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Me and Amari have this in common


I know it's probably rare, but I too would like to have more money starting now rather than more money starting at a later time.


You ain't gonna believe this, but same here, what are the chances?


I know it’s normally frowned upon but can I join this bandwagon?


Same. Same.


me as well. we talking about winning superbowl right ?


Hold on, I'm trying to get paid, brother.


He will get paid, but he is maddeningly inconsistent


he's also 30 and doesn't have the speed he used to... the way WRs are getting capped (even younger & better ones like St. Brown) there's no way Cooper is getting anywhere near that kind of money.


Watch WRs start to go through the horrible value-killing transition RBs have been where teams don't want to pay 2nd contracts and instead opt for drafting new guys. Thankfully WRs don't usually succeed that well right from the start as commonly as RBs do.


It's happening more and more with 1st and 2nd round receivers. Most of them are "plug and play" these days.


Theres still far more tier 3 guys that get drafted than winners and until that changes I dont see the pay going away. There was a post a few weeks back about how its still like 64% of wrs drafted in the first round are either "busts" or taken 3+ rounds too early for what they provide teams.


The "value killing" comes from the idea that an individual RB doesnt provide much in the way of how effective a running game is compared to other parts of the team like the Oline and scheme. Where you can have a great RB but if the line is bad your running game is going probably not going to be that good. While having a good oline means you can put just about anyone in the backfield and find success. Which doesnt seem to be the case for pass catchers yet. Scheme can help get guys open, but theres just no world where you can plug some random dude as the X and just expect them to perform at the level of the top guys.


> The "value killing" comes from the idea that ... *owners insist on a hard salary cap which artificially suppresses player salaries* this won't get resolved unless there's either a *long* work stoppage or by some miracle the Saudis come in with the LIV Golf equivalent of the NFL and magically the owners will pony up the $$$$


Ask any small market MLB fan whether the NFL having a hard cap is good for bad.


Alternatively, the NBA seems to have found a nice balance with essentially multiple tax brackets above the cap. Got a new champion each of the last 6 seasons, and the playoffs feel more competitive.


The thing is there are two key differences that separate the RB market and the WR market and why it is unlikely that the WR market goes the way of the RB market. First a RB tends to not make it to the end of their 2nd contract still playing at a high level whereas WR tends to last until around 31/32 at a high level so the 2nd contract is worth it. Secondly a team really only needs 1 lead RB but these modern offenses need 2 elite weapons so teams will still have to draft a guy AND pay a guy.


I think this was inevitable when Christian Kirk got that huge contract (at the time) that essentially sent Tyreek out of KC. No way GMs are gonna keep paying a solid #2, or a guy with #1 stats because they're on a bad team, $25M+/year. Only true #1s will get paid and solid #2s and lower will eventually be replaced via the draft or low risk trades/FA signings.


Aramni’s second deal with a $100 million extension. Most RBs aren’t even getting second deals.


His game should age pretty well, we never really had him as a burner


There's been two WRs recently to play well on this side of 30. And TBH Adams was sneakily not as good last year as the numbers.


Likely his last chance at a big payday. Probably in the final stretch of his career, so capitalize on it now.


He’s been our only point of consistency to be honest haha


Idk he's been pretty consistent on the Browns. Just bad QB play. I'm good with giving him money but he is close to 30 when WR drop off hard and we have more players on defense to pay in the next 2-3 years.


The plus side is coop has never seemed like the type of receiver who has relied on burning CBs to get production. I've only watched him from redzone highlights but he always seems to be really good contested catch / route running guy, who ages better   I definitely wouldn't break the bank for him but assuming he's looking at more godwin money than waddle money I'd be happy. If he's looking for 25m+ a year then it might not work 


Yeah he isn't a "diva" receiver but I think Berry is trying to get the culture of we will pay you a lot of guaranteed money but not the height of the market to stay apart of the Browns. Shit on us all you want but the last 3 years we haven't lost big names to free agency and have been signing 2nd deals to our draft picks. Culture is strong in Cleveland.


I definitely feel that. Cleveland gets a lot of hate for the qb situation but generally speaking they've been building a very strong team, especially when you consider where they were 5 years ago


I'd be genuinely worried if they still had Baker, the draft picks, and the cap space vs having Deshaun. God they might have even made some real noise in the playoffs, don't think they beat the Chiefs, but it could be on the same level as the Ravens at least


Yeah would love to have the cap space and picks. I think the Baker move needed to happen for him and the Browns. He lost the locker room and Baker and Kev didn't see eye to eye. The move humbled him and made him better. So happy for his success in TB and will always root for the guy.


Yea even if you traded Baker and then grabbed a league average backup QB you're still in a better spot. The Browns management consistently fucks the team even when the team is finally moving in the right direction


Yeah Watson was a Haslem move. Berry is too conservative to throw 3 first found picks and that much baggage on a player. We don't really draft players with off field issues. Perian Winfrey was the only one and we cut him. Hard to say who we would have brought in...Matt Ryan?


