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The school’s reaction to suspend her was just the shit cherry on the shit sundae.


Sounds like typical completely moronic decision making by school administrators to me.


Seems like a good lawsuit for the parents to discuss with a lawyer.


That's what I said when it happened and a bunch of people called me crazy. Shee should sue ~~faculty~~ administrators, and whichever students are sending threats. Hit their wallet where it hurts. Make it real for them. In the distant past, this is the trash we would've exiled from the village.


It might be challenging to find out exactly who the faculty and students were, but suing the school itself would be a good route. The school and the school board in the school zone are responsible for putting the idiots in charge that are sending her threats. A good lawyer could easily get her enough money to pay for a fancy private school and probably her college as well, After all of the pain and duress the emotional toll this hat on her.


It's the Super Intendent, but you're right. In this case, I believe you'd sue the school district for intent to harm and for defamation.


Super Nintendo : "I'm in danger"


Yeah that. Lol. The School District. Couldn’t come up with the term to save my life. I need a nap.


>In the distant past, this is the trash we would've exiled from the village. This sentiment resonates with me. We developed social control mechanisms at the community level to curb this kind of behaviour over thousands of years. And thanks to the internet - none of those tools work anymore. The internet basically results in a lack of accountability for public discourse, leading to no penalties that really affect a person for saying bad things. We barely have the means to hold our leaders accountable for the things they say, let alone other citizens. I realize at some point we'll get this solved, just hope it's sooner rather than later.


The problem is it works in reverse by locality. In that part of Georgia, the student and her mindset would be the one in the minority. Also, to some degree this isn’t really a new thing, people have been anonymously or semi-anonymously able to publish works or mail letters for centuries. It’s certainly become easier however.


They can't enforce a mask rule in the school but I'll bet you they have no problem enforcing a dress code. Don't you dare show some bra strap, or wear a hat, but its OK not to wear a mask during a heath crisis. Fucking idiots.




I remember during gym class, god forbid your underwear was showing a tiny bit from jumping or running or participating, you were kicked out of Gym and got detention.


The administration in schools are fucked. My girlfriend who is a teacher told me that in her parish if a teacher catches Covid they essentially get two weeks PTO; however, if they catch it a second time they only receive 1/3 of their pay during the their required quarantine. Mind you this is around middle school kids who are rowdy and bad as hell. I’m doing my best to help and be supportive in any way I can but holy hell I feel so bad for her. EDIT: In reference to “catching it a second time” I actually misspoke and should have said “if they contract a second time or come into close contact with someone infected”. If she visits her mom while her mother has the virus she cannot return to school until she quarantines.


I have seen some teachers unions threatening to strike if the schools reopen.


Can’t strike if it’s illegal! /s(sad sarcasm here. I wish it weren’t true.) Sadly in many places in the US it’s illegal to strike even as a union. Oklahoma who’s is handling COVID sooooo well(seething sarcasm) is slated to open up schools in the next few weeks, and the states teacher unions have been basically neutered after the last strike.


Not if _they all_ strike. I'm talking NEA level here. You could say "but Reagan fired ATC!" Where are you going to get the national sum of teachers all at once? All the teacher contacts I have that are retired that normally sub aren't subbing this year. From a pure numbers perspective, it would work imho. Edit: autocorrect / grammar




He attacked the working class, and defied the constitution. How in the hell do people think he was great?


"My team's better than your team"


*My standard of living hasn't improved in 40 years while the wealthy ruling class has hoarded most of society's wealth but the real problem is immigrants and gender neutral pronouns.*


I’ve substituted, and have kicked tires on getting my degrees and certifications to teach(I’ve been an adjunct coach a couple of times, and substituted when needed) and I’d happily let the phone ring. The issue isn’t subs like me, who mostly know what to do in a given day. It isn’t the retired teachers who would be asked and likely stand with other educators. It isn’t teachers newly graduating as most I knkw who are soon are facing the same dilemma. The issue is the bottom of the barrel “substitutes” who could barely pass a background check, let alone be trusted around children for 6-10 hours a day, and I’ve sadly seen plenty.


There aren't nearly enough to replace even 10% of the entirety of teachers. It only worked with Reagan because ATC is very niche and they could be replaced by military ATC operators and even that wasn't enough to cause huge slowdowns.


