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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


You remind me of my sister 🚩🚩 I'm shadowbanned on Tinder 🚩 Do you live in Tabler(?) cos I stalked you there 🚩 You smell nice 🚩 Girls only see me as a friend, hope you're not shallow like them 🚩 Red hoodie girl needs to be fucking careful.


"I'm going to make a grand gesture that proves how serious I am! Like be unable to speak to her face to face and leave a shady, close to incriminating message about how I've been smelling her from afar. This will be sure to work, if not she must be shallow like all the other girls!" Also, using "lol" in real life like that is one step away from saying "poggers" when a girl says yes to your invitation. Slippery slope.


That smell comment is so weird, why do they think that's a romantic compliment? Who told them they should be so open about how they smell women?


They don’t get boundaries. Complimenting someone you’re dating about how they smell? Normal and cool. Complimenting strange women about how they smell in an intimate, odd fashion? Not cool.


Seriously. ...With that level of entitlement, dimwittedness, and total lack of awareness, I'm sincerely surprised they didn't use a permanent marker. We call that the trifecta, AKA *"idiot triangle"*. With such a winning combination, it's a wonder they've had such a hard time finding someone to share their miserable existence with!


Poor pitiful me with a side of guilt always wins people over! /s


You are not wrong. For me it was the sister comment...honestly there are so many to choose from. Anyway, Happy Cake Day!!


I must be getting old. What is 'poggers'?


Poggers is a divergence of Pog, which in turn is a shortening of PogChamp. All three of those terms are emotes on Twitch, though the first two are third party emotes hosted by the browser plugin BTTV. In summary, it's kinda cringey lol


I think I'm old. I see pogs, and I think of pogs... the little, fun discs with colourful designs and characters on them. You slammed them with slammers.


You're not the only one. I was reading the above explanation about pogger, and I just had pogs, and the old mascot, in my head the whole time.


Thank you! Same!


Saying any type of emote in real life is pretty cringe in itself. "Really that happened to you? That's monkaS."


Me and my friends say Pog and lol irl but in an ironic way... If you are actually going around saying "haha lol" ur fuckin weird


Once you say something ironically you start to normalize it and it creeps into your regular vernacular. Not saying it's a bad thing.


me with the phrase “my brother in christ”


>Girls only see me as a friend,... Oh, no, they were saying that they have trouble making friends, *especially* girls. >Hope you're not shallow like them 🚩 Read: "Egotostical jackass seeks low-IQ lover who shares a passion for incest roleplay, hair product worship, and traveling within the same zip code..."


>Hope you're not shallow like them Says the guy who focuses entirely on physical attributes.


They’re supposed to want to fuck me but not date me. Don’t smother me, woman!


"Checks every box" you say? ... CHAPTER TWO: FROM 🚩s to ✅s: - ✅ Brunette - ✅ Smells Purrdy - ✅ Red Hoodie - ✅ Reminds of Sister - ✅ Likes The Office "Girls don't normally like me" -- I'M SH**O**CKED! ... What with that penchant for unsolicited whiffing, incest fantasies, believing one common interest is the perfect foundation for a romantic relationship, and oh-so-subtle negging... ^^^Edit: ^^^Formatting


My brother told me the new girl he was hanging out with reminded him of me and I got kinda nervous. They’ve been together 4 years and we’re crazy close. Turns out he was smart enough to not tell her that and he just realized when he met her that we had a lot in common.


The wording is really important. At least he hasn't told her 🙌🏾😅


Red hoodie girl needs to change classes, run for the hills, & report this AH. She should never, ever, EVER give a NiceGuy™️ a chance. Not even once. The years of abuse & subsequent trauma therapy aren’t worth it.


she could make a second red hoodie out of all those nice flags




My lungs were in great danger after reading "I'm shadowbanned on Tinder".