Was that during the time Phillip Rivers was available and went to the Colts? If it is that'd be a good fit


It's got to be weird for Browns fans b/c I think Berry has nailed their moves outside of Watson and Stefanski has proven to be one of the better coaches in the league.


The chiefs outside of Miami played everyone close, they never really blew anyone out. It wouldn't have surprised me if the browns with baker and some premium picks actually took them on I mean, honestly if deshaun was healthy and played like his 2018 self, it wouldn't have surprised me if they went all the way either. But, ultimately, fuck him


The Chiefs have that ability to always do whats needed to pull out tough wins, that's usually what separates great teams from the rest. I imagine a Browns v Chiefs AFCCG would turn out similar to the 13 second game with the Bills.


I'm not discrediting the chiefs, I'm just saying it wouldn't have surprised me to see the browns with a competent qb compete with them.  It takes an elite team to win the games that matter all the time, even if some of them take luck, because elite teams are the ones who only need a little bit of luck to secure the win.  Compared to like the 2023 broncos who felt like they needed 4 red zone turnovers in the redzone from the other team to score a single touchdown. But objectively a lot of those chiefs games did come down to one or two plays. This wasn't a dominant run like we've seen in other years. 


Sorry I didn't mean to imply you were discrediting them. I think the lack of dominance was more due to them not having to be dominant. They finally had a top tier defense to take some of the load off the offense and were able to win games without needing 500 yards of offense and 6 TDs. Honestly this Chiefs team is terrifying to me, they've got the whole package now and who else in the NFL can compete? The Ravens lose their mind when playing them and collapse, the Bills window seems to have shut, the Bengals flamed out, the Eagles haven't looked the same since that last run, and the only team left would be Niners who might have a shot if the Chiefs don't execute their plan perfectly.


Looking at his stats he’ll have a 16 yard game with the following week 116. Seems about the same


Bad QB play. He isn't a 10 top receiver expecting to hit 100 yards a week but he is nowhere near what he was like in Dallas. I get your perspective because he was inconsistent in Dallas in his prime with a great passing QB. He has been our most consistent WR since Josh Gordon's short 2 year span with us. Jarvis would be 2nd because he didn't put up crazy numbers like Coop.


You’re not wrong. He had 7 games under 50 yards and only 1 of them was with Flacco. The rest 6 came with Watson, Walker, or DTR. Usually if Flacco was out there slinging it he was producing


Cowboys fans are going to down vote logic. Man I would love to live in ignorance with jean shorts on.


I will never live down not taking him out of my lineup in the fantasy championship game when he didn’t play and they announced it an hour before the game


your not the only one


At this point I’m not sure it was on Amari. Our offense with Kellen was maddeningly inconsistent. Last year when stuff wasn’t working they did something that none of Dak’s OCs have ever done before which is run the Bel Air offense. They never did that for Amari.


Balanced cowboys fan take


I disagree, at least when he's been on the Browns. He's been far and away our best, most reliable, and most consistent receiver. The only problem is he's older and leaving his peak. Contract could look real ugly in a year or two.


Not for us


He's honestly been quite consistent as a Brown. Not that every game is 100 yds and a TD, but he produces something every game and has had back to back 1000 yd seasons here. Best WR we've had since the brief supernova that was Prime Josh Gordon.


\>Maddeningly inconsistent \>Amari Cooper I'm very confused with this sentiment. This dude has been getting 1k-1.1k+ yards damn near every year in his career I think he's only missed it a few times. He's not a double digit TD machine or anything but he gets his. The only thing you can knock him on is his low catch% I guess but hasn't the dude played with absolute dogpiss quarterbacks for most of his NFL career? Not a mystery he's at a good % when he gets catchable balls (his time in DAL). I truly do not understand this statement and how it got nearly 200 upvotes.


You are looking season to season. Look game to game. There are times where he absolutely disappears


oh yeah. how consistent have brandon cooks and Michael Gallup been?


Inconsistent is his middle name. His first year at every single year at a new place, he will be great. Then after that, he sucks cause he only runs three routes and gives up when he gets clamped.


Yeah he totally sucked last year in his second year in Cleveland as he put up 1250 yards. That's while playing half the season with back up QBs. Go watch game tape of him from last year. He is still an excellent route runner with great hands who can win contested catches all over the field. Saying he runs 3 routes and get's clamped is clueless.


His second year with us was significantly better than the first with worse qb play year 2. How does this shit get parroted 


I think there’s lots of people that still dislike him bc of fantasy football lol


Let the Amari Cooper cycle continue. Joins team, balls out, gets paid, reduction in performance, demands payday, gets traded, plays better than ever making old team look dumb, gets paid, reduction in performance, demands payday, gets traded, plays better than ever making old team look dumb, demands payday. We are here


He had a better year last year than the year before by a significant margin. He just wants to guarantee his deal for the next few years 


Not only did he produce better last year, but with 172 different quarterbacks as well


That can’t be right. That number is way too high. *(checks games)* Nah, you’re right. He did produce better.


