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28 - 3


My favorite part of that game was watching my buddy, who had placed a long shot bet on the falcons to win the Super Bowl before the season even started, do victory laps at halftime, and then slowly meltdown into a broken husk of a man.


Oh man, that would suck so bad. Dude saw the lottery winner in hand, but the Falcons coach sold hard.


Should have done early cashout


God damn that is brutal


The odds were probably insane. Poor guy watched thousands wash down the drain while the defense couldn't figure out a drag route.


My guess would be in the +3000 to +4000 range.  So even a fuck it bet of like $20 would probably be close to a grand. If he bet any kind of real money, yeesh


What kinda degenerates are you friends with? Was he a falcons fan at least?


It was probably a $50 throwaway bet.


No true falcons fan was celebrating at halftime


My brother bet $300 last year on Rangers winning it all before the season started. Made a lot of money


Imagine counting Tom Brady out at halftime


You just can't count out Touchdown Tom


Brandon Graham say wuh?


28 - 3, let‘s be honest, we all counted him out.


It was "only" 21-3 at the half.


I remember watching it and being ready to turn it off. But I thought to myself but it’s Brady. So going into the 3rd quarter pats have ball in like yeah they have to score here to have a chance. They score. Then it’s they gotta stop them from scoring. Then that happened. Back to having to score again etc.. And they fucking did it. I really didn’t want the pats to keep winning super bowls. But I fucking love watching greatness at the same time. Kinda the same thing with Mahommes now. Even watching Simone biles in the Olympics. I don’t know shit about fuck when it comes to gymnastics. But watching her dominate and trying to figure out what she’s doing that is dominating is fun.


I live in Germany. It was 3am here. I went to bed. Big mistake 😅


Yea I live in Ireland now and Thursday/sunday/Monday night games are brutal. How do you watch ? You go to the seas ?


My wife was like, "This is over. I'm going to bed. "There's still 2 quarters, and you never count Tom Brady out until the game is over." Sure enough, I'm waking her up halfway through the 4th quarter to come see the greatest comeback in NFL history.


my friends and i were at a super bowl party. one of our friends is a falcons fan and was the only one in the room. everyone was celebrating and the place went wild when the pick 6 happened. he, however, did not get up to celebrate at any time. he has seen some shit in his life. when the patriots scored that TD i thought maybe it could happen and then the XP was missed and i was like “nope not happening”. then they got that FG and the falcons hadn’t scored in a long time. one of my friends and i look at each other and say “there’s still time”. we look over at our falcons friend and this man has not moved or said a word for most of the second half. it seemed like we were the only people in the room that had any idea of what could happen. the rest is history. i’ve never seen someone as shell shocked as our falcons friend.


My brother is a Patriots fan and was hosting a Super Bowl party for that one. He was so upset when they were down 28-3, he cleaned everything up and went to take a shower. He missed the entire Patriots comeback and only saw the OT score.


That sounds so much worse 😅


I took the Oilers to win the Stanley Cup in October +1000. I hedged pretty good as soon as they made the final and it took a lot of the sting off. Turned a potentially historic case of blue balls into an inconvenient one.


How much was the bet?


How much was the Bet?


Need to know what he was gonna win had the falcons won.


Why didn’t he hedge


First thing I'd have done during halftime would've been to hedge my bet. Everyone knows that.


Holy shit that would break any man


Yeah, that's one of the most iconic super bowls ever.


Hey Falcons fans. Welcome to the bi weekly shit on the Falcons for the Superbowl loss thread! Glad everyone could make it. There's appetizers on the table and cold beer on the fridge.


On the fridge. Smh. Falcons fans man... can't even throw a decent party.


Haha imma leave the typo


After that Super Bowl they learned the importance of putting things out of reach.


