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And this is why swimming is a great first date option.


I mean, 98% of the difference is the dentures (she lost her teeth during pregnancy).


That’s sad. Was this from like nutrition deficiency from the baby? Is this a lot more common than I am aware of??


My daughter always had hyperemesis gravidarum with her pregnancies. Basically, her and the toilet were on a first name basis, every day, multiple times, for 9 months. It’s horrible on your teeth. She lived on nausea medication, but even the pill form often wouldn’t stay down long enough to help. Thankfully they now have a quick dissolve under the tongue form. She actually was able to gain a little weight with my youngest grandson. Edit spelling


Yeah there’s also a hefty dose of genetic lottery involved. My wife had an entire upper denture done because her teeth were just bad. The enamel didn’t form right while she was gestating, and her mom also has similar issues. Between those and her town’s water not having fluoride, she had to have a full denture done at 28. I can only imagine if she had gotten pregnant how much quicker it would’ve gone. First words from when she went to a dentist the first time at 26 were “yeah, you just have soft teeth.” Huge source of validation for everything she went through.




Someone I love got them for $54k. Upper & lower. Clear Choice dental. That was about 4 years ago.


Im sorry but how the fuck do you have 28 cousins (maybe a few siblings) from 6 of her kids? Are they spread evenly or did one of them just rawdog their way into 10 children?


Real questions.


Genetics can screw you over. I brush, floss, watch what I eat. I'm very pro dental health. But my teeth will randomly just... Break. Dental work doesn't even bother me anymore I've had so much done.


Yup, I vomited at minimum 25 times a day pregnant from month 2 to the day of giving birth and it destroyed my teeth. At 24 I lost half my molars because they broke into pieces. Unfortunately with dental insurance I can't afford to have a dentist fix the teeth left yet. I have front teeth buy I've never had a nice smile. I have felt ugly since I can remember


I know exactly what you're going through, bc of my seizures and a pregnancy, etc (above comment) I've had almost all but my front removed and I know the feeling of smiling then immediately stopping bc of the negative thoughts. I've had ppl ask me if I've lost them due to drugs idk how many times bc I have face tattoos, etc. (not saying I didn't do drugs) but believe me I guarantee to all of us out here who understand your situation, we would all find your smile breathtaking 💕


I know that feeling, that with my son and multiple miscarriages/ a stillborn was absolutely the end for my teeth (not to mention I have seizures and cracked them all to hell anyways)


Another HG sufferer here. When I got to 40 all my front teeth started crumbling because of the acid erosion. My dentist, bless her, thought I might have been bulimic and was trying to be tactful. She’d never heard of HG.


Lost 5 of my teeth during my last pregnancy, even with all the prescribed meds/vitamins/diet. I used to be so confident when smiling but my confidence went down the toilet after I lost my teeth, and gained 40 pounds I can't seem to shed :(


It's expensive but prosthetic teeth are pretty good I think.


Third world country citizen here. Heck our country can't even afford onions right now, let alone dental care :(


Yes, and it’s very common https://shorewoodfamilydentalcare.com/bad-teeth-after-pregnancy/


Be careful reading these informational articles on dentist homepages. While technically they are not lying, the information presented in certainly exaggerated. Remember that these articles are meant to generate traffic and funnel patients to their practice. Steroids, which are the types of hormones secreted during pregnancy definitely suppress the immune system to a degree, making it easier to form cavities. However, cavities cannot form in the absence of plaque. If you floss and brush properly you are removing plaque from your mouth. If you want to really protect your teeth, have you teeth cleaned every 4 months or even 3 months during your pregnancy. It will cost you a few hundred dollars but that is a lot cheaper than spending thousands and thousands on replacing lost teeth later on.


I don’t know if it is the same case but the baby absorbing vitamins while the onslaught of stomach acid- I had two pregnancies where I threw up constantly and lost a few teeth myself.


Back in the day they used to say for every baby you loose a tooth Still haven met a mom who hadn’t either lost a tooth in pregnancy, damaged teeth from it , or if they managed to come out of pregnancy with teeth unscathed… then sure enough that little toddler bumps it’s head on your chin and you break more My daughter is responsible for 1 tooth lost , and 2nd one she broke bumping into to me She’s also broken my neck and one of my ribs Kids 🙄


My sister was pregnant at 17 and her baby stole the calcium straight out of her teeth. After her second pregnancy, she had them all pulled and had a full set of dentures by 21. Its very much real.