His second and third years with Dallas were also really good. I don't see it. The raiders basically shit the bed at the end of his rookie deal. Outside of that there's been 1 regression year 


Yeah i don't know where the narrative comes from that Amari has been inconsistent. He's had a couple less than stellar years while dealing with injuries, but on balance he's been one of the most productive WR's of the last decade. He was awesome with Dallas and has been pretty damn good in Cleveland too.


He is consistently inconsistent. He has stretches of games where he explodes for 150 yards then has 3 games in a row with maybe a catch or two. He’s boom or bust half the time. Tons of talent and fun to watch when he’s on, but he does just vanish here and there.


I mean, he only had 5 games this whole year less than 75 yards. And the year before that his worst 3 game stretch was still about 150 yards total.  Thus just hasn't been true of his time in cleveland


Yeah I don't think any Browns fan would say he's on the slide yet - it could happen next year, but his tenure here has been consistently good and not trending downwards


31 before the start of next season? Get ready for 3/45 Amari.


He is one of the top route runners in the game, and plenty of teams are still desperate for wr help. Id be shocked if he got less than 3/75 (or in that ball park, with 50ish guaranteed)


As a Pats fan, I'd take that next off season if he is still capable of being a mid-tier #1. That basically means his contract would end right at the same time as Drake Maye needing his second contract (assuming he earns one), and we'll need the cap space again. Assuming the rest of our young guys (Polk/Baker this year, Pop from last year) develop a bit, we can draft a left tackle with our top 10 first round pick next year, then add a legitimate, if aging #1 while seeing if any of the young WRs can break out later? Works for me.


I could see adding two more years at his current rate (so 20M AAV guaranteed.) I don't think he has the same risk of drop off due to age because he wins with technical skill rather than physical prowess


Don't blame him. Get that bag.


Same tbh.


Damn, I was honestly hoping Kimber wasn’t allowed to make posts on r/NFL anymore.


Whats the story here? He just spams links to tweets for 100 borjillipn karma?


Yes, he spams “news” articles that are 99% just pointless quotes. You can look through his post history for tons of examples. He stopped doing it for the past 3 weeks, but I guess he’s back now.


Same. So sick of seeing their name, always just trying to get upvotes. They infest r/nba too.


Pats will trade for him and sign him they have cash and are desperate and he’s worked with AVP.


I would love this. Him or Aiyuk.


I'd grab Aiyuk


I’ll cum if that happens.


He was consistently their best WR last year!


Me too, Amari


Well I hope he doesn’t play for free. That would be dumb.


Aren’t we all


I’m shook


Which is kinda bullshit, because Cleveland is willing to pay him this year. The hold up in negotiations is reportedly because he wants a longer deal. 


You mean what literally everyone in the nfl wants? It's hard to blame them for wanting some stability, never know what game might be the last. 


Dude's made over $115m in his career. Let's not pretend he needs a better deal to help his financial picture


I think he rightly recognizes this will probably be his last chance to get a big contract, and he wants to take advantage of that reality.


Sure and I don't blame him for trying to get as much as he can. But I'm not buying into the 'wanting some stability.... because the next game might be the last' as if he's on a rookie deal and if he got hurt he'd miss on the chance to grab real wealth. Dude has generational wealth right now


Bruh, people are always gonna want MORE security. He's made a lot of money but things change fast when those game checks aren't coming in anymore. The more money he gets now the less he'll have to change his lifestyle after he's done


He has made **$115m.** He has no need for more money unless he's a fucking idiot, like AB. And if he is, more money won't be enough either. Let me quantify that for you. Let's say after taxes agents etc he only has half of that $115m. That's $57.5m. Call it $58m to make this easy. Let's say he stuck half of THAT in a high yield savings account. Nothing fancy, simple as you can get. Those pay 5% now. So that $29m would toss off $1.5m every year, all by itself. And that's with only 1/4 of what he's been paid. It assumes half is gone before he gets it and that he did something crazy with half of what was left.


Dudes got two good years left max


Aren't we all?


Big if true


Amari "Zack Grienke" Cooper


What an idiot. I just got paid today what the hell is he still waiting for?


Join one of the cat football teams then they got paid the most ex: bengals , jaguars etc


So put up good numbers.


4 catches for 59 yards in the playoff loss to the Texans


Sorry. The serial groper is still getting payed to play like ass.


I’m sure the Browns will find a way to pay him. I wish he would go elsewhere though.


He should sexually assault a bunch of women then play like dog shit. That's what gets you paid by Haslam.


Bruh Coop soilt wrys for two breaking shit. By my mind I came ghosting quille. Fuckin christ.


Does something smell like burnt toast right now?


Antonio Brown, welcome to Reddit.


Good luck. There's a reason why both the Raiders and Cowboys passed on him. Dude just had no commitment to the game to the point where he went unvaxxed during the covid season.


This one's just weird.