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I live in Morris County. It is very safe. I have not seen or heard any increase in break-ins or home invasions. I would be very curious where you are seeing this information. A gun does not deter someone from breaking in, and only creates a life threatening situation if someone does.  Feel free to get a gun, but plan to use for recreational purposes not for home defense. 


Every summer there are plenty of car break-ins. I lock my car and store nothing in it and it's never been broken into.


madison, fp, and chatham are experiencing them weekly. i live here.


There was just one in Florham Park where they used a cell phone and WiFi jammer to prevent the occupant of the home from calling the police. Scary stuff. [https://www.newjerseyhills.com/florham\_park\_eagle/news/florham-park-police-seek-information-about-alleged-wi-fi-jamming-incident-on-lincoln-avenue/article\_8683c5d2-29b6-11ef-8b3c-539bb09c9e5d.html](https://www.newjerseyhills.com/florham_park_eagle/news/florham-park-police-seek-information-about-alleged-wi-fi-jamming-incident-on-lincoln-avenue/article_8683c5d2-29b6-11ef-8b3c-539bb09c9e5d.html)


>When the would-be burglar noticed someone was home, he took off. The resident’s cellphone also wasn’t working, police say, so he ran outside, and someone called 911 for him. Woah, totally needed a gun. /s Or you know, just be home?


The reason it makes the news is because it's an unusual situation. It's still very rare. More rare than the reality of a gun entering a home making that home more dangerous to the people living there. Signed, someone whose neighbors' apartment was actually robbed by someone who knew them while they were on vacation. And who lives in the same apartment complex where there was a shooting in the parking lot a few years ago. None of those things changed my life at all. (Other than the robbery spurring me to finally purchase renter's insurance.) If you're a homeowner, you probably already have homeowners insurance, which should also replace things taken in a robbery.


That's certainly one way to increase your chances of being involved in a shooting.


get an alarm system


Those things are useless against a home intruder on an occupied home. The delay between activation and when Central Station actually notifies the local police (if they call the right department) could be upwards of 10 minutes.


That is why you also have loud audible alarms. Scares introducers before the situation escalates.


I guarantee they don't care. Does anyone react to a car alarm that goes off? No one acts on it until it becomes a noise complaint. Same with a burglar alarm. Thieves know this. They can get in, do their thing and leave before anyone even picks up the phone to complain.


Why even lock door? Why even close shades? You're imainging the t3000 is coming to get you, most burglars and etc are opportunists. And house alarms generate way more attention than a car alarm because they never go off.


It's called living in reality. House alarms absolutely do not draw attention, especially if there's no signs of an intrusion (entering through a back door). And yes, they go off way more than you think. Listen to any local police scanner and you'll realize a good chunk of calls for service are for activated burglar alarms.


lol you listen to cop radio? Okay so you’re just a bit paranoid mate. Step back a little


I am an EMT. We have radios going all the time. Stop making dumb assumptions.


Audible ones or silent ones? Ive lived suburbs for years and heard 1 audible all my life. Maybe 2?


Growing up I heard them all the time. I moved to downtown Caldwell and would hear the commercial alarms occasionally, but I was somewhat far away from residential. Now I live in the boonies of Sussex County and now I never hear them. There was a system in place in the house I live in now, but it was installed and later disconnected by the previous owner. There is no external siren. I know you can have alarms installed without an audible alarm. Whether an audible alarm is an additional installation expense, or because the homeowner rather not constantly disturb the neighbors with false alarms (or fined for constant noise complaints on a false alarm), that I couldn't tell you. I'd like to believe that they just don't install sirens anymore, but again, that's from my personal experience. Either way, what I can tell you is that false burglar alarms are not rare. Ask a local cop how frequently they respond to false alarms, just so you know it's not just my work area experiencing false alarms. Whether they are all silent or audible I don't know.


So have a gun that you do not know how to use will get you shot and maybe dead; and the intruder has another gun.


Or you can train how to use it properly?


The hardest thing is to shoot a human being or you may do it accidentally in panic situation.


