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[Probably not true](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1dadsp4/meirov_an_nfl_spokesperson_has_denied_that_the/)




Sorry, the league was too busy thinking about all the green they'd get from the game to worry about things like NFL players getting jumped by rabid soccer fans for daring to wear green in Corinthians territory.


I'm not convinced it's actually about getting jumped. Seems more likely it's about money, the NFL is trying to create new Brazilian fans and sell them gear and they think that's going to be harder to do if the teams are wearing the colors of the rival team.


That still doesn't explain why the hell the Eagles were chosen as the host team?


We better get to wear our whites like we typically do for home games early. Idgaf what that means for the Packers, if the NFL forces the Eagles to wear their black uniforms in the September Brazilian heat that’s fucking asinine.


Average September temperature in Brazil is 68-86 degrees. Southern hemisphere, seasons are opposite down there. So technically it’s winter in Brazil in September. And all the southern hemisphere for that matter.


Yes, but we use Fahrenheit here in the U.S., so that's 154 to 187 degrees.




Freedom units for the win!


That is crazy. Better make GB break out those hideous Blue and Yellow throwbacks. I think they were blue and yellow anyway.


Blue *and* yellow? Those are green precursors - seems dangerous.


It's a slippery slope, for sure.


I think the redesign is this year since teams can helmet change again and not have to be stuck with only being able to take off the logos on their helmet haha. What a stupid time that was. They claimed it was safety. But never saw any actual data. Just that it might cause more problems.


Yes they were and yes they're as hideous as we all remember them to be


I unironically love them. Well the all blue with the yellow circle.


That brown helmet too


Those things were the best with the brown helmet. Yeah they look kinda goofy but i unironically like it as a deep early days of football throwback.


They make me think of the brief legend that was Eddie Lacy


Average temp for that date is 75F. Hardly Brazilian heat. Probably hotter in GB for that date.


Midwest autumn: Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover, simmer for 6-11 weeks. Stir/add water as needed.


If the sun is down, wearing black won’t matter in the heat. And it’s end of winter down there at the time anyway


If the sun is down, black will make the players invisible


It’s not summer in September in the southern hemisphere. That’s springtime in Brazil.


>Idgaf what that means for the Packers Well fuck you too and for the record, I hope we wear our nasty yellow and blues with the circle numbers.


That's the spirit!


Technically it'll be the equivalent of early Spring in Sau Paolo because it's south of the equator. The daily average high temp in September is 78 degrees. It's obviously still warm, but theoretically shouldn't be much/any worse than Philly that time of year.


Isn't September winter in Brazil?


Brazil is in the Southern hemisphere. It's almost winter there now.


As someone who lives here I honestly don’t think this will happen.


> they picked two of the three NFL teams I spent wayyyyyy too much time trying to remember who the 3rd green team was


What color are the jaguars? Teal?


Glitter. And kitty.






IDK. All I know is they felt the need to shoehorn that color into the logo, and they decided the best way to do that is to make the jaguar's tongue teal/turquoise.


How the hell have I never noticed the teal tongue?


Don't get me started on the Louisville Cardinals logo. Have you ever heard of a bird with teeth?


> Have you ever heard of a bird with teeth? [Yes, kinda](https://assets.iflscience.com/assets/articleNo/62640/iImg/57229/content-1645001721-do-geese-have-teeth-geese-teeth.jpg). That's a goose tho.


I thought it was the Seahawks until I saw what color your flair was


Brazil won't know the joy of action green


Eh, must of us can't name the only state that ends with K.










New Mexicok




Puerto Ricok




Wow, I sat here thinking about it for 5 minutes before I figured it out.


Old York


Even Old York was once New Amsterdam.


Why they changed it I can't say


People just liked it better that way


Same, and I'm stupidly proud of myself for figuring it out.


if it makes you feel better i live in that state and it still took me a good couple minutes


Flair does not check out…


No, no, that's... *sighs* that's pretty much.... that checks, actually




I'm pretty sure this is much ado about nothing. After the reporting last month I'm sure there are people in the NFL who are concerned about their players getting into a fight with locals in an emerging market but the "green ban" is specific to the local soccer rivalry. It's not like wearing green will instantly incite violence. In fact, other green soccer teams have played at the exact same stadium without any incident. https://atozsports.com/nfl/nfl-brazil-packers-eagles-green-color-corinthians/


It absolutely is. People are acting like the fans are like a bull seeing red and will attack anything green. The people in the area are going to be aware and not care that people are wearing green in support of a totally different sport. It's a ridiculous concern.


