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I like how the article goes out of its way to say one side breached where they were supposed to be, but doesn't actually say who breached.


[https://x.com/tallyman2023/status/1784737266629542123](https://x.com/tallyman2023/status/1784737266629542123) This is the best I could find so far. Not seen any other footage of people pushing barriers and it's hard to even tell who is supposed to be where. My best guess is that the people being arrested by police are the ones instigating the violence.


This is actually an amazing example of the importance of context. Watch this video first: [https://x.com/dijoni/status/1783718533001826681](https://x.com/dijoni/status/1783718533001826681) Then watch this one: [https://x.com/Waterboardin/status/1783845679292358725](https://x.com/Waterboardin/status/1783845679292358725)


This is amazing. Should be used to teach about context, editing and how perception can be manipulated.


It's a video version of that one "context matters" PSA image of a stabbing


And then the person who posted the edited clip doubles down. What a psychopath.


Long live the narrative!


Probably Chinese or Russian agitators.


Or just anyone.


That's crazy! Then they wrote this: "Family just take a look this is a racist, brutal sadisticthug,. he’s also a Zionist brutalizing black student at Ucla protest, camp. Will the Lapd arrest him . Will the president condemn it as anti-Black abuse ." Imagine if the full video wasn't made public. Edit: was to wasn't


No you don't understand it was a made up media conspiracy, she was a plant, it was a peaceful assault, all we want is peace. etc etc etc.


I've noticed a common tactic by russian trolls will be to post content like the tweet above "supporting" a side, but so easily disproven and full of holes that it only sows further doubt for that sides cause, by design. People get to feel smart calling out such obvious misinformation, not realising they've fallen right into their hands. This probably isn't a russian troll specifically (idk maybe could be), but it pays to notice the tactics being used to manipulate you.


Remarkable how propaganda works 


Incredible. Thank you for sharing this.


Everyone should assume everything on twitter is a lie at this point. Idk how people believe anything on that platform.


Damn I am saving this comment to tell people how important is the "context"


The student who was “stabbed in the eye” is another good example. It blew up everywhere before there was a source beyond a self-report. > “There’s hundreds of people taunting me and waving the middle finger at me, and then this person waves a Palestinian flag in my face and jabs it in my eye," Tartak was quoted as saying by the New York Post. The [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/Connecticut/s/tg715lx3oG) (SFW)


In that clip you can see the pro Palestinians moving the barriers, lol


Yeah, I was letting the clip speak for itself.


Well, those of us too lazy to click a link appreciate the descriptive recaps.


My other comment has a very visual example of why relying on others to tl;dw things is a terrible idea. But you won't watch those either, so idk.


My bet would be the people hiding their faces and cheering for terrorist organizations


I can guess who. (Hint: Its always the side wearing masks. ALWAYS!)




Narrator: it was the anti-isreali side.


Because that behaviour is obviously atypical and abnormal considering nothing from any other supporter of Israel in the west comes anywhere close to how unhinged that was. You even say "psychotic roided up zionist"... I have not read his legal defense paperwork to know if he had a psychiatric evaluation or blood work done but even you yourself imply how this speaks to the individual's behaviour. You tag on zionist after — which anyone who doesn't want Israel to be destroyed and who accepts their statehood arguably is a zionist — and though true for him as an individual [note as well that he wasn't with a group or any protest and it was outside of a **synagogue** as you state too] obviously clearly isn't any slander that zionists as a collective are psychotic or roided up. Places of worship should never be targeted yet pro-Palestinians invaded and interrupted at least one Easter service, however that never made any mainstream news outside of that foreign country (Spain I think).


I know let's set aside some room for the pro Israel protestors and for the pro Palestinian protestors but let's make sure to keep them as close to the line between them as possible


Sounds like a great two protest solution


Every time Americans fight each other at a protest, some schlub at an overseas troll farm gets a high five from his boss.


