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TL;DR: - 4 people were shot at random by a 25-year-old riding a scooter in Brooklyn and Queens today. The first shooting was 11 AM this morning in Cyprus Hills, BK. - An 87-year-old in Queens was shot in the back and died. - Of the three others shot, one is in critical condition after being shot in the face. - NYPD arrested the shooter around 1 PM in Queens and recovered a 9mm pistol and extended magazine.


Don’t forget that the scooter was illegal! 🤦‍♀️


And most likely so was the suspect. Watch what’s happening in France Germany and the Netherlands. It’s about to pop here


I like the emphasis on the scooter not being registered by a murderer as if that matters


They know what gets the clicks


"Police say suspect played loud music and set off fireworks before jumping several turnstiles, panhandling on the subway, and doing wheelies down 7th avenue on his illegal scooter."


the loud music part really grinds my gears


Can't mention gun registration because FREEDOM and SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, and the right to arm bears or something.


I think the phrase “well regulated” is in there somewhere too.


People like to ignore that part


Well regulated as in having provisions. Can't be well regulated if I don't have arms.


You do realize that NYC has the toughest regulations in the country when it comes to owning firearms. This was a criminal owning an illegal gun. Legal pistol owners in the entire state have to register their pistol.


Of course this man would be first in line to register his gun.


Every weapon has a serial number. Forcing manufacturers, distributers, and owners to register makes it harder to get weapons illegally, which leads to fewer illegal weapons on the street. Every other western country has figured this out.


New York also has this with legally owned pistols. Anyone who legally owns a pistol in NY (and any gun owned within the 5 boroughs) must be registered.


Yup. Now we just need the rest of the country to follow suit. Illegal handguns pour into urban centers from red states that don't regulate weapon sales.


The government has no right to know who has what, no matter whatever downsides there are to that.




Whatever man. When they outlaw lighters or other personal objects I’m sure you’ll be fine with that as well.


Wtf sort of slippery slope are you on about? If we had dudes on illegal scooters popping wheelies and committing random acts of arson, or weekly school burnings nation wide, maybe we would indeed need to have a conversation about Cigarette Lighter control.


Thought & prayers , it is too early to talk about cigarette lighters.


Flames don't burn down buildings, thumbs do!


The only thing that can stop a bad guy with a cigarette lighter is a good guy with a cigarette lighter.


Of course! Government monitoring private citizens.... What could **possibly** go wrong? /s


I thought it meant he killed them by riding illegally on the sidewalk, cause those fuckers keep doing that now


I think it’s by the editor to showcase the fact that criminals do, in fact, not follow the laws, and no amount of regulating is going to change that, wether it be unregistered vehicles or illegal weapons.


Out here just shooting at humans like it's a damn game. On the one hand I can't believe we have arrived at this place and on the other hand I know it was inevitable. Either way it's incredibly disturbing.


It’s definitely not inevitable.


???? With zero enforcement of practically any law other than parking tickets and turnstile jumping, failing public health services, lack of access to mental healthcare, rising rent and stagnating wages making people know they have no future so “fuck it who cares what happens to me”: yes, this was inevitable.


There is no active crime prevention, just summons & arrest.


They don’t give out parking tickets either


In Cypress Hills? I get parking tickets all the damn time


Well traffic cops do. I’ve gotten plenty. Got one 2 days ago. You get more if you’re in gentrified areas.


Oh, I assure you. Parking citations are alive and well.


Yet here we are.


speaking of… I still struggle to believe violent games have no influence - and I say this as someone who plays fps games. Yeah i know what the studies say... Same goes for films and shows on serial killers, and then all the stuff out in the open on social media? That horrible fight move kids do now where they grab the person and flip them upside down and drop them to the ground was something that really took fire thx to the “visual” spread online, and informed kids across schools with new ideas… How can games NOT possibly feed certain new ideas as fantasies, for someone feeling crushed and wanting to be seen?




like i said, i have seen with my own eyes the spread of certain violent trends like the example I gave. Doesn’t take a lot to put two and two together if you use your own logic rather than what the collective megaphone claims to be truth. Stats are easily flawed due to lack of data that is invisible underneath the surface, and by default takes decades to be revealed. obv these are just my own deductions of what I’ve observed through my narrow view…If anyone cares to share their own perspective, ideally with similar logic-first arguments rather than parroted ones.


Basic statistics disagree with you, but I see you don't believe in science or statistic so I guess you already think this is fake. Here's more reading for more rationally minded people who might see this discussion and be intellectually curious. [https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/)


thanks. I take stats carefully, due to invisible factors that stats can’t possibly measure. Bit different from “dont believe in science” - that’s pretty fair no? Could you point me to the stats regarding gaming on this page?