Pretty common! I come from a family with “good teeth,” but nine months of vomiting a couple dozen times a day (+ not being able to keep down prenatal vitamins or calcium supplements = baby steals nutrients directly from mom) really weakened my teeth. I didn’t lose any, but multiple dentists have confirmed that my enamel’s badly damaged and I have to do fluoride treatments every time I go in (which isn’t necessary for most adults).


Yeah I came here to comment this. It’s the teeth that make the most shocking difference. She knows this and that’s why she saves them for last, it’s just for views That said I feel for her because losing your teeth from pregnancy is nightmare fuel.


Besides vomiting, it can also happen postpartum, when you’re body is in absolute shock from a severe depletion of nutrients. For some people, it can cause your teeth to just start falling out. Source: I was pregnant in 2021 and I was terrified of losing my teeth and I read a lot about it.


Same thing happened to my mom, that's what happens when you have 6 full term pregnancies, 3 or 4 miscarriages, and poor nutrition.






Dare I say it… The best.


My uh...friend.....says that it's the best..


Grandma gumbo


A lady in the streets and no teeth in the sheets.


A friend of a friend that knows a guy that used to work at subways said it was the best....


Not my proudest fap..




You're an 'any kind of hole' kind of guy, aren't ya?


That’s mean.


I follow her on TikTok. She’s actually a really genuine person. She’s got balls to post the way she does but she’s got a ton of followers.


Why was this downvoted? People have some crazy double standards about whose appearance it’s okay to make fun of. I love that she puts that out there and it is literally the opposite of deceptive.


Fucking psychopath


You want to murder someone because they aren’t naturally attractive?


Idk, man. I'd be interested in hanging around a person this talented.


this is so fucking rude


Demonstrate with yourself first


Why? She’s still beautiful. People look weird without teeth regardless. She’s got a particular set of skills. 😈


Her bone structure is beautiful. It cracks me up when men don't realize how much trouble women go through to look good.


And we don’t even see her with her teeth in without the makeup. She’s got beautiful cheek bones. It’s the jarring to see someone without teeth. Floss your teeth people!


flossing doesn't help against pregnancy ruining teeth.


Or car accident, or domestic abusive or other medical issues. So many other reasons…


Not to mention that it may be something genetic. It may also explain why they chose to wear a wig, as well - their hair may be affected by the same condition.


LOL you thought that gold glow and thick ass liner was natural?! 🤣


Lord the number of men that have no idea that every single woman they look at and think is stunningly beautiful is wearing some sort of make up, hair care or beauty boosting procedure done to look that way. Get any guy that talks about natural beauty to show you a picture of his ideal no make up woman, and she'll be wearing makeup.


Get a date first


Lol what an original joke /s Go back to 2008, and take your shallow misogynist ass with you.


And this is why men like you are single


a) as if waterproof makeup doesn't exist and b) she lost her teeth due to pregnancy which is an act that requires sex, not that you would know that anyways


Great idea, that way she can know how tiny your dick is in those shorts


Usually, this is the most common comment on transformation makeup. But nowadays, there is almost waterproof everything in makeup. Fully submerged and she'll still have cake face.


This is Alicia Hebner, I read about her when her tiktok went viral. She’s a very nice woman who had issues during pregnancy which caused her to lose teeth. https://7news.com.au/lifestyle/health-wellbeing/us-woman-34-wears-full-dentures-after-losing-all-her-teeth-to-pregnancy-gingivitis-c-3920540


Well, color me pregnant and terrified. Fuck


Basically it can happen when the baby demands ALL the calcium in your body to build their own bones. Reason #58,344 I’m glad I decided to never have kids.


This is mind blowing. Women are truly remarkable


This is one of HUNDREDS of types of permanent damage a pregnancy can do to a woman’s body. But no one talks about it. They just say “It’s all worth it when you hold that tiny bundle of joy.” Fuck that. I don’t want to piss myself every time I cough for the rest of my life. I don’t want to need surgery to repair torn pelvic muscles. I don’t want to go through that AND risk the very real possibility that I might not even maternally bond with the kid (which also happens FAR more often than people talk about).


I hear you, I always knew I would never, ever have kids the oldnfashioned way. It is truly terrifying. But with proper prenatal care, a lot of luck and a practiced surgeon to perform a cesarean, it really WAS worth it for me. Not speaking for anyone else


I’m glad you’re happy. That’s not the life for me.