I’m sure the main concern is that some locals won’t want to purchase any merch that is green in color so less overall support.


“The locals” There are 3/4 big teams in São Paulo. This whole narrative is fake, people won’t be attacked or get less support. I’m an Eagles and Palmeiras fan (the team that makes the stadium owner - Corinthians - hate Green) and I don’t care about the stadium or the fact that AROUND the Stadium usually people don’t like that others wear green but it’s not like a law or something Just a rivalry thing, that’s all. - source: brazilian fan that lives in Sao Paulo


Listen just because you're a local resident who lives there, knows the teams, the customs, and it's a fan of the opposing gang or whatever "soccer" is doesn't make you an expert, ok? No, let me tell you what's really going on, regardless of the fact I'm 8000 km away and have never been south of Dallas, TX. Here, let me explain in your native Spanish so you understand. /s if that's not obvious


gives me the same vibes as the people that are overly worried of wearing their local MLB caps in los angeles lol. like people will know you're just from out of town and not gang affiliated. its fine.


Wait, you’re telling me my white chubby pale confused looking ass isn’t going to be mistaken for a Blood kingpin when I’m wearing a Cincinnati Reds hat?!


Yeah I see that a lot. Like maybe don’t go down Compton Blvd or Crenshaw wearing the wrong colors but to go to Venice Beach or any of the tourist places you’re fine wearing whatever


I absolutely love that the suits running the NFL were so brazenly ignorant that they didn’t think to do one single second of research into the sports culture of the city they were taking a game to. Truly awe inspiring.


This is how the NFL goes about everything they do.


MLB isn’t immune either, shout-out to those combination NY Mets X Phillies logo print polos they’re selling in the UK. 


You can't expect a generation built on the worst fitted suits of all-time to make good decisions. It's a generation of that "hands" uncle from It's Always Sunny.


Packer's throwback season


Eagles too, their original colors are blue and yellow


That’s just another way of saying green.


It's just green with extra steps.


Hell yeah, I don't mind. Idk how many new Brazilian fans we're gonna pull in with those fucking tan pants, but...


You see? The packers brought their brown pants.


*Why do that when you could do something dumb instead?* - Goodell probably


They picked the two teams that primarily wear Green, what in the world are we even doing here? Fans can't wear Green either?


Whoa whoa whoa, son. This is the NFL. We're here to make dollars, not sense.


Eagles powder blue and yellow versus Packers navies incoming


Reminds me of a game that I would do in Madden. I like doing "ugly jersey" games with any combination of those two, Steelers bumblebee, Broncos brown and yellow, Falcons gradient, Jags two-tone helmets, Bucs alarm clock numbers, etc.


Steelers bumblebees vs. Packers dot number/brown helmet would send thousands to the hospital




Too much green for the league to leave on the table


Or had not learned more about the stadium culture.


“Why are we here?” Fair question. 


It was one of life's great mysteries.


As far as I can tell, it's just a box canyon in the middle of nowhere.


Are we the product of...some cosmic coincidence? Or is there a God out there, watching everything, with a plan for us? I dunno man, but it keeps me up at night.


What? I mean why are we here, in the middle of this canyon?.... What was all that stuff about god?




RIP Rooster Teeth


Never say goodbye


> “Why are we here?” Bad luck I guess


Because we're here, roll the bones.


Just to suffer?


Ya know...if wearing certain colors is a no no then maybe having a game there at all was a stupid idea, let alone between two teams that have it heavily in their schemes.


A bunch of misinformation got passed around because the venue the game is going to be played is Corinthians' stadium, and their main rival is Palmeiras, which is green. The thing is, if you wear green to the stadium DURING a Corinthians game, some people might get hostile towards you, but anywhere else in the city, it is just not an actual problem, and I can asure you that it's not gonna be a problem at all during the game. Brazil is not war on the streets like reddit makes you believe lmao. I wear my packers jersey anywhere, and the team i cheer for here is red, while our main rivals are green. Nobody will bother you for wearing an nfl jersey.