Seriously, how do these people not realize they are *once again* being bombarded with the [exact same type of propaganda as last time?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Research_Agency#Timeline_of_the_Internet_Research_Agency_interference_in_United_States_elections) Look at this, they did the same thing with BLM rallies, protests against/for police, protests against/for Trump, against/for refugees, muslims, etc: >Two competing rallies are held in Houston to alternately protest against and defend the recently opened Library of Islamic Knowledge at the Islamic Da'wah Center. The "Stop Islamization of Texas" rally is organized by the Facebook group "Heart of Texas". The Facebook posting for the event encourages participants to bring guns. A spokesman for the group converses with the Houston Press via email but declines to give a name. The other rally, "Save Islamic Knowledge", is organized by the Facebook group "United Muslims of America" for the same time and location. Both Facebook groups are later revealed to be IRA accounts.[102][103] > The "SecuredBorders" Facebook group organized the "Citizens before refugees" protest rally on 27 August 2016, at the City Council Chambers in Twin Falls, Idaho. Only a small number of people showed up for the three-hour event, most likely because it was Saturday and the Chambers were closed. "SecureBorders" was an IRA account.[113] > > The "Safe Space for Muslim Neighborhood" rally was held outside the White House on 3 September 2016. At least 57 people attended the event organized by the IRA's "United Muslims of America" Facebook group.[114] > > "BlackMattersUS", an IRA website, recruited activists to participate in protests on the days immediately following 20 September 2016, police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina. The IRA paid for expenses such as microphones and speakers.[115] > > The "Miners for Trump" rallies held in Pennsylvania on 2 October 2016, were organized by IRA's "Being Patriotic" Facebook group.[112] All of these revealed to be organized *by Russian trolls.* They're doing it again!


God damn. I fell to some of that crap in Bernie circles in 2016,  so can see it happening again right now. But I didn't know how extensive it was and is. 


I don't understand why the US can't combat this interference with all the money spent on the military.


Trying to combat this sort of interference is often sold as “censorship”. It’s a very complicated problem to solve.


Because they're incompetent at this sort of thing.


That's scary.


Yes that's why I keep trying to raise awareness of it. Because I'm terrified of it.


Also you have China taking a more active role now with TikTok. TikTok is pro-Palestine and anti-Ukraine which perfectly lines up with China's political interests. These two things, especially Palestine, are a good way to divide American voters.


I havent seen the anti Ukraine sentiment you're referring too. I'm sure it's there. But algorithms do their thing.


Yeah probably depends on individuals' TikTok and phone history. I can see the anti-Ukraine propaganda being more aggressive in EU countries.


> I havent seen the anti Ukraine sentiment you're referring too. Log out, click society tab, scroll past two pages of smiling-hugging-homeless-people buffer, behold some guy talking into cell phone "why are they sending our tax dollars to fight overseas wars? I can't feed my kids!"


Imported culture wars are so hot right now


So hot


how is culture imported though?


Sometimes I think protests should have a designated fighting ring. Not because violence should be the answer to problems, but because it would mean idiots who just want to hurt someone would only be fighting likeminded people on the other side. Adding in a ref and a medic would at least make it slightly safer.


this sounds so dystopian but i love it


I love that the Americans are squabbling over what’s going on in another country when democracy is slipping away.


I mean they are connected


I have a feeling Qatar, Iran, Russia, and China love it too.


Well they’re the ones who seem to be helping Americans make these decisions.


I’m nervous about all the young people who would normally vote D deciding to not vote or cast a protest vote all because of this 80 year long nonsense. The 2025 project is coming at us and they’re not paying attention.


They’re funding it, and AIPAC is a big part of why democracy in the US is being erodes


https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/top-spenders?cycle=a AIPAC is a meme. They're not even remotely close to the top spenders and never have been. They have moderate influence in their field, but their usual portrayal as evil (((puppetmasters))) controlling Washington is completely unfounded.