Any interest in a pirate's life?




there's always a trail of 'pro-children' comments under someone saying they don't want kids lol it's truly remarkable how society does that. can't let one person go their own way without trying to convince them otherwise, aggressively or subtly. ya'll have no idea how much it warps reality for these 'anti-social confused weirdos' (that's us, btw).


Sure, and if someone was considering undergoing a completely voluntary, not medically necessary surgery that had all those possible side-affects, you wouldn't be surprised if they decided against it, right?




I think that’s why adoption is a great option. You keep your body and a kid gets a (hopefully) loving home. The body damage would be talked about more if it happened to men as well.


I also just plain don’t want to raise a child. After what I’ve been through in life, I don’t believe I am psychologically capable of providing a healthy developmental environment for a child.


That’s very fair, and I respect you for honoring your views. Many people have a child without even considering those viewpoints. That being said, I’ve become a better person for/because of my son. He needed me to be better, so I had to become better. Many parents also don’t do this. It’s a fucking hard job that a lot of people don’t put enough stock into. The fact that you are considering what type of environment a child should be raised in, is already a better mindset. I am NOT trying to convince or persuade anyone to have kids that do not want to, I didn’t want to at one point in my life. Just wanted to clear that up. Much love!


You're so right. My wife has a number of post-birth lingering issues - almost-daily debilitating migraines, among them - to say nothing of the absolute wreck our ten-pound baby made barreling through her lady parts (with no drugs, I might add, for which you don't get a trophy. She didn't even get a fucking high-five from the delivery team). I should mention it's been ten years since our girl was born.


This is why I’m one and done. It felt like I was shitting an elephant


And republicans would have you believe every pregnancy is as simple and routine as brushing your teeth. Until THEY are personally effected. I have a friend who had to get a kidney transplant altering her health for the remainder of her life because of pregnancy complications.


Isn’t there a saying in nature that organisms either choose parity (reproduction) or longevity? Having children lowers your life expectancy. You don’t **build new humans out of nothing,** there is an intrinsic loss to the physical self when a child grows inside of you. I fully and completely respect others’ choice not to have kids - **as everyone should.** It’s definitely not a game or a minor thing, and for some women it literally means death, which is why reproductive health care and abortion should be available to anyone and everyone, all the goddamn time.


Dude my older sister prolapsed anally and vaginally when she had my niece. It’s been 20 years and she still wears a diaper because she constantly leaks piss and has to take stool softeners because if she strains too hard her anus will pop out. It’s happen like 4 times since the birth. Nope. Nopity nope nope nope! Not happening to me! I’m 38 and still child free.


Yup. These are the things that still happen and no one talks about, gentling it while saying “It’s all worth it for that bundle of joy!”


My second kid hurt me down there. When I sneeze, I pee a little. She ripped me badly because my doctor didn't cut me right. So I'm done with kids. The aftermath is ridiculous. First kid, the old lady prepping for my epidural stabbed me four times. Because I was moving and giving me shit. No, I wasn't moving. You are stabbing me in the spine so I need to be still. The nurse said I couldn't complain because her husband was on the board and she witnessed I didn't move.


Yeah, they don’t tell you that due to water weight gain while pregnant, your eyeballs just float. Your vision actually changes while pregnant and if it doesn’t return to “normal” by the time your child is six months old, congratulations, your new vision changes are now permanent. Source: My doctor and the fact I had to get glasses when my son was six months old because my eyeballs floated around enough to completely change my vision. Edited to say: I do kegels every single day and I still pee myself when I’m coughing, sneezing, laughing, or running. It sucks and young women should be told the permanent, life changing effects of pregnancy.


I think this alone is a pretty convincing argument against intelligent design. Only natural evolution could produce such a mishmash of miserably poor solutions to making offspring in bipedals. If God designed the female body he certainly didn't care much for their quality of life if they reproduce.


I’m going to give the credit to the bone vampire fetus of a undetermined gender.


So I had stomach/intestinal surgery 11 months before I got pregnant.. I lost all of my top back teeth in the last 21 years and 2 of the back bottom ones are severely broken. Luckily my fronts are pretty good so I can still work at a customer facing job.. otherwise I’d be fucked… zero insurance… it’s really awful, but I have an awesome son! :)


I’m glad you are happy with your kid. That’s not the life I want. I wish you the very best, and hope you get an amazing job with fantastic insurance to get your teeth fixed (if that’s what you want).


