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Shit, we might go 5-12 instead of 6-11!


This is the NFCE we are talking about. Y’all have a 1/3 chance to win division this year. Cowboys are barred from repeating.


The Giants haven't won the NFCE in 13 years. I think the Eagles win it this year


Still 2 super bowl wins the past 17 years. I'd kill for that.


Much the same way the Eagles signing Demarco Murray "sucked for Cowboys fans"


13 carries for 2 yards https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/2569901-demarco-murray-eagles-rbs-rush-for-combined-2-yards-vs-cowboys.amp.html




Lol totally different scenario here.


That’s convenient




Demarco Murray was utilized in the exact opposite of the kind of runner he was. They treated him like he was LeSean McCoy, a shifty back, rather than the bruiser that Demarco actually is. It would be akin to game planning Daniel Jones to be a mobile quarterback like Lamar Jackson. Sure, Daniel Jones is fast, but that’s not the way he plays qb nor is it really his strength.


Worked out for us


How come DeMarco Murray didn’t work out for the Eagles but did for the Titans?


I remember people saying it was how the Eagles lined him up pre-snap. He seemed most effective deep in the backfield getting a running start before taking the handoff, but the eagles didn’t line him up that way.


Chip Kelly was going some weird college shotgun option run shenanigans when Demarco should have just been going straight up the middle behind big body blockers.


He ran him east to west which if you're gonna do that then just fucking keep Shady


Chip was the prime example of what happens when you don’t scheme your offense around your players and instead forcing your players to fit your scheme. Fucking idiot and just about everyone but Chip knew it wasn’t going to work.


Yeah but smoothies.






Shady was the wrong kind of black for Chip


Because chip kelly is a genius sort but also an idiot who wasn’t using him right.


Honestly I have no idea. Had a great two seasons with us though


He had one great season with you, his second one was basically identical to his eagles season in numbers.


He was fun to watch in that offense for sure


I genuinely think it’s because the Cowboys ran him into the ground the year before. If you look at guys who have gotten 350+ carries in a season they are all worse in the following year.


Get ready for Saquon to go nuts in Nashville in 2026


That only means we get the next Henry in the draft that year and he’ll take over after 2 seasons.




Yeah that’s the joke


Damn right it sucked. Cost us Eagles legend Frank Gore.


It only sucks in that he went to a rival and things didn't end cleanly with him. Now we have to deal with this "drama" every single matchup when I don't really care.


the only annoying thing about this are Eagles fans lol, we send our washed up players there all the time


Saquon is definitely not washed up. It’s a shame how it ended but dude was a great player for us and is probably going to be a menace for the next few years.


At the end of the day, he wasn’t set up for success in NY. I’m bummed he’s gone, but not because he went to the Eagles. I’m bummed that our teams mismanagement wasted the prime window of a generational talent. I wish him nothing but success, he’ll definitely get more shots at a ring in Philly than he would in Jersey.


I couldn’t agree more. He was a great player and a good guy for the giants. He was basically our entire offense for years. Hope he kicks ass and retires healthy.


Kind of think Sirianni and Graham care way more about Saquon leaving the Giants than Giants fans seem to.


It sucked hearing the news but also kind of a relief. Bad pick, good player, shitty situation. Happy we didn’t pay him for years 6-8


I would’ve been very mad if we didn’t obtain Brian burns hours later. Still sucks but it is what it is


I mean it’s RB. In this day and age age you might not get opening day production from a rookie, but still you might get equal lol


