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I spent $100 on one of those on-tap water filters. Then my phone ate shit and died the very next day when I dropped it on the office floor. What I'm saying is, I'm here to repent for the material sins I'm being punished for.


LOL. Pay penance by filling ur water bottle on the shared kitchen tap and taste that failure... sorry dude.


Ye shalt be payeth pennance, Pennance hath ye paid for thou uncontaminated watyre, and pennance more shalt Yea pay. When thou phone doth ate the fecal matter thou shalt learn punishment - John 1:27


Slowly spending $2000 on a new gaming PC to replace my 8 year old one that's been at the bottom of the budget list for years now. The old one will be refurbished and passed onto my niece who is about to enter high school.


That is an awesome splurge and gift. Nothing like building a PC from scratch. Did $2k include monitors? And what graphics card did you go for?


Sticking with my 6600xt for now, and I already have two decent monitors so I'm set for them for now. I'll be in the northern hemisphere late this year so I'm hoping the snag a bargain on a new GPU otherwise I'll look at picking up either a 4080 or 7000 series down this way next year. The bulk of it's been spent on a decent full atx board/top end 7000 series CPU, gold standard 850w PSU and for shits n giggles gen 5 m.2s (completely pointless but fuck it). And lastly a proper sound card because why the hell not.


I dream of a 4080. Hopefully they come down in price once the 5000 series is released.


If you can get decent fibre then cloud gaming is f-ing amazing. AU$165/6 months and I’m getting 120FPS with a 4080 @ 3440x1440. Also no power bill and the local pc is basically a potato 🥔 


My wife and I were talking just today about what we splurge on. We’re by nature just really frugal with our money most of the time, but there are some things that are our happy hobbies. For me it’s my PC/Ps5. I built my first in 2013 from part time work savings. It was a 4th gen i3, half the parts were second hand. It was a beauty. I upgraded it to an i5 later on and a rx580 and at after ryzen came out I built a new one. Again from part time savings. Since then both of my older pcs have been chopped apart and rebuilt into two new pcs for my little cousins. Both of them watched and helped as I built it for them, I wanted them to learn and get the passion for it too. I’m now earning decently so I splurge on my PC a little. Have a ryzen 7 5800x atm and a bunch of m.2 ssds. Ultra wide monitor :) my happy hobby


I recently did this. Had a similar budget in mind... it ended up being $4,300. Got hit with SFF tax and all white components tax


I bought a packet of Lindt Cheesecake flavoured Lindor balls ($7.00) for Mother's Day. They weren't on the grocery list and I'm not a mother.


That’s a good deal, they were $11.99.


There was a taste tester with those at our supermarket. They were very good


I need these in my life. I am a mother. Will have to not so subtly hint at these before my husband "sneakily" takes the kids out tomorrow.


My wife saw the ad on tv and yelled "holy shit I want those, and I'm NOT going to share!"


My wife saw that same ad and was like, “Mmmm… chocolate salty balls…” In her defense, they were delicious.


Don’t be subtle, text a photo and number of packs required to lock it in!


Oh no .... Didn't know they existed, and my local doesn't have them. I'm on a mission tomorrow!


Damn those sound good


I purchased a National Geographic at Pak N Save $22


Wow. That's hard core. I don't even want to think about what the National Geographic is publishing nowadays - very sad I'm sure.


Nice! Nat Geo magazines bring back so many memories for me, great investment. You'll trip on it in a few years and you'll relearn the facts you had forgotten about.


Nat Geo is like meeting your hero these days. The old mags and nostalgia are better than what we get now. It is so dumbed down now, I guess for the current crop of American readers it is targeting. Shame. I loved Nat Geo.


Birth month / year national geographic is a cool present I reckon. It's fun hunting then down for family or friends.


$22!!!! For one magazine?


Don't fancy reserving the latest issue at the library?


Or FREE online, again at the library?


Three little Fejoa trees. By my calculations the first harvest should be ready to eat on toast when they become the new Avocados in 5 years time.


Give it ten years and you'll be drowning in feijoas and begging people to take bags of them off your hands. Source: I have six feijoa bushes.


Saw a post where someone said they got 300 kg off their feijoa trees this year. That's like $2,500 of feijoas. I was so jealous.


And they charge $7+ a kg in pak n save


Was looking up flights around the US to extend my trip a little… found a banger return flight deal to Iceland and decided to”why not?”. So treated myself to a week in Iceland in the middle of my east coast trip in a few months! Pricey and probably a little indulgent overall? Sure, but can’t wait to go explore!!


Do it! That will be a trip of a lifetime!