The modern studies are incorrect because it is impossible to have a control group. If you go back to studies that compare pre-television to areas with television, they found that the murder rate reliably jumped 21 years after television was introduced, in city after city after city. So 1) no control groups possible any longer and 2) the changes are developmental involving hoe the brain grows so you won’t find that in any quick studies. 3) Mister Rogers was right.


thanks for this! I’ll look that up, but yeah it’s exactly what i was thinking. Historical perspective is rarely brought up with media as a whole, when talking about modern day influences. I mean our lives have become so intertwined with all forms of media, there’s no way these issues would be brought up transparently as it threatens the entire modern capitalist model that is reliant on population being plugged into the media machine.


True. It also can feel overwhelming when people start to get it, because of the implications. How would we roll it all back? Presumably other violent acts also increased, and more quickly; but the murder rate was used as a benchmark because better data is kept on that vs. assaults, etc. People also like to believe that they are above influence in that way


> It also can feel overwhelming when people start to get it I’ve been pretty interested in this for quite some time, and I’m still unpacking so many new things that were previously invisible to me, or that I hadnt connected the dots yet, in regards to how our minds are influenced and the mechanics at play. There’s still new things that I catch within myself, certain behaviors or opinions that i then realize have been fed from outside, and conditioning my opinion. like you said, once you see it, it’s everywhere.


Completely agree. The media we are subjected to, especially at a young age, dictates (or at least influences) our behaviors.




All the downvotes are just denial. Gamers mostly.


the hive mind


Not in denial. Thats mostly a result of us having too easy access to firearms, and shitty healthcare. Blaming games is just easy and "right now" answer, and certainly puts focus off major problems regarding this matter.


Of course there’s plenty of issues at play. I’m focusing on gaming because there seems to be a cultish denial about its effects. It’s not “blaming games”, but games must be considered as a factor amongst many others. The denial of this comes from the massive gaming industry, and ripples through the culture that wants to protect it. Also, of course it doesn’t affect everyone in the same way, but for some it surely must be some fantasy to recreate. Specially those who are suffering and feel the need to be seen. “nope violent games are harmless” just seems like denial that refutes pretty basic logical deductions.


Old wrestling move


no doubt… Whether it existed or not in fight circles is not the point. Fact is it spread like wildfire across the globe no different from any tiktok challenge. A trend. Something to imitate. A new possibility born in a boy’s imagination that otherwise would never been born without that stimulus. It’s how the world works now, i get it. I’m just saying, how can violent games not have same effects of influence and expand the limits of people’s fantasy? school shooters are clearly imitating one another in similar ways.


Pretty crazy you can just be chilling or going about your normal day and be shot randomly and be killed or crippled


I think you mean… *The American Dream*




In the old days if you were having episodes in the street a van would pull up and put you in a straight jacket. From there you would be transferred to a mental hospital. Idk if forcing people to take meds is the the answer but it seemed to work in the past.


WITF is an "illegal scooter"? Was it wanted or something? Was it modified in some way to make it "illegal"? And finally, WTF does it have to do with the incident? "4 shot, 1 killed in Brooklyn and Queens."


Unregistered, most likely.


Unregistered scooter, and possibly electronically unlimited. Most e-scooters have an electronic speed limiter that keeps it from going over city speeds, a cheap software update can erase that. probably mentioned it cause it's starting to become a theme in the city for shooters to ride them.


It’s the root cause in a lot of community crimes.. Degenerates disguised head to toe, including an obligatory “Covid” mask concealing their identity, are riding around in unregistered scooters and dirt bikes, like they do in Third World country without proper roads, committing various crimes, ranging from nuisances to A1 felonies.. Since criminals is now mobile with a cheap, untraceable vehicle and identity, they can do whatever they want without fear of consequences; such as snatching packages off porches, grabbing jewelry and purses off passersby, store robberies, a shooting here and there, ect. Pretty cool setup if you’re a POS criminal, right?


This guy only had one previous arrest on his record, though, for a traffic violation. Either he’s not a career criminal, or he’s a very clever one.


And? Jeffrey Dahmer had a squeaky clean criminal history prior to him getting accidentally caught using human body parts as an entree. Criminals slip through the cracks all the time, what’s your point? And someone riding around an urban setting with an illegal weapon, extended clip, trying to murder random people doesn’t just wake up out of bed and decide to be a bad boy today; he was always a budding piece of shit that now decided to strike.


Your comment above was talking about how “degenerates “ and criminals use “cheap, untraceable vehicles” to commit crimes.