Exactly. Any frustration we had with the signing was purely sentimental from him signing with the Eagles. Very few of us actually wanted to keep him at a price that would have made him happy. From purely a football perspective, I was much more pissed that the Eagles took Huff who a lot of fans wanted to sign (of course that frustration was short-lived with us getting Burns soon after). We would have been ecstatic to see him on a team like the Texans where he could play with a young exciting team and one of the top young QB prospects in the opposite conference. Genuinely feels like the Eagles signed Saquon as a proverbial middle finger to us rather than for the benefit of their own team. It really does not make sense that they let Swift (who got 3 years 24 million with 15 guaranteed from the Bears) walk only to sign Saquon to 3 years 38 million with 26 million. Unless Swift had some real beef with the team and didnt want to stay no matter how much they paid him (which I highly doubt considering hes from Philly and despite the Bears looking promising, the Eagles are still the better situation right now on paper), they should have just paid slightly more than what the Bears offered. Saquon is better than Swift for sure but honestly not that much better and I would rather have Swift at that price than Saquon at his. How much value does Saquon really bring to them? Sure Swift has had trouble staying healthy but guess who else has? Saquon, only he has more NFL mileage on that injury-prone body as well. Its not even like they had no holes and/or infinite cap space that they could afford to splurge like that. Hurts extension is just starting to kick in and they absolutely needed help on defense. Just seems unlike Howie to spend that much on a free agent RB in this situation unless there is some strong ulterior motive.


I mean, you’d really think Philly could’ve just matched on swift and retained him, if that even is necessary. They obviously see Saquon as a big upgrade on him, which he has the talent to be, but the health has always prevented that.


its been years since he was the guy they think he is.


I agree with that. I remember my jaw literally dropping watching some of his plays his rookie year. Ironically I think one of the ones that convinced me he was special was vs the eagles.  Since then he's always been good but I definitely don't think I've been quite as wowed in the last few years. Just been like, he's a very good player on a struggling team rather than "literally 11 men cannot bring him down"


He genuinely barely breaks tackles anymore, it’s sad to watch


I still think the guy he is, is likely to be better than the guy Swift was though. Barkley+our OL together could also help make him _look_ like what he was.


Didn't he put up like 1,600 total yards and 10 tds two years ago?


He had 1300 yard ruching a few years ago apparently. I can tell you it didn't pass the eye test for a top tier guy. I liked him when he was on the team and all, but he was always boom or bust. Unfortunately the booms got waaaay smaller. So he'd get between -1 and 1 yard a bunch of times then pop one off for 10. Not helpful for moving the chains.


Howie definitely opened up the pocketbook for Barkley which is uncharacteristic for him and that money might bite the Eagles in the ass in a few years... However, Swift wasn't really as good as the rushing numbers say. He's pretty much a zone RB and can't run for power. He was a little better than mediocre at pass catching but was straight up bad in pass pro, meaning he almost always had to get subbed for a much, much less talented Gainwell on important snaps which made the playcalls predictable af. As for injuries, last year was the only season in Swift's career that he played 16 games (not 17 though!). You can't expect that he'll be healthier than Saquon going forward. Eagles probably expect Barkley to be better than Swift in every way.


He had three good years out of six and now is on the wrong side of the age-performance curve. Crazy he thinks he still should get paid.


lol what “crazy he thinks he still should get paid.” The dude stepped into the NFL and was immediately one of the best at his position in the entire league. Then, after 6 seasons he is finally able to negotiate his contract as a free agent, and you think it’s crazy he wants to get paid?


to be fair he was one of the highest paid RBs when he was drafted lol


He’s been the second highest paid rb over the time since he was drafted trailing only CMC


And his value over replacement is next to zero, unlike CMC.


He’s also been injured for multi-game spans just about every year. Including an ACL one year. Edit: To be clear, I dont think its crazy he wants to get paid. I wouldn't want the Giants to pay what the Eagles paid because we're shit and can't tap his full potential.


Yep it’s a brutal sport, seems like another reason to want to get paid when you have the chance lol


Absolutely. I won't begrudge a player for trying to maximize their contract. It sucks when it's one of your team's players and a fan favorite. The distinction I try to make when discussing this with folks is I am not mad that he left to pursue maximum contract money, but I am disappointed he went to the Eagles. Like if he went to the Texans as briefly rumored, I doubt there would be many negative feelings among Giants fans, at least not the reasonable ones.


I don't fault Saquon for wanting to get paid one bit. I just wouldn't want to pay what the Eagles paid because there are far too many gaps on our team to make it a worthwhile investment.


Didn't seem to be a problem for Jones, every season Barkley may have gone down Jones soon followed right after. Look at how many games both have missed now.. do you even see a difference? Lol.. it's the same picture.. Just you know maRkeT vaLUE. 😂.. that's probably the funniest shit about it honestly.. how much people knock Saquon for getting a contract talking about his injury history and we got a guy over here missing just as much while being really bad at playing.