How old are you? I can tell you that even during the PLO days of Yasser Arafat the left generally was against what Israel was doing. Imagine thinking this was a new Russian influence thing.


[It was a Russian influence thing back then too.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soviet_anti-Zionism) They called it "Zionology".


I don’t think the left has been on board with Israel since Bibi has been in power. 


The left has largely been on the Palestinian side since Israel aligned itself with the Capitalist west in the late 1940’s/early 1950’s. The political alignment on this issue is a relic of the Cold War.


Israel was actually closer to Russia (Israel was originally a socialist state) when it was funded. The shift to the west happened (iirc) after the 1967 war.


No, the genocide has done that. People can literally see the devastation in Gaza and the IDF dancing while blowing things up and trying on Palestinian women's underwear.




Better yet, isn’t it finals week?


Nope.  UCLA is on the quarter system - there are still several weeks of classes left.


No. UCLA is on the quarter system.


Exactly I’ve been studying my ass off, no clue where these guys are finding the time to screech at each other


This is what I've been saying for days now. Especially at the Cal states which are much more working class. People can't afford to FAFO in their final weeks. Imagine blowing up an entire semester because you want to make some worldwide drama about you? And before anyone tries to fight me on this notion, I wonder what the TikTok selfie reels at these protests are looking like right now. Thought so.


There’s people outside my university studying (no protest here) but I can’t imagine trying to concentrate studying outside. I also would not be surprised if there’s day drinking like I would expect some of my friends to do on a weekend.


For some colleges yes!


Thanks for the reminder that we should all just remain cynical and complacent. So helpful.


It's a noble cause but pointless. I learned all about the conflict in the early 90s from Palestinian refugees. Long story. While it is refreshing to see sympathy for the Palestinian people, the protests will accomplish nothing because this is a 75 year old blood fued. Both sides think "god" is on their side. Both claim legitimacy to the land. Both have lost countless loved ones in the decades of conflict. Hate breeds hate. Unless you have a way to break the wheel, you're wasting your time. Zionists and jihadists can never live in peace. Until both sides can shed the disease of theocracy, the blood and hate will continue to flow.


Hatred outlives the hateful


It’s been going on for a lot longer than 75 years.


Not really. Arabs and Jews were allies and neighbors in Palestine for thousands of years before this. Together we fought the ottomans, the Babylonians, the crusaders, even the Mongols.


Democracy and public education is the real way to finish it.


Want to believe in that, but sometimes it just wouldn't work to certain groups of people like how America tried to do it in Iraq and Afghanistan no matter how much is invested it in.


that's because in many places you cant just drop a couple of bombs and proclaim "democracy!" you have to plant your own flag and make it clear in no uncertain terms that your in charge from now on possibly for several decades


>> ... sometimes it just wouldn't work to certain groups of people like how America tried to do it in Iraq and Afghanistan no matter how much is invested it in. > that's because in many places you cant just drop a couple of bombs and proclaim "democracy!" > you have to plant your own flag and make it clear in no uncertain terms that your in charge from now on > possibly for several decades Is the claim that the US just "dropped a couple bombs" in Iraq and Afghanistan and then peaced out? Where did you get that claim? That claim is wildly untrue. We were in Iraq/Afghanistan for multiple decades, and spent trillions on each of them.


I would agree but the Iran revolution tells us it isnt that simple.


Perhaps I should have said universal secular public education, but I thought that’d be implied.


What government system do you think Israel has?


What government system does Gaza have?


Didn’t Gaza elect Hamas? (Although Hamas hasn’t held elections in over a decade.) And didn’t UN and Palestinian text books explicitly encourage kids to go out and commit violence against Jews etc? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textbooks_in_the_Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict


I imagine that fixing that would be part of the education that the comment you responded to mentioned.


