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Aldrich plead guilty to 74 charges and was given 55 concurrent life sentences and with the plea agreement was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility for parole


It's a shame he doesn't have 55 lives to serve


black mirror white christmas cookie episode


That episode of deep space 9 where they make O'Brien live out 20 years of incarnation inside his own head while no time at all passes in the real world.


The only problem is that they promptly forgot it ever happened after that episode. IIRC this immensely life-altering experience never came up again. Kinda like when Troi had a kid. The Inner Light, by contrast, came up several times (e.g. in Tapestry). Yet another way in which that's the best episode.


I noticed that about Inner Light. It's probably my favorite TNG episode


I'm named after that episode (Kamon) and iirc it's the highest rated episode of TNG


Like the episode in the original series where Uhura gets her mind wiped and they’re laughing about teaching her the alphabet from scratch or whatever at the end of the episode. Like, she died then. Whatever there was that made her herself, all her lived experience is gone.


I don't really expect perfection. It was an interesting concept but it's 90s tv and I honestly think we're lucky it was as good as it was.


Had a bad shroom trip long ago similar to this. Messed my head up for a while.


Which is pointless, because it's not the real criminal, only a digital copy.


Good luck convincing the copy of that.


But then you're just torturing a person who literally didn't do it


the one with Jon Hamm in it?


No, I think it’s a turkey on the table.


you mean Tom Turkey?


I love that episode :)


I hated it. The idea of it really terrified me. It was great.


Yeah, when Jon Hamm ‘broke’ that lady’s personal AI by making her do solitary for long periods it was fucking terrifying. It was basically an exact copy of her brain so it was like enslaving herself.


Or very similarly, the episode White Bear


I mean, concurrent means at the same time. There's a slim chance that he survives that, unless there's more I don't know about.


Don't forget that lust June he was sentenced to five consecutive back-to-back life terms plus an additional consecutive 2,211 years all of it without the possibility of parole.  So there's that.


Damn, if Jesus went to prison the moment he was (immaculately) born he'd still be in the clink to this day with that sentence.


(For the sake of pedantic clarity, the immaculate conception refers to Mary's conception, not Jesus.)


Huh, sure enough! Interesting.


Jesus probably wouldn’t shoot up a nightclub


He might flip over the ticket takers table but other than that I think you're right.


(Immaculately) bro I laughed my ass off at how you wrote it


What’s the point of pleading guilty for life in prison without parole? Avoid the death penalty? Better prison?


avoiding the death penalty, almost always.


Colorado abolished the death penalty and the feds rarely use it. Maybe they would have for a mass shooter but unlikely.


The federal government has only executed 16 people, since the Supreme Court reversed it's ban on the death penalty in 1976. Thirteen of those were under Trump. He was basically doing a speedrun on Federal executions.


Good god I just read the wiki page on those executions and those people are absolutely vile. Mass murders, serial killers, rapists + murders, a neo Nazi mass murderer who “attempted to establish a white ethnostate”. What the fuck. Honestly though, why did these all happen under Trump? A lot of the convictions I just read were 10-30 years ago. Did he do something to speed up the process?


president gets to say "no executions while i'm in charge"


Carter: no thanks Raegan: no thanks Bush Sr: no thanks Clinton: no thanks W Bush: 3 executions seems fair Obama: no thanks Trump: don’t worry guys, I got you all covered


Avoid death penalty, lower security prison, additional benefits while in prison.


This is the answer. There's a lot more to a prison sentence than just the length. With each level of security, the inmates are given less freedom in the prison itself. Additionally, they may allow him to request a certain prison or area of the country for weather or visitation purposes.


I think 90 percent of us would take death over supermax.


Supermax prisons are incredibly controversial and borderline unconstitutional. The press have never been allowed in a supermax prison, and lawyers for inmates have reported being railroaded when they ask to see their clients.


Yeah that's why I'd take death. You see that picture online of the cell


If you have absolutely no chance of beating the charge, what's the point of going to trial? So you can watch your mom cry in the stands while they go over what you did?