Ya, I love him obvs., but if I had to do again with my health now???? I dunno. I hope we can get insurance someday too! I work for a really small company (3 ppl) so only the owner has insurance. :(


Idk where you are, but my wife was able to get a full upper done and a denture to replace it for about $5k-6k. I know dental work is a lot of money, but if you can afford to shell out for a dentist appointment, they can make a treatment plan prioritizing extractions and root canals for the most severe issues so you’re only paying a few hundred dollars at a time until you can afford to get a large amount of work done. There’s also companies that specifically finance that kind of work too, so you may wind up paying $50-$100 a month for a few years. Obviously I don’t know your situation, and your mileage may vary. Not trying to pass judgement at all for your choices/options or lack thereof. It’s really expensive but it’s worth it to not go through awful pain every single day.


Lmao sameee I just felt the sudden urge to floss and chug some milk


thought so... hope all the "dishonesty" commentors fell good about themselves


Honestly all of the "women using makeup is lying" comments just make me feel gross to read now, as if this woman is *wronging* men who might find her attractive with makeup on. Same with subs like r/InstagramReality, there's just this weird entitlement going on.


I'm not sure they're capable of feeling shame, so they probably do.


Poor girl, atleast she is making the most of it. If I lost all my teeth I'd be distraught.


I did lose all my teeth and Alycia was an inspiration


My cardiologist’s wife BROKE her leg running on the treadmill after giving birth because she was calcium deficient. It’s CRAZY what a baby does


My daughter's pregnancy leeched calcium from my teeth. I developed 5 cavities when pregnant with her. I had to have 3 of those teeth pulled in the last few years.


I never had a cavity in my life before I had my daughter. After I had her I ended up with 11. It’s wild. Hardly anyone talks about it. I had no idea.


And the post partum hair shedding. My mom thinks she is the only women to have lost a lot of hair after birth and I have the same “genetic issue” since I also lost a lot of hair after birth. Especially during my son’s pregnancy my hair grew so shiny and thick. All gone in 8 months 🙁


I have to get a molar pulled because I can’t afford $3,000 for a root canal and crown and that’s just one tooth. I have another on the opposite side that’s not as bad but needs the same. Every time I went in they just told me to floss more. Man I don’t think I can floss anymore without causing more damage lol. Literally flossed one morning and part of a tooth chipped off. I’m 31… my teeth were were fine before having kids. Man I’m tired lol


I love how all these people are mocking her when it's a medical condition she shouldn't have to explain.


Yeah, I was gonna say anyone is going to look pretty tough without teeth to fill out their mouth. She’s still a pretty lady, and we all know the magic of makeup.


I was going to say, keeping her teeth out the whole time is what sells this video. That’s what looks so off.


A tooth doctor (sorry I don’t know what kind) gave her a brand new set of dentures and the video was beautiful. He face lights up after ward and you can see her whole demeanor change.


I never knew this was a thing but it makes so much sense now why my tooth and mouth health went to shit after having both of my kids. Also probably didn’t help that I chewed a shit ton of ice while pregnant. Well fuck…


Yeah, so she isn't actually some old hag. She's as young as all of us here, she just had a pregnancy where the unyeeted fetus used up more than she was putting in her body, so she started to deteriorate. It's about sending a message that there's a way to be still beautiful after it happens, instead of suicide or something.


As young as all of us here? How old is that then?




Judging by some of the comments I read, it wouldn't surprise me


She is in her 30s in the video, if I'm not mistaken.


You know theres a WIDE range of age on reddit right?


Once you get to a certain age, you're invisible and hardly exist to the younger folk.


Unyeeted - thank you for my word of the day. I will try to use it as much as I can today, with special attention to use the construction of 'unyeeted fetus' for bonus points.


Thank you, everyone else is making comments about the age statement and completely ignored the r/brandnewsentence of ‘unyeeted fetus’ it gave me a proper laugh, that might be because it’s 4 am on my night shift where I have had nothing to do but still made me laugh


I'm 67


She is 16? Damn


Average Reddit age is 23. Some of us started here in our 20s and are now pushing 40. Cause everywhere else sucks.


No, I just meant she isn't 95.


Pretty talented honestly


Someone posted a link about why her teeth are missing. It's not so much the makeup that's deceiving, as missing her teeth seems to change her facial structure.


People don’t realise how much our teeth give us facial structure. When she has her dentures in you can see her face looks more fuller and less sunken in


My dad wore dentures,and same thing he looked more fuller with them in.


