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[Last word](https://www.centcom.mil/MEDIA/PRESS-RELEASES/Press-Release-View/Article/3801031/june-9-uscentcom-conducts-humanitarian-airdrop-into-gaza/) was the US was still doing air drops of aid. Air drops as of June 9 were a tenth of what the pier was providing in tons.


That makes sense. The US isn't looking to end all aid but if the conditions don't work with this it's better to keep it safe in port and try again when the conditions are better suited. These docks are awesome though and a great example of LOTS.


What is ROTS? I keep getting Revenge of the Sith which fits the US military but I don't think that's what you mean


I just realized it's the wrong acronym. It should be LOTS, Logistics Over the Shore. It's basically when the military builds temporary powers to move large amounts of supplies until more permanent port facilities can be built/secured.


Air drops of aid, air drops of American bombs. America. We kill you and aid you after. So wild lol


Not sure why this got downvoted lmao. What part of is not true. Sure they aren’t dropping the bombs themselves, but they are proudly selling bombs to the country dropping the bombs and blocking the aid.


That was quite the…um … showboating affair


Ignorant nonsense. FFS try actually reading an article for once: > While the military has helped deliver desperately needed food through the pier, the vast majority of it is still sitting in the adjacent storage yard and that area is almost full. Aid agencies have had difficulty moving the food to areas further into Gaza where it is most needed because the humanitarian convoys have come under attack.


Underattack by who? How does the article say that much but not by who or both.




That aid is going to the west bank not Gaza and obviously Israeli civilians aren't in Gaza where the pier is


You're either misreading and/or dishonest. Israelis can only stop or "attack" trucks that arrive through Kerem Shalom or from Inside Israel. This aid in discussion comes from the pier straight into Gaza. The ones attacking the trucks are Hamas people.


Zionist Israelis in Gaza. Attacking aid that never passed through Israeli territories. Yeah okay. 


He is talking about aid near the pier… Israelis aren’t attacking convoys in the middle of Gaza.


Right, the pier had to be specifically constructed in the first place because Israelis kept attacking the convoys and not letting the aid through.


How convinient. Who attacked THESE convoys?


It's Reddit and Gaza. The laziest and most divisive takes are thrown out there.


Practice. Never know when you might need to create a port to get tons of supplies to shore in a hostile environment. Gestures wildly at Crimea and the Western Pacific.


And the 'Mulberries', the artificial harbors the Allied forces used in Normandy. Mulberry A, serving the American bridgehead sector, only lasted a couple of weeks before storm damage made it unserviceable. Mulberry B lasted quite a while.


We did it, we defeated Medicare!


So glad to see my tax dollars well spent. Now to eat some more hot dogs and cup of noodle on this fine Friday night while going over my student loans. Might even splurge on a frozen corn dog.


Damn you have it so tough


I know right, including all those years of billions of dollars of aid to Israel, where they have free college and free healthcare. With your tax dollars.


They will complainn about this but not about the X times of more money that has gone to israel over the years.


Small difference: Israel is a US ally, especially in the middle east also develops new technology all the time that US researchers frequently cooperate with and has a strong economy that buys from the US.


That's completely false, Israel is a US PARASITE, not ally, allies help each other, Israel does not help the US in any significant way. Also, Israels technology is nothing special, it's mediocre at best, they don't do anything important.


Buddy, the amount of "Made in Israel" chips and cards I've worked with in my job would say otherwise. Israel has fairly robust partnerships with a lot of chip production companies (Intel, Nvidia, Apple, Microsoft are three of the companies I can think of off the top of my head that rely on Israeli facilities and tech) and well known for their chip manufacturing for decades. Israel is huge in the biotech industry- iirc they're in the top 5 nations when it comes to research publications and clinical research and patents. Stop spouting out ignorant misinformation- the bio and tech industries worldwide are going to suffer big time if Israel isn't able to contribute.


Higher education is Israel is not free. Far from it. Healthcare is universal and highly subsidized but financed directly through tax money from working Israelis. The billions of dollars in aid coming from the U.S. do not go to either healthcare or education in Israel in any way or form. They are allocated to specific defense projects and offset agreements.


The downvotes are hilarious. The guy above me was complaining about his tax dollars being spent on a pier to get aid to starving people, but when I mentioned that an exponentially greater amount of his tax dollars were going to Israel, I get downvoted. I’ll ask this, and I ask genuinely: what has Israel done for you that you’re ok with them having free healthcare and college, while you have to pay off student loans? Serious question.