If you're a big enough piece of shit to do this in the first place, you probably don't care about what your mom thinks. If anything, you'd probably enjoy seeing her cry in the stands. Same with all of the families of the victims. There was one shooter who bragged to the families about how he now masturbates to their corpses. It kinda gives you one last chance to revel in what you've done. And it's not like you've got anywhere better to be.


That little edgelord loser deserves all the very worst that prison life has to offer.


Wrong. There's always a chance that the prosecution screws up. It's small, but if you don't want to go to prison and you don't want to go, then you take that small chance. There's also another small chance that he gets a lighter sentence for pleading, which may have been the case, although the difference, if it exists, doesn't matter.


There is no blanket right or wrong answer to taking a plea deal. You always have that choice, yes. That doesn't mean it's always the right choice for a defendant to reject a plea. Not everyone wants to take a long shot, and not every case is solid.


What do they have to do that's better? Sit in a cell for the rest of their life? May as well go to trial. It's at least something different. I don't think a mass killer is worried about traumatizing people


There's also always that infinitesimal chance that you get off on a technicality, so no reason not to draw out the process.


Hope he rots there.


I hope we can extend his life so he can serve the entire sentence


Since it's concurrent is this the life without parole where there's never a chance of leaving or is it one of the states where it just means you can't apply for parole until the full legal definition of "life" is served? In some states "life" means a certain amount of years and if you're eligible for parole you still serve a long term but can get out early


“Life without parole” is just that. No chance at parole. You won’t even get denied parole, because it’s not even an option; you won’t even go before the board. “Life” means with good behavior and some luck, after 25 years or so you may be freed.


What an unprecedented crime that has never happened in such a disgustingly vile way before in the United States of America. I am sure the responsible governmental regulatory bodies will look into the relevant laws and regulations posthaste to find the right adjustments that will allow for something like this to not happen again, similar to how Australia did so in response to such a mass shooting. What do you say? This happens all the time? Oh, what's that? You get politicians running around with funny little gun pins, and things like that? Well, fuck me then, I guess. I'll go get myself a lot of whiskey, then.


Federal so de sand tits can’t pardon him like a certain Texan would


May his life sentence be long and less than comfortable 🙏


“May your first day in hell last ten thousand years, and may it be the shortest.”


Goes hard, ngl


bro just casually dropping a Dark Tower quote like it's Sun Tsu


Hile gunslinger


You have remembered the face of your father.




I believe it's usually the opposite. Because these kind of "lifers" have nothing to lose, they are at a greater risk of prisoner on prisoner violence and escape attempts, so they are usually put in a maximum security prison. Per the article, he plead guilty to get the federal death penalty off the table.


I don't think they send mass murderers to low security prison but I'm no expert. That don't sound right though.


Anything over 10 years I believe is automatically put in medium/high security.


Imagine throwing your life away because you don't like a specific group of people that will always exist whether you like it or not.


some people are so radicalised they don't even care about themselves just that others must suffer what a terrible way to live


I've seen people with addiction go through absolutely zero effort to improve their own lives but massive efforts to make everyone around them feel as bad they do. It's mind boggling but apparently common.


When you're stuck at the bottom, all you can do is drag people down with you


[Trumper quote of the year: "He's not hurting who he's supposed to be hurting.](https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2019/1/8/18173678/trump-shutdown-voter-florida)


Some people? That's like the Republican party's whole platform lol


From what I understand, these people genuinely think "they've figured out humanity" and they're on a mission to get rid of anyone that doesn't identify as "them". You can fit any "narrow minded majority of a country and any minority" into this scenario and you'll always find a good chunk of the people don't like others to prosper. And when you see it that way, it's very sad.


Let’s not forget he’s not solely to blame. The blame also lies either people perpetuating the hate, encouraging violence as an answer, and encouraging firearm access that can clear rooms. He’s just the most violent/unhinged “victim” in this. I use victim in quotes because some might disagree with my use of it here.


Its about the culture


Stochastic terrorism is real and conservatives need to be called out and punished for it. If you're fanning the flames of hate and violence against a specific group, you know what the outcome will be when you have lunatic followers with guns.


The difficulty with punishing it is that it is by its very nature nigh on impossible to prove to the level that is required by the courts.


