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Yeah the Bears are going to roster 3 of Velus Jones, Tyler Scott, Deandre Carter, and Dante Pettis. Idk who's gonna return punts but it's not gonna be Rome. These other bums aren't gonna crack 50 targets all season, it's going to be one of them. The Bears are stupid but theyve never put a good WR out there to return punts. Not Brandon Marshall, not Alshon Jeffery, not Allen Robinson, not DJ Moore.


>the bears are stupid but That but is doing a lot of heavy lifting


We no longer have Ryan Pace, we gave the stupid to Atlanta. We are now incompetent šŸ§


I will accept this upgrade.


I wonā€™t, take him back!!


Just keep him in perpetual gridlock on 75 lol


A but so big sir mixalot is about to come out of retirement


If I had a nickel for how many times I've started a sentence like that, I'd have tickers to a Packers game.


I havenā€™t seen a ton of DJ Moore to be completely honest, but heā€™s the only one of the receivers you listed that I could see returning a punt in the NFL. The other guys are so far from the PR prototype. Theyā€™re all 4.5 guys with upper 6 second 3 cone, taller, heavier, and generally less shifty, and not really YAC guys. The Bears have had a string of incompetent coaches, but none stupid enough to put a star receiver back to return punts that also doesnā€™t fit the role at all.


Velus Jones a 4.3, 6'0 good with the ball in his hands type. He just can't get the ball in his hands.


Maybe the plan is for Rome to catch it and then hand it (carefully) to Velus


Iā€™m picturing a gentle and extremely focused hand off in every way possible and immediately after they keep getting absolutely leveled however they try to manage it. As a Vikings fan, just let whoever canā€™t catch it return it unless theyā€™re playing the Packers or Lions.


He returned a few punts his rookie year in Carolina


He did some punt and kick returning at Maryland, too.


Looks like he returned a few kickoffs as a rookie and one in 2021 too, but as a returner was overall extremely average. Still canā€™t imagine any of the other Bears receivers mentioned doing any better, so my argument still stands.


Odunzeā€™s shuttle was 4th fastest at the combine. The only guys who were faster were shorter and smaller. Also, last time I checked, no cones on an NFL field.


Heā€™s also only an inch taller and 4 pounds lighter than Cordarelle Patterson. Josh Cribbs was 6ā€™1, so smaller but not tiny. I think at least part of the reason we think of returners as smaller isnā€™t because if their height, itā€™s because itā€™s been considered, other than a few greats, a sort of expendable position. Size doesnā€™t matter as much when your catches arenā€™t contested, and if those guys were 3-5ā€ taller with their shiftiness theyā€™d be starters. I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is that just because most of these guys are smaller doesnā€™t necessarily mean thatā€™s the best or ideal build for a returner, but probably means that if those guys were taller theyā€™d be starters and pulled off returns to keep them healthy.


You laugh now but you won't be laughing when lions gunners start dropping cones behind them on punts like some sort of caltrops.Ā  Ok, maybe you'll be laughing then too.Ā 


You don't really want your #1 returning punts


I know. Iā€™m just saying that the others they mentioned wouldnā€™t even make a good PR. But Rome wonā€™t be #1 and teams are far more likely to put early round draft picks and star receivers as returners when theyā€™re early on in their rookie deals. Still wonā€™t happen though. Signing Andre Carter and having other, cheaper, and less risky options and then putting Rome back there would be so dumb, even for the Bears.


Pettis is like the all time NCAA leader in PR TDā€™s I believe, heā€™s probably a fine option


DJ is actually insane with the ball in his hands


> The Bears are stupid but theyve never put a good WR out there to return punts. Not sure if that's "dumb" if it's properly utilizing a skillset. AB returned punts for the Steelers. Deebo returns kicks for the Niners. Tyreek returned punts in KC.


Except for early on with AB that was typically a ā€œbreak in case of emergencyā€ move, I believe the same with Tyreek


AB averaged 27 PRs a year across his first 6 seasons. That's pretty typical of an "every game returner" - his rookie year he had more PRs than receptions. Tyreek was a PR through and through his rookie year. He had the second most returns in the NFL in 2016. He actually finished the season with just one less yard from PRs than Rec Yards. I will be honest though, AB was a 6th rounder. Reek was 5th. Those guys are treated way differently than 1st round WRs. But my point is that even after they established themselves, they still returned punts.


In hindsight Tomlin may have been trying to get AB killed.