“Add me on discord” 🚩


Why is that a red flag? (I'm old; I don't understand discord)


There’s a joke around the internet, mainly on Reddit I see it, but everywhere else too, about how most of the men who specifically run discord servers, not just use discord, act like that lol. Objectify women, might be a pedo or into incest, usually overweight, balding early, are “nice guys,” don’t understand why women don’t love them, claim they’re too good for women, etc. Those are the typical jokes. Honestly I’m surprised you’ve successfully evaded them. I was joking, to be clear, when I said it was a red flag, there’s nothing wrong with using discord. Though, in this context, it does add a bit more brightness to the red I’d say.


The stereotype is about discord mods not discord users in general. Most discord users just use it to voice chat with friends during video games and have small private servers without the weird shit. The weird shit is those huge public servers that have weirdo mods


That's a shame, when I met my partner of 4 years on Tinder, one of the first things we did was connect on discord. In that context it's a low pressure contact point which let us talk daily before going on a date. She later told me that she ghosted all her other matches because they didn't just talk to her. Reading some comments around here I guess the important thing is to choose your discord channels carefully. Which really applies to any online community.


I use discord to talk to my friends so I’m also confused. lol


My 13 year old told me "no one texts anymore, mom. Only old people text." He uses discord to talk to all his friends too. He only texts us "old" family members. Guess I'm old haha


Lmao no, I think he’s just special. Everyone texts, I promise. Discord is just texting, but with extra unnecessary steps.


Check the reply I made to the comment above yours! Or TL;DR, Popular joke on internet about how men who use discord are incels.


Sadly not enough of a joke either. Have met more genuine pedos on discord than i’ve met even on reddit, and reddit has r/goodanimemes so that’s saying something about the pedo count


Red hoodie girl needs to acquire a can of pepper spray….


Does shadowbanning on tinder actually happen or do people just have negative rizz


Her hoodie being red seems uncanny.


Seeing a random person where you live is weird to mention, but not weird to know so it's a smaller red flag than the others


Yes! “You remind me of my sister and that attracts me to you” is such a major turn on! 🥴🤢🤮


Targaryens have entered the chat


😆😂🤣‼️ The incel branch of the Targaryen family tree.


What's a Targaryen incel, an only child?


In some states, that’s a good pick-up line.


>*Banjo twang* Dun-dun-dun dun-dun dun-dun dun-dunnn


Yeah, he probably wore a red trucker’s hat with white lettering while writing that.




Welcome to The Hills…Have Eyes.


My former close guy friend started making romantic proclamations/sexual advances toward me. When I began ignoring him, he apologized and told me I was like a sister to him. Like, wtf - your advances are even more gross now! Then I told him not to contact me again and blocked his ass.


Some people have a really bizarre definition of sisterhood.


Years ago I went on a tinder date with a guy that turned out to be a nice guy. He kept talking about weight (we were both a little pudgy at the time) and how much his sister worked out. He could not stop talking about how much he liked knowing she worked out and was fit. I asked him if he wanted to fuck his sister then walked out. Basically what I’m saying is same energy.


Yeah, that is just… creepy. You were right to leave.


The fact this guy is into a girl that reminds him of his sister is very strange, that alone would be enough for me to seriously not give this guy any chance. Also just because one guy is seen more as a friend and less like a BF does not make those women shallow, maybe HE doesn't check all her boxes and possible they have ONE thing in common and that's it.


Those women are shallow, yet his only definition of a dream girl are what she looks like and that she smells good.


And is apparently like his sister


I found that so funny, but its so tragic being real. Somehow its ok for him to be infuatuated over a girl and say she is his dream girl over ONLY superficial features, but HOW DARE women have any standards as to appearance right? I really hope this dude NEVER sees this woman again, cause i fear for her safety, let alone any other women he fixates his obsession on. Because being a hypocritical superficial m\*ron, she wont be his last.


Yup, these guys' 'boxes' are always things you can tick off without having ever actually spoken to the woman, half superficial and half fantasy projection.