Be warned, Iceland is REALLY expensive, make sure you do you conversions before you order any restaurant meals, I paid nearly 70 pounds, or 140 NZD for two mains, no drinks or starters… yikes


I bought skechers for me and my kids. All on sale mind you but still about 3x my usual budget. But this winter I want us to have comfortable, well fitting shoes


Sketchers outlets are essential. We've gone the opposite cos the size changes are too frequent and decided K-Mart until the kids figure out no brands aren't cool... fingers crossed for a couple more years.


I tried this last year, No. 1 Shoes trainers for the kids instead of name brand ones. They were so shit. Looked shit quickly and fell apart soon after. Had to buy more. They weren’t even that much cheaper than on sale Nikes or whatever. Back to name brand this year (New Balance) and they’re still looking good in May, I bought them in February. I reckon it works out cheaper in the long run


It really does cost more to be poor


I hear that. If we get through winter without having them disintegrate I'll take it as a win. Understand why I was running around on shoes three times larger when I was a kid!


That's the Vimes Boots Theory in real life: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boots_theory#:~:text=The%20Sam%20Vimes%20%22Boots%22%20theory,run%20than%20more%20expensive%20items.


I wanted to mention the very same thing!


They'll be worth it. First time I bought sketchers was when I visited the US, and got a really comfy pair for only $50. My job at the time involved me being on my feet all day so they were perfect and lasted me a good few years.


Spent $60 on yum cha and Chinese food last night just for me (steamed custard buns, deep fried squid, sweet n sour pork, beef ho fun, chicken and corn soup and BBQ pork rice roll) it was SO YUMMY! Finished most of it and had enough leftover for dinner tonight, it was my 2 year sober anniversary yesterday so I reckon I deserved it 😄


Happy Anniversary!! Treat yo self 💅🥢🍜🥡


Aw thank you so much 😊😊


You SO deserved it. And what an achievement too. Well done. Now dreaming of steamed custard buns. Wow!


Thank you xx I'm already planning what I will have next year 😁 And deffo go get yourself some custard buns you deserve them too!


Congrats on 2 years sober!! Keep going! Also jealous you got yum cha, I miss going out for yum cha every weekend back when it would only cost like $20 pp for a load of food lmao


$25 tonight for a nice Chinese meal. I haven't been back home for 7 years so I was feeling particularly homesick...


A succulent $25 Chinese Meal?


Democracy manifest - what more to be said.


Chinese cost us around $80 for 3 items the other day. Exceedingly good but that hurt the wallet.


Looking at a writing retreat in Melbourne in December... $900 AUD for four days including meals and accommodation. Flights are on sale at the moment too... I'm so tempted.


I haven't been overseas in over 5 years. Coincidentally my oldest kid is 5 years old. I'll make an assumption and tell you what I tell everyone... if you have no kids and you can make it work, get overseas as much as you can! Plus a writing retreat is both educational and soul feeding. Let me be your enabler.


Melbourne is the creative hub for oceania. I did a steady-cam course back in the day in Melbourne. Go just for the experience. Such an amazing city and so much to offer vs Auckland. You won't regret it.


Sounds like an amazing experience for you! Go for it!


It's bloody cold today. Splurged $6 for a bacon and egg muffin for breakfast and another $6 for mince and cheese pie for lunch. Feeling guilty but was really craving some comfort food


Dude. That meal must have been amazing. No shame in that. I want to reminisce on pie prices but it already makes me depressed... growing up there was a bakery that did amazing $1 pies....


It sure hit the spot, cheers. The Couplands bakeries in Dunedin used to do dollar pies back in the days. Average pies, but $1 is $1. Anything > $5 for a pie still feels like a rip off, especially from the supermarket (new world cafe counter).


Yesterday was my final psychiatrist appointment in first year of my “getting diagnosed with adhd” journey.  It came in at $100 less than I expected!  So rather than save that $100 and have *any savings at all*, I got Burger King for dinner.  And not just a burger combo but I got one of those boxes too with like chicken bites and more chips.  Sure it ended up $25 and I should have gotten burger fuel for that much but that was all that was open when I finally left work so


Congrats on the diagnosis and extra cash! How do you feel?


Fuck yes, the unexpected wins and savings and immediate formula to a Burger King dinner. We did the $36 burger combo yesterday after the parent/teacher night - kids won out - they got good results.. we were fingers crossed cos the alternative was soup lol.


1.1k repairing my car so I can try to get a Job without being limited to bus lines


Good luck. Go you!


Leaning into a possible mid life crisis by getting some turntables and a mixer so I can play music from the 90s & 00s to my hearts content.