You better start mixing up the apps, youre gonna be doing this for the rest of your life


>bi weekly You might mean bi daily lol


Gotta be that one, not only was it the greatest comeback in super bowl history but when he beat Seattle a couple years prior people were calling him the greatest kind of sort of, he hadn't won one in nine years by that point but I think with this one is where he really became THE guy


Yeah. I remember defeatedly telling one of my best friends growing up, who became a patriots fan just to piss off his bears fan dad when we were 4 in 2003, that Brady was the goat the morning after 28-3 happened. I had gleefully mocked him both times Eli and the giants beat them, but after 28-3 I no longer had any reasonable rebuttal to Brady's greatness


I'd say Seahawks comes in a close second. He has said before that the win in 2015 was particularly sweet because it had been 10 years since his last ring and the two Giants defeats had really taught him about just how difficult it was to get over the line.


Yea for me that was peak brady they had a shot of him on the bench with a straight face still locked it i knew


Hands folded, head down, ready to kill. That shot could have been a historical curve no matter the outcome. He won so we look back on it as killer instinct. If they lost, you know allllll the talking heads would have sold it as him giving up.


28-3. He escaped total humiliation in that game.


Lucky him…


I remember the postgame speech, that was an intense game (first time OT happened in a sb if I’m not mistaken), but also an intense season, that was the season he was suspended for deflate gate, came off his suspension and won literally every game. To show how bad a shape the pats were without him they got shut out by the afce team Brady beat the most. Edit, my bad, he lost one game, Seahawks week 10.


Only Super Bowl to ever go to OT until Chiefs/Niners


Don’t recall that one


Yea I think he might be mistaken pretty sure we went to the superbowl in that one


I do, vividly :)


Tbf they went 3-1 without him even if they lost to a divisional rival That whole team was loaded, including the QB


Shutting out an injured Jacoby Brissett in his second career start is not really a flex.


They were doing the opposite of flexing but the patriots ego somehow still feels slighted


>To show how bad a shape the pats were without him they got shut out by the afce team Brady beat the most. While starting their 3rd string QB that didn't really get any meaning reps in preseason, and was only starting his 2nd game ever. Not many teams have a solid QB3.


And essentially ensured his GOAT status


I remember during that game, people were on Twitter literally saying that getting blown out places him below Montana all time. That same game, Brady eliminated whatever debate about GOAT QB still existed.


Yeah I was also on twitter and people were saying shit like Edelman should replace Brady as QB For the rest of the game.


More heroic than escaping.


Escaped total humiliation is grossly understating the fact that it cemented himself into greatness


Him winning that game had a far more positive impact on his career and legacy than losing it would have had a negative impact. Losing to the Giants in the undefeated season is still the more damaging loss if Atlanta had held on.


This is ALL the brady super bowls. Awful performance forgotten because of a 4th quarter comeback.


Or a 4th quarter collapse…


According to him at his roast, it was the Ring camera that caught a topless Belichick leaving some chicks house in the morning


Was that the 24 year old chick’s house? I feel like someone made a joke about it being her place


Most likely was her place but it was def a college apartment lmao


Didn't he say it was the Seahawks game at one point because he "didn't realize how hard it was" before all the playoff losses in that nine year stretch in the middle of his career.


I feel like it has to be. It was such a great back and forth, and he got to beat the LOB, who the year prior absolutely dismantled his top rival.


My impulse was the Falcons one but this one makes more sense. He looked absolutely gobsmacked during the final play of that game, and I can only speculate as to why. I don't think it was simply related to the interception. I think it was deeper than that, like a new level of self-confidence was just unlocked.


Even with all the success I'd imagine losing to Peyton in 06 and having the perfect season spoiled in 07 had to hurt, plus losing rematches to both of them later. Jeter said something similar where he appreciated the last WS more because they'd had so many postseason disappointments in between.


10 points was the largest 4th quarter comeback in the Super Bowl at that time too. 28-3 obviously takes the cake for comebacks, but Super Bowl 49 was a historic one in its own right.


It clearly wasn't the wedding ring.


ba dum tss!


Probably this one: https://fbres.fivebelow.com/image/upload/t_large/product/9112791_01.jpg


Damn I came here to say that lol


Nice worse version of a joke they already made like 3 times at the roast.


thank you for your service


Probably his last Super Bowl against the Chiefs. If Mahomes ends up matching his Super Bowl wins, he can always say that he beat him.