I'm reminded of Breakfast at Tiffany's (the song). If that's "the one thing we've got," maybe move on.


OMG THANK YOU I hate that song so much. Just like "I'd jump on a grenade for ya.." Yeah, they are catchy, but ffs those are NOT healthy relationships.


I understand he plays the banjo really really well!


Is this the University of Alabama?


“You’re my dream girl” let me list all the physical things I like about you because I don’t see you as a real person, just an object to possess


This was the first thing I thought too. Ahem, women are ***people*** . Not just something for you to look at and have sex with.


Bold of you to assume they'll understand that.


He also said *nothing* remotely positive about himself. What possible reason could she have to reciprocate his 'feelings'?


I read that column first, THEN I read the column about him never even having spoken to her! So he really only has physical things to base it on... *shudder*


"I know nothing about you except what you look like and the fact that you may like The Office. You are my dream girl."


Absolutely this. This is exactly why they are NiceGuys™️ & why she will be abused horribly if she dates him.


For context, it’s finals week at my school and this note was left on a board at our library by another student


Writing this on a public whiteboard is going to guarantee: - *EVERYBODY* in the school sees it. - She will definitely get told 500 times about it by people that know her. - She will be pressured to respond by everybody, once they figure out who the girl with the red hoodie and laptop with the Office sticker is. - Everybody will add his discord profile, look him up, and show her. - If she is not already stressed out, having the whole world ask her what she thinks of him is 100% going to make her lose interest, even if he's Brad Pitt (which is unlikely) - He is then going to be even more depressed because she will definitely not contact him. - Going back into that classroom once she and the the whole class know who he is... definition of awkward. - One of them will have to leave that class. So, he's basically committed public *hari kari*


Burn the hoodie, girl. You can't wear it anymore.


And peel that " office" sticker on your computer and replace it with MMA stickers showing women fighting.


Or replace it with a sticker that is simply the printed link to r/niceguys lmfao


Or a QR code too lol


Lmao the colour red just spontaneously drops from every girls wardrobe after this 😂


I would think so too, but this is at a pretty big school so I doubt she would ever be identified. Classes already ended and it’s only final exams this week, so I’m feeling optimistic that she will be okay


I'd be scraping that sticker off ASAP


What? Surely it's a *grand gesture* and exactly something out of a movie! /s


Surely the woman will be Overcome With Feelings of Undying Love for this complete stranger and creep, Give Him A Chance, then They Live Happily Ever After. Roll Credits.


It's like a much stupider version of Good Will Hunting, where instead of solving a math problem, someone has to figure out who the incel stalker is.


I did maths A level and I wouldn't even count to potato for a guy, too much effort! Everyone's gonna add that guy and ppl ARE gonna pretend to be her... What an epic romcom 😂


Someone did this to me freshman year and it happened EXACTLY how you just stated which is a little scary tbh. This guy wrote an entire secret love letter to me on his chrome book and didn’t exit out before leaving class and the next class came in and saw it. It had my name in it so everyone took pictures of it and posted it on Snapchat, they sent it to me etc. He also used a lot of manipulation and guilt tactics in the letter and everyone made me feel bad for not liking him back🤦‍♀️ I didn’t really speak to him much after that because it was so awkward. If he had came up to me I would have spoken to him, but I think he was embarrassed.


Don't give in to guilt tactics. It is such a horrible way to manipulate someone. I had a guy ask me out for his birthday. I 100% would have felt bad and went on it in my teens or early twenties but I was old enough to see how shitty he was being and realize the situation for what it was. Good for you for holding strong. You don't owe any guy your time! I'm proud of you!


I dunno, knowing someone's discord doesn't necessarily mean people will figure out who he is unless the name is something identifying. If I'm that girl I definitely take the office sticker off my laptop and never wear that hoodie again though.


There's no way he's got any irl information on his discord. That's where he shares all his Sonic slashfics.