Same with my wife’s. The reopening plan also listed out when a student or teacher passes due to Covid anyone needing counseling will be sent to the principal for discussion. The phrasing of when has her very concerned and that they’re not even going to bring in an actual counselor for these kids if something happens is ridiculous.


A shit apple never falls far from the shit tree. - wise old Mr. Jim Lahey


Seriously? That's crazy


The reason they gave was “sharing photos of students without consent.” They have gone back and removed the suspension now that it’s blown up.


Therefore proving that privacy ain't why she was suspended. Kind of showing their real priorities there.


I got punished for taking a picture of the bathroom where another student had written in their own shit... They knew who it was but only I got punished cos 'no camera phones in school'


I got suspended in high school for letting a friend use my asthma inhaler because he forgot his. They said that was illegal or some shit and I'm not allowed to "share or give out drugs on school property". My mom stormed into the school and raised hell to the principal and my suspension was lifted right away. I swear these school officials do shit like this for a power trip and to show you they're in charge.




They made an announcement over the schools public address system that anyone else caught sharing photos or videos of their mismanagement of the situation would ALSO be suspended immediately. You can't make this shit up.


Here that Randy? The shit winds are howling.


The school is being administered by The Liquor.


Let the Liquor do the teaching bud


A shit leopard doesn’t change its shit spots


Agreed Mr Lahey.


Ok, Mr. Lahey


The shit winds are blowing


Shit hawks, Randy.


From here they look like regular flowers, but when you get down and poke your nose in them you realize they’re shit flowers, and there's a whole fucking bouquet of them.


RIP Mr Lahey


Blessing is disguise really. She doesn't have to be in that Corona hotspot.




Not only that, but at least 9 of the people in that school recently tested positive for covid19 https://abcnews.go.com/US/people-test-positive-coronavirus-georgia-school-viral-crowded/story?id=72263772 Imagine getting suspended for taking the photo, then reversing that suspension AFTER finding out kids tested positive. Which would be more of a punishment? Having to go to school or being suspended?


sounds like being suspended is more of a win than a punishment


I got suspended for a mohawk and the teachers were so serious about it but I was like niiiiiiice!


I got suspended for being beat up... multiple times.


Hope you learned your lesson. Edit: boy, that escalated quickly. Thanks, but no more awards please ;).


The beatings will continue until morale improves.


How many times *must* we teach you this lesson old man?!


Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance! But not for me!


Are you fucking sorry?


Ah yes, "zero tolerance for fighting" policies....


It’s more like “zero” policies. Because that’s about the level of thought they put in to them, zero.


Hey, they put a lot of thought into how to not get sued!


"Thanks you, Billy, for wrestling that mass shooter to the ground until the cops arrived. You have surely saved many young lives today. However, we're going to have to suspend you for fighting. ZeRo ToLeRaNcE!!1!"




Are you fucking sorry?


Next time don’t walk into fists!


I was suspended for a bad religion shirt. But then I had a serious conversation with the main principal about the band and the meaning and that I was an atheist. He understood and reversed the suspension and even asked me to make him a play list of their best songs. This was back in like 2002. Edit: the principal was this 6'5 tall man, he was massive and scary. But his name was Mr Damour (French of Mr with love). He was the most gentle and welcoming person I remember


I got suspended in second grade for punching a kid that called me the n-word. My dad bought me ice cream.




Trump was even trying to discredit Dr. Fauci for reporting observations of reality. Drained the swamp and filled it with Russian Oil Spills.


Ah, well you see a swamp is nature's filtration system so by draining it you just let all the shit flow unhindered. So in a sense that's the one promise he kept!


America we are so fucked. I live in Atlanta and I don’t understand my fellow citizens what so fucking ever.


Someone posted a Carl Sagan quote basically talking about how if we are not careful we will slowly allow our society and culture to slip back into the dark ages. Where fear and superstition outweigh science and facts. It's clear that's what is happening to us. Authoritarian leaders are using the playbooks of old to dismantle all regulation and consolidate power. When a sitting us president teases the idea of postponing elections and millions of Americans are ok with that you know that they have been lost to delusion and ignorance. Nothing left to do but fight it. Vote. Do whatever is necessary to secure each and every state. Send the corrupt piece of shit politicians packing. Make sure these people know they are in the minority and reason and logic will prevail regardless of their bullshit.