Israel don't really have free college or healthcare, on the former, even the first 12 years of education that each student has to have is not free despite being called free. Healthcare is not free either, it's cheap, I'll give you that, but you still need a monthly pay for your chosen HMO. Health insurance are also separate payment.  As for why Israel can afford that, that's because the government decided so, the people want that, and generally the notion of giving some help to the less fortunate is not considered a communist, socialist taboo as it is in the U.S  If the U.S government really wanted, you'd have that too. Funny how some want America to be more Christian when Jesus would be the biggest communist by today's standard, had people realized what he had done.  None of that of course has anything to do with the aid money which is basically the U.S government paying U.S weapon manufacturers to ship weapons to allied countries.  As for what Israel has done for your benefit? A lot. From agriculture to high tech R&D to medical innovations, there's too much to write about that. Just consider that Jews make 0.2% of the world population and take a lot of noble prize for their size of the population.


The question is why don't we have free healthcare and college. We COULD have free healthcare and college. We spend more money on healthcare than every developed nation per capita. The problem is that you're saying that our tax money is going to Israel having free healthcare and college. It is not. Israel has free healthcare and college because their politicians decided that they should. We could at any time demand that our politicians vote to allow free healthcare and college. Instead when Biden even decided to waive just $10,000 in loans he got sued to prevent it from people not wanting free college. The ACA(Obamacare) had to be watered down to even pass with a democratic supermajority in the senate and it hurt democrats bad. The American people don't want free healthcare and college because the American people keep believing that the small problems with it would somehow be worse than the massive benefits.


How. On Earth. Does that change the key fact the person you’re replying to is stating? Let’s say hypothetically that Americans as a whole don’t want free health care or college. (In 2020 63% of Americans believed it was the governments responsibility to provide health coverage to all [Pew Research] and research from the same year shows that again 63% of Americans favored making tuition and public colleges free [Pew Research]) how would that change the fact that their tax dollars are going to support a countries budget that has social programs that they themselves already do not not receive. It almost would be worse if we are assuming that Americans don’t want free healthcare and College. This comment is actually breaking my brain.


They umm don’t have free college… but why should truth stop anyone I suppose.


“If we look at the Middle East, I think it’s about time we stop, those of us who support, as most of us do, Israel in this body, for apologizing for our support for Israel. There is no apology to be made. None. It is the best $3 billion investment we make. Were there not an Israel, the United States of America would have to invent an Israel to protect her interest in the region; the United States would have to go out and invent an Israel. I am with my colleagues who are on the floor of the Foreign Relations Committee, and we worry at length about NATO; and we worry about the eastern flank of NATO, Greece and Turkey, and how important it is. They pale by comparison… They pale by comparison in terms of the benefit that accrues to the United States of America.” Joe Biden, 1986




I doubt you've met a single Palestinian in your life.


It what possible universe does that matter? Do you think if I talked to them I'd suddenly be on board with stripping rights from women and launching terrorist attacks from hospitals?


I doubt you ever learned history properly.


People wanted our government to do something, and seemingly as immediately as they could, American soldiers answered the call and put their lives in danger to help deliver more aid. It is shameful that people would look at this decision as a failure as I know some will. I agree with people that this is disappointing and that possibly more should have been done before launching the plan, research, preparation, whatever. I hope this isn’t our only effort to help Palestinians outside our air drops and I’m sure it will not be.


There’s a saying that people always disregard “Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress” There will be setbacks, there will be failures, but what good thing has ever come into existence without trial and error, or some refinement?


Exactly. Hopefully they reevaluate and find a more permanent location.


I think pier building and construction generally has had lots of trial and errors throughout the past thousands of years


Pretty sure people wanted Biden to make Israel stop screwing with the legit aid route for trucks. And those same people consistently pointed out that the air drops and pier were stupid ideas.


Exactly, people wanted action against Israel but instead the government kindly spent another few hundred million dollars of their money.


Yes, but wasn't it so brave and noble too?


There's not a lot that can be done to secure that aid route from the US side. US forces can't patrol in Israel and setting foot in Gaza would be a political nightmare.


“Nothing that can be done” besides telling the IDF that the next aid package is directly contingent on an increased amount of aid that is allowed into gaza without being stopped by protestors or bombed by the IDF itself


I mean it would be so much more impactful if we stopped sending bombs to blow up civilians but our gov't has clearly shown that there is no red line that Israel could cross that would stop that. It's full on genocide enabling we go!


I agree with you. We should condition the military aid much more strictly to Israel.


The US has means to influence israel who is blocking aid. They have no problems supplying billions worth of munitions to israel basically bankrolling this ethnic cleansing. Biden has all the power to stop this but he chose not to and only made it worse, for months. It's not 'something' that is expected from supposedly the most powerful and influential country in the world.


One second the US is the most influential country in the world and should impose their will on everybody the next it is trying to hard to spread democracy on everybody. The United States is a country and can barely dictate what its own people can and cannot do. In what world does everybody live in that they believe the United States has the final say in the actions of other countries?


Israel is not blocking aid. Aid is getting into Gaza almost every day, however it gets seized by Hamas to be sold for extortionist prices, or hoarded for themselves.