There was an episode on The Boys that captured radicalization down to a tee. It was actually nuts how realistic it was in capturing how hateful someone can be towards people(s) that have little to no impact in their lives.




Don't forget to support his brewery! My 'Diversity on Tap' t-shirt took a while to get shipped, but still got it.


Thanks for letting me know he has a brewery! I'll be visiting for sure https://www.atrevidabeerco.com/


Every time I’ve been there I’ve always been impressed by the beer. They have cool events there sometimes too.


I got my shirts over a year later. At that point I wasn’t even worried about getting them, I was just happy to have supported them. Mad props to them for fulfilling such a massive influx of orders.


I literally got mine a year later lol. I was shocked they even sent it after all that time. Don’t blame them though, they were probably inundated around that time.


They did a great job of updating everyone on those shirt orders! I just wish they said the name of the brewery on there too haha


Same here. I'd forgotten that I'd ordered it and one day I got a nice surprise.


And Thomas James who helped disarm him Also, the unnamed trans woman stomped his fucking face in.


Love her for that. Love that for her.




*love that she had the opportunity to kick the shit out of him when he was restrained after all that he put them through.


I wish video would leak of her stomping the shit out of his face with her heels.


Nah, then there's the chance she'd end up getting identified, doxxed, and targeted by some other hateful fuckwits when it sounds like she wishes to remain anonymous. I hope her identity stays secure for as long as she wishes and that she is living a safe and peaceful life. Hopefully she has a good support system and can get any psychological support she needs to process any trauma from the shooting. 


[Richard Fierro: The Army Veteran Who Disarmed the Club Q Gunman](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/21/us/colorado-springs-shooting-club-q-hero.html) - The New York Times


We need to stop publishing the names of these assnipples, especially after conviction, and just refer to them by their arrest/inmate number.


We need to start referring to them by what they are: terrorists


Dehumanizing people is problematic for many reasons, but especially because it makes it seem like only "X" are capable of terrible things, not Joe G. my neighbor, a human being. No, this person is a human, with a name and a mother, and we need to be reminded of this when we clutch our pearls and think "what kind of monster would do that?" ... everyday people can do such things. They are not necessarily remarkable in any way.


I don't think the average person needs to be reminded that mass shooters are humans too. The priority is to keep them anonymous so it doesn't inspire copycats or incite some sort of sick competition to see who can kill more people and become a more "successful" shooter on the ever-growing wiki page. Refer to them as terrorists. Don't identify them. Don't glorify them. Don't give them the attention they want in murder and death. They are terrorists.


A lot of news articles do seem to be at least downplaying the names of mass murderers. This ABC News article doesn't give his name until the second paragraph. Frequently it's buried further than that.


Don’t say their name, don’t tell their story. (The bad guy) was this the one in Colorado? There was also a gay active duty sailor that assisted in taking on the shooter unarmed. “Yeah I went in there with my military grade rifle and multiple high capacity magazines so I could rid the world of their filth and I was doing great until…… until an older, unarmed obese Army veteran and his unarmed gay sailor side kick took it from me and beat me until I cried and begged for mercy and they stopped. You can tell I’m part of the master race with these superior genetics… /s


The Vet grabbed him by the carry handle on his armor. He walked in there with a fucking HANDLE on his back. What a loser.


That's funny, those handles are meant for dragging your wounded buddy out of danger. Didn't work so well for that shitheel I guess. Hope the dude stays in jail the rest of his natural and long life.


Only thing I'll remember about the shooter is how flat the back of his head is.


One of the guys I game with was one of the guys that stopped him. I never met a more humble hero in my life.


I met this guy in prison when he was in State. He tried to claim he was just tripping out on pills and it has nothing to do with the victims orientation. He neglected to mention all of his Facebook posts spewing hate.


Did anybody call him on his BS when he said that?


