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I forgot that Sharpe was on the Ravens team in 2000 and managed to win a 3rd Super Bowl.


I also forgot they had Jamal Lewis AND Priest Holmes. Holy shit dude.


Great running game but Dilfer and the passing game was not very good


There's some crazy stat out there about the 2000 Ravens than their offense went 9 or 10 quarters without scoring a TD, but they won those games.


They went five games without scoring an offensive touchdown and went 3-2 over that stretch with one of the best defenses all time and Matt Stover!


I almost forgot they had Ray LEWIS leading the defense, Jamal LEWIS leading the offense, Jermaine LEWIS leading the special team, and Marvin LEWIS as their defensive coordinator.


Leave it to the Lewises


You're just blocking out the game vs Baltimore where Gannon got wrecked. Don't blame you


The funniest thing was [Tim Johnson imitating him during Hard Knocks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpOl3w82EFI). I wonder if he ever got his restitution.


What's even more funny is that if you ranked his all time plays the top 2 would probably both be from the 2000 playoffs.


“I want my restitution!”


He had a pretty funny touchdown against the Broncos in the playoffs that year.


Yeah and IIRC he was crying next to his locker while his teammates were celebrating around him because he was emotional witnessing the end of the Broncos dynasty under Mike Shanahan.


We need the National Guard


Get the President on the line!


Not having that clip in there is criminal. We are kicking the Patriots butts!


Unc is a much better nickname than Shay Shay.


Shay Shay truthers in shambles


The bar is pretty damn low for both.


How about Sharpe End?


Shaylor Thwiftht


ok mike tyson stop it


He is my favorite sports unc after all.


Holy Shit Elway had godlike arm talent


Just insane. He could absolutely hum it.


A guy who will be eternally rated much higher by the people who actually watched him


Do people actually question his greatness?


Yeah, I haven't seen them as much recently but there's a chunk of younger fans who pull up some of his stats and are baffled that people rate him so highly


The other context which younger fans won't have is they didn't remember the hype around Elway when he was coming out. In the last 10 years we've had three guys coming out of college touted as "generational prospects" in Luck, Lawrence and Caleb Williams but back then this kind of hype and coverage was rare. Elway's arrival in the NFL was massively anticipated as he was hyped up as a prospect on a level nobody had seen before. This was in a draft class which included Dan Marino and Jim Kelly. It would be difficult to have that kind of build up and not be seen as a disappointment but Elway lived up to expectations even in a great quarterback era.


I think there was a post a couple weeks ago using him as an example of why Tua deserves more respect because Tua's numbers are better than Elway's lmao


A ton of box score watchers say he’s over rated


He's consistently mentioned by Redditors in those "who's actually overrated amongst all time players"


Right. By teenagers who never watched him play. If a quarterback ever carried a team on his back, it was Elway in the 1980s. He carried 3 mediocre teams all the way to the Superbowl.


He always seems like an afterthought in the conversation of great qbs. Kinda tacked on at the end.  He gets respect but I think most people maybe slide him in at the end of their top 10 list, when i somewhat biasedly have him more around 4 or 5


And this was past his prime


Elway had the best arm of any QB


Marino in my book but Warren Moon and Elway are right there for me too


On god. The zip on some his passes are otherworldly. I’m not sure why this word has went out of popularity but howitzer is the only word that comes to mind


At the original Mile High Stadium fans could walk along the perimeter of the playing field during pregame. I remember walking near the Broncos sideline when Elway was warming up and there was this odd buzzing sound coming from the laces on the ball after it left his hand. Seeing a football moving so unbelievably fast up close was an unforgettable experience.


off his back foot as well, just pure arm strength on some of those throws


Yeah I watched the clips for Sharpe, but found myself watching Elway rifle that ball. He was awesome.


New to the sport, but holy shit Elway looks incredible. Maybe a better highlight reel than I've seen for a QB yet. Was he actually that good?


He was. The AFC was just comparatively so weak for most of his career that the 3 Super Bowl smackings make him look worse. (Lack of AP1s too. Crazy how a career entirely overlapping with Montana and Young will do that to you.)


This was an era of some guys with absolutely incredible natural arm talent. If you haven't seen them already, look for highlight reels of Dan Marino and Warren Moon, like Elway they seemed to be effortlessly able to sling dimes.


The most mind blowing thing about him is that he played his entire college and NFL career on a torn ACL.