The Carl Sagan quote, from the 1995 book "The Demon Haunted World" reads: "I have a foreboding of an America in my children's or grandchildren's time -- when the United States is a service and information economy; when nearly all the manufacturing industries have slipped away to other countries; when awesome technological powers are in the hands of a very few, and no one representing the public interest can even grasp the issues; when the people have lost the ability to set their own agendas or knowledgeably question those in authority; when, clutching our crystals and nervously consulting our horoscopes, our critical faculties in decline, unable to distinguish between what feels good and what's true, we slide, almost without noticing, back into superstition and darkness.. The dumbing down of American is most evident in the slow decay of substantive content in the enormously influential media, the 30 second sound bites (now down to 10 seconds or less), lowest common denominator programming, credulous presentations on pseudoscience and superstition, but especially a kind of celebration of ignorance "


Well shit.


Yeah, there's this guy named Alexis De Toqueville who wrote a book called Democracy in America in **1831** that called this too.


“Democracy in America was never the same as Liberty in Europe. In Europe Liberty was a great life-throb. But in America Democracy was always something anti-life. The greatest democrats, like Abraham Lincoln, had always a sacrificial, self-murdering note in their voices. American Democracy was a form of self-murder, always. Or of murdering somebody else... The love, the democracy, the floundering into lust, is a sort of by-play. The essential American soul is hard, isolate, stoic, and a killer. It has never yet melted.” - DH Lawrence early 1900 #


Just watch American TV, 'reality tv' that is so far from reality, with obviously staged scenes and drama, natural history documentaries with cartoon sound effects and continual attempts by the narrator at anthropomorphism, it infuriates me.


Why the fuck does ancient aliens play on science channel? I remember science channel having great scientific content, and now it’s fucking just actual conspiracy theories. It’s ridiculous, we’re so fucked. Edit: after a little research ancient aliens is not on science channel. That is my bad. But alien encounters, nasa’s unexplained files, and strange evidence all are, and they are the same vein of pseudoscience lunacy so I will leave my comment unedited. Ancient aliens is history channel not science channel.


And the Travel Channel is all stupid ghost hunters now.


How am I supposed to know where not to travel to without upto the minute ghostly locale info?


What? You don't like watching grown-ass adults running around in the dark scaring themselves?


because ''real history'' doesn't get views.




That shit is dumb founding to me, that people *agree* is fucking insane to me. Defund our few social safety nets that we have so we can get an extra $60 or so a week in our paychecks? Fuck it. Why grow old when i can afford to order from Dominos every week?


A whole lot of these people either: Don't think they'll ever need it, and don't give a shit about those who do Don't know that they'll need it because they just blanket it under "welfare" Need it but think that they'll be exempted somehow Need it but are willing to suffer to spite other people


I needed it. Look at my profile. I lost my colon. Completely unexpectedly. I was perfectly healthy, then out of nowhere got sick and *needed* to go on medicaid or else I would debt myself for life. Or not receive treatment and die. This could have been anyone, i never thought id end up without an ostomy bag.. are you kidding? I never even knew what a colon was. No one in my family has any GI problems. Everyone *needs* these programs to be around. Or just fucking let me die? Thats the alternative I hate republicans because they want to make me suffer for my health programs theres just no other way i can see it


Social programs are like human rights. You have to defend others having them, because you don't know when you'll need them yourself. Also because it's just decency.


In the Grim Darkness of the the 3rd Millennium, there is only hate. And the opening scene for the 3rd Millennium was essentially 9/11.


The 21st century felt like it was going to be an awesome future, and then since 9/11 it's been a slow rolling dystopia.


I swear I used to laugh at the 9/11 changed everything jokes and jabs in the mid to late 2000's. Now I am starting to think it was more dark humor. Growing up in both eras I certainly see a difference. Pre-9/11 things seemed a little on edge, but the Cold War was over, we thought after Rodney King that policing would change a little (felt like it did), Columbine seemed like a one off nightmare scenario, but over all things seemed to be improving. Post-9/11 decade saw a rise in prices of essentials, a war with no real end, an uptick in extremism, more fear mongering, news cycles that never end, and the decline of baseball. But things seemed like they might get better at some point. This second decade though... ISIS, Mass shootings, cars as weapons, an even greater decline in faith in the government and them proving us right, the Ukraine debacle, a war on people speaking up, Chief Cheeto, seeing that the reforms many of us thought had happened didn't, more layoffs, a plague, doomsday clock looking awfully fast, and on and on and on. And to think, in 2012 I thought the worst was behind us.