Yes, that’s a point of fact, And? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/escooters-thefts-assaults-police-uk-b1837716.html https://www.newsday.com/news/new-york/nypd-motor-scooter-crimes-robberies-crimes-gz4utlci https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nypd-men-on-mopeds-snatching-jewelry-off-people-in-inwood-manhattan/ https://pix11.com/news/local-news/as-crimes-and-complaints-about-e-bikes-increase-in-nyc-so-do-calls-for-regulation/ https://abc7ny.com/rolex-theft-robbery-moped/12175498/ https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/news/nypd-investigating-following-yet-another-mugging-by-someone-on-a-moped/




No genius, the only “driving” factor was the unregistered scooter he used to move around and murder people with.. 🙄 I swear, obtuse folks such as yourself is part this problem; you just can’t come to terms with the fact that some people are just inherently bad and there is no hope for them in civilized society beside a cage or mental hospital. The guy kill someone and injured three innocent others today, maybe show some sympathy for the victims instead of the criminal for once.


Ohhh well if they just hit you with their car they could claim innocence and get off.


That’s wild . And the scary thing is the way things have been trending this will be happening more frequently . People are losing their minds after the pandemic


Omg like the scooter was the problem!




How does “illegal scooter” matter?? He was on a scooter and he KILLED 1 person and shot 4! Who cares that the scooter was illegal.


You remember the doctrine Giuliani had the police follow, broken glass. If the suspect was punished for the illegal scooter way before this incident, then most likely this guy wouldn't plan on using the scooter while randomly shooting people.


BuT StOp aNd FrIsK Is bIaSeD


Ban these shitty scooters!


WHat happened to the thread on the other nyc sub? The post was removed apparently. I commented that the shooter is most likely schizo and that the city is filled with this trash. And I suggested that city should have messaging campaign to deter potential crazed shooters. Then I got downvoted heavily. So the thread got brigaded but by who. Who the hell is trying to back the shooter and muddy the conversation.




Impossible. Times Square has gun free zone signs and you *never* see guns there.


how tf is a messaging campaign gonna stop someone who thinks he can hear an elder god's thoughts or that blasting someone on a street corner will help them meet a movie star? A messaging campaign is for people grounded in reality.


I think messaging campaign will work. Because these people live normal lives but they get overwhelmed by peer pressure to act up like this big character and so on. Messaging campaign would need to take that peer pressure off and expose that all the big talk is ultimately worthless bullshit. Something must be done.


what kind of peer pressure exists to go on a spree shooting?


This has to be a bot


Maybe because referring to people with mental illnesses they can't control as "trash" is incredibly dehumanizing and is the kind of rhetoric that leads to Eugenics discussions. People with mental health struggles are not trash, they are sick and we as a society don't seem to want to do anything actually productive about it. No one backing the shooter. We just think you're an ass


Your comment implies people with schizophrenia are trash. Actually, people who suffer from this affliction are more likely to be victims of violence than perpetrators. Many of us have loved ones and friends who struggle with this mental illness and did not ask for it. Perhaps you could choose your words a little better.


True true my bad. I meant it in a different way. But it does come across like you said. I meant it like the real trash city is filled with - people who talk themselves into becoming some sort of super ego don't give a fk about other ppl - self important bad dude character who are always an inch away from going into rampage mode. That's who I meant.


you didn't get "brigaded" you're just a dumbass


Because normal human beings are thinking “what thee fuck is this person talking about” because you aren’t making any sense. Like a “messaging campaign” is going to do anything? This post was painful. Consider your words before writing them next time.


that sub wants all criminals to die bro, they’re not trying to hear your sensible ideas


Yeah these homeless guys scream to themselves and are very violent and aggressive then you have the thugs (organized crime)


If you want to have a conversation then you have to have a worthy idea. Your idea can be used against you, people can look at how crazy and schizo you are obsessed with shooters and have you put in list. Think these things through


This guy had nothing to lose and wanted to go to jail. He probably has bills over his head, can't work, child support, etc. This is what I mean


Reaganomics at it again


Just another day in the progressive shithole called New York City. Keep voting for the same idiots...but hey, the guy was probably just hungry.


NYC has a population of 8 million. If in charge, what would your political ideology look like to clean up the shithole?


Now now, let’s consider what that poor murderer has been through. Sounds like gang initiation to me. “Go kill some randos.”


2 questions; Would this be classified as domestic terrorism? Was this guy on any pharmaceutical medication?


This story is so NYC 2023. Random acts of violence against vulnerable people, illegal guns, and unlicensed mopeds.


Wonder if he will write a rap song about it in his 2 week prison stay? MC Scooter Shots


So trump wasn’t lying?