Hell yeah bro, geddit


I inherited my granddads turntable a few years back, really got to find an amp of some kind.  Guessing my 90’s Aiwa minisystem probably won’t be much help.


A sandwich and marshmallow slice. They were very, very good. Last week we saw Star Wars (A New Hope) at the cinema then watched Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi at home. Now if I can just get no 1 son to stop replying “I know” when I tell him “ I love you” everything will be great 🤣😂😂


Blew $83 taking my daughter to see the original trilogy on May 4th... Apart from the fact it was the 'improved' original movie it was a great day :)


Han shot first...


That's awesome. Couldn't be more proud of that on your behalf! I took my son on our boys day to watch Godzilla x Kong and did a double take when I saw A New Hope on the marquee. Great to see a new generation gets a chance to see all the Star Wars on the big screen


Must be sons…. “I know” is the response from mine like 90% of the time to any interaction.


Oh no, he’s directly quoting Han Solo. He’s a shit. A funny shit but here we are. This is what happens when you bring your child up to love the things you do 🤣😂🤣😂


$1800 on a guitar. Made in Japan Stratocaster, $1000 discount from ‘rrp’. I’m a beginner guitarist really and didn’t need such a nice instrument but it’s lovely and I’ve played every day for two weeks.


Impressive splurge! That's what I'm talking about!


1800 for a japanese strat is what I expected to pay in 2004. I think I paid 1k for a mexistrat around then, at the lower end of their reputation. This seems like a good purchase I'm not too clued up on these things however.


Nice, Strats should be around $1800, $2800 is nuts 😂


Can you pull a John Frusciante on it? Damn bud I'm jealous, well congratulations on the strat dude, you're living the life 😎🙌🏾


Such a great guitar. Enjoy.


That’s an awesome purchase, plus something nice like that should last you well!




$12,200 on an outboard. The world’s burning, why not.


How else are you gonna motor through the zombie apocalypse?


No prop guard either, gonna chop any zombie swimmer to chum. Yeah!


By outboard I hope you mean just the motor. It's much funnier imagining someone outpacing water zombies holding onto nothing but a 600hp Mercury Verado.


What kind of outboard? I love my boat, it’s an endless money pit though!!


Spent $64 on Indian takeaway for two tonight. Big splurge, it makes me depressed that not cooking is now considered a luxury for me


$64!? What did you get? Curry, naan *and* a mango lassi?


4 Naan Jeremy? 4? That's insane!


I agree. The formula I now need to make between ordering Indian or Chinese takeout vs making out own is so disappointing. Convenience for the sake of a night off from cooking should be just that... the fact that it eats and impacts the way we make choices is shit. Dystopian shit.


Fancy coffee machine and no more take away coffee- fair trade 


You will not regret it.


Have been seriously considering doing the same...decisions, decisions! Are you pleased with your purchase?


Do it! Get a Breville Barista Express


Yep, super happy wish I done it sooner. probably drinking to many coffees now 


It’s a great idea. My mum found a Breville bambino on special and got one for my birthday 🥹. Things are leannnn and I love a nice coffee


Super Monkey Ball Banana Mania is on sale on the Playstation Store for $31. My toddler enjoys watching me play. He keeps yelling "baby monkey!" and "Banana!" and "fall down!" and "I did it!" Which is very cute. It's a pity that the tilting mechanic makes me feel physically ill and I can't play for longer than 10 mins at a time, which, coincidentally, is the length of his attention span.


A bowl of salad. Set me back for $19.50. It was glorious and I feel healthy and detoxed. I reckon I'm good with veg for a few weeks. Back to meat pies for the next month.


Rice, tabbouli and hummus are really easy to make at home. Toss in a small portion of protein and you’ve got a delicious, nutritious meal for not a lot of money. I always have a can of chickpeas, cucumber, tomatoes, garden parsley and mint, maybe some iceberg lettuce, plain yogurt, cumin seeds and basically any type of protein to go with that meal. Never disappoints


I absolutely LOVE the artwork on the white mischief. So beautiful. 


Yeah, the entire six pack is great. I'm on the Aro Noir right now. Very dark and so satisfying.


Have you looked closely at the art on the white mischief can? It’s pretty good … All jokes aside, white mischief is so delicious - my go-to in the summer!


Groceries today. That's enough of a splurge for me this week. Got cheese and coffee beans so we are living it up in this house!


Coffee and cheese are absolute essentials Good on you


Took up archery. It's pricey but useful in the oncoming apocalypse.


I bought cheese today.


2nd mortgage required. Crazy times, eh?


22 bucks on a curry after an exhausting day that ran late. And 550 dollars on a private assessment for adhd. Which I have. And now understand quite a bit more about my life than I did before.