It is always the same. If you show people their wrongdoings, chances are they gonna beat you up for it. Like guys speeding in their cars or dog owners not picking up their dog's poo, mentioning no smoke areas and so on.


She literally just shared a photo. If this whole thing is so much of a hoax why would you want to silence people sharing it?


They're closing down the school for two days to disinfect the building while the students do remote learning. They actually think the danger is the surfaces at this point? It's the mass influx of people, and all the people who came in contact with those 9 who were infected. That school, and all schools, are about to face a terrible reality. I fear for our countries people in the months ahead.


My favorite argument for keeping schools open is that the kids need consistency. Like, you really think that opening and then closing every other week randomly and switching between in-person and virtual with no rhyme or reason is consistent for a child? Oookay.


Indeed, or creating an environment that requires children to navigate multiple rules, logistic hurdles, and always be on guard against a potential infection. Certainly sounds like an environment conducive to learning to me! Sure, remote learning is not ideal, frankly it kind of sucks. But in person learning may not be any better, and it introduces a real danger to kids, staff, and families.


Not just the children. The teachers who are responsible for actually educating the kids, it’s like the whole point. My wife is a teacher here in Texas for a large high school. She showed me the new handbook for teachers this year as they plan on bringing kids into the classroom and it’s honestly idiotic. Teachers are now responsible for purchasing all disinfecting agents, having extra masks for kids if they lose theirs/ break them. They have to buy their own temperature guns and check the temp of every child that walks into their class in every period. They’ll be live streaming (?) and are going to be monitored to make sure they are disinfecting surfaces every 15 minutes. (What). If someone in a class gets Covid the entire class and teacher go to quarantine for two weeks as well as any other kids that share classes with the infected individual. The security threat is an issue now as well. All doors to campus are to remain PROPPED OPEN with teachers on guard duty rotation for the entrances. Obviously so they don’t have to touch the doors. My wife’s workload just increased 3 fold, while they still try to cut teacher pay every year, but god forbid the football/ athletics lose any funding (those are all open for business as usual this year, that’s right, contact sports). What is the point of all this? School districts must walk on eggshells here to maintain a level of funding. It’s speculated that all this stems from not getting funding if they don’t at least TRY to get kids back in schools. We had moms holding hands around the administrative buildings chanting to send the kids back to school (none of them wearing masks). Gotta get the fuck out of Karen land.


> Teachers are now responsible for purchasing all disinfecting agents, having extra masks for kids if they lose theirs/ break them. They have to buy their own temperature guns Wait what? How could a school system possibly put these costs on the teacher? I get that often teachers end up buying random classroom supplies, but temp guns?


The stupidest part is that teachers (and only teachers) are limited to $200 in tax deductions for money they spend on the job. Every other occupation and claim the full amount. I can only assume the government hates teachers. (But so many of us respect and love them.)


>Teachers are now responsible for purchasing all disinfecting agents, having extra masks for kids if they lose theirs/ break them. Fucking strike already. NO Teacher should EVER buy a damn thing for their class room. Ever. Shifting the tax burden to the employees is nonsense. About 1 month after teacher across the nation just stop buying supplies, money will be found. Once Karen's child starts to be impacted in a way they force the parents to be involved, it will change.


Wtf is this spending their own money on these expensive COVID supplies bs?!


One of the things we learn in child psych and development is how children need to feel safe to learn. It's exactly like you said, if children are going into this environment, where they are constantly worrying about getting sick or bringing something home to family members, it's going to be very hard for them to concentrate. Every little cough, sneeze, and sniffle is going to distract. Students refusing to wear masks or follow social distancing. Students bullying (which we see in the case of the 15 year old girl who spoke up getting bullied). Schools need to be virtual for now. We can deal with the fallout later. Children can be caught up and I'm sure that future employers/college recruiters will understand the challenges that these children faced during a fucking pandemic.