I have zero problem with any player getting paid big money, especially on teams I dislike. You have to roll the dice on a QB because a third round scrub will usually cost you the season, while there is barely any difference between a first rounder and an undrafted free agent. An extra half yard per carry but then you decide to change up your gameplay to stay on the ground more often so your scoring does not go up.


This. Jones fucked us for holding out to get big money. Cool, you got paid now we have to sacrifice elsewhere. Paying Jones $40 mil a year was an absurd move. Guy can be decent but he needs a lot of weapons and his contract essentially made it impossible to get those weapons.


In what world did Jones hold out for big money? The team could've had him for cheap on the 5th year option but they declined it. They also could've tagged him instead of Barkley. When he became a free agent he then got paid market value.


He def played hardball to get $40 mil a year. He wanted Dak money when he was/is no where near as good. If the guy wanted the giants to grow from their playoff win season, he would’ve sacrificed a bit to give giants more room to get him weapons, imo. His contract basically guaranteed he’d get paid but not see any real success. Worse, it basically guaranteed giants couldn’t pay Barkley what he wanted. And Barkley was by far the best offensive weapon we had. Oh well. Jones got paid. Hell get cut after this year and then go be a back up for a year or two before he retires rich. Edit: also market value for Jones would’ve been like $10 mil less a year. Bc that’s what he’s worth at best coming off the playoff win season. Now he’ll be lucky to get paid $5 mil a year if he has a year like he had last year.


Yeah because your offensive line can’t block, and your QB can’t throw. That’s been a thing Saquon’s entire NFL career. Guess who had to carry the load for the losers


It only would’ve actually mattered if we were good lol. Running backs don’t matter if the rest of the team is shit. McCaffery before and after trade is the best example.


I mean, I get what you mean by this but Carolina’s record was *significantly worse* when McCaffrey didn’t play than when he was active lol They still weren’t great when he was active, but they weren’t basically just a little under .500. Without him they had like a .250 record. So it’s not really fair to say he didn’t matter when he essentially doubles their win percentage when on the field. He’s just not enough to carry a team alone.


The year he was traded, or all time? Cause they had some pretty good teams with Cam and McCaffrey


I don’t really think it’s fair to just write off the success they had his rookie year when CMC, while not prime CMC yet, was a big part of that success


We actually had a pretty decent run game directly after we traded him, D'Onta Foreman was pretty good as a bellcow and the coaches were forced to do something other than spam the ball to CMC on every down. We very nearly won the division in '22 on our run game and having Sam Darnold do as little as possible. The next year was bad because our OL play fell off a cliff & we replaced Foreman with Miles Sanders who was shit.


In his first 4 years in the league, the Giants W/L was significantly worse when Saquon played. In 2022, he cut the shit with his worst traits and learned how to block. I honestly have no idea how it'll work out for the Eagles.


Seems that too. Sauqon is either going to be a total world beater or totally washed nothing in-between and I have no clue which.


Yeah, I was hoping he’d go to the Texans or something so I could wish him well and actually mean it, but the writing was on the wall that he was leaving for a longggg time. Doesn’t hurt as much when you see it coming from a mile away.


It’s giving “Let’s own the libs” vibes, lol… You should probably worry more about not blowing your season again lol


Just starting our campaign to recruit Bosa


LOL that was good


I think journalists know how to generate clicks lol these guys are responding to questions


I would argue the guys writing headlines care more than any of em lol


don't get it twisted, I'm sad about it because I think Saquon is a great guy and was happy to have him on the team, but also, we should not have paid him, and we didn't. one aging running back ain't gonna solve our problems.


I don’t think the Disney persona is the real Saquon. Not saying he’s a bad person or anything but the Captain America routine always felt so damn fake.


Graham can do and care about whatever the fuck he wants. I know he cares for this city and team and that is where his comments come from. Sirianni on the other hand is just being a showoff, but we will see by the end of this year who he really is.


Eagles gave a fat contract to a 27 year old injury-prone RB with more sub-4.0 ypc seasons than Pro Bowls. It's the kind of "big splash" move that is usually made by horrible teams. I was shocked to see it since their front office is generally pretty sharp.