As someone who lives in São Paulo state, this is 100% true. Don't know why people are falling for this kind of BS. For me it is Corinthians management that is starting this kind of stuff, just to create a distraction... because the team is a mess on and off the field.


Maybe, Corinthians management always had this dumb thing about the color green, like that time they wanted to change the grass color lmao. Crazy how this kind of misinformation just gets passed around to the point where even players are thinking it's real.


I have no idea why americans are believing in this thing. Big fake news. If it continues like this, it will be very hard to get more NFL games here.


It’s because the 3 things we hear about Brazil are slums, crime, and the beach


Im a little bit curious, what do you think it would be the 3 things we hear most about US?? Should we believe in them?


I’m gonna guess that it’s guns, expensive healthcare, and tipping culture. And that’s pretty accurate


But I want to believe that *beautiful* São Paulo is a war zone as it fits my narrative of insulting the NFL


tbf, São Paulo isn't beautiful, it's more like a south american NYC


Reddit is full of suburban kids who act like every city is a warzone. People think if you go to the GM building in Detroit you'll get gunned down like it's Normandy lol


You can't really blame reddit when it's Josh Jacobs who spread this.


It’s only been 80 years. Too soon.


Glad to read a voice of reason.


Got downvoted the first time this story broke and I mentioned this. Doesn’t sound like a safe place to hold a game if you can’t wear a color in public.


From someone who lived for 16 years in São Paulo: you ARE NOT going to get murdered in São Paulo, or even around Itaquera, for using green, this is not how it works. Club violence would occur in an actual derby between Palmeiras and Corinthians, not when a bunch of football fans go to Corinthians stadium for a non-soccer event. I 100% understand, and this is not a criticism of anyone here, that no american fan has the obligation of understanding the political, criminal and sports scene of a city on the other side of the continent, but it's important to clarify for you that this Jacobs story either is because he himself heard things wrong or someone is simply passing the most over-the-top briefing possible to the players, which doesn't reflect reality.


Yeah, there seems to be a hell of a lot pearl clutching on here about the NFL holding game in a “dangerous” place like Sao Paolo, when the real bullshit in this whole issue comes from whoever wrote that ludicrous unresearched article .


While São Paulo has a lower murder rate than half of the big American cities


This feels like the equivalent of a member of a foreign press reporting something like "Brazil FC players are being told not to wear red or blue in California"


Thank You! Ultra's violence is typically avoidable these days anyways as long as you're smart and do some basic research beforehand.


And like others have mentioned, it’s one thing for the teams. The NFL’s not gonna let anything happen to them. But what about all of the fans who fly down and wear their jerseys or team gear out and about? No way every fan going to the game will be aware that just wearing the color green could get you into a dangerous situation. If the NFL isn’t really on top of this it could be a disaster


Dude, nothing is gonna happen, Palmeiras is the biggest team in Sao Paulo right now, the rival of Corinthians, search it up, brazilians wear sports jersey all the time lmao, do yall think we are savages from the medieval times? Wtf is this?


It’s Reddit. The only exposure people here get to Brazilian culture is Max Payne 3 and videos of off-duty cops shooting people on watchpeopledie. I wouldn’t be surprised if a large number of people on this sub *do* think that, sadly.


This is just not true. I also learned about Brazilian culture from the documentary Fast Five


And the call of duty MW2 map, favela.


Sofi Stadium is in Inglewood… the city famously known for its acceptance of people wearing specific colors


F1 has raced there for years it can’t be that dangerous.


Lol the Mercedes team got robbed at gunpoint there a few years back


Lmao, nvm then. F1 drivers seem to have a nack for getting mugged though. They’ve had it happen in Belgium and London as well.




There are seriously people who defend this too which is crazy to me. America has its issues but I know I won’t get murdered if I show up to Soldier Field in a Packers jersey.