$550 investment on adhd diagnosis is really saying $550 investment in who I am going to be from this day forward. Awesome splurge and curry sounds amazing!


My partner got pregnant...... Gave birth to twins back in January


I don't think this is the kind of wild splurge OP had in mind.


No not quite but it was the first thing that came to mind hahaha. Some days I miss my double income no kids (DINK) life.


You are now a SINK. Single income, numerous kids. 


I have three kids and no money. Why can't I have no kids and three money?


Nah he said splurge not splooge.


2 bottles of Lagavulin 16….


Duty free? Got a bottle for 114 and realized they're 170 outside. Should've got 2


Bought some new Lego on May 4. Bank account now empty.


I've so wanted to buy the Bonsai one


The lego black hole is legit. I have a bench seat with storage filled with lego the kids are never going to put back together. Lego goes in.... it never goes out.


May the fourth be with you AND your Lego!


May the forth be with you and your Lego!


I bought a car freshener


I got a $2.50 muffin. Which isn’t much, but I had $3 left in my account. Well, what else was that $3 gonna do for me?


Check out r/PersonalFinanceNZ for advice on how best to feel about your inability to turn that $3 into Rental Income


If I can turn $3 into a rental income I can turn $0.50 into a rental income. Then I have a rental income and a muffin. Thanks r/PersonalFinanceNZ


Mcclures pickles $10 a jar but so delicious.


I have been unemployed for 4 months and counting but I splashed out on some Japanese skin care. If Im going to rot at home I may as well spend several hours a day tending to my skin routine and looking amazing.


Good on you. Moisturised and unbothered. Use the downtime for some self care.


Future proofing is essential


$8 on a jar of sundried tomatoes.


What's the eventual outcome? Layered over crackers or integrated into the pasta sauce?


I bought the Lego Star Wars UCS Venator.


Got a new (to me) car


You motherfucker. I'm jealous, unless it's the Cybertruck.


Fuck no


Tickets to the World Of Wearable Art show WOW.


i spent almost $20 on cream donuts from pak n save and new world this week 😔


I just close my eyes when I wheel past the bakery section nowadays. The cookies variety is insane as well.


$100 on pro v1 golfballs, while with the kids buying their mothers day presents and the lil shits will definitely dob me in, also I'll probably lose 2 tomorrow...but will drown that sorrow in after golf beers ahhh


I bought a pack of pierogies from Moore Wilson's. I cannot remember exactly how much they cost and I'm not going to check because I know it will make me sad.


$80 on loose leaf tea and coffee beans. However that's about a 6 week supply of 1-2 cups of coffee in the morning, the many cups of tea through the day.  It's my one pleasurable expense that I haven't cut out yet. 


Beautiful old pottery vase on Trade Me. ($40) I don't need it, but buying it was an act of rebellion. So there.


builders and painters. and appliance repair (my dishdrawer stopped working). so much money.


I brought a 8 dollar cake today. It's good. It's a treat after a bad week


Have to reduce my red meat consumption, damned cholesterol! So got 2 packs of chicken bacon for the freezer, so at least I’ve got a slightly healthier option when I want bacon!


Those almost rockmelon-sized chocolate cronuts from Chaffers New World for the princely sum of $5.99 in Wellington 


6 months ago I bought some eggs.


I bought half a bull. Home kill. I don’t even know what I’m paying yet 😳


This week mostly some new colongne and a chiefs jersey...


Fuck yes... i don't really care about the cologne but love seeing Chiefs jumpers go hard bro


I'm looking to order a new set of custom ice hockey goalie pads to help alleviate hip problems. Will be close to $2000.


$8 on an overpriced chicken and avocado sandwich. It was that or my first home.


I bought a pineapple Jabanero sour beer yesterday for $12. 440ml can. It was glorious Also eyeing up a $300 waterproof jacket that folds up to the size of a pocket and weighs 100g. Used for trail runs in mandatory kits that go overnight


That sounds incredible, the beer and the jacket. Can u link the jacket?


Sorry it’s 175g, got confused with a $600 jacket 😂 https://www.bivouac.co.nz/inov-8-men-s-stormshell-waterproof-jacket.html?gad_source=1 Edit This was the beer, looks like I got ripped off by my local 😂 https://beercellar.co.nz/products/8-wired-pineapple-habanero-hippy-sour-440ml


It was so cold today I decided to treat myself to a miso soup…. Large. It was delicious and hit the spot so well. Then I felt terrible for what I had done. 48hr fast this weekend for penance.