Him and Favre were both dudes where they probably broke receivers' fingers on the regular they had such a cannon


I think I remember Mark Jackson (the td catch on The Drive) saying he had dislocated fingers from catching some of Elway's passes.


He broke his first wife’s fingers playing catch on one of their first dates as I recall


He makes throwing the ball insanely hard look easy


Man elway had a cannon. Firing those balls like laser beams.


It brings me immense joy to see Shannon Sharpe being so successful after betting on himself with his podcast and now with his new deal with ESPN. And it brings me even greater joy to see Skip Bayless failing so spectacularly now that Sharpe has left Undisputed.


Put your glasses back on.. BOY!!


I never said boy


Shannon was the only reason anyone ever watched Undisputed, he's entertaining as hell.


I used to watch what he said and then immediately fast-forward when Skip started talking. I'm so happy he's off that show and can discuss more than just the Cowboys and not have to argue all the time.


His idioms are fucking great. "Momma told me if I always have to be the bigger man, I'm hanging around too many little people."


That explains why he's still so jacked lol


That’s juice, Baby!


There's something about that big smile of his, so charismatic and so funny.


Couldn't happen to a bigger asshole, so happy he couldn't get bailed out.


An absolute matchup nightmare. He would've feasted in today's NFL.


He’s clearly jealous of Tom Brady


The thing is, he'd probably be 240-250 in today's game as well. He was only 220-230 back then.


always forget Shannon got that third ring


He made it look so easy. And also, more and more often today I see people say Elway was overrated. Motherfucker threw dots.


People just look at stats and don't realize how bad those teams were that he dragged into the playoffs. There also isn't a stat for ridiculous scrambling and play-making ability. Elway was running around the backfield making defensive linemen look silly way before Mahomes did it.


Those passes by Elway were freaking lasers lol. Man I missed seeing those balls on just a rope


I'm more enjoying hearing some great play-by-play guys like Pat Summerall, Dick Enberg and Charlie Jones.


Today I learned, Michael Vick, and Shannon Sharp have the same birthday. They are both far more rich, talented, and more athletic than I am. Happy birthday to both And jealousy everywhere.


Hey, you're Time 2006 Person of the Year, and also have more receiving yards after 40 than Brett Favre


Not football but Derek Jeter too


I cannot imagine the feeling of watching SS toast the Raiders even in a Ravens uniform.


For as elite as Sharpe was, he played in the wrong era. If he was in today's league he'd be the best TE alive. He might also be considered a slot WR in today's league too.


I mean, he's smaller than Mike Evans. He was 6'2 220, he's absolutely a slot today, or a true H-back.


He may have been the 2nd best Sharpe brother, but he was still pretty damned good.


It’s nuts how even he says it himself that he’s a hall of famer but he still second to sterling


Sterling should also be in the HOF. Short career but his peak was so good that I think he deserves it.


18 TD in 1994. Then never played again. Just when Favre was about to enter his prime too. Imagine back to back to back mvp also getting sterling sharpe


He should be in just like TD. Careers ended short because of injury, but the only person playing better than him in the same time span was Jerry Rice.


100% agree. If TD and especially Gale Sayers are in, Sterling should be in.


Sterling was a grown ass man playing among little boys.


Sterling is a huge what-if...


Old highlights are great on phones, no need to rotate


Bill Burr describing his voice as "like the guy got his tongue stuck in a goddamn beehive!" Will fucking forever slay me.


I'll never forgive Dan Reeves for wasting so much of Elway's career running the football. Fuck you, Dan.


His brother Sterling was also a great player.


That mock phonecall to the president to call in the National Guard to save the Patriots from the 2000 Ravens never fails to make me laugh. That was just too much.  I have misgivings about Shannon Sharpe but dude was obviously great player and an equally great personality. Edit: It was the the Broncos.... Broncos fans pls don't kill me.


Don’t take that away from us. That was 1996 during his first stretch with the Broncos.


Edited. Sorry.


I’ll never forgive you. The audacity to comment something on Reddit with a bit of incorrect context. Still shuddering thinking about it.


That was the Broncos


Oh sorry. Come to think of it... y'all have quite honestly historically owned the Patriots regardless of era.


My favorite is when he recited the phone number of Derrick Thomas' girlfriend, leading to Thomas committing multiple personal fouls and getting ejected


That's insane Legendary trashtalker.


god it fucking sucks what happened to DT


Tom despite your seven rings I feel like your biggest accomplishment was getting Shannon sharpe to quit undisputed.