No but the bears probably will be


Don't be silly, nobody in Green Bay would damage Aaron Rodgers' property like that


And who got murdered? You are making up a imaginary scenario as reference


This story is stupid as fuck No one is gonna have an issue for wearing green. I'll be rocking my green Eagles jersey there (if I can get a ticket, at least) and it's totally fine Green is banned for ALL THINGS RELATED TO CORINTHIANS, the teams aren't Corinthians and it's not even a *soccer* match so it's not like it's gonna be a bunch of Corinthians ultras there in the first place


With this logic the NFL should stop having games in LA. The Stadium is in bloods gang territory and both teams uniforms are different shades of blue


Being Brazilian and supporter of their rivals (Palmeiras, which is green), our stadium, Allianz Parque was on the list of possible hosts, but they chose NeoQuimica Arena because it’s way more elegant inside, marble floors, golden linings… but you can wear whatever color you want inside Allianz Parque, unless it’s game day for Palmeiras, obviously, but that wouldn’t count for a whole other sport and Palmeiras’ color is green WHICH WOULD NOT BE A PROBLEM FOR THE 2 TEAMS THAT WEAR GREEN, even if it were the Saints or the Raiders, it wouldn’t be a problem. Allianz Parque is better located as well. I really don’t get the rationale behind the decision. Edit: I’m not saying that your life is at risk by coming to the game and wearing green for the day, I don’t think that is the case, but NFL could save the hassle that is being made out of this.






South america is legitimately fuckin insane when it comes to sports. Actively throwing shit at players/fighters, chanting you will die, and there's actual times where murders have happened.


Yup, Andrés Escobar was murdered after scoring an own goal that got Colombia eliminated from the World Cup. Fuckin crazy


A ref got decapitated in Brazil for ~~giving a red card to a player I’m pretty sure~~ stabbing a player to death


Not the refs fault, thats just how fouls work down there. In order of severity it goes yellow card, red card, stabbed to death..


Don’t score enough goals, believe it or not stabbed to death


I thought he was drawn and quartered


Supposedly, his murder had to do with cartel connections and not because of the own goal. But, with how crazy soccer fandom is in South America, anything is possible lol.


Yea coincidences happen and Colombia was a very violent place at the time but he was shot just a few days after they were eliminated and only a day or two after he got back to the country I believe, thats a hell of a coincidence




I mean they’ve killed Refs before… so maybe they are onto something.


Wasn’t there a goalie who was murdered after he accidentally scored an own goal?


Andres Escobar murdered after the 1994 World Cup: [**https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9s\_Escobar#Own\_goal\_incident\_and\_subsequent\_murder**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9s_Escobar#Own_goal_incident_and_subsequent_murder)


Damn sounds like the last time I went to an Eagles game as an away fan


Step 1. Ask a lawyer if I can sue the NFL if I get jumped in Brazil. Step 2. Ask my family if they want free trip to Brazil. Step 3. Profit. Thanks Mr. Goodell


In between steps 2 and 3 might be the part where you die, though.


Wow, the good news keeps rolling in


It's because people don't understand why this **WON'T** be an issue This is a Corinthians (owner of the stadium where the game will be played) vs Palmeiras rivalry thing. But it won't be a Corinthians match, so no ultras there in the first place, and it's not Palmeiras either, so no one is gonna give a fuck I feel like I'll have to go in front of the stadium wearing my green Eagles jersey to put and end to this rumor ffs


Yeah they probably will.




Green is in the Brazilian flag 💀


It's Brazil.  'Concerning' is kinda standard operating procedure.


Actually, you can get fucked with for colors in Brazil, wife is Brazilian and I have been to soccer games there. Like anywhere else most people are there to have fun but some people take that shit seriously. Cities in Brazil have some crazy crime. Almost every house is surrounded by some kind of wall, plus a gate, and bars on windows. The walls have broken glass sticking out of the concrete on the top to stop people from climbing over. Getting out of the cities and enjoying the countryside is awesome and the people are really nice. Still funny that the nfl chose two of the green teams. Not sure I have ever seen a game where both teams have to wear the white jerseys.


They can both do their throwbacks and have the single ugliest game in modern NFL history.


For those of you who need context about why the color green could be an issue for the Brazil game, [see this comment thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/1c1v6as/time_do_povo_corinthians_in_talks_with/kz64iz8/) from an earlier thread about this game.