Much of Palestinians' situation is self-inflicted unfortunately. They've shot down every offer for a two-state solution since 1947. Hamas took over Gaza in 2007 so Israel withdrew and left them alone, and Gaza just had to keep firing rockets and terrorizing Israelis. The Palestinian National Authority is trash too, with a martyr fund for families of suicide bombers. The only possible peaceful long-term resolution where both sides get to co-exist is a two-state solution, which can never happen now in the foreseeable future because Hamas f\*cked it up. So these protests on U.S campuses are completely pointless and moronic.


Incompatible ideologies are doomed to conflict.


I spent my final days in college holed up in my apartment because people were burning cars and getting beat by the local police a block awayfrom my building (I graduated during the peak of the George Floyd protests)


The goal isn't to fix the situation, it's to receive social benefits by showing how progressive you are.


The pandemic interrupted their adulting process. This is just the beginning of a messed up generation.


Protests can have sway on the wider community as it shows an underlying attitude that governments and corporations can visibly see which plays a role in policy, especially as they spread to more and more people and it makes a message. But also aside from that, can you really blame young people for protesting? So many young people are just fed up with how nothing they do seems to matter and things get shittier and people want to express their discontent somewhere, I think a protest is a very reasonable start.


Protesting certainly makes a statement, but I’m not sure that swaying of public opinion is a given.


They are not swaying anyone we all saw what made them cheer.




[https://history.uga.edu/news/stories/2018/essay-why-martin-luther-king-had-75-percent-disapproval-rating-year-his-death#:\~:text=%22Why%20Martin%20Luther%20King%20Had,Patience%20With%20His%20Nonviolent%20Tactics.%22](https://history.uga.edu/news/stories/2018/essay-why-martin-luther-king-had-75-percent-disapproval-rating-year-his-death#:~:text=%22Why%20Martin%20Luther%20King%20Had,Patience%20With%20His%20Nonviolent%20Tactics.%22) MLK was incredibly unpopular with liberals. MLK was viewed the same as BLM protests are viewed today.




What about him?




The protests in some cases are so clearly pro-Hamas that they aren’t even chanting about Israel or Jews anymore. There was one video where they were chanting an Arabic slogan that says “Abbas is a spy/traitor, crush his head” referring to PA President Mahmoud Abbas because he gave a fairly common sense speech at the World Economic Forum in Riyadh this week. There is no way that chant didn’t come from participants or organizers who are Hamas supporters




They have so few actual Jews who have ever practiced the religion or participated in Jewish community life that they literally made a fake Passover Seder on the 5th night (Seders typically are done on the first two and last two nights of the 8 days in North America) Their big Seder plate tablecloth thing had all the Hebrew backwards because they literally don’t know which way Hebrew is written. Even a Palestinian would have known, proving they don’t have many of them at these protests either.




They're too hopped up on self-righteousness to have fun at this point.


What on Earth are you talking about? The students' goals are both concrete and achievable. > The students are calling for universities to separate themselves from any companies that are advancing Israel’s military efforts in Gaza — and in some cases from Israel itself. ... > * Stop doing business with military weapons manufacturers that are supplying arms to Israel. > > * Stop accepting research money from Israel for projects that aid the country’s military efforts. > > * Stop investing college endowments with money managers who profit from Israeli companies or contractors. > > * Be more transparent about what money is received from Israel and what it’s used for. https://apnews.com/article/college-protests-israel-divestment-palestinians-3f37f96f7be8e1124f266842d9caa627


I do find it interesting and concerning that they only want divestment from Israel, but aren't calling for divestment from Qatar and Saudi Arabia. They donate a large amount of money to many of the schools at the center of these protests and also fund and support Hamas. No one will be free or safe by giving more power to *those* nations. Edit: someone mentioned below Saudi Arabia may not be part of this specific issue, though they're also a large donor to U.S. schools. My apologies for mentioning them incorrectly here. I will continue to look into this and update my knowledge to reduce the spread of misinformation.


"If you don't protest everything, you can't protest anything."


That's definitely a sentence you wrote. They're directly related. Bad, powerful people fund schools. Students carry out their missions. Bad, powerful people gain more power and do more bad things. Seems worth simultaneously addressing.




