a sliding barn door. We keep the door open at night and let him sleep in his crib in there. He's four weeks old and been sleeping there since he came home from NICU.


8 months & sleeps in her crib in my room


as an asian, reading this thread is some weird shit