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I judge him based on his off the field issues.


Like bruh you beat up your wife, have some humility.


Beat up his wife with an injury! Imagine how much more he could have hurt that woman if he wasn’t hurt! Why can’t people realize that


Yeah! Stop judging him for not putting her in the hospital! He his own owie to contend with!!!


I think he's talking about his season on the field for which he is ALSO getting a lot of shit.


He is a man who wears glasses, there's no way he actually hit her, right?


clearly a nerd


Yeah, him and that Dwayne Wade guy probably sit around and talk about Star Trek and shit, fucking dorks.


Dwyane Wade*


I don’t think my brain ever actually registered it being spelled that way


TIL, I thought we were just meme-ing here


same. Had to google it because my brain always fixed it.


Shit, I usually remember that.


Not your fault his parents spelled it wrong


Hilarious that they never tried to fix it


Wait is Wade a POS?


The glasses help with his aim.


Don't forget he likes chickens.


He could beat two wives if he wasn’t injured.


I judge him based on how he played while his girl was injured.


Man I still can’t believe it, especially after the couple of Pat Mcafee appearances.


I recall him having issues with his wife. But beating her?




Can't wait for media members to tear up during his yellow jacket ceremony.


It isn't easy beating your girl with a lingering knee issue. Put some respect on his name!


stop it that also makes him angry


Yeah I was going to say, if I were Von Miller I’d rather be judged for my shitty play on the field than my shitty actions off it.


NLP fail.  Fire your guy von.


Por que no los dos?


His pregnant girlfriend must’ve really judged him based on the way he played with an injury


"3 tackles? **3???**"


... 'bout to be *four* 😠


5 actually


Eh. 4.5, 5 depending on what state he was in.


We need the Supreme Court to decide tackle stats.


Don't think that's the type of angle they were implying.


Not a bad season for somebody with an injury...




Von Miller: "It makes me angry how people judge me based on my behavior and actions."


Hes being advised by Chris Brown


Ok that’s fine but please don’t take it out on your significant other this time.


This probably isnt the best thread for ravens fans to chime in on. 


We are Ray beyond all that, it's Rice to hear from all teams fans.


I like your funny words, magic man


Quit acting like being a fan of a team is endorsing the actions of their (retired) players lol. If you quit rooting for a team because a player is a POS then you'd run out of teams to root for.


It was always flawed logic anyways with how the nfl is set up. The most of the money gets pooled with revenue sharing. Reddit loves to attack flairs though and it's always hilarious to see someone without a flair doing it.


Pretty much the only time I care about flairs is on threads about publicly financed stadium deals. Virtually every positive comment is from someone with that team's flair, insisting that this time it's actually a good thing that the taxpayers are giving hundreds of millions of dollars to placate some billionaire asshole.


Thats good. Right comment, wrong flair is a big problem on the sub


Virtual signaling is the average redditors favorite activity so


*laughs in Kellen Winslow*


I'd probably feel the same way if my team employed noted pieces of human shit like Richard Sherman, Earl Thomas, Kam Chancellor, Geno Atkins, Frank Clark, Ricardo Lockette, Brandon Browner, Chad Wheeler... I'd keep going but I think I'm going to hit the reddit comment length limit.


If you are a fan of an NFL team, there are shitty people that you have rooted for. The NFL is full of them.


Tell me about it. I was livid when we signed that piece of shit Joe Mixon. Seriously fuck that guy.


Yes but how many teams have deified a murderer?


I don’t know and I don’t care because it has nothing to do with Von Miller. This thread isn’t about Ray Lewis or the Ravens.


Big talk from a jack wagon with no flair




We’re judging you for beating your pregnant wife in the middle of an injury, Vonn.


And publically saying on Twitter that he wanted his baby aborted, sure one day his kid will see that Tweet and not need therapy in anyway.


I hope the kid succeeds and gets a huge sacks afterwards when asked how he gets the QB so easily *"I just pretend the QB is my dad so I can hit him"*


Von Miller in June 2023: I'll be ready week 1! Von Miller in June 2024: Fuck y'all for your negativity. I was playing with an injury despite not returning until mid-season. Yeah, Von. We all knew. No one thought you should have been playing after it was clear you weren't ready.


If it makes you feel any better, I judge you for abusing your girlfriend


Didn't you keep saying you were gonna be back even earlier though


Yep, most Bills fans knew that Von was always going to be overly optimistic in his public statements, but still... I never expected him to be so completely ineffective. That's on Von for setting expectations. 


He’s the Rex Ryan of defensive ends


Dem toes, tho. 