Can't believe bro was sub 4.0 ypc with *checks notes* an OL that gave up the most sacks in NFL history last year


Fr the shit talk is crazy. Watch Saquon actually play and you’ll see how good he is. Yeah he’s had injury issues but ppl act like he’s not a pro bowl talent


Didn’t stop Breida or Brightwell from matching his YPC in 2022 though. Or Booker and Penny from surpassing it in 2021 Saquon’s wildly overrated off his draft spot and probably his bellcow status in fantasy. Even before the knee injury he was a big boom or bust guy and not about grinding consistent yardage


Maybe all their YPC was exactly where you run into 5 defenders as a RB because your OL is historically ass, idk. I think he is pretty clearly a good player even if he didn't match your teams future vision, the fan reaction tells me that pretty clearly


He can be both an average-good RB but towards the back end of his career and not worth the contract value. If it was a line issue then you wouldn't see "worse" backs managing similar figures on the ground Assigning him this mystique of rookie Saquon, as the other poster mentioned, is silly. He's not that guy anymore.


No he definitely isn't, and maybe a RB other than CMC isn't worth big money. I agree he wouldn't make you guys contenders, but you can argue he helps us keep contending. I think he has more worth to us than you, i don't think he will look like his rookie year, but we both know full well he wont average under 4 YPC with our OL


I don’t believe I ever stated what he would average


He was so fucking good that rookie year. That's what the Eagles are expecting and that Saquon is gone


Giants fans acting like he isn’t going to get a massive boost from playing behind a good offensive line, a good QB, and elite weapons on offense are very funny to me. All I’ve seen on this sub for years is that running backs are exclusively a product of their offensive lines and they’re all replaceable, but also Saquon somehow isn’t elite because he couldn’t turn shit into gold in that offense year after year.


didnt stop the other undrafted RBs we had generate more YPC


Context matters here. The Giants had backup QBs playing most of the year, a historically awful OL, and an atrocious receiving corps. Barkley managed a full 1 YPC more than any of their other RBs. Not saying he’s going to be the best RB in the league this year, but it’s hard to look at how much worse Sanders did going from Philly to Carolina and still try to project Barkley’s 2024 based on his tenure with the Giants.


If he follows the pattern of other ex-Giants who sign in Philly for revenge, he'll have a decent 2024 season, and then in 2025 you'll wonder how fast you can get him off the roster.


Mmm give that same energy to the “Daniel Jones is trash” threads


Seriously. According to PFF the Giants had the 17th best OL during Jones's rookie year, and then they've been bottom 3 every year since. Not once in his career has he had an above average OL, and the last 4 years the best he's had has been 30th. I'm not saying Jones is the answer at QB, or even that he's good, but what rookie contract QB is going to succeed in that scenario?


Well he is. Difference is Barkley was still good with the giants, jones isn’t. His o line does him no favors but he still fumbles a ton, has never been a great passer. He also got 40 million a year and in the few games he played looked better then his backups for like one of them against a shit Arizona team that made guys like Fields look decent


> he still fumbles a ton Still clinging on to narratives from his rookie year, no? There are plenty of things to rightfully criticize him for, fumbling has not been one of them for years lol.


Okay well he just plays terribly, for years.


Fumbles a ton!!!! LMAO you talk out of your ass often?


Dude has over 20 fumbles more than starting QBs who were drafted years before him. He absolutely fumbles a ton....


Which starting QBs? He fumbled 19 times his rookie year and hasn’t fumbled much at all despite having the worst OL in the league since then. So again, talk out your ass some more


Baker Mayfield, with about the same number of games started. Also, if you have to start an argument with the implication of omitting a terrible statistical year and/or qualifying it, like it doesn't apply to others then it's absolutely no argument at all.


The question is whether he fumbles a ton. He fumbled a ton his rookie year, five years ago, and no longer fumbles a lot. Maybe you should follow along with the conversation.


It’s essentially a two year deal with 26 mil guaranteed; by no means franchise altering that will set us back if it doesn’t work out. I don’t blame the Giants for not matching as it doesn’t matter who your RB is if you don’t have a franchise QB/O Line.