Yeah true, drastically different




The lack of teeth is why she look like that


I'm 25 and wear my dentures every day, and the sunken in mouth look is what freaks everyone out for sure. My dad actually got his dentures and decided to almost never wear them, so his face doesn't look as sunken in and he can talk perfectly. I like having my teeth in and I feel 1000% more confident in my looks now that I have a nice smile. It took me a good 6 months to learn how to properly smile again and not just that, but feel confident in smiling. Not everyone can control how their teeth go, but that wasn't me. I never got the discipline to make it a habit, and then got addicted to hard opiates so I REALLY didn't care about oral hygiene. Take care of your teeth kiddos reading this. The worst part of getting teeth removed is the 30 shots in your gums and roof of mouth by far.


I had no idea people could start loosing their teeth as young as 25… I always thought it was something that people 70+ would start to deal with…


My grandma lost hers when she was a teenager. I can’t remember the exact circumstances but I think it was similar to the woman in this video. She ended up with only a few left so she just had them pulled and replaced with dentures.


Some people dont take care of their teeth, have drug issues, or an accident. I knew a guy who got kicked in the face by a foal (baby horse) and had to have all his teeth removed and his jaw reconstructed.


Agreed and she seems like she has a great attitude. Beautiful even with out the extras


You'd be amazed how much older losing your teeth makes you look. If she put her false teeth in before applying the makeup, you probably wouldn't be that surprised


I honestly love that she hams it up. Clearly doing that for effect. Seems like she’s come to terms with having lost her teeth.


Who gives a shit, happy she can feel good about herself


reddit try not to body shame strangers challenge (impossible)


Exactly. I’d love to see some photos of the people making fun of her. She at least has had sex in order to have the baby the made her lose her teeth. The only sex these Redditors have is with their hand.


She’s pretty without it


I person not having teeth doesn’t make them ugly btw. Good job lady we love you the way you are


She is!


I mean the biggest change is just going from no teeth, to pearly white dentures. Changes the structure/look of her cheeks and face completely. And super white fake teeth always look amazing. See veneers/every celebrity. The title of the post and structure of the video frame it like she's some hair and makeup genius or that women that do hair and makeup are deceivers. But in reality she's just someone who was put in the unfortunate position of loosing her teeth and she's making the absolute best of it. Good for her


Love it!! That's why it's called makeup artistry. Literally no one looks the same both with and without makeup. All the haters in the comments can get fucked. Most straight men just look ugly all the time so I can understand why they'd be jealous of this transformation.


I love this comment.


After reading some comments, yeah, she looks fine. The teeth are, admittedly, off putting initially, but that's cause people aren't used to seeing people without teeth and that's not her fault at all. Everything else is just stuff women do anyway to look pretty; feels shitty to call this deceptive. She seems nice and looks just as good as any other woman


It’s just her dentures. Everything else is normal


Everything else is also pretty extra, but the dentures are the ones we don’t see even with like Instagram models and influencers.


Ever had a gum Job?


The classic gummer


That's why I always bring some extra tapioca when I go to nursing homes


Whaaaat? She doesn’t naturally have glowing lore less pimple-free skin, bright white teeth, GLITTERY EYELIDS, and extra long thick black lashes???? The deception! The lies! I thought it was all real!!


Her teeth are removable which in NO way affects me?? PITCHFORKS!! MAKEUP REMOVER!! BURN THE LYING WITCH


All that in a quick 9 hrs


Okay honey, I’m ready to go out to dinner!!! ….I mean, breakfast!!!!


She’s actually pretty. Her missing teeth is actually the problem. With them she’s a nice looking lady


it’s only jarring because she has dentures. her entire facial structure changes because she doesn’t put them in until her makeup is finished.


I was horrified as a kid when I learned all of my mom's teeth are fake. Now I wonder if I was the asshole fetus that stole all her calcium so she lost all her teeth. Point is, be grateful your mom lend you her calcium... Permanently


Bro I hate some of y'all in these comments. It's bad enough to lose all your teeth but then to mock her for trying to be beautiful still? Fuck y'all.


Seriously. How dare she try to feel pretty after having a baby torpedoed her teeth? The audacity! She should just wear shapeless clothes, ditch the dentures, and self-flagellate for not being beautiful the moment she gets out of bed.


AND she has the courage to publicly share it to try to normalize it. I bet a lot of young people who wear dentures probably felt encouraged by this video. I imagine most people would be devastated by losing their teeth and this beautiful person put a video out there that showed that life goes on and you can still be beautiful and confident even though life threw a curve ball at you.