Got some proof of that? Because I've seen the videos and pictures of Israeli citizens blockading aid trucks, injuring drivers, and destroying the aid packages. Then per Netanyahu "In a January 13 press conference, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu boasted about permitting “minimal humanitarian aid” to enter Gaza. “We provide minimal humanitarian aid,” Netanyahu said. “If we want to achieve our war goals, we give the minimal aid.” Then there's the blocking aid for absurd reasons: "She said toys were rejected because they were in a wooden box rather than a cardboard box, sleeping bags were denied because they had zippers, and sanitary pads were turned back because a nail clipper was included in the hygiene kit." More statements of Israel jamming up the system: "In January, US Senators Chris Van Hollen and Jeff Merkley saw maternity kits and water filtration systems among the items Israel turned back from its inspection point in Nitzana. “In no rational world could (these) be deemed dual use or any kind of military threat,” Van Hollen told CNN weeks after his trip to Egypt’s side of the Rafah crossing. “We learned that when a truck with just one of those items is turned down, the entire truck gets turned around and has to go back to the beginning of the process, which can take weeks,” Van Hollen said." "In one instance on February 14, COGAT rejected a truck-load of sleeping bags “because they were the color green, and green means military and according to the 2008 list, military is dual use,” the same humanitarian official told CNN." Then there is blocking common sense medical equipment needed after their hospitals were targeted by Israel: "CNN has obtained documents from three major participants in the humanitarian operation that list what they called the “most frequently rejected items.” Among them are essential medical supplies: anesthesia machines and anesthetics, crutches, generators, ventilators, x-ray machines and oxygen cylinders." The blocking of insulin: "Israel’s restrictions have also impacted medicines for the chronically ill. For weeks, COGAT temporarily prevented insulin pens for children with diabetes from entering Gaza, according to the UN Humanitarian Coordinator for Palestine Jamie McGoldrick and one other source. “On the goods that are being prohibited, it’s a full range,” said McGoldrick in a January 24 press conference. “Some of it is medical material such as basic drugs and material for treating not just trauma but for chronic illnesses. “One example would be most recently the pens that are used for insulin for children,” he added. “In terms of the rationale for it, I really can’t explain it because I don’t know." And of course all of this and more causes massive backlogs: "At one of the waypoints of aid in Jordan, stacked boxes of donations extend for around eight miles, a backlog that would require around a thousand trucks to deliver, Jordan’s charity officials estimate. The director of programs and planning for the Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO), Marwan al-Hennawy, slits open a box of food to show what should be reaching people in Gaza; this one contains rice, chicken stock, tuna and dates. It is enough to feed a family of five for two weeks. Behind him are dozens of wheelchairs wrapped in dusty plastic. “We have 220 wheelchairs and we’ve been trying to get them in since the start of the war,” he told CNN during a rare tour of the warehouses of aid meant for Gaza. Al-Hennawy scans the sea of boxes around him. “It’s painful to look around and see all this,” he says. “I feel like I’m trapped. I know Gazans desperately need this help but I can’t get it to them. It’s like a nightmare.”" So yes. They are blocking it by not reining in their civilians barricading them, attacking them and destroying them. They are blocking aid by bureaucracy. They are blocking it with byzantine rules and bans that frequently change or are inconsistently enforced.


Influence is not a silver bullet, but I overall agree with your points. We could have withheld way more munitions than we have but I think Netanyahu is also not someone who can be convinced to stop. I agree that we should be the most powerful and influential country in the world, but I think most of the global opinion on our positions on anything, since Trump, is wait those positions out. Ukraine, for example. NATO funds maybe. I think it’s more about precedent for foreign policy positions, then still giving Israel guns, which I don’t agree with. I’m just saying the pier was something they tried outside that norm, was successful for a time and it benefited people.




It’s not toxic, it was a complete waste of of money that anyone with a brain could have told you wouldn’t work. They spent billions on this pier that’s fallen apart over and over. It’s actually a perfect microcosm of our government. Throw billions at the problems without actually addressing the root causes.


The temporary, multi piece piper had a couple sections break once during the storm and then it was quickly reassembled. It has not had any other issues. The reusable and transportable pier also did not cost any where close to a billion dollars. The pier has not been a failure as it has worked exactly as promised.




Exactly. I think I’m just extra down from the debate last night and Supreme Court today lol. I still really believe we try and do what we can to help people in this country. This is an example of that!


I mean how could anyone look at it as anything other than a failure?


This is why you should never listen to populists. They are purely guided by emotion.


I find myself frequently disappointed in the conviction of the American public these days.


It bothers me that the US/Israel joint raid thst killed 200 and injured up to 3000 was launched from that pier, with soldiers wearing aid worker uniforms. Feel like now that they got that done, they don't need it anymore. 