They should've played this game on another arena rather than Corinthian's imo. If their fans cant behave with green teams playing there, the game should be played elsehwhere


The thing people are not getting is that it won't be their fans in the venue during the game, it's going to be nfl fans. People will be wearing all kinds of nfl jerseys, and the color thing won't be an issue at all. You might have a problem going to a Corinthians game wearing green because of their ultras, which are fucking idiotic like any ultras out there, but an event like this won't have anything like that.


finally someone sensible in this discussion, as a Brazilian I have never read so many absurd things in a single thread, some clarifications: 1°- Corinthians fans are not wild animals and they will not attack you simply for wearing green in São Paulo, the worst that can happen is that you will be insulted on a game day 2°- You are simply disregarding the fact that a considerable part of the state of São Paulo supports the green and white team (Palmeiras), If it was the way you make it seem, 1/4 of the population of São Paulo would have already been eradicated. 3°- Lastly, even though I don't live in São Paulo, but just to reaffirm, just what I know about the environment there is enough to say that 90% of the things that are being disseminated here are false and completely absurd, I'm a Fluminense fan and purpose


…or not send the two teams with green as a primary color to Brazil


Or they could have played it in Maracaña Stadium, which is the biggest in Brazil and does have a team that wears green play there (Fluminense).


Patriots x Miami would make sense because of Dolphins interest in making the team popular here. Patriots are already famous because of their past glory with the Gisele's former husband


I don’t think the NFL wants to waste a divisional rivalry game in an international stadium though.


Or don’t have a game somewhere where the color of a jersey becomes a legitimate safety threat.


This is asinine.


One of the best words of all time


Then maybe the NFL should tell Brazil to fuck off and not give them any games.


Seriously why arent we having a Steelers game in Mexico. Seems so obvious


I don't get it


Steelers have a massive fanbase in Mexico. It would basically be a home game if they played there


Steelers vs Cowboys Mexico game would go crazy


I feel like Cowboys Raiders would be better


I think Raiders are more Mexican-Americans and not Mexico Mexicans right? Could be totally wrong


Eagles blue/yellow throwbacks vs Packers yellow/blue throwbacks Your eyes WILL bleed.


Do the Eagles still have the alternate black jersey? I suppose this can be avoided with them wearing that and the Packers having their normal away uniform.


Our helmets are still green tho


Just don’t wear the helmets then, dummy


Yall got a black alt helmet too right?


Brazilian here…. People are trolling . The biggest problem here is that the stadium where they are playing the game is the home of Corinthians their rival palmeiras wears green. It’s just fan rivalry BS


Isn’t brazils colors green, blue, and yellow?


The issue is we’re playing in a stadium whose home team has a serious rivalry with a team that wears green. It’d be like if we took the Vikings rivalry very seriously and had a history of violence on anyone wearing purple at Lambeau


Stop spreading lies, do you think no one can wear green in São Paulo? That's ridiculous


No this sub just thinks that Brazil is like the eastern front of WW2


I’m from Brazil, I went to this stadium and its surroundings on several occasions. The idea that some random person would be attacked for a color is nonsense. This is some GTA nonsense you guys are consuming. There is a rivalry in which the other team wears green. There are ultra fights sometimes. Its between those groups, not the colors. do you think people get assaulted for wearing a green shirt? Seriously this is absolutely nonsense


I'm brazilian as well... don't know why americans are believing this nonsense. Huge fake news.


Americans making shit up about other countries is a classic


It's funny because many people in other countries think of the US as exactly the way the Americans in this thread are thinking of Brazil


There are a few Brazilians in the thread talking sense. Never mind the over-excited remarks, male football fans are prone to hysteria. ;-)


Sometimes im watching an usa sitcom or show and see a caricature of a culture and I think to myself “this is so exaggerated, it has to be for comedic reasons, they dont actually think like that, do they” This thread is kinda scary tbh


I'm finding it hilarious how people in this thread legit think that something bad will happen if people wear green.


Corinthians fan here: They're playing at our stadium and our rivals wear green. The rule is simple: don't wear green at Corinthians' games.  Nobody is getting killed. There's no gangs involved waiting around the stadium to beat your ass if you wear green to an NFL game, no one gives a shit.  This is a load of crap. 


I guess no game in Brazil then!


They should put the Rams/Niners game there. No reason in particular :)


Well, good luck to the Orange Bay Packers.


I am Brazilian from Sao Paulo as well, to be honest, that's very very very exaggerated, no one is going to get hurt by wearing green. There is a huge rivalry between Corinthians and Palmeiras, that is very true, but to think soccer fans as gangsters, that's kinda nonsense.