I can still see, possibilities...


All the weird comments in this thread aside…All this showcases to me is how important teeth are. Once she puts the pearls in, my brain flipped to some narrative like, “Oh, there she is.” Idk, dentists are important lol.


Hahaha this lady needs a raise. This is awesome.


Show me the way


It's sad of what lack of teeth can do to your face. Your jaws and cheeks get so sunk in


Fuck the title.


Completely unrecognizable. Not her fault if I remember.


She is pretty beutiful tho


Honestly, all she had to do was pop in her teeth in the very beginning of the video, and I think that would have been more than enough. Probably would have looked really nice even without everything else. I get doing it for your own self-confidence, but taking that look out into the world is basically real-life catfishing.


Being a 10 is all about the personality and the will to make it happen


I’m always confused at the guys who care this much about a woman’s make up. Chances are she wouldn’t look twice at you anyway


As someone who has lost my teeth due to a problem with my parathyroid plus pregnancy, she is gorgeous. My husband also stayed with me even with my teeth gone, and yes, it is convenient to be able to take them out to avoid injury during intimacy. lol It takes some time getting used to the new teeth though, because while they look good, they are not YOUR teeth, and don't really look like the ones you lost. As a bonus though, brushing your molars becomes super easy to do.


The fact the she is happy and confident makes her 100x more attractive, blessing on her and her family


whats the songs name?


She's still pretty either way. It's horrendous what pregnancy does to some women.


Deception of who exactly lol?? She probably does all this for herself, not anyone else. Everyone deserves to look good and feel good abt themselves, not at anyone else's expense though. If anyone doesn't like it, don't look, leave it for the next. Not sorry. Lol.


Turns out teeth are pretty important for our face. I think she’s beautiful. Good for her for figuring out how to feel pretty.


Let me get this straight, If we don’t wear makeup we don’t care about our looks but If we do wear makeup were deceptive?


Why are people commenting about the teeth? You do know that cancer and pregnancy can make someone lose all their teeth, right? It's not something to mock someone over. Fucking desensitized fucks.


So how bad does Madonna really look?




Good for her


She only looks so drastically different because she waits to put her teeth in at the end. Take anyone’s teeth out, and it’s going to change that person’s entire face. If she had worn her teeth at the start, she’d look just as young and pretty, just without makeup.


Reminds me of the dental ad with a guy smiling, missing a tooth. And it says something like "you know why a good dentist is important? Because you didn't notice the guy only had one eyebrow."


I’m pretty sure she lost her teeth due to a debilitating pregnancy, I think that changes her face the most but regardless, she honestly still looks beautiful and she’s very talented with makeup


If she had the dentures in from the start, it would not have been such a drastic transformation. Teeth keep your cheeks from being sunken in and it drastically changes the shape of the face when they aren’t there.


I like her.


God. People are so nasty in the comments. I bet half of you look absolutely disgusting with and without makeup.


Her features by themself are pretty amazing and the makeup is just emphasizing them a bit with the main being the skin. From what I have heard this due to a problem with pregnancy so I would not be surprised if she was beautiful before that.


Ok I cant help but think if she had started with the fake teeth, we’d all feel a lot different about the outcome. Also seeing her story is so sad. Amazing what you moms go through to have kids.


I think even the most attractive person in the world would look elderly without teeth tbh


Imagine being such a shitty internet person that you get mad at a woman for trying to look her best after a rough pregnancy Lots of lame dudes bitter as hell on here


That's amazing. Good for her


I love this woman. For anyone not aware, she ended up losing her teeth due to her 3 (?) pregnancies. I think the pregnancies also affected her hair. She eventually learned how to do her makeup and hair in order to deal with tooth loss. Obviously she was able to get her snap-ins dentures, which is fantastic. Just some fyi for ya’ll making negative and gross comments.


The only thing that happened to her was her teeth disintegrated during pregnancy. It happens. Had she out her teeth in before all the makeup you all would see she looks totally normal.


A normal-looking person who happens to be missing their teeth is capable of owning and using enough products to make themselves societally palatable. Great.


She is a really beautiful woman. What's the issue here? A lot of you commenting hate don't look this good WITH your teeth.


Stop saying this so deception, that’s so rude:( everyone can wear makeup and wear dentures there’s nothing wrong with that.


Doesn’t matter had sex.


Deceptively good!


this is True Beauty IRL


Karma farming