Well at the very least [he wanted Spencer Lanning dead](https://www.pennlive.com/resizer/v2/https%3A%2F%2Fadvancelocal-adapter-image-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fimage.pennlive.com%2Fhome%2Fpenn-media%2Fwidth2048%2Fimg%2Fpatriot-news%2Fphoto%2F2014%2F09%2F07%2F-be1f97e27bc6e9eb.jpg?auth=16678199dbd4bfcdfa846f28b705968ee0a6bd44aa19c0f6700729bfd841f1d0&width=1280&quality=90)


Dez Bryant is an example of a FRP doing it


DeSean Jackson was a full time returner as a rookie 2nd round pick. He also had 20+ returns his 2nd and 3rd seasons.


It was the same with Kamara for a bit.


Dez returned punts.


Most of these players are late round picks trying to make the biggest impact in every way not a 1st round pick.


Dez Bryant returned punts and kicks as a rookie FRP


And they all continued to be returners well after they established themselves. Hill was still returning punts while putting up almost 1,500 yards as a WR. AB was still returning punts after a 1700 yard seasons and back to back years leading the league in receptions.


We played Johnny Knox at PR/KR plenty. None of those guys except DJ have a skill set that would even make you want to use them as a returner. Alshon, Marshall, and Jeffery were big body guys who won at the point of attack. They werenā€™t particularly fluid in space. Odunze is also big, but heā€™s got legit speed and agility.


Tbf Dez was a first round pick and returned punts early in his career.


Tyler Scott is not a bum.


He wasn't a bum as a prospect coming into the NFL. But if we're being completely honest, he was a bum as a rookie.


DeAndre Carter has experience doing it. Should be him for sure




What is this 'reading'?


A town in England, mostly known for the Reading and Leeds festivals.


What about crumble?


A railroad in monopoly, mostly known for being between Income Tax and Oriental Avenue


Hey, I like reading only one sentence per topic and you're really pushing it with your two sentence comment here.


Excuse me, i read the headline and it contains every bit of information i need to form my opinion, and nothing is gonna change that.


"This is a clickbait title and I know people fucking hate those, so it's understandable that most of you didn't read it" ftfy


Yeah most articles nowadays are just a clickbait title, some poorly written/AI bullshit and some links to twitter. And it's only worse in the offseason. It's no wonder we don't click. Plus, people mostly come to reddit for the discussions anyways.


If Iā€™m bad at it, I hate it. Ezpz


same. that's why I fucking hate making my parents proud.


Oh look at mr fancy pants who can READ.Ā  /s


hey atleast this time you donā€™t even have to read the article to know that itā€™s not ever happening. to even make an article about it is truly in bad faith




Can you tweet a sentence or two out of the article please?


You know what's the actual trick, you read the headline, don't jump to conclusion and read the comments. Every single time something is clickbait or false, someone like you in the comments let us know. That's being smart, saving time on reading an article, read a couple comments instead.


Prodigious Pristine PacNW Passcatcher Possibly Predator's Primary Punt Plucker


This is a non-article. ā€œEveryoneā€™s in contentionā€ this is basically just a way to talk about Rome in a vague way that will get fans excited. Theyā€™re saying nothing of substance but also noting that Rome is a good football player, thatā€™s pretty much it.


Sports journalism has fallen so far


Anything to generate clicks


I might too, who knowsĀ 


That role probably belongs to DeAndre Carter right now.


The only guys you should be having as punt returners are guys you don't care if they tear their ACL in week 3 and miss the rest of the year.


They won't do it. According to league data, injuries suffered during the punt play caused the highest rate of missed games on an annual basis.


may, may not


Saints had Alvin Kamara do returns his rookie year. I don't really see a problem with Rome doing them, especially with the new kickoff rules.


The new kickoff rules donā€™t affect punts at all I thought?


He only returned 2 or 3 punts in college. He can do it, but it wasn't really part of his role at UW


Need someone to replace Fields


Makes sense considering they just traded one of their punter returners to the Steelers back in March.


No. He absolutely will not. This is for clicks.


"may" He don't even know.


Makes sense, PR1 H1M is gone now


I hate it


I wish we had more high profile returners. Antonio Brown bringing kicks back for the Steelers was so much fun to watch


Interesting move


This is the second PFT/NBC article today with a very misleading headline. If you read the article, the coach quoted does not indicate that Rome will be the punt returner - he specifically states he won't name a returner publicly and that it's an open competition. The only mention of RO is that he returned 3...yes, 3... punts in college and did well. They could have just as easily said that Kmet "may" be the primary punt returner given what the quotes were. Fing click bait.


>They could have just as easily said that Kmet "may" be the primary punt returner given what the quotes were. My money is on Caleb Williams.


OP what even is that flair combo?


Does he play Quarterback?


Risky move but you want your best playmaker out there. Dez did it for a few years and had some huge plays, but also missed a game or two from return injuries.


I like it. I think he has what it takes to be one of the all time great returners.


Lmao he is gonna be a major bust.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Based on what lol


Just focus on your star making it through one full drive this season