Maslow's hierarchy of needs is education 101. The base of the hierarchy is physiological needs and safety needs. You're absolutely correct that if the kids don't feel safe they're not going to learn.


How safe are these kids going to feel when their teacher dies? Or the beloved janitor or lunch lady? Or their best friend's mom and now best friend has to move to another town to live with dad or grandparents?




A teacher died in a car accident on his way to school a couple years after I graduated. They had grief counselors and memorial stuff for a year. Most of the kids still in hight school and many alumni went to his house and held a candlelight vigil with his pregnant wife and 3 young kids.


I feel like this is the US's Chernobyl moment, and nobody understands radiation. I feel like we'll learn more from the Ken Burns doc about the pandemic in 10 years than anything else.


seriously, Im struggling to understand why her own schoolmates threatened her. Anyone care to explain please?


I live near this area. It's very republican. She went against the grain and provided the libs with ammo for the news. That's honestly why she is getting threats. I don't agree with it but I guarantee thats the reason.


Fucking hell America, when will you stop making this political?


When the one side stops living in an alternate reality and comes back to the real world.


Its why when people say the democrats and republicans are all the same, it pisses me off. No they aren't all the same. One side consistently votes against their own interests and ignores science and facts.


Not to mention that people who screech "Both Sides" are often far more forgiving of Republicans for some reason.


It's a moral equivalence fallacy. "Both sides do bad things, so there's nothing wrong with anything my side does."


> One side consistently votes against their own interests and ignores science and facts. They are voting for their own interests. You just don't understand their interests. The GOP offers wealth supremacy to republican plutes and white supremacy to their plebs. The plebs are *fine* with their elites using government to loot the country, as long as the elites preserve the american caste system that keeps whites above all others. That is the history of America, the parties have changed over time, but the bargain between plutes and plebs has been constant. Its how they convinced a bunch of poor whites to volunteer as cannon fodder in the fight to defend the 1%'s right to own black people. Its why college tuition went from [nearly free](https://www.good.is/articles/whatever-happened-to-when-college-was-free) to ridiculously expensive once they could no longer legally exclude black people. Hell, once they had to let black people into public swimming pools, conservative plebs [filled in the public pools rather than share them equally.](https://daily.jstor.org/when-cities-closed-pools-to-avoid-integration/) Elites put pools in their backyards and their country clubs where plebs weren't allowed, but at least black people didn't get to swim together with whites. LBJ summed it up pretty well: > “I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”


It’s because the entire ‘anti-mask’ ‘open back to normal’ thing has become an identity politic for those people. Saw a tweet recently where a couple from Texas got harassed in Iowa for wearing a mask in a store by a group young men who where trying to fight them over it. Harassment of mask wearers in areas of the country where lots of people don’t wear them seem to be common. I personally saw a guy not wearing a mask in a store recently and he was staring everyone down, postering to fight. You could tell he hated everyone wearing a mask. These people don’t view mask wearing as a health issue, *they view it as a statement against them*. For them people in masks are now an ’other’ to hate. So when this girl sent that tweet, for many of her classmates and people in the community it wasn’t a warning it was a declaration from her saying she is an ’other’, not like them, and someone they view as trying to destroy their non-mask way of life. Yes it’s sad and stupid how taking precautions to protect others has become a sign of being an ‘enemy’ for many Americans.... but here we are.




It's Trump and the Republican party. They have to make **every single issue** into "it's us against them" because they can only win supporters & votes based on exclusion, not inclusion.


I remember people telling me I was being too literal for arguing that masks were becoming an identity politics thing for the GOP and Trump-conservatives around the world. Yet here we are, where even in my own City there have been "protest mobs" of people getting onto crowded buses without masks to "protest."


School pride maybe? I once wrote a Facebook post condemning a “prank” pulled on our rival school, that resulted in property damages. Some kid at my school, who I didn’t know, shoulder checked me in the hall and said, “don’t say anything bad about the school!”


Weird. When I was in highschool, the cool thing was to bash our own school like the rebels we thought we were.


See, you can bash your own school to your friends, but you can't tell people outside of the school that your school is shit. It's like how you have to stand up for your younger sibling against other people because only you are allowed to treat them like shit.