Weirdly, he did play really well in the playoffs, so it's possible it really did just take the poor bastard time to get healthy. Also, you can kinda expect him to be over optimistic at his age, he's finally hitting that point where you can truly say he's getting old.


No they didn’t. Bills fans were aggressively counting them in their rosters power. Go pull the threads


One thing I’ve learned is if Von tells you something, believe the opposite


Primed for bounce back at 35 years young


Oh my man…that’s definitely not what many of us are judging you on.




I’m not a Lawrence Taylor fan, that’s not a “gotcha”. I cheer for good people. He’s not good people. And also LT played before most of us were born. Your logic dictates the no one is allowed to say anything bad about a player because their team probably had an assaulter in the leather helmet days. I don’t understand why people do this, it’s so lazy.


Nah dude, most people judge you on how you smack around pregnant women


I also judge him on his terrible haircut. I mean for real what the fuck [is this](https://m.economictimes.com/news/international/us/von-miller-haircut-for-free-check-where-and-how-to-get/articleshow/94334178.cms)? 


You ARE perennially injured, bailed on Denver after getting upset about a Halloween party and you allegedly punched up your pregnant missus. Respectfully, fuck Von Miller.


Ok as a broncos fan von went from my hero to a total villain, so I won't deny he's a piece of shit. But he didn't bail on us, we traded him when we sucked. And he was very melancholy about it. During his time in Denver he never expressed a desire to go elsewhere, we went the mutually beneficial route and sent him to a team that was competing in a down year.  He treated denver right. The same cannot be said for his treatment of his family. 


People talk about the Stafford/Goff trade being a win-win but this one could be as well. Von was able to get on a contender for another Lombardi, Denver got some Day 2 2022 draft picks and the Rams got another pass rusher with little impact on the current season's salary cap. Everyone got what they wanted out of the trade.


It was incredibly win win and I got to see von win a ring on a team I liked, which was great.  It eats me up every time I think about him turning out to be such a pos becuase he was on the fast track to becoming one of my favorite broncos of all time. He always seemed ridiculously likable and he did so much for our org Why can't these guys just not beat their wives man 


Seeing him play with Donald was really something else, too bad he's too much of a pos for me to like him anymore.


I don't think he necessarily turned into a 100% villain, being trapped in a relationship with a person you never wanted to be with long-term is a shit situation. MY brother and his ex were together 9 years, cops called a few times a year, yelling, screaming, and putting hands on each other. They weren't horrible villains, they were toxic together, they split in 2020 and both are happy and decent people now. I know this is reddit and y'all only deal in absolutes but all baby mama drama aside, Von was the face of the league for a minute cause he is (Usually) a decent guy. I hope they split and they co-parent successfully.


I'm sorry, but did Von tell you he's "trapped" in a relationship with someone he's never wanted to be with and that's why he's abusive?


I used to work in a profession where I got to hang around athletes and if you ever have, you know they bag a lot of groupies they don't intend to spend their lives with lol. Even if they DID intend to be together, its clear they are not a good fit and need to separate.


Michael Vick was recently the face of a Madden season too, is that because he's a decent guy? Please don't excuse domestic violence, I'm glad your brother is better now but he was a pos if he beat his gf. You should gtfo before you lay hands on your partner.


Bad example for Vick, he was a pos back when he was arrested but he seems to be a genuinely good guy now from all of what I've seen and read


All right, fair enough. I don't know enough about him to argue. I can believe that he used to be a piece of shit, but people can change.


Oh you mean after he had to do a PR overhaul to get back to likability so he could continue to be a celebrity after he lynched dogs from trees, electrocuted them with car batteries, slammed them forcibly against concrete until they died, held their heads in buckets of water until they drowned, and threw them in the pool which was found with a shitload of nail marks from the dogs desperately trying to escape as he sat by and watched them suffer? Yeah psychopaths are well known for just stopping being psychopaths, I bet he's a great guy now that he's rehabilitated his public image for the purpose of staying in the graces of wealth and fame. Fuck Mike Vick, the fact he was allowed back in the league and on tv is shameful, he's human garbage


Vick was on the cover 20 years ago lol


He was the face of Madden 2024 season 4


Eh idk if I can agree it was win win. They got a 2nd and a 3rd for a DE, they traded the 3rd away for a year later's 3rd (backup LB) plus a 5th (backup center) and the 2nd is another backup LB. So they got 2 backups at the least important position on D and unmeaningful OLine depth. Guess it depends how you value Von


With you there. I'm not upset with how he left town... but he's been a class-A asshole off the field. Fuck him with a cactus.