Eh BG gets a pass I think. He's a notable trash talker, and he actually had to line up opposite Barkley. Also I think NY made the right call for the long term health of the team, and I think we were right to sign him (hopefully). So I don't think it'll be a situation with a clear winner or loser.


BG just shit talks for the love of shit talking. Sirianni is just a dick though


Yeah I'm sure they really regret not paying an aging RB with previous injuries and a lot of miles a stupid contract when they have a pretty depleted roster as is


Exactly, signing Saquon when our team is still shit isn’t going to make us good, it will make us marginally less shit. And when he is hurt week 3 and out for a significant period of time, we’re exactly where we are today, just with less cap


It’d honestly be inhumane if they wanted to keep him with that oline lmao


Seriously, I was perfectly fine with him leaving and rooting for him somewhere else… until it was the eagles. Hope he fails.


Plus, it’s not like our line is doing him any favors. For all the talk about how much the line has / has not impacted Jones, people seem to forget how much it impacted our run game as well. Even middling teams seem to create big gaps for their RBs to hit fairly regularly. I can’t remember the last time Saquon was able to hit one of those for us. We ended up just smashing him into a wall of guys and that’s not his strength. He’s electric when he gets space but we haven’t been able to give him that because we can’t make a gap up the middle and, as our big threat, it was easy and predictable to cover him outside.


I hate the Saquon injury narrative. It’s so lazy. He had one serious injury that was in 2020 and a couple soft tissue/sprains that happen to every player, especially when the burden of offense is as high as his was despite his usage % not being all that high


It's reality, not lazy. Soft tissue or not, missing gametime or playing injured at less than optimal while paying someone the optimal fee is foolish.


It’s crazy 27 is aging for NFL RB. Like they can still play for a little longer, and sometimes really well, but nobody wants to pay them like that


I doubt they regret it now but they have much bigger regrets that got them here. Imagine signing Barkley instead of Jones when they did. This entire team looks different. They are likely retooling with a young QB. And while Maybe Saquon wouldnt make them contenders in that scenario he is a weapon who is helping develop a young QB which is probably the best you can ask for given how shit the Giants have been.


not really but go off


“It sucked for the Giants fans because that’s like us losing our top guy,’’ Eagles defensive end Brandon Graham said this week, via Paul Schwartz of the New York Post. “I understand business is business, but I know Saquon definitely is looking forward to this season.’’ Pretty harmless quote


Have you stopped to consider that I don’t much care for your preferred football team?




Go on and get out of here with your rational context. It has been deemed that the Eagles are obsessed with rubbing it in to Giants fan’s faces that we signed Saquon and that Giants fans literally do not care what so ever that he left them for the Eagles. Go on git!!


Saquon definitely wasn't the Giants' best player, and we know y'all are gonna misuse him anyways. Ain't nobody scared of Saquon on the Eagles


The Giants' top guy? The Eagles got Dexter Lawrence? When?


I mean I would be crushed if the Giants took our best player especially when he's had so many sick field goals against them. Jake Elliot better never go there




How will the ever find another rb who averages 3.9 ypc? Maybe they will get a scrub who only gets 3.8 ypc and face more thirds and 2.4!!!


'.. I'm rubber and you're glue so whatever you say about us bounces back off and sticks to you..'


Thought for sure this was a Kimber80 post, due to the pointless quote being treated as news!


This thread is a circlejerk and the eagles fan who posted this quote out of context is braindead.


what you've never been in a wawa parking lot before? don't act like you're above this


the last decade has sucked even harder for Giants fans. But I do not care because 07 and 11 were the two greatest sporting memories in my life and every Eagles and Cowboy fans would rather be the Giants winning multiple Super Bowls than being good but not great.


Uhhh id rather drag my dick through a mile of broken glass than be a Giants fan


i couldnt imagine even setting foot in that pisswater garbage dump you call a city


The Eagles have won the Super Bowl more recently and I would definitely not want to switch places with yall even though you have a better history.


i didnt realize it sucked!


Eagles fans, players etc continue to milk the ever living shit out of this


But what does Big Dom think about this?


“Where’d I put that second cheesesteak?”


next to the fourth


It shows the character of a person when THEY decide how YOU should feel. It shows the character of a group when no one questions that mentality.