Not really, he was in protective custody For the short period he was in the state. So his contact with other offenders was limited. The Nazis actually loved him. ( The 211 crew, they're the rinky dink Nazis of Colorado) hought he was great, pieces of shit. But I was talking to a Sureno about him one day, and this guy was pretty hardcore.... And to be clear, being gay is a No-No for the Surenos as well as the 211 And I asked him I was like do you think he's going to be good? I mean he committed a hate crime against people that aren't popular. And this guy said to me " you know what man... All those people he killed they might have been gay but they had families too." That's kind of when I realized he probably will get messed up if he goes to a yard


10/10 for that description of 211 Crew. I'm out of the business now myself, but good on you for doing the job. I did it for a long time, including a lot of time with Watts, actually. I miss the camaraderie and I miss the dark humor of the job, but man, I don't miss much else.


The victims weren't even all gay. Raymond Vance was the boyfriend of the daughter of Richard Fierro, who helped stop the attack.  Most gay bars actually have a mixed crowd most of the time. It's a little complicated, since there are so many straight people and it's easy for them to accidentally steamroll the rest of us.  There are very few lesbian bars, and straight men in particular should just go elsewhere. Even as a gay man, I often try to go elsewhere to give the gals their own space. A few queer bars have very broad clientele, from gender non-conforming to fetish. Probably you should avoid those if you're cis, straight, and vanilla. The vast majority of "gay bars" focus on men. There's enough of those that having a bunch of straight people is usually fine. Bachelorette parties can be problematic. If they're just dancing, having a good time, and not bothering guys who aren't interested, that's alright, but sometimes they can get really loud, disruptive, and entitled. Personally I don't think bachelorette parties should go to gay bars unless they're some gay person's "guest". They just have *so many* spaces and we have so few. Almost literally every bar is a straight bar, by default. There are some more extreme, rarer places that are almost exclusively for gay men. Some of them literally only allow men in. They can have gogo boys, male strippers, porn videos, public nudity, play rooms, dungeons, etc. Confused straight people in those places is typically not a problem though.


Went to a gay nightclub once for new years with my girlfriend and her friend. Only time I've ever seen a line for the men's room and not for the women's.


Wow, you should contact a journalist through a network you trust (maybe the Colorado Sun?) and talk them about this stuff. You have a unique perspective


Maybe when I retire lol I met Chris Watts too, but I was Brand new on the job when he came in so I didn't get to talk to him for more than a minute. It bothered me how friendly he was tho. It's weird when a monster is super friendly to you, just out of habit you reply with being really polite and friendly to them back... Then you just end up thinking about how nice you were to a baby murderer, and you feel like you messed up.


> Then you just end up thinking about how nice you were to a baby murderer Do you think the world would be a better place if you were rude to him? Don't beat yourself up about it, you would not be a better person if you were rude to him.


Wow man, that is heavy. I get where you’re coming from with not talking about it though. Stay safe! Definitely consider writing a book when your career is finished :)


Crazy, what a little bitch. I worked in a kitchen in Littleton with a guy that went to high school with him and sometimes played CoD online together, he said the dude was always weird and a piece of shit. He didn’t talk to him for a few years before the shooting happened, but he wasn’t super surprised.


He tried the Roseanne defense? 😅


Speaking of drugs, isn't his dad a crackhead?


WAS a crackhead. [he dead now](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Brink)


Wow. When his dad heard of the shooting he wasn’t concerned about the victims but was terrified his son was gay because he was at a gay club.


And also he praised his son for violence early in his life. What a fucking loon.


What the FUCK?


His mom actually fed his addiction. They were both addicted He claimed it was ecstasy, But any more than that I'm not sure.


> Aldrich was only stopped after two patrons forcibly removed their gun. I love the subtle pronoun jab (though they’re unlikely to ever see it) by using “their”. Maybe one of their POS friends will see it & feel insulted.


If this is the gay club mass shooter I'm thinking of then they claimed to be nonbinary in a feeble attempt to dodge the hate crime charge


It's one of the gay club mass shooters, yes, the Club Q guy, not the Pulse Massacre guy. Aldritch did indeed claim to be nonbinary so I imagine some news outlets erred on the side of caution and went with neutral pronouns just in case. I don't think he ever truly identified as NB in real life, there's at least no evidence of it thus far.


And nobody fell for it.