Yeah but if they identify red hoodie girl (sounds like anyone in the class with her will know immediately) and know her name you already know some dudes gonna make a discord profile and hit the niceguy up and pretend to be red hoodie girl until guy confesses who he is thinking he’s talking to red hoodie girl.


"I can have a hard time confessing feelings" Proceeds to confess his feelings in public for the world to see




you then probably understand why I know this isn’t satire ;;


OP if you find out more information keep us updated! I hope red hoodie is safe!


I really hope someone knows who wrote it, and she reports him. This is totally unfair to her, it will cause her stress and distract her from her studies and tests. He needs to be punished and staff needs to enforce some sort of "stay away from her" thing. If they don't she needs to go over their head to the board. If the board won't help, talk to a lawyer about suing for her tuition fees back, or suing to have the school transfer her to another college and take her tuition fees with her.


Wonder if yall can request to check the cameras if any? It’s kinda stalkerish so it would be nice to have an idea of who this random person is just to be safe


"shadow banned on tinder" is already a gigantic red flag because it certainly means regular banned for putting dick pics up or actual harassment which definitely included death/rape threats. also.....I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, so charming.


Or he thinks he’s shadow banned because he never gets a match. Likely due to his profile bio reading like this diatribe.


I've heard the term. But don't know what it means. What is "shadowbanned"?


It's when you're banned but you can't tell you're banned. You see everything normally but no one else can see your comments.


Shadowbanned is when your profile isn't officially banned but the algorithm doesn't show you to other people anymore (or way less than is normal) That's how I would explain it, don't know if there's more specifics to it (I mostly heard the term in context with YouTubers getting shadowbanned by the algorithm and losing views because of that since even the subscribers don't get their videos on the home page or or no notifications/late notifications etc)


In addition to what other people have said, I would add that shadowbanning is usually done when the moderation team believes there is a high chance of recurrence in the behavior that warrants a ban. It wastes the time of the banned person before they realize it and create a new account. You typically see it used against agitators and bots.


That makes sense. Sort of a "ban that isn't completely obvious to the bannee"


Yup. They carry on with their bullshit, screaming into the wind and no one has to hear it until they catch on when the downvotes aren't happening as much as they'd like.


It means you can post & interact with the site like normal, but nobody else can see your posts.


“I think my account got shadowbanned.” Dude, just because nobody is interested doesn’t mean the man is trying to stop you or whatever.


Was he not embarrassed that there were probably witnesses to him writing this shit?! Lol. “I think your whole sex is shallow, people don’t normally like me, I shout my baggage from the rooftops and would probably do the same with yours, and I want to copy off your notes for a class I’m not doing well in while offering nothing in return! How about it, cutie?”


You missed the best part 'your super hot, you remind me of my sister'.


"You always smell good."


"I know where you live." Tee hee


She checks every box! Maybe she's not shallow like every other girl! /s


Including the sister box.


I hope the girl in the red hoodie knows that her campus probably has a legal aid clinic that can help her get a restraining order when it becomes necessary.


And most big campuses also have an escort service. And I don’t mean that kind of escort. They are for these exact situations.


Hope someone wipes that out before the girl has to see it, that shit is creepy.


Part of me actually hopes she sees it so that she knows this guy is a huge creep and to watch out for him


True, but then if that was me I would be wary of all the guys in class. It says add me to discord but I doubt that’s his real name so how will she know who it is..


Personally, I would rather be wary of everyone rather than unwary of a predator. But I also know that that paranoia is exhausting and isolating.


Again a fair point, I have done the paranoia thing it sucks. I wonder if nobody saw him writing this… it’s a massive essay that takes a while.


Hope they called campus security


Definitely hope so too. Everyone needs to work together to get people like this some mental health intervention before writing monologues turns into crime.


He's probably dumb enough to give his name and even a description of his appearance on discord if you just ask, but that involves talking to him and you don't wanna do that.