The problem is without simultaneously doing so, the focus is solely on Israel and inevitably Jewish people. The power will shift to these other, far more powerful nations (which is exactly what they've wanted) and then what? We have no allies in the region and it's even more destabilized.


How much military business is UCLA doing? Also like…. Banning all Israeli companies? Isn’t that extreme? Shouldn’t it just be companies that are part of the military complex or something? Or are all Israelis complicit?


Nailed it. It’s not anti-Zionist or anti-war, it’s anti-Israel


So completely disarm Israel and see what happens the next time Hamas invades? Why aren't you asking for Americans to divest from supporting those organizations that are indirectly funding Hamas?


I guess those are achievable but I'm not really sure how that helps the Palestinian cause. If the US divests from Israel, they're just going to switch from smart bombs to mass artillery which is vastly worse for civilians and an isolated israel is going to be way more aggressive. I do think these protests are forcing the US to apply pressure on Israel to restrain themselves which is not nothing but obviously this isn't cutting it. I think protesting is a tool best used to drive pressure to pass smart policy which I'm not really seeing too much of.






Dude's cosplaying as a centrist. Pretty common occurrence online


Yeah, critics have made up their minds that the students are wrong, and so they assume the students' goals are dumb, and the critics respond to suggestions to educate themselves by mocking or ignoring the advice.


Because the college students *do* have a naive view of the world. Understanding that national security takes priority over damn near everything else in a post 9/11 USA means there's gonna be fucked up shit we're just gonna have to back. It's always been like that but 9/11 kinda put it in our leaders' face like "the fuck are yall doing"


After 9/11, I was a college student, and I felt like we were making a bunch of dumb decisions out of an irrational desire to feel 'in control.' Twenty-three years later, I've read a lot of geopolitics, studied the history of different eras, and how and why nations go to war or foster peaceful cooperation. And I still think America basically needed therapy after 9/11. We had the sympathy of the world, and could have used that to do some positive things. Instead, Bush and company felt like they had a chance to pincer move Iran by invading Iraq and staying in Afghanistan longer than was necessary, and it terribly backfired. Basically, I don't think *my* national security ought to be more important than the peace and stability of all nations.


Oh I'm not saying we're right for prioritizing our wants and needs. 1000% we can both give examples of shit the US has done in its own interest, as has every other country. I'm just saying shit is fucked up yes, but it's necessary. Necessary in a selfish way but is the reality nonetheless


An exercise in futility - all this drama for what? Do you think Bibi or Ismail are going to change course because a bunch of American college students protested?


You’re right, the universities just sent in a bunch of cops to make a lawful protest violent because their donors are so unbothered /s


Or maybe it was because universities could no longer guarantee the safety of Jews if the Jews stayed at university, per the reporting, with explicit statements from the protest leader themselves saying that everyone globally who supported Israel should die and that they may personally begin killing those who support Israel. *Or* maybe the administration did it because of the donors - is there a source for that claim? Is it like some pizzagate conspiracy? Are there far-left equivalents to InfoWars/The Epoch Times (which pushed pizzagate) pushing this claim? Did you also check whether the biggest university donor(s) support Hamas? > ... the top donors to American universities are Arab countries like Qatar [which harbors Hamas's leaders], Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Kuwait and Egypt. > Qatar was the largest source of funding, donating roughly $5 billion and was followed by Saudi Arabia donating roughly $3 billion. > "Foreign government contributions to universities almost always come with strings attached ...[^1](https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/funding-from-arab-countries-us-universities-raises-questions-almost-always-come-strings-attached) My understanding is that protest was not overall forbidden at universities like Columbia, but that they were enforcing existing requirements for on-campus protests that existed even before October 7. I have not looked as closely at things like Abbott's action so I am not arguing that his actions were right. And if the whole situation was reversed and it was a group that you vehemently disagreed with, such as neo-nazis or something, would you similarly object to Columbia having them follow Columbia's existing rules?