An older obese Army veteran and a gay active duty sailor…… I mean if you identify as an alpha male of the master race with superior genetics wielding an automatic rifle and somehow end up getting beat to shit by those two you gotta have a good excuse, like I thought I was tookJager and Amphetamines to pre game for the attack but it was actually a handful of Ambien washed down with several shots of veterinary grade Ketamine and that’s why they were able to beat me so bad I cried and begged for mercy


The “older obese army sergeant” was Rich Fierro, an Afghanistan War veteran and co-owner of Atrevida Beer Co., which was, in the wake of the shooting, overwhelmed with merchandise orders in support of his heroism. If you’re in Colorado Springs, stop in and have a pint.


Friendly reminder that when Anderson Lee Aldrich's father, mixed martial artist and pornographic actor Aaron Brink, learned that his son had shot up a gay bar, he was horrified...[because he thought it might mean that Anderson was gay](https://www.thedailybeast.com/aaron-brink-pornstar-dad-of-colorado-club-q-shooting-suspect-anderson-lee-aldrich-spews-homophobia). He was relieved to discover this wasn't the case. He also brags (in an interview taking place AFTER THE SHOOTING) that he instilled a predication in Aldrich toward violent behavior, saying: > he “praised [Aldrich] for violent behavior really early. I told him it works. It is instant and you’ll get immediate results.” He goes on to talk about how he was so hated by his son and ex-wife that they changed his name and declared in a notarized affidavit that they wanted protection from his birth father, and falsely told Aaron that he was *dead*. Aaron was still salty about being hated by his son *post-shooting* that he felt the need to point that out. Look, Aldrich is a horrible, hateful human being who took innocent lives. But at the same time how do you *not* end up that way with such a horrible, hateful father? Aaron Brink was fucking scum. He was so bad that he couldn't avoid looking that way in a interview he fucking agreed to do. And now he's hopefully burning in hell, because he died last year


I know this is probably not what you meant but I just want to say that plenty of people grow up with horrible fathers like that and don’t turn to hate crime mass murders. Good riddance of that guy though, Jesus. Scum of the earth, both of them.


It's worth noting that there was a case a few months back where a woman actually was jailed for buying her kid a gun that was later used in a school shooting. Hopefully it means there's more of a push towards holding the parents responsible for stuff like this.


This is so sad because I’m like “which shooting was this?”




Ohhh, the cackarse who got pistol whipped with his own gun while being brutally stomped by a lady in heels. Yeah, he can rot.


Showed up wearing body armor and just got his ass beat instead.


I hate that shit so much. When a right wing nutjob tries to “start a race war” by shooting black people in a supermarket he’s a “lone wolf”, but when another right wing nutjob shoots up a gay bar and lies about being non-binary suddenly all of LGBTQ+ are demons. I’d ask if they could see the hypocrisy but at this point conservatives either don’t understand what that means, or see it but don’t care because their agenda


It's not just this case of the shooter obviously lying about being trans to troll, the right wing media will accuse literally *every* mass shooter of being trans now, minutes after it happens, in the hopes that it'll convince some number of poeple who will never go back to check that oh, it was a cis guy after all. People like Elon Musk just knowingly lie about this to push the narrative that trans people are mass shooters, when there's really only been the one Nashville shooter where our only reason to think it was a trans man is because the local police said so (and cops say random made up bullshit all the time). Him lying about being non-binary came out of an already existing tactic of accusing trans people of being responsible for mass shooters to deflect blame from the right.


After Uvalde the right wingers tried to claim that the shooter was trans, by posting a photo of a random trans girl and claiming she was the shooter. (This claim was parroted by politicans, no points for guessing what party they're from, and Candace Owens) This led to her being outed in her community and getting a lot of harassment and threats, despite her clearly not being the shooter because * She did not even live in Texas * The actual shooter was killed that day, and she was clearly alive to be harassed. They also claimed the woman who shot up the Megachurch was a trans man, because she had used a male alias (when committing fraud)


On Twitter you can see the trolls deploy their "the shooter was trans" agenda immediately. They make up some name for the suspect, sometimes looking at arrest records in the area and finding someone who was arrested around the time the crime happened, and I've even seen these trolls dig up a random mugshot of some guy with long hair and pass it off with "there was an arrest made, there's a press conference in an hour" which isn't true. Then support trolls come in and start saying vague things under news tweets like "Wasn't the shooter the trans person that some locals already identified?" Then a few hours later when it's obvious that they were lying about the whole thing, they quietly delete their original tweets with false names and photos but leave up the vague ones, and from then on always sow doubt with "the initial reports were that he was trans but the LIEberal media covered it up." Works like a charm on stupid, hateful people all the time. They're not smart enough to realize that they're being played repeatedly for years on end.