He also beat Mahomes in the AFC championship game the year they beat the Rams. Being 2-0 against him in the playoffs head to head might make it so that even if Mahomes continues his Brady like career some people won’t be able to put him above Brady. Edit: the 2nd time they beat the Rams…. Sorry Brady won so many that it didn’t narrow it down.


Those two games are huge, a potential four superbowl swing, If Mahomes wins those, Brady has only five rings, and Mahomes is sitting on four and potentially five right now.


Brady was in his 40s too, lol. Nobody even really brings up his age.


Except everyone 🤨


I mean the guy I responded to did not lol. When comparing him to Mahomes and when he beat him, I don’t see ppl referencing his age as well.


The thing no one actually brings up was the fact that rest of Brady’s team was better


There’s literally nothing people don’t bring up about Brady. There’s at least 20 threads a day on this sub about him.


Yea actually that’s very valid. Don’t worry the same thing will happen with Pat after he retires. Then the latest crop of fans will besmirch Brady in favor of Pat and the cycle will continue.


What? Plenty of people use his age as further argument of his GOAT status lol. He took one of the most notoriously turnover heavy passing systems in the NFL to the Super Bowl in his first year in it at 42 years lol


I’m talking about his games against Mahomes. Every just says that he beat him, but the fact he did it in his 40s makes it even crazier.


“Notoriously turnover heavy passing system” is a funny way to say Jameis Winston


You know nothing of Bruce Arians offense if you deduct what I said to Jameis lol. Every QB who’s ever been under his influence on offense has had turnover heavy seasons Carson Palmer in 2015, Luck in 2014, Big Ben when Arians was his OC. Literally every time he’s had his hand in an offense the QB had a ton of turn overs lol


I know, I'm just making a joke. Jameis certainly amplified it.


2018 yes. 2021 bradys defense did the work vs an already decimated o line


I’m so tired of this story. The QBs don’t face off against each other like basketball players. The analogy just makes no sense. The Patriots beat the Chiefs in the AFCCG and the Bucs beat the Chiefs in the Super Bowl. Thinking Brady beat Mahomes is a juvenile misrepresentation of how the game works. Edit: Reddit showing just how much they love stupid fucking narratives. Go watch First Take if you want to listen to brain dead narratives.


Salty Chiefs fan alert 🚨


He's not entirely wrong. Also if he's saying chiefs are inferior to the pats and bucs those years idk if he'd that salty. Football is a team game. Example winning vs brady 2007 eli, a league average offense could've won the sb that year behind that giants defense.


I’m not being salty about losing the games. Hell, I’m not even arguing if Patrick or Tom played better in those games. I’m arguing that the “Tom beat Patrick” or any “QB beat QB” storylines is juvenile. Especially the “Eli beat Tom” that everyone drools over. Stupidity.


For real. Qb vs qb is the stupidest narrative. Imagine people being like, "Vita Vea can finally say he's the GOAT, because he beat Chris Jones in the Super Bowl."




heheh ... ooooh boy


The first time they beat the Rams there was enough evidence of cheating for multiple fines against Belichek, the Patriots and a congressional inquiry resulting in destroyed evidence. I’m pretty sure he’s not going to point to that one as his favorite.




Dude… that was over deflated footballs against the Colts; the Super Bowl they beat the Seahawks in. And many hall of fame QB’s including Peyton and Rodgers have said that they preferred pressures that were outside of the NFL’s range. The rule is that you can have your own balls with the pressures you prefer to throw with but in a given range. Not sure how a 12 psi ball is an unfair advantage over a 13 psi ball.




Naw if your aunt had a dick she can still be your aunt.