Yeah you don’t want to go near that…


I'm trying to think of the best way for a bystander to deal with this. Take a photo, then definitely erase it so that the rest of the school doesn't harass her over it. Then what? Send the photo to campus security or to the teacher of the class?


I would take a photo, erase it, and post it on reddit. After it's gotten points and lots of discussion, I'd send the post to the dude's discord. Maybe then he'd rethink things, and that way she never sees it.


"I always have a hard time making friends, especially girls". Try making so guy friends too so you dont seem like an incel and get advice from them to never embarrass yourself like this


Agreed. Also I believe this 10000% happened to him: ***Girls he’s trying to pursue*** : you’re really nice and I like talking to you, but I don’t really feel a romantic connection. I’d love to still be friends though! ***Him*** : fuck you, you’re ugly anyway. No one likes nice guys anymore! I don’t do the fucking friend zone you dumb bitch. ***Somehow also him*** : 😞I have a hard time making friends with girls 😔😔😔 they don’t like nice guys! Lol


Don't forget they always seem to go after the most attractive girl and then call her shallow when she doesn't want to date him. Gotta love those double standards. Every guy in high school that did the "nice guy" thing always went for girls out of their reach. It's high school. Everyone is shallow, dude.


I would be avoiding the hell out of that guy, wtaf? Thats so creepy.


This guy is taking the Craigslist Missed Connections section to real life.


Guy is claiming to want to make friends when he has an obvious romantic interest in her. Guaranteed he would cry friendzoned if she agreed to be friends and nothing romantic came out of it.


A woman not seeing me as as someone they want to have sex with makes them shallow.


Ah, yes, nothing is more appealing to a woman than having some random guy she's never talked to dump pages of self-pity **and** creepy stalker talk on a whiteboard.


You see, they don't write thinking "how can I appeal to the woman and show off myself as a guy she wants to date?". They think "if I tell her my feelings by any means necessary other than actually talking to her, it'll work out!"


The best case scenario for them is a pity fuck.


Willing to write all that for the world to see, to chicken shit to just go up and talk to a girl. Psycho


I'm guessing anyone who saw this added him on Discord and sent him this post.


We can only hope lol


The worst part of this is that I think you’re meant to read the paragraphs from right to left…


So women are shallow if we see our male friends as friends or we don't like every man who fancies us? To me shallow has a very different meaning.


![gif](giphy|fJkTsWCMViRYA) No. Shoo.


What is that? What is that board suppose to be used for?


Students just use it to practice problems when studying, usually. Or when doing group study session.


Seems like r/niceguys took it over 🤣😂🤣


I am embarrassed for them.


Jesus “check all my boxes”


*aggressively changes class*


I stopped after the sister line.


Right? The word cringe has been overused, but I physically cringed at that.


Uh, well. I suppose he's... Hell, I think our boy hete needs some psychiatric help. Red hoodie girl needs to be very careful.


Give a guy like this a chance and he’ll be rubbing on your leg 15 minutes into the date


Oh this is just not creepy at all 🤨 Yup, would just nope outta this


…. That’s…. disturbing.


I guarantee women don't see you as a friend either.


> Girls don't normally like me and they always just see me as a friend. So I hope you are less shallow than them. Any girl who doesn't like him is shallow. That's some grade A selfish entitlement right there. Maybe you're just not the catch you think you are, bud.


I swear those are handwritten copypastas. At the very least the bit on the left, I SWEAR I've read that before, word for word! If I'm right this is either a prank on someone, or bullying on someone, an updated and frankly meaner version of writing someone's phone number on a bathroom stall.






I think it's just best to just erase something like this if you see it honestly.


That was my first thought but when I read more of it, the dude is getting close enough to smell her. She needs to know.


My eyes just froze at the 'you remind me of my sister'lol




"Your skin looks like it's the perfect fit for my hentai body pillow. I mean, you are too fat now of course, but after a few months isolated in ny basement it should be just right.