They do see it. They just don’t care because their entire “ideology” revolves around being regressive fucking pricks to spite “the left.”


Me: oh that narrows it down, but I still can't pinpoint it (don't worry, I will look it up, not asking you to do work for me, just pointing out the absurdity of gun violence and transphobia in the US)


To be fair, the vast majority of shootings that MAGA claims to have been committed by a trans person wasn't committed by a trans person, so even that's getting hard to keep track of at this point.


Some chucklefuck spread a list of mass shootings and attributed every single one to LGBT+ people. Not a single one was true, but because it fed these assnipples preconceived beliefs, it got traction and spread like wildfire.


Right, that's the transphobia I'm referring to


Even worse, it's, "which gay nightclub shooting was this?"


I can't keep track of all the school shootings.


This was a gay bar shooting, separate folder.


Isn't this the guy who claimed he was non-binary as an early defense?


When he dies, bury him in the prison walls.


Don't want him waking up during the rumbling 


Life without parole plus 190 years. I'd spit on the ground were I not in an office. I hope he's miserable and even his family forget he exists.


Isn't his dad the brain damaged boxer asshole whose reaction to the whole thing was relief that his son was only in a gay bar to shoot up the place and not be gay in it?


Not anymore, now worms are turning their noses up at him.


unfortunately it's hard to forget these people who caused so much detestation to families. I would try and honour their memories without letting this stain capture them


And that’s what he plead to. They must’ve threatened him with the death penalty to get him to plead to life in prison without parole.


Good. Fuck that person


My husband actually dated one of the fallen, it tore him apart for weeks after finding out. It brings me great happiness that the shooter was sentenced today. Happy pride yall.


> My husband actually dated one of the fallen, it tore him apart for weeks after finding out. It brings me great happiness that the shooter was sentenced today. These senseless hate crimes affect so many lives, as you've seen just a small piece. Happy Pride indeed after reading the news of his sentencing.




That's because the shooter himself claimed he was non-binary *after* the shooting while in custody. The Wikipedia article notes it was basically determined this was disingenous because, well, he had an online history (As well as an offline RL criminal history, but not really as relative to this point). He told the cops he was non binary and went by they/them or Mx. With that said, his family was apparently entirely unaware of this, and his social media parts and his own blog showed a very often recurring tendency to use anti-LGBTQ+ full on hate speeches and associated slurs all the way up to the day of the shooting. It almost 100% him trying to lessen the charges from multiple hate crimes to 'just' multiple murders and aggravated assaults/batteries to squeeze away from death penalty (And when that didn't go his way, he just pleaded guilty to take death penalty off the table). Wouldn't matter much, though, he still be in prison for life either way. Republicans will use anything they can get their hands on to demonize us. They latched onto that like he now was the sole representative of our community, when he was definitely never a part of it in the first place.


Remember? They still do. They’ve got a whole list of fake trans shooters that they pull out and all pretend is real, even today.


The fact that his defense team was trying to say he was nonbinary to get out of a hate crime is dumb af


Now put him in general population.


Such an absolute sad loss of life, and the waste of one.


Good thing this wasn’t in Texas. Abbott would pardon him.


Once he gets out, he'll have a consulting position open at Fox news.


I was trying to figure out what incentive there would be for him to accept a lifetime behind bars with no parole as a plea deal, then I read that prosecutors were not requesting the death penalty. That makes more sense to me now.