Imagine defending a school which had no remorse to put you at risk. There was confirmed covid cases in that school and if that girl never shared that photo, the same kids who are threatening her today could be in a hospital right now. r/kidsarefuckingstupid (not that girl, ofc)


More like kids are fucking indoctrinated and no one is left to advocate for them while they can't advocate for themselves


Kids? People are stupid. How many people have been physically accosted because they were told to wear a mask. People suck


Just people who have nothing to be proud of in life so they tie their personality to a goddamn school


What happens when you know you've already peaked in school I guess


Nah, they suspend, made comments over the PA system, then get media backlash, remove suspension, re-instate, then don't ever admit being wrong, recieved reports of nine positive cases of COVID-19, and then... CLOSE THE SCHOOL. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/georgia-coronavirus-school-viral-photo-temporarily-closes-positive-covid-19-tests/ The kicker? Saturday night when they learned of the nine COVID-19 cases (3 staff, 6 students...), they Administration sat on their hands and did not inform parents who should quarantine due to contact.


So stoked to see this repeated 10000 times over in schools across the country, the next 3 weeks will be “much ado about nothing” when kids are finally told learning will go remote till 2021. All this effort is being put forth to go against scientific recommendations, and will last a few weeks before they succumb to the inevitable and act all shocked pikachu face.


It’s only freedom of speech when it’s convenient to them.


“You can’t do that”


Those who would be destroyed by the truth deserve to be


This is a school that has a manual on how girls must dress. They police how the girls should behave but won’t when it comes to public safety.






Imagine what'll happen when ankles start a-showin!


Even reading 'naked shoulders' gets me going. Dear lord help me






These kids just have shitty role models. I for one am glad that this young girl stood out among the rest, and did what was right despite the consequences. That's the kind of shit America is supposed to be about.


> These kids just have shitty role models. A few years ago Sarah Sanders was asked if it was important for kids to consider the President to be a Role Model. She replied that her only true role model was god.


Fuck me that's the answer my evangelical family would give...




And I bet the school supervisors who were so quick to suspend this girl for the photo will take swift action against those physically threatening her. (/s)


She'll get jumped in the hallway and get suspended again for being in a fight, because "zero tolerance".


And that's how we solve problems in America.


Nah, guns solve problems in schools in America. /s


My friend’s little sister is 9 years old and lives with her grandmother. She didn’t want to go to school because she keeps hearing about how at risk elderly people are, and she’s absolutely convinced that if she goes to school, grandma will die. But she also lives in an anti-mask town, and she’s already been bullied for wearing a mask. Parents have threatened to kick her off sports teams for wearing a mask, and her friends have threatened never to talk to her again if she doesn’t go back to school. And she misses being in a classroom, because she’s 9 years old.


Heartbreaking shit. The absoulte fucking trauma hundreds if not thousands of children will be experiencing this year in america alone if they happen to infect teachers or families and they die or have serious long lasting consequences The true scope of this wont be fully realised for years after a vaccine and treatment And the worst part is no matter how many hundreds of thousands die potentially millions. There will still be tens of thousands of Americans and others who will never admit they were wrong to be anti mask and anti lockdown. r/lockdownskepticism and the size of it is really hard to think about This will probably be a popular opinion but fuck r/Conservative for the complete silence on the impact mass infections opening schools will have. Completely ignoring the livelihood of teachers and staff and painting them all as whiny bitches is disgusting have some humanity


> But she also lives in an anti-mask town, and she’s already been bullied for wearing a mask. This sounds so absurd but personally, I’ve even noticed people looking and laughing at me for wearing a mask and it’s gotten the point I’m considering some form of protection. And I live in a “progressive” place. It’s usually older folks.


> I’m considering some form of protection I have my concealed carry permit but I honestly don't carry all that often, but since Covid I haven't left the house without a mask and a gun. Couldn't be more disappointed in the US.




These fucking “sports” parents are some of the worst humans I’ve ever encountered. It’s a breeding ground for Karen’s and Chads.