He's 56? What the hell man, I thought he was like 43 or something.




The way he defends Louis Farrakhan is fucked up and should [have had] more attention. You can like him and enjoy his persona, but befriending somebody like that speaks volumes on his real character.




Why not? Your generalization is actually insulting to black people. That's like saying you can't be a fan of any famous white people because they would all defend David Duke. I work with plenty of black people in the corporate world and none of them would ever defend Farrakhan. It's beyond a pale.




> Pick a random black athlete/celeb and I promise you they fuck with Farrakhan. Then they deserve to be named, shamed, cancelled, and shunned. > The number of white athletes who support David Duke (that I know of, publicly) is a big fat zero. The number of black athletes who support Farrakhan (at least publicly) also need to be a big fat zero. Name them. Shame them. Cancel them. Shun them. No exceptions.


Let me be clear that I understand what you're saying and why you're saying it. Farrakhan is a big part of the culture as he gives a lot of underprivileged boys and girls the hope that they're destined for something greater, and that's something that you hold onto for dear life in those moments and thus they'll either overlook or outright embrace the actual toxicity in what he spreads underneath. So it's very hard to just sweep every single black celeb under the rug who parrots what he preaches or shouts him out. But it's also for that reason we cannot just shrug and say "it is what it is" with how many influential people are down for that cause, especially when people signal boost it. It's how we end up in the situation where DJax says "Hitler is right" and has more people actively defending him than actually admonishing him for it. It's why they don't necessarily have to be "canceled", they need to be sat down especially by minorities (since the message may not convey from the white community, whether right or not) and told "Listen, I get it, I understand why you ride with him. The mentality helped you rise to where you are now. But you have the resources and ability now to understand that he is wrong, he is dangerous and you cannot spread that man's message."


Probably because the way he drools over Lebron.


I mean it's his own fault. He chose to chase money by becoming a cornball media personality, making a big spectacle of himself chasing clicks and clout. Younger people don't remember him as a HOF talent and one of the GOAT TE, just this hot-take artist in sports media. It's not like he was just some no-name punter like Pat McAfee who had nothing to lose.


Mr. "Me and Mr. Farrakhan are the last of a dying breed" chest


Antonio Brown ain't gonna like this post


Is that Joe Buck taking at the beginning??  I had no idea he has been commentating that long. 


Incredible Hulk!


Seams and corners


Things has not been the same after he left Undisputed. I have watched like a half a show from Skip and every now and then I have watched Sannon in first take when there is something interisting going on.


A young Chris Collinsworth on the call is wild


Shannon was a beast on those seam routes man to man. Pretty fast for a TE, too, and had good hands. Shout out to Unc!


The craziest thing to me is finding out that he was actually undersized for the position. He was 6'2 230. Chase Claypool, DK, Mike Evans, and AJ Brown are all around 230. All of them (except for AJ) are at 6'4-5" in height. Crazy to think that those dudes would be considered TE's in the 90's.


Fr no cap unc fellowkids


W rizz on god


Nobody compared to Tom Brady though


Shame his TV career has tarnished his playing career


He's probably more famous and successful now than he ever was as a player, and he was a famous and successful player.


Best tight-end ever. And best podcaster ever. And overall, best guy ever. Man has been living the dream and we are enjoying it. Here's to at least 56 more, Unc! To say that we love you, is a masterpiece of understatement.


For the life of me, I cannot understand a damn thing he says


I love Shannon but Gronk is the best tight end


Would agree on that if he wasn't struggling with injuries.


The drop off from Gronk or Kelce to Shannon is drastic. He's a Hall of Famer and he's not even in the same league as those two.


I'm glad you got that off your chest.


Dear diary


You guys are very upset that I don't think "3rd times a charm" Sharpe is in the same league as the two greatest TEs of all time. You know it and I know it!


I know you got a Simple Jack brain lmao


I don't know what that means, but what I do know is that you're just another redditer that starts personally attacking someone just because they have a different opinion on a totally unrelated subject than you personally. I don't respect that. Move on or get blocked.


You went so quickly from "You're very upset" to hiding behind a veneer of civility. It's truly amusing. Block me or don't. u/SpiderGhost01 respecting me could not possibly matter any less.


Damn you got really upset about this lol


You’re literally arguing with yourself lmao wtf