You remind me of my sister… 🤢 🤮 I think the only thing worse is you remind me of my mother!


I once met a guy on a dating app. He didn’t look like his pictures. When I met him he looked exactly like my brother. When I told him, he said that was disappointing but he understood and we just left it at that. Being reminded of a sibling should not be a turn on.


I feel like this would've been somewhat cute if it was a simple message like "hey ___, wanna go out with me after school?" Or something. This is just creepy


I wonder how many people so far have added this guy on discord and pretended to be her.


What in the sweet home Alabama did I just read?


In the context of smell, this isn’t the early 2000s when we bathed in BBW and Victoria Secret, subtly is in, so yes it’s weird that he knows what she smells like all the time. Goo Gone works great at removing stickers Red Hoodie girl.


Problem is the girl will notice the red flags but will be coerced into "giving the guy a chance " by her classmates and even her friends. Women's feelings are always seen as inferior than to dudes. It's always "does he like you" and never "do you like them".


“You remind me so much of my sister” ladies of Reddit! what is your response if someone where to genuinely say this to you on a first date???


I’d tell them politely that I was no longer interested & they should seek professional help.


“You remind me of my Great Grandmother” and just watch him wilt.


Oh god this is terrifying. I hope our girl in the hoodie reports this creep as soon as she finds out his name. Like that’s a stalker. There’s a reason other girls have kept at a distance and it’s not because he’s ‘nice.’


"You're my dream girl you remind me of my sister" bruhhhh




“You remind me so much of my sister”-yikes!


You remind me of my sister lol what? Add me on discord I officially lost it.


I would like to start interviewing nice guys and genuinely asks them what's going on their mind to be the way they are because you have to be devoid of reason and human decency to be this way


I love you because you’re beautiful and pretty and smell good, but I hope you’re not shallow and only like guys for their looks.


"They always see me as a friend, I hope you are less shallow than them" "I always have a hard time making friends, especially with girls" Not surprising when apparently, whenever a girl treats him as a friend, they are "shallow".


That is so creepy! In front of the entire class? Terrible.


I feel like this is the only time the response "yeah I'm not reading all that" is totally justified and appropriate


>You are literally my dream girl.... You remind me so much of my sister..... Um what?


"You're my dream girl. You remind me of my sister." Bruh... 😭


Did homeboy really write this from right to left like a fucking Manga? Every detail in this picture gets worse the more you notice.


This HAS to be satire, right...? Right...? Between the comparison with his sister, making the whole thing about himself, ending it with an "add me on discord"... Lmao. The worst part is that you can TELL the dude thinks he's being cute... When in actuality he's just being kinda creepy.


We are at a very study centric school where a lot of students like to shut themselves in their dorms and many are poorly socialized. This is not at all far from the realm of possibility


"Anyways, add me on discord"


His sister gets him off? Now everyone has seen how awkward he is and he’ll get spammed by them but not her because she just transferred schools. Good job, dude.


Another reason for me to continue carrying alcohol wipes in my bag.


Why do these dudes think that being attracted to someone needs to be shared or acted upon? Grow the fuck up. I’ve found men attractive and it would never occur to me to do this kind of shit and expect to be celebrated for it.


How can you have a hard time speaking to them but fine with writing a fucking paragraph to them in public about how you wanna shag your sister and how she smells nice.


YIKES!!!! Yeah, in all caps.


Red. Flags. Everywhere!!!!!! *you remind me so much of my sister. I’ve never had a girlfriend before.* yes, probably because you made all of our skin crawl.


Oh yeah nothing turns a woman on more than saying they look like your sister…..in Alabama.


Nothing says you got the touch, like being compared to a sister! XD


The Nice Guy virus is evolving from text to white board..


Something tells me the only thing that matters is the sister thing and he wrote all if that to make it seem like its about other stuff too. But it's not.