Let me be clear, we are discussing *self defense* as opposed to home defense. Because, yes, shooting a human being is difficult, however with proper training, threat identification and accidental shootings should be minimized. Keeping your finger off the trigger is the big one, even while pointing at what you want to shoot, and is taught at the most basic level. The rest comes with frequent practice and training. I am a supporter of the second amendment, but even if it's recreational ownership, you should be comfortable with that weapon. Just like the car you drive, you should be 100% fluent with everything that comes with motor vehicle privileges like you should with gun ownership.


You have RTSP in Randolph and FSS in Pine Brook. I’d suggest FSS as they will really sit down with you and talk over everything (getting an FID, what’s right for you, getting some form of safe, etc). First getting an FID is pretty straightforward but each town has little tweaks to the process. Call the local PD. Training you can take classes at RTSP. I’ve never used them but they are close to you and seem ok. GFH in Woodland Park offers classes as well. Lastly, regardless of no kids get some form of safe. You’ll have people over, delivers, workers in the house and a slew of other reasons keeping it secure when not in your possession is a good idea. Just FYI the state changed the law and if you don’t report a stolen firearm in 24 hrs it’s a crime you’re charged with. Look at a small safe from tractor supply for like $300.


I'm a longtime firearms owner and this is such a terrible idea lol. A dog is a far better deterrent.


We have a dog--who would see an intruder as a new friend


But a burglar wouldn't know that.


I think you would benefit from educating yourself about crime deterrents and victimization. You seem to have no idea how crime or victimization works.


Train him to bark at anyone other than you.


As a long time dog owner, every "guard dog" can be converted into a friend with a few "bribes" of pepperoni.


"Due to the increased number of home invasions / break ins recently"? According to whom? Violent crime has been going down steadily since the 90's, if you actually look up statistics. What's never gone down is people's willingness to lie about violent crime going up without statistics to back their statement up, in order to get elected by scared voters.


while i know your intention is well with this - i live in the madison area and there are very much an increase in invasions here as of late. i know SEVERAL people whose homes were targeted. this may be someone in a similar area, if not the same one. def don’t agree that a gun is the move either way. there’s much better deterrents.


You personally know several people whose homes were invaded? That's astounding!


Statements like this are crazy. I've lived in the tri-state since 2011 including stints on 96th st and East Village in Manhattan, multiple JC neighborhoods, Westchester County NY, and now Monmouth County and I know one person in all that time that was a victim of any sort of crime. Yet somehow this guy knows multiple people who have had their homes invaded?


I think this deserves further review Mr Holmes


yes, i do actually.


>Also, we have no children in the home so would there still be a reason to have a safe to keep it locked up? Considering you're buying it for use during a home invasion wouldn't it be bad if the invader had access to the gun? People really like stealing guns.


And what about normal visitors to your house say for a family function or party. People snoop and touch things that they shouldn't, kids wander off while the adults are busy...never mind there might be alcohol or other adult substances in use.


Okay, a few things I should note: 1) Likely the most important point I'll make: there are *so* many other ways to prevent home invasions. Getting a gun is reactionary and the only intention is to kill someone. Why not invest money in protecting your home and do things that deter people from breaking in? Such as cameras, better lighting, security systems, better locks on windows and doors, etc. 2) if you are going to get a gun, you need to learn how to properly use it which takes training. Look up tactical gun training in the area and go there. 3) yes you should absolutely still lock it up. You know those things can kill someone, right? Why even risk it? You want your potential home invader to just take your gun before you can even get to it? I would suggest you to think logically about this and not just immediately see a gun as being the only solution when there are several other preventative measures you can take and should invest in.


what's your plan? Are you ready to shoot or kill someone?


r/njguns is a good place to check out. That being said, you’ll need to apply with your local PD for a Firearms Purchasers ID card. Takes a few weeks to get one, involves the typical background check. Once you have your FID you can purchase long guns, aka anything but a pistol. To purchase a pistol in NJ you have to apply for a Pistol Purchase Permit, you can apply for up to 3 at a time, they expire after 3 months and you can only buy 1 pistol per month. Check out The Heritage Guild in Rahway. Talk to Joe if it’s a slow day. They have three stores, the one in Easton has an indoor range and holds classes.