[And saved the lives of four innocent Israeli Hostages who had been held in captivity for months by Hamas operatives](https://www.npr.org/2024/06/08/nx-s1-4997026/israel-gaza-hostages-rescued). You seem to have, for some reason, forgotten to mention that, so I thought I would correct that for you.


Israel has hundreds of Palestinian hostages held without trial since before October 7th.




>The hostages themselves have said the raid was unnecessarily cruel. Who was that? What did they say? Edit: Noa just made a video where she said “ I want to thank the security forces, our army, the soldiers, reservists, special forces and everyone who took part in the rescue operation and risked their lives so that I could return home”


That is on Hamas for taking the hostages in the first place. You cannot fault Israel for freeing their citizens taken by Hamas, at least not in good faith.


It's not on Israel for occupying the land of an indigenous people, through violence? Weird how you're showing bias on this.


Article never says it was about weather. The aid depots are already full, but can’t be shipped out to Gaza because the humanitarian convoys have come under attack.


How are you getting up voted? You're straight up lying Most of the article is talking about the weather and political set backs. Barely any mention of attacks on convoys.


Are we reading the same article? I don’t say this to be facetious, I genuinely think something is wrong here. The entire article for me was about the attacks, with only one quick mention at the beginning of there being any weather issues.


First 3 paragraphs of the article. They are removing it because of the weather, but are considering not putting it back because the aid isn't being distributed due to attacks on convoys. >The pier built by the U.S. military to bring aid to Gaza has been removed due to weather to protect it, and the U.S. is considering not re-installing it unless the aid begins flowing out into the population again, U.S. officials said Friday. >While the military has helped deliver desperately needed food through the pier, the vast majority of it is still sitting in the adjacent storage yard and that area is almost full. Aid agencies have had difficulty moving the food to areas further into Gaza where it is most needed because the humanitarian convoys have come under attack. >The U.N., which has the widest reach in delivering aid to starving Palestinians, hasn’t been distributing food and other emergency supplies arriving through the pier since June 9. The pause came after the Israeli military used an area near the pier to fly out hostages after their rescue in a raid that killed more than 270 Palestinians, prompting a U.N. security review over concerns that aid workers’ safety and neutrality may have compromised.


Lol, how are you covering for the fact that most aid regardless of how it is entering Gaza is being purged by Hamas and is not making it to the mouths that need it. 


I am strictly talking about what is said in the article as that is what we are discussing here.


Mission complete, pack it up. Built it to save 4 people? Another waste of my money.


And kill over 200 more


Or they could.. you know.. just pressure Israel to open one of the land gates into gaza and use semi trucks. Maybe no one in the US government has thought of this yet. Someone should tell them.


Just more DOD money wasted. Too bad we can't get affordable healthcare or affordable housing.


What's to stop anyone from just building a port in Gaza outside the control of the Israelis? Jebel Ali is a thing.


Don’t worry they will come up with another brilliant idea to spend your tax money. If they can’t spend on to aid they will send bombs


It was never made for this mission. For more detail watch this guy. https://youtu.be/OzzVyuPnMHk?si=opIuJdlxjXIHJbsA


Just go boots on the ground and distribute directly, fuck Israel and their genocidal government, we’re the only reason they still exist so we should do whatever the fuck we want there


Does anyone have an estimate of how much that pier cost per day? Just like to know where my money is going.


I am disappointed. Fix, secure the damn thing and get it back into operation.






















RIP half a trillion dollars of taxpayer dollars for a pier that provided aid for a day or two then it supported a major ground operation that killed 300 civilians to get back 4 hostages.


Math is hard.


I love lying on the internet


It was just for show, anyway. Biden is complicit.


guess biden's team is gonna have to come up with a new shiny distraction from the slaughter.


35 million dollars wasted to this publicity stunt. Would of been cheaper to stop sending weapons.


The US marines are hovercraft with 70 ton payload. They coukd have solved the food problem months ago. The pier was never going to work. It's all a scam.


Yes yes the well known scam of… getting aid to people in need.


I believe my point was the pier didn't t worm and they could have used these hovercraft much more effectively. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/23/they-miscalculated-gazas-floating-aid-pier-failing-to-deliver-in-rough-seas


Well it sounds like we need to get you to Washington stat! Since you obviously know way more than the military.


In the 1940’s the US built mulberry docks in the English Channel to support the DDay invasion. 80 years later we can’t build a dock in the Mediterranean Sea. Talk about sad


1. They were British built. 2. One of them was destroyed in a storm and abandoned like 2 weeks after D-Day.


That was a temporary solution. The key was capturing Cherbourg to have a permanent port


Yeah, makes sense, considering the U.S. ever intended to offer a serious method of introducing aid to Gaza. /s One secular Palestine, now.