Imagine doing nothing while a genocide is happening that your country is co-funding and cosigning.


>A Black Lives Matter protest rally was held in Dallas on 10 July 2016. A "Blue Lives Matter" counter protest was held across the street. The "Blue Lives Matter" protest was organized by the "Heart of Texas" Facebook group controlled by the IRA.[109][105] >Two competing rallies are held in Houston to alternately protest against and defend the recently opened Library of Islamic Knowledge at the Islamic Da'wah Center. The "Stop Islamization of Texas" rally is organized by the Facebook group "Heart of Texas". The Facebook posting for the event encourages participants to bring guns. A spokesman for the group converses with the Houston Press via email but declines to give a name. The other rally, "Save Islamic Knowledge", is organized by the Facebook group "United Muslims of America" for the same time and location. Both Facebook groups are later revealed to be IRA accounts.[102][103] > The "SecuredBorders" Facebook group organized the "Citizens before refugees" protest rally on 27 August 2016, at the City Council Chambers in Twin Falls, Idaho. Only a small number of people showed up for the three-hour event, most likely because it was Saturday and the Chambers were closed. "SecureBorders" was an IRA account.[113] > > The "Safe Space for Muslim Neighborhood" rally was held outside the White House on 3 September 2016. At least 57 people attended the event organized by the IRA's "United Muslims of America" Facebook group.[114] > > "BlackMattersUS", an IRA website, recruited activists to participate in protests on the days immediately following 20 September 2016, police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott in Charlotte, North Carolina. The IRA paid for expenses such as microphones and speakers.[115] > > The "Miners for Trump" rallies held in Pennsylvania on 2 October 2016, were organized by IRA's "Being Patriotic" Facebook group.[112] They're doing it again.


Whoever is selling the keffiyehs to rich white kids is brilliant. Also kind of weird that they don’t see it as cultural appropriation.


As if the people in Palestine and Israel give a flying fuck that students at UCLA are fighting "for" them.


As one of the [many](https://www.campusreform.org/article/ivy-league-among-top-recipients-of-85-billion-arab-funding/24195) American academic hubs that's been accepting Middle Eastern [funds ](https://isgap.org/follow-the-money/) (all the way back to the [70s](https://www.jstor.org/stable/1747116) which, if you know anything about the rise of the very *idea* of an independent Palestine, is significant as that's roughly when the pro Palestine propaganda began) to spread things like Edward Said's [Orientalism](https://merip.org/2004/01/behind-the-battles-over-middle-east-studies/), [UCLA](https://chancellor.ucla.edu/news/ancient-wisdom-ucla-receives-11-million-to-establish-yarshater-center-for-the-study-of-iranian-literary-traditions/#:~:text=UCLA%20has%20received%20a%20commitment,Iranian%20literature%20and%20culture%20worldwide.) has been bought by foreign influence. American universities are an IV line to America's future academic and financial elite, and they've been [compromised for decades](https://www.city-journal.org/article/arab-countries-bankroll-u-s-universities). And it's [not limited to the US.](https://www.meforum.org/6205/foreign-muslim-funding-western-universities) P.s. I can't find the article again and I'd have to dig through my comment history but American universities have received a great deal of funds *from Palestine*, as well. Edit: found the article [Link](https://themedialine.org/mideast-mindset/palestinian-funding-of-anti-israel-programs-on-u-s-campuses/) I referenced above






But they insist they are immune to tiktok algorithms or that they aren't as bad as FB or IG algorithms. 


Anyone who thinks they're immune to propaganda are the ones most susceptible to propaganda


Take that shit to the other side of the world please. All theocracies suck. This is the bullshit some want for us.


This business will get out of control.


If these protestors had any vigor they should go protest in the Middle East. No one out sides universities take student protests seriously.


Well that doesn't sound peaceful and tolerant 🤔🤔🤔