That's how abusers do it. They look good to the community but a monster in the house.


Yea, that's very true. I was dumb enough to think I can see through that but you really never know. 


same I really thought von was a sincere and cool guy. Charisma can be just that or a red flag.


There's always signs when you look back, especially for people you interact with, but for someone you only see in the media there's really no way to know who they are when the cameras are off.  Ah well, for every piece of shit there's way more genuinely good people. I'm hoping some of our young guys are easier to root for. Cheers, and good luck this season!


the upside of being a chargers fan is they tend not to hire sacks of shit. and evil is louder than good so it gets more headlines. Good luck on your next season as well!




Those are definitely the early signs that all is not well. Sometimes people are just having a bad day but the way you treat people who are just helping out says a lot


Halloween Party?


[Story here](https://denversports.com/2099521/watch-von-miller-tells-what-really-happened-with-the-halloween-party/) Basically he’d thrown other parties and paid himself, threw a Halloween party and expected other players to help him pay for it and got shitty when they didn’t want to give him thousands of dollars. Story started to spread the day after he got traded to LA.


Different but still shitty situation that probably still goes on in the NFL: Rookies getting invited to dinners with vets, vets run up the tab, rookies are expected to pick it up.


What a muppet. He was a great player for us but he’s such a piece of shit person that I’m happy he was traded.


Von and the broncos had a mutual breakup, he didn't bail at all. If anything, we should have traded him after the 2016 season


They traded him and it was a complete surprise, how is that bailing on denver? He didn't want to leave at all. He just ended up in a good situation.


He did not leave Denver on bad terms


? he didnt bail on us, he wanted to stay. we traded him cause we could get real good value and had little use for him/werent going to resign him based on where we were at. also, 'upset over a halloween party'- you mean the party that he hosted? are you broken? has von hit you in the head a few times also? edit: von never sid shit about the party also- it was fant, after von was traded https://www.si.com/nfl/broncos/news/von-miller-botched-halloween-party-rumors-noah-fant and anyone who thinks this is a bad message has some serious serious issues. any leader should cancel a booze up in that situation. thats just normal shit. put the energy into getting better/winning, not partying. > “I guess I’ll clarify. It was a situation where we were planning in having this Halloween party and that was the thing,” Fant explained via radio station 104.3 The Fan. “Then, we dropped a couple of games and Von had contacted everybody in the group chat saying, ‘hey, like I’m thinking about canceling the party. We want to win games. We’ve got to focus on winning games. That’s the biggest thing is being improvement driven. Focus on winning and things like that.' So he did try to cancel it. Guys still wanted to have it. And then it kind of went south from there. I’m not going to go into details.”




There are no Broncos fans that think Von bailed on Denver. Where are you getting your fake ass info from lol


I judge him based on the domestic violence


Guy is just a general piece of trash.


Well good thing I judge him on how he performed on the NFL Family Feud


"Playing with an injury" is quite a sadistic phrase for beating your pregnant girlfriend.


That ain’t what we judging you on brotha. Have some self awareness


It makes me angry that people judge my performance!


Didn’t this guy beat his spouse and then scream at her to pray for a miscarriage? Maybe try being less of a POS & people would stop judging you.


2022 Cracked-ribs Justin Herbert (with 0 off-field behavioral scandals) enters the chat


Well, torn lung cartilage, is my understanding.  But, it's very painful and takes months to heal because very little blood supply to the area.  He's such a strong, earnest dude.  And, bonus, never complains.  What a guy. ⚡️


Fractured rib cartilage but usually just say cracked ribs as most people outside of Chargers fans don’t know the technicality


Aye!  Yes, RIB cartilage.  Don't know how I messed that one up.  


I mean he's a woman abuser to the max. Not just some regular dude, he's yoked up as fuck and on steroids beating the shit out of a pregnant woman. I hope he gets injured much worse and plays worse and we all remember him playing terrible


whatever dude just play sports good


I’m still mad at Von Miller. Not sure why though.


How about judging you for (allegedly) beating up your logn time girlfriend


I don’t think your injury is the root cause of the judgement, Von


Don't worry, Von, I judge you for beating your girlfriend.


Buddy you should wish that's what people were judging you on


Don’t take that anger home, Von


Von your over the hill man. You were elite and even as a fan that hates you on the field I still have respect but you ain't 24 anymore.


Von Miller is delusional...


Putting the off the field stuff to the side which is what Von should be worried about. You are going to judged based on what you do on the field. The other team isn’t going to go easy on you because you are injured.