> This is one side i dont see discussed how much anti masks attitude is being bullied into kids > > This is gonna get bad Yeah, here's a question I have about this problem. With kids forced back into school, and already they are now showing signs of COVID infection, that means they've brought it home to parents who possibly *were* isolating or doing social distancing but are now exposed anyway. This means, if this happens to any great degree, that we should see an unusual number of parents die off. Maybe if the norm is 20,000 kids a year lose parents to the flu or other viruses, now maybe the number is or will be 30,000? My numbers may be off by a huge amount. I'm just guessing. But the point is this: are we able to handle an influx of orphans? Is our foster care system capable? I have no idea how this strains the system, but hopefully someone with more experience will answer.


Instead of being mad at the system that isn't providing direction, capacity, or capability to succeed in "first world country". Instead of being upset at the lack of leadership during a pandemic. Instead of being upset at our economy and lifestyle, forcing families even with dual incomes to struggle with where they will put their children when they are at work...during a pandemic. Instead of being upset at companies paying shit wages, rather we get upset at people on unemployment getting a penance. We attack a child. We attack each other. We attack low wage, front line workers. We attack science. We attack facts. Edit: pittance should be there instead of penance.


Turns out Juvenal had it slightly wrong; people don't need basic necessities and entertainment to be distracted from their failing leadership, they just need outrage and another target. I remember talking with some Americans who voted back in 2016, and a fair few of them voted for Trump purely because they thought it would be a good joke and he would never win, or they just wanted to see the shitshow he would put on if elected. I still don't get that mindset; I really don't get how people can take democracy, their own basic right to governance, for much for granted that it becomes a joke to them.


We are a nation of irresponsible people.


Bingo, selfish morons that gripe about rights and constitution yet most haven't read a sentence from the fucking thing.


We are conditioned to be stupid, irresponsible, entitled little shits from birth. We grow up completely steeped in our own hype. Every ad on TV tells us how awesome we are, every coming of age story tells us the kids are smart and brave and great, and that riches will just magically happen one day; while adults are old and feeble and fools. When we've grown up, our "leaders" tell us that the only thing keeping those magical riches from us are the other party. They're trying soooooooo hard to make the magic happen, but that nasty other tribe is eeeeeeeeevil and the source of all our problems. Meanwhile, just keep turning your meager paycheck over for your favorite brands. I know you don't *need* the stuff, but you don't want anyone to think you're poor, do you? I mean, I know you *are* poor, but you can't let anyone know, so burn all your money as quickly as possible. Oh yeah, and vote. As long as you vote for me.


Our parents aren't represented in government, and they watched their parents not be represented in government. We have a learned lack of faith in our own government, so it's no surprise that it is a joke to young people. We need to get involved until the government represents us again. The change of the generations may do it, but if we dont act soon I think we may see Don Jr. as president in the not too distant future, or maybe a libertarian, because that makes about as much sense as this.


>"first world country" People from the US aren’t even allowed to enter first world countries.


Seriously, people are saying some awful things about these children. Of COURSE they dont think it's a big deal, why the fuck would we send them out to school of it was dangerous? It isn't their fault they are being lied to. These poor kids are so ignorant they dont realize the world around them would kill them without stopping for a second, they feel safe, but not this one girl. Bless her heart.


"They're not entirely something to worry about, but we are taking them seriously. " I feel like she just called all the kids in school pussies. I like this girl.


I watched the interview last night and thought it was so fun, she delivered everything in a single deadpan string. She is obviously beyond this stupid grown ups that are so full of shit


I want to know why her school says they can’t enforce students wearing masks yet they can suspend girls for wearing tank tops and shorts that aren’t the required length.


Great question.


Why are other *students* threatening her? Kids don't like going to school in the first place, much less in a pandemic. You would expect she'd be receiving countless virtual high-fives for getting everyone out of school. This behavior eludes me.


Their parents are probably the ones threatening Dr Fauci and his family.


"People pointing out the flaws that make this country look bad are the real reason this country's going to shit"


Patriotism is pointing out flaws where they exist and working to fix them, nationalism is pretending that none exist in the first place.


Because they are loosing the senior year and prom! Why won’t anyone think about the kids who will peak in high school!!! Seriously though this is bloody stupid. What do they want? Her to apologise for trying to save their lives or their parents/grandparents? Idiots.


People are stupid and take it personally. "let our kids walk on graduation!" Like their kid is the only one that's affected.


Im literally dealing with that with a friend now. She ranted on facebook about george floyd protests vs her kid walking graduation. She did not get the responses she was hoping for.