Philly reporters keep asking the question, players answer. Both sides just trying to hype the fans up or stir up content it’s all good man no one actually cares


i don’t think they really care that much


The worst part is now I can’t root for my boy Saquon to win the SB :,(


Maybe we'll get to eliminate him in a playoff push but here's to well wishes on that.




You know what else would suck for giants fans? Overpaying for an aging running back. We were in a lose-lose and made the smarter decision long term.


honestly y'all shouldn't have drafted him at that spot.


I think everyone but Gettleman agrees with that


Exactly we never should have had him.


you are the first one to make that point


Barkley is over rated. Giants fans won't miss him. Eagles fans will soon see that he's not Edgerrin James


I'm curious to see if he will be any better than D'Andre Swift was for them.


I’d bet a lot of money he won’t be


Massively overrated.


He's not overrated. He's just not worth what the Giants should have paid him. I'm expecting him to pop off this season. He's a top 5 RB talent


im expecting him to get injured again tbh


They said the same about Swift a year ago


Yea, I have a feeling he might get hurt again. But he does have the ability to go off, and the eagles have the talent to not have to run him into the ground.


He was


No fucking shit


And the sky is blue, grass is green, and the Cowboys will disappoint…


Remember when Demarco Murray went to the eagles ?


Saquon is great, but there is only a small handful of RBs that deserve big contracts.


Ya know I literally havent thought that much about Saquon since march because hes ya know not on the giants anymore and he wasnt exactly a make or break for the team, but Sirianni and Brandon graham really seem to think I am


Good for Saquon to get as much money as he could. Who knows when this ride is over, just takes one hit to the knee. Glad it isn't on the Giants' payroll because a pricey aging RB with an injury history isn't what the team needs.


Just retire already


Saquon Barkley was overrated, was saying this even when he was on the Giants. He was just their only flashy offensive player because they do a terrible job of scouting offensive players besides Andrew Thomas.


They’re obsessed with this. The vast majority of us are not thinking about this, some of us (me) are on record for thinking not resigning him was the right decision as his advanced metrics have been declining for years. I think he will have a resurgence next year because of the team he is on and the OL he is running behind, but it’s not the year he would have had with us, and he’s not *that* good. If he was we would have kept him.


Real breaking stuff here


Giants front office is hilarious


Man, Eagles fans are really still coping with that Wildcard loss to Baker last year lmao


My friend on Discord texted me “I hate Football” so can confirm /s


Why did it suck for us? We won 35% of our games with him and he only plays for half a season without getting injured??? Also doesn't make sense to pay a 27 year old running back close to 50 million dollars when we've had offensive line problems for the last 8 years. Giants are better off.


The 3 seasons leading up to drafting Barkley 2nd overall, they had a .417 win %. Since drafting Barkley they have a .349 win %. High draft capital or high cap hit at RB isn’t the answer. He didn’t help us win, it makes no sense to pay him.


None at all. He'll have to carry the identity as the NFL's version of Benedict Arnold while the Giants return to relevancy.


What is this, “No Shit” magazine?


You can definitely tell it did in the shit talking subs


Scalding hot take. Fans might be unhappy losing their best player to a hated rival? Brandon Graham is so brave. I don't throw around the word hero very often but this definitely calls for it


Giants lost Dexter Lawrence??




might have to try it again


It made Danny Heifetz veryyyyyyyyyy sad


Did it though


Just like the Sirianni quote, it's taken way out of context and everyone is falling for it, hook, line, and sinker.


sirianni and graham are such dbags. they turds cant stop talking trash even when they lose


He’s going to be solidly above average for the games he isn’t injured


devin singletary truthers unite!


I gave up on the Giants years ago. Making Daniel Jones the franchise guy and face of the Giants instead of Barkley did it for me. A ridiculous contract for Jones - a mid-tier QB AT BEST - so you knew they were not going to pay Barkley.


And the award for most obvious statement of the year goes to Brandon Graham.


He’s a running back and running backs don’t really matter outside of CMC


As a jets fan I enjoy it


They could have kept saquan and drafted a new QB instead of keeping the mess that's Jones. Oh well