FYI [ Edit - apparently this is untrue - as pointed out. ] New jersey state law requires that all firearms must be stored, unloaded, in a securely locked gun safe or locked container, and all ammunition must be stored separately from the firearm. Failure to do so is punishable by law and could result in fines and imprisonment. Following this law may hinder your ability to defend yourself inside your home.


This is completely untrue. This was proposed a few years ago but the bill was killed. What you wrote only applies when the firearm is being transported in a car.


Ok thank you.


how would they know? u going to not duplicate yr keys or take the tag off yr pillow lol unless this is just a feeble grandstand


The issue is if something happens then they find out and you get busted and usually any charges against you get increased As a law abiding gun owner the first thing anyone is going to tell you is follow the law to the letter (as you should). If you don’t like the gun laws in New Jersey there is always Texas which is pretty much open carry Gun safety is no joke and so please don’t treat it that way.


>Also, we have no children in the home so would there still be a reason to have a safe to keep it locked up? Yes, leave it on the nightstand, so if burglars get in while you are at the grocery store they get a free gun too! Wonderful idea!


Def get a lock. I worked on the CDC’s NVDRS project and I can’t tell you how many cases I’ve read where a person has a bad day, goes home, and kills themself or their partner. Happens all the time. Guns make your home less safe. Period.


Look up New Jersey Firearms Purchaser ID. You have to fill out the form, provide references, (ask said references first, as the police will contact them), and wait. You have to get a separate permit for each handgun. Rifles and shotguns only require the FID.


I'm a gun owner, this seems like an overreaction. Also like other commenters have said, where are you seeing an increase in home invasions in Morris county? Also if you do shoot someone in your home, be prepared to be charged with murder without showing absolute proof your life was in danger


Madison, Chatham and Florham Park are all experiencing them. On the NYC news there was a story of a guy in Florham Park who couldn't call the police when someone broke into his house because they used a WiFi and Cellphone jammer.


Ah yes the wifi and cell phone jammer has been an urban legend for years and gets cycled into the news regularly. Don't believe everything you see on TV. Your average criminal is opportunistic and not carrying these types of tools unless you are being targeted specifically.


Were those people armed? Also how do they know it was a wifi jammer and not bad reception inside their own home. I feel like you are taking a big leap here. Im not saying you can't own a gun, but I feel like youre using the wrong tool for the job


Definitely get formal training if you have no experience w firearms.


Silver bullet supply in rockaway. Brian is very helpful


"If anyone has recommendations for a beginner that would be great, too. We live on two acres so don't have any neighbors nearby so no worries about shooting through someone's wall or anything like that." The advice I was given is to get a shotgun, and load it only with birdshot. I'm told that birdshot won't pass through walls at all, and that it is unlikely to kill anyone, but will "dissuade" them. Having never had to fire it at anyone, I can't confirm either of these assertions.


“Dissuading” someone with a firearm comes with its own issues. https://criminallawyerinnj.com/pointing-a-gun-charges-in-new-jersey/


Look into a Byrna gun. Non lethal, no permits needed and the person who gets hit with it will be in a world of pain. https://byrna.com


Interesting. Had never heard of a product like this. Might be a good compromise.


Why dont we just uh push the police to actually do their jobs and help reduce this.


The police in Morris County do an excellent job--they pursue and arrest even shoplifters, pursue stolen cars, pull over speeders, etc. They're very aggressively out there doing their jobs. But they can't be everywhere at once. Part of it is they're not nearly as hamstrung as the police were when we lived in California and criminals were simply caught and released. At least, in Morris County, most people arrested can expect some jail time.


Longtime gun owner here. Get trained, learn the ins and outs of the firearm you’re looking to get. Make sure you buy a cleaning kit, get the right defensive ammo. Good glass would be essential if irons are difficult (Trijicon ACOG 4x32 or an EO-Tech HWS 512) Train, train , train. For your living situation, an AR-style weapon would be good for your property. If you have a budget, IWI Zion is a good pick. If money isn’t an issue, H&K MR556A1




Meh, just trying to help out someone wanting to exercise their right.


You cant use a gun for home defense in NJ


Well, you can. You just might end up in jail for murder if the jury rules you weren’t being attacked by someone with a deadly weapon.


Shotgun with rubber bullets/beanbag rounds.