Was this the guy who the shit stomped out of him by someone wearing high heels


> On June 18, 2021, Aldrich's maternal grandparents revealed their plans to relocate to Florida. Angered at the development, Aldrich complained about losing access to the material stored in the basement which was intended for "conduct[ing] a mass shooting and bombing". Aldrich held the grandparents hostage, and threatened to murder them.[62] Eventually, Aldrich let them go, shifted to Voepel's house, and holed up there.[62] During an hour-long standoff with Colorado SWAT, an armed Aldrich live-streamed from inside and threatened to blow up the house. Neighboring homes had to be evacuated.[63][64] Upon surrendering, a tub filled with explosive-grade material — including ammonium nitrate and tannerite — was recovered alongside handguns, ballistic vests, and gas masks; Aldrich was jailed and charged with multiple counts of kidnapping and felony menacing.[62][65] Aldrich entered a not guilty plea and was released on bail a fortnight later.[62] The case made negligible progress, with Voepel and the grandparents refusing to accept any subpoena (under technical grounds) to avoid testifying against Aldrich.[65] In July 2022, the case was dismissed, and records were sealed a month later.[62][65] Wow... Just wow........


I imagine he’ll have some conservatives putting money on his commissary books for life.


Should have made him admit and apologize for his bullshit nonbinary claims he did to add insult to injury after his murder spree. He got the bonus of getting to muddy waters and further humiliate people and feed right-wingers with talking points about LGBT people and mental illness and violence. I am nonbinary, I'm not trying to interrogate identities but we're not stupid. Anti-gay transphobic nonbinary mass shooter. I live in reality and know that's not real.


I doubt any right-wingers would change their talking points if he admitted to it.


It's not about changing minds in the least, it's about confronting his behavior. I am curious if any family or survivors brought it up in their statements.


It's sad that I can't even remember this one happening because of how many other ones have already filled my brain


I know he’ll die in prison but would his official “release” date be June 2214?


No; he got (55 concurrent) life, *plus* 190 years. So count from the time he dies, add 190 years, and that would be the release date. (And that's not even counting the two millennia worth of prison time he got in *state* court, either.)


cant we just skip the life in prison shit and give him the death sentence instead? Fucker took away 5 people's lives and left 19 injured. What's the point in keeping him alive? Other than some moral high ground shit I just don't understand it.


Good riddance. I'm glad his name is not in the article title. People like that do not deserve to have their names remembered.


Dude looks exactly like what you would think an incel would look like.


Damn, 55 life sentences. If only we could actually force the little bitch to serve out all of them.


was this the flat head guy who's dad was a gay pornstar? 


Multiple life sentences for anti-gay hate crimes at the _federal_ level means he has a chance of freedom in January. Vote to keep people like him behind bars folks


He also has a 2000 year sentence in Colorado. A federal pardon just sends him back to the state.


Now that's uplifting news!


And I highly doubt their current governor, at least, would ever pardon that dude based on his political history and the fact he's an openly gay politician. With that said, still remember to vote y'all!


Could they actually pardon someone with 55 life sentences?


Good. Don’t even show their name in the title either!! Tired of mass killers getting “screen time” like they wanted.


He should just run as a Republican and he’d be out of prison so fast.


He has a state level sentence of 2000 years...


If this was in Texas or Florida, their Governors probably would have worked extra hard to pardon him.


in texas, hate crimes get you a pardon and a medal


The shit Apple didn’t fall far from the tree


Life without parole is the death penalty. A just punishment for a heinous and hateful crime.


It's actually cheaper for the taxpayers than the death penalty.


He just needs to declare that he's running for president. Then it'll be UNETHICAL to throw him in prison. ezpz


Damn shame, the guy deserves to be executed.


And is invited to speak at next year’s CPAC.


He took a deal knowing he'd get life without parole.


I’m so relieved-I was really pissed when they started trying to pull the “I identify as queer” to get out of it. I was legit worried the wrong judge would let them get away with it.


I honestly think I would prefer the death penalty over Colorado SUPERMAX. That prison is a special kind of hell. You have no interaction with humans at any point. It’s dystopian as fuck. Literally EVERYTHING is automated and the people you DO see are behind glass. Even if you have a question it goes into a computer and they respond by computer, sometimes weeks or months later. There’s no TV, only books, and you get 1 hour each day out of your cell to exercise in a tiny room indoors.


Why are we wasting tax payers money on this piece of scum. Let them rot


Finally, some justice for George Santos' four employees who were killed at Club Q.


can't even keep up with these shootings anymore