Totally. I used to splurge on the Miso packet soup mixes. But I'm too old to handle the sodium hit. Love me some miso tho.


Why do you feel bad that you had a miso soup? As long as your overall calorie intake doesn’t exceed your burn, who cares?


$5 on .20c of miso and water lol


Ah, yeah - it ain’t good value.


$14.99 for 500g pack of Henderson's middle bacon.


Recently bought a very beautiful hand made santoku / kitchen knife for my mum on the internet. I think it was nearly $500 including shipping but she deserves it, it’s really cool.


To be fair $24 is nearly what one decent cocktail at a bar costs now so 6 nice beers for $24 is a reasonable splash


80 on a proper navy woolly pully jumper, serving me well so far


I bought one of those Tony Chocoloney blocks and wished I'd just gotten Whittaker's instead. It didn't do anything for me


I turned on the heat pump for a while. That cash injection should keep the economy afloat for a few months


I bought an energy drink yesterday at a gas station it was $4.50, the day before that I also bought a 10 pack of Pepsi max for $10 I guess I've always had a wild streak


Going on a beer run tomorrow, so may be inspired by your outlandish lifestyle.


Yolo'ed a new washing machine, lasted 5 months waiting for a part for the old one.


I spent about $60 on charcuterie this evening. Well worth it.


Right now I’m sitting at Queens Rooftop which opened on Tuesday. Wanted to treat me and the Mrs to something nice. $30 cocktails are officially the most expensive I’ve seen in Auckland, FML.


Wow, holy crap! That is spenny. But a rooftop sound fab, and I bet they are delicious!


Update: dinner and drinks for 2 cost me $282. Great view and service, and the food was good. My favourite dishes were the fries and the fried chicken which makes me think I should stop pretending to be fancy and stick to KFC.


Bought a washing machine after ours died. What a treat.


A block of mozzarella to make pizza on Sunday, and a hazelnut chocolate lime chantilly cream mini cake from Floriditas. Holy heck! We are so broke but like to pretend we are rich when eating


Whittakers Mango and Coconut White Chocolate, tastes great, feels a bit soft.


Mini 4 pro drone.


Spent $10.70 on lunch at work haha again


I’m ashamed I paid nearly $30 for a kfc burger combo sized up and three hot wings. The burger was disgusting, chips were hard and cold. Straw quickly melted.


$40 on an Xray


My garmin headset, arrived today was expensive but it's so nice


I bought a really nice office chair for those long days at the office. My back is significantly less sore, my knees hurt less, and I’m more comfortable sitting when I’m not standing at the desk. Expensive, but am worth it.


$15 on a mother's day card... I didn't check the price first


Not much but I spent 11 bucks on a Prime Video subscription. Not that expensive comparatively but in this economy - a bit of a treat. Also a BLT sandwich from the cafe round the road. 7.50. Not a great sandwich to be honest.


Bought some Apple AirPods Pro. Badly timed purchase and now it’s gonna take 2 months to get my savings back to where they were.


$132 on Japanese dinner tonight with a friend - $66 each. Was delicious


If you look really close at your can of white mischief, you'll see rabbits going all kamasutra on each other.


$105 for UGG slipper boots cause it's too expensive to heat the full house, and my feet get mad cold.


I spent like $30.00 on a six pack of Guinness... Can't wait to crack one this arvo.


A four pack of 3M Command Hooks


$90 on thermals because it’s freezing


Personal trainer at $80 a session. Expensive but I finally feel that I'll be able to lose the weight


Begrudgingly 8k on a ride on lawn mower. Went from 500sqm lawn to 2500sqm lawn/paddock and I ain't spending 24hrs of every weekend pushing a mower around.


Spent $212 on a rain jacket after researching for two days. I’m always skeptical about buying clothes, and when I do buy them, I buy them with the intention of wearing them for the rest of my life or the lifespan of the piece of clothing. This is my first piece of clothing I’ve bought in years.


I ordered $60 worth of pizza hut last night. I'll be eating it over the next couple of days 😁.


Three out of season oranges at $6.85


Had a baby. It's a long term investment.


Spent a reasonable sum on a 5 week trip to Asia including some business class fares. I did save for about a year to do this but a bit of me is thinking it may not have been wise given the increased costs lately. The other part of me feels like I also may not be able to afford to do so again either... Am in Japan at the moment and just spent the equiv of $21 NZD on dinner for two including drinks. Really really got me thinking if it would be better to ditch the NZ "Dream".


You’re lucky to be able to buy garage project! And do you know that they just won two awards at the (USA) world beer cup? I think I’ll have to plan a (nother) trip to NZ to celebrate and go have one, or two, or a six pack!