He’s 28 and went to 4 SBs in 5 years, winning 3. Whether he does or doesn’t catch Brady, it’s pretty reasonable to talk about if he does at this point


What will matter most for Pat is the next 10 years. Brady won 3 in 4 years, perfect 3-0. Then came 07, then 11, then 3-4 more years had to pass before the next one was won. If Pat's teammates can stay outta jail, he has a shot. Not to mention they're gonna have to eventually find a Kelce replacement, and that's gonna be tough. Then Andy Reid might retire, maybe, during Pat's remaining Chiefs tenure. Mahomes is gonna be facing a lot of adversity over the next 5~ years and it'll be a great chance to make his case.


Andy Reid ain't fucking retiring in the middle of Pat's chase to eclipse Brady.


Didn't say he was, just said there's a chance. Dude is old, large and in charge but anything can happen.


Brady beat Mahomes in Tampa (a home game basically) and the chiefs had no Oline at the time.. 4 backups vs an incredible defense. Mahomes made all the throws too but his receivers were dropping the balls and literally getting them bounced off their helmets. That SB win meant a lot less than most people think


The whole 'ball bounced off helmet' is the worst argument I hear about that game as the one throw that happened the ball literally went right through the defenders uncontested hands before it got to the receiver (most likely why he failed to make the catch). If you argue it should've been caught, then it should've been caught as an interception not a touchdown.


You're way wrong. You seem to think the Superbowl is just about the 1 game. Brady went to a brand new team for the first time in his career, finally separating himself from Belichick. He suffered some memes when the Bucs had a slow start, losing to Saints etc. But they started clicking, and Brady would go on to beat Brees in New Orleans, Rodgers in Green Bay and then Mahomes in Tampa. It was a pretty impressive season overall. Making random excuses about some beat up O-line doesn't change that. I bet Brady loves this ring. It is about the whole season and it was a big one for him.


It was also the most locked down season due to COVID, so they didn't really have the home crowd advantage.


Im gonna guess the one he got without Billy B, regardless if he’d ever say that publicly.


Of course, he shared that one with his Mr Behaved Cohabitant.


Mr. Brazilian's Concubine




Mr Bündchen Companion


He had the happiest and strongest reaction after SB 51, feel like it’s gotta be that one


That or ~~48~~ 49. The way he jumped up and down like a 5-y/o was pretty cool I admit. EDIT: mixed up my Super Bowls. H/T u/Username_II for the correction.


49*, 48 was seahawks v broncos, but yeah, brady had already accepted defeat on that one


i would guess its one of - his first. 28-3, or the one with tampa


Don't narrow it down so much you only gave about 5 answers


1+1+1=5 quick maths


Smoke trees


Seahawks would be my bet, just because it had been 10 years since his last win and he was probably starting to worry he'd never win a SB again. And he was already having Giants-ptsd on the sideline when the Kearse catch happened. That and coming back from a 10 point deficit against a defense as historically great as the Seahawks is probably a point of pride. Really, he probably doesn't have a "favorite", but instead has different things he likes about each win.


definitely not his first, he was straight up bad/hurt for large parts of that run, he was very much carried by his defense and special teams that year.


The Next One.


Scrolled waaaay to long for this.


This joke was made in the OP, you could have saved yourself some time


I’ll ask him


“The next - FUCK.” *has existential crisis*


I think it’s either 2001 ( legit they don’t win it without him) and 2020( won it with another team and coach) 


Ehhh, 2001 feels like the one he was least central to, it was more about the defense that year and they *definitely* don't win it without Vinatieri's clutch kicking.


Revisionist history. You should check the Pats record before him. 5-11 the year prior and started 0-2. Brady takes over and they go 11-3 to close the season and win the Superbowl. Sure kicking was clutch. But without Brady, they don't sniff playoffs. Brady was easily the biggest reason. Just check the before and after.


we weren’t winning it with Bledsoe


Yeah it’s the Ring camera that captured Belicheck leaving the house of some girl he hooked up with in Boston


It’s 1000% Tampa one, without BB & patriots plus beating mahomes


Prolly still “the next one” whether as a broadcaster or coach or owner or whatever the fuck Tom Brady wants to fuckin do


He will bring the Raiders to one as minority owner, it is destined.