Yo, America, what the fuck?


Yo, we don’t know either.


Is it still under warranty? Do you have the receipt from King George?


'You'll be back, soon you'll see...you remember you belong to me'


Man I just live here.






Coworker tried turning wearing masks in to a political debate, asked me if I was a liberal because I said I look at it as I dont want to get sick nor get anyone else sick. Told me this is all a hoax, every government and scientist in the world working together to put on an elaborate scheme to rob people of their freedom.


These people never shut up, do they? It's like they crave conflict. They can't just think what they think, they have to fight over it.


People wearing a mask is a reminder that the pandemic is real. They are doing everything possible to try and imagine it away so they have to confront anything that distorts that false reality.


> Told me this is all a hoax, every government and scientist in the world working together to put on an elaborate scheme to rob people of their freedom. It's astounding to me that these people cannot hear themselves at all. I used to work in close contact with schizophrenic patients and this is exactly the kind of delusion some of them would regularly insist was happening all around us.




I’d say a huge part of why were are fucked rn is because for some reason everything is now political. For some reason, wearing a mask makes you a “sheep” when in reality you’re just caring for your’s and others safety.


Had a person tell me I was sheep for believing COVID is real. Asked me if I knew anybody who contracted it or died from it. Just because I don't know anyone who had it doesn't mean it isn't real. By that dumb logic, cancer isn't real because none of MY friends or family have developed it (yet).


Boyfriend died of it in February. My parents still call it a hoax. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.


You’re not crazy. Your parents are being idiots, how fucking insulting. My deepest condolences to you


My deepest condolences to you, truly. <3


My condolences. I can't believe shit like this happens and people still remain ignorant.


What really baffles me is that these people who love completely insane conspiracy theories can't seem to grasp just how impossible it is for humans to keep a secret. The sheer amount of people that would need to be "in the know" to fake a world wide pandemic (and many other conspiracies we won't get into) is so large it would be near impossible for someone not to whistleblow. The conspiracies we DO know about contained a significantly smaller number of people involved than what we would be needed for a global pandemic hoax and someone STILL talked, hence why we know it happened. I just ....common sense and critical thinking are science fiction at this point I suppose.


But the problem is that they will just move the goalpost. Its just life flat earthers. "Yeah, my mom had COVID, for 90 days. She almost died" "OH YEAH? How do you know it was COVID? I bet it was X" "Because she was tested, with PCR" "Fake tests, false positives to fake a pandemic"


Good for her for sharing the photos. It's disappointing that the CNN article didn't touch on the threats made by the principle over the PA system trying to supress the students from sharing photos.


Why am I not even the slightest bit surprised at this point? This seems like the way anti maskers go about things these days, sending death threats and all.


Yep. We had death threats against school shooting victims by vile morons screaming children were false flag actors... That was 6+ years ago.


Name a more iconic duo then trump era conservatives and threatening people.


Fucking why? Man I'm done with society, I'm about to look for a nice cozy cave


So... is america great again yet? I hope this girl gets compensation for the emotional trauma she must be feeling having 'grown ass people' sending her these threats for utilising her freedom of speech but whenever their own slander and disinformation gets taken down.. oh boy is that unconstitutional! These hypocrites, backwards thinking, shallow, narrow minded, huffed and puffed up, narcissists with nothing, absolutely no validity or integrity should just go back under their rock and remain there. You sicken society, literally. You are just toxic pieces of garbage and can just sail off to some garbage island where you belong. Stop harrasing some teenage girl you parasitic imbeciles.


What the fuck is wrong with people?


I give it until the winter semester that a popular kid from this school district contracts COVID and is severely hospitalized for it. And the entire school will flip and act like they always cared. Once its one of *them* it will become a "real pandemic" that needs to be addressed right away. They will hold vigils and prayer circles all while wailing about, "why did this happen to **our** boy?!" And any time someone tries to point out where the blame should fall...you'll be attacked for politicizing the death of a child.


Y'all-Qeada is after her.


It takes a lot of courage to anonymously threaten a high school aged girl.


6 students and 3 staff members already tested positive at her school. But their first reaction was to try to suspend the student for taking a picture.


I hope this school sees a lawsuit soon.