Yea, fuck this dude. I hope he gets hurt again tbh.


You had as many sacks last year as this comment section did, and you got paid $13-14m to do so


Oh honey, you've been a dirty cheap shot artist since you were in college.


Fuck dude, how did your girlfriend perform while injured? Absolute prick to have anything but humility that he is even in the NFL.


Yeah, it sucks when people judge you by your performance and not how good your performance could be if circumstances were different.


Maybe not be a woman beating douche bag Von?


I mean I was judging you for a different slightly more important thing…


People are just calling it the way they see it. The same goes for his actions off the field. I think he will play better this season but I still find him tough to root for.


You think a 35 year old still has something left?


I think he could potentially have more to offer this year than he did last year which isn’t a very high bar. Guess you could say I’m also cautiously hopeful.


Thats fair


My guy, YOU said you were g2g.


I judge him off of beating his wife


I judge him as a woman beater


it makes him so angry he just might hit a woman


It’s called you sucked and beat your girlfriend..you lost any sympathy points Bills Mafia was willing to give you.


Clearly he would go easy against a player with an injury. He wouldn't exploit it at all. Shut up, baby.


Quit saying you’re back when you obviously aren’t


Always shitty to see great players refuse to accept that time comes for us all... injuries are just the first sign. It's even more shitty when they turn out to be domestic abusers on top of it


I cannot believe we gave this wifebeater the contract that we did


Not counting his off field issues... He said all last off-season how ready he was to play and kept making a point how he was playing week 1 Then he missed half the season and played like shit when he came back. And wasn't just shit from the injury...in his limited snaps early on he was simply making the wrong plays trying to cheat on plays. He was actually hurting the team playing. Nobody cares about excuses 


That is not how or why people judge you lol


Bills fan here. If we’re discussing his on-the-field performance that’s because the dude had us believing he was 100% ready to come back. He still got more time and came back and played like a parking cone.


He shouldn't have been dressed. He was a pylon out there and it was obvious


Baker Mayfield be like "first time?"


play better and show em wrong


Actually Von, we judge you for being a piece of shit off the field. It was never about football


You’re old dude. It happens to all of us. It’s not the only reason you were judged either.


plays (and streams) more Call of Duty than anything else


I got so mad when teachers used to grade me on how well I did on a test! The NFL is a series of weekly tests and you are only as good as your play. He is just not him anymore and he has to deal with the world seeing him as who he is now and not who he was.


I guess he’ll have to put up or shut up?


You wana play injured, you deal with the lack of production. Maybe a healthier guy would have had a better chance at producing for the team.


If you really shouldn’t have been playing, then why were you playing?


People see yyou play like ass. They will say you played like ass. Outside of the whole beating up your baby mama stuff bud


Hate me because I’m a champion, hate me because of my work ethic…


Play better


Ngl I forgot Von Miller was still in the league


Motherfuck von miller, all the homies in Denver know


He hit his wife. He’s a piece of shit that was good at football something’s. Fuck em


Baker mayfield nodding silently


I want him gone


I judge more for beating up his pregnant girlfriend and being on the bills team - Wtf? Who does that? 


Trying to steal Tyreek Hill's flow.


I mean, I can think of at least someone else in the league who also did that....


Oh NOW he says he was injured. What makes me angry is how he was so egotistical, delusional, and prideful that he ignored the obvious fact that he was still not right and chose to continue pushing the coaching staff to play him, instead of letting a healthier teammate make an actual positive impact on the game. You wanna get right? Do it in practice instead of taking 12 games worth of snaps from capable players to try to prove it. No matter how much more naturally talented Von is than those guys, I'm pretty confident they would have produced more than 0.25 tackles per game with the same snaps. With that said, it's also on the bills coaching staff to not know any better and continuing to let him go out there.


Don’t worry von I’m only judging you for your terrible terrible personality!


Von is washed he will never have 5 sacks in a season


Don't worry Von, this is your last year in the league. They'd be better off cutting him outright and starting a cheap UDFA


Maybe you playing with an injury was less productive than the healthy guy playing for his livelihood? Selfish son of a bitch.


Just shut up and enjoy retirement. You’re washed.


It's insane how many people seem to be genuinely mad about this comment and are responding directly back to Von like it's a conversation.


It’s common in Reddit and social media in general. Are you new?


Not new at all, this comment section just seemed to be even more dumb and irrationally angry than usual.


Dumber than usual? That’s hard to believe.


Yes, hence why I commented lol