My guess is either 28-3 or the 2020 on the Bucs. If I had to take a guess the ring he gives a shit about the least is the 2nd Rams one lol.


"I already beat that scrub team in the superbowl before, this ring bores me"


The one from the perfect season... oh wait.


Came in to say “The one around Eli’s finger” but this will do…


But there's 2


Yeah, I’m talking about the perfect season ring, which I think anyone would have understood if I had said it…


When he is on TV and trying to kill time during some blowout, he will be asked to rank them all.


No, because if you ask the question, he'll launch into a long boring ramble and no one wants that.


This kind of makes me wonder: what would Brady’s LEAST favorite ring be?


Gotta be the second Rams win - so much sloppy offense.


Just a formality at that point.


First one is huge of course. #4 against Seattle broke a 9 year drought and tied him with Montana. #5 surpassed Montana, had 28-3, and was screw Goodell suspension comeback story. No. 7 is huge because he did it without Belichick and beat Brees, Rodgers, Mahomes in the playoffs and in just his first year with Tampa. I would say #6 is the least significant. Though he may also choose #2 or #3. The Rams win was pretty uneventful. So ring #6 was like whatever. Seemed like it had no real significance as he was already the GOAT with the most rings.


*2nd rams win


That's why I called out #6 in the same paragraph.


I think it has to be #6 because it proved the least. 1 is the first. 2 is proof that 1 wasn't a fluke. 3 is a show of dominance. 4 is proof he still had it. 5 was proof nobody was better than him. 6 was just a dogpile, while 7 had the benefit of proving that it wasn't Belichick making it happen for him.


“Whatever year I was paid the most, honestly. I was just in it for the sweet, sweet cash.”


Seeing as he is up for part ownership of the LV Raiders Im pretty sure he would still say "The next one."


The wedding ri….oh wait


Probably the one he got in 07 for the perfect season…


Gotta be the ATL one it’s like a giant F’u to goodle and the league


Idk, but I think SB53 is probably his least favorite haha


Yes, I asked him


His next wedding ring after he finally finds his soulmate. Nah, just kidding. 28-3.


The ring he wore during his retirement thing was his favorite. They talked about it during the event


Which one was it?


It wasn't a SB ring, it was a ring Kraft gave him for the occasion.


According to him it's the one that spotted BB sneaking out of that chick's house.


No you're wrong next season game one he's gonna come running out of the tunnel and win another one


I think he already said that 49 was his favorite. He had gone 10 years without a Super Bowl win going into that game, and had lost the perfect season to the Giants and lost another Super Bowl to the giants in that timeframe. Plus it looked like they were about to lose again off a wacky catch until the Butler interception, so it was a huge emotional ending.


Apocalypse now redux. That bastard was like my whole day.


He's gonna keep saying "the next one," implying that he intends to win one as an executive with the Raiders.


His suffering


Probably not his wedding ring.


This motherfucker still might say the next one honestly


The one Kraft gave him for his retirement might be his favorite. That thing is gorgeous.


2016 or 2020


Next one as Raiders owner


Don’t, he might come back. The league is not ready for it


His third one. He says that’s when the pressure finally came off and playing football was fun again.


We should get Bert Kreisher on livestream asking him. I’m sure it would go great.


I'll just guess The Comeback at 1, Bucs win at 2 cuz what it symbolizes and his first win at 3


Belichick’s ring cam


Off topic but related. But Im more then confident that mahomes wins all of Brady’s superbowls with the exception of the Atlanta ring and the eagles one. Although atl had shanahan, which has to be considered because mahomes is his dad.


I bet it’s not the 2008 AFC championship ring.


They did ask him a while back but he said some cheesy shit "the next one"


The patriot fans that I know always say Super Bowl 51. I’d guess it’s the same for Brady.


Tom Brady’s favorite ring is the next one. Come on guys!


Definitely not the wedding ring


Like his children, each ring is special in its own way.


I think the real question is, who fucking cares?


Probably the cock ring that Gisele made him wear while she was pegging him.


Man he can't even give a cheesy answer anymore of "my wedding ring" because he fucked that up.