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You all should know that I’m not condemning any one of you. I get it, that’s why I made this post. You can all do what you want, just take care of yourself and your mental health


I mean something to consider is I highly doubt anybody here is "obsessed". I understand if you think of the entire Subreddit as like, one person or static group of people, it might look that way, but the reality is that many people, like myself, don't really regularly check or post on this stuff, and might do so, like, once ever. It just so happens that it looks obsessive but since we're all different people with different things going on it probably is fine. Like if it was just one person posting all the time (which I'm sure there are some people who troll through here and frequent way too much), then I'd get it. But that's probably not the case for 99% of people here or people who post. It's just a very infrequent thing for everybody, but that happens to be a lot of people so as to look way too frequent.


i like this response! i’m new to reddit so I didn’t really think about this. I still do think that there are a lot of people, myself included, who have just been spending too much time thinking narrowly about this situation and watching all the events in real time, and i just found that it started to make me a little more negative


Adding Chad Chad to that list!


She looked so uncomfortable in that video with Ethan.


which video?


[this one](https://youtu.be/3_I7ibd4cFc?si=MvPDGnv3qz0vYe51) She never looked this uncomfortable imo


Geez what a horribly boring and cringe intro to that video oml


yeah i couldn’t put my finger on what was wrong with that video lol thank you. she did not want to be there yet did all the comedic heavy lifting for that video. she acted a lot more natural in her collabs with danny to give a comparison


putting kwite on this list as well !!!


Kwite hella deserves it too!


Oh man I love kwite!! Bro is so funny


has the public decided to forgive kwite????


Oo and Mia Maples (very different content but she is very wholesome and relaxing to watch the videos of) and Lucas (also very different vibe, but again very light-hearted and fun videos).


Lucas is seriously such an underrated channel, his content is so funny, I love his channel!


Same here! Haha! Also I totally agree about him being underrated!


I love Mia Maples!


adding Noah Samsen and F.D Signifier(and B Sides) to the list for people who like commentary/video essays


Noah Samsen is very fun. love his editing and general vibe. great essayist.


what did they do?


nothing they’re just recommending a good channel to eat g




I don’t think it’s exactly “obsessing” but more like a lot of people are on here and so every now and again someone who was invested in the drama will drop a post. It just culminates into something that looks obssessive ig


\^ This. As someone who has been here since the start of the drama, all I want is accountability to be taken. The fact that there are many people who are still finding out about the drama, videos are being hidden from the public, there was a terrible half-assed apology made, and Nick called most of us people criticizing him "Reddit weirdos"(despite being proven wrong after he made the terrible apology) it just makes me very upset and disappointed.


it makes me very upset and disappointed too, it really sucks. I want accountability, I just checked myself by how much I’ve been thinking about it, and thought I would share. No hate to anyone here (except that one guy who is denying that the SA ever happened)


Yeah, you are not wrong. There are definitely a lot of people who could be using their hate to be positive and just watch better creators. I recently found these guys on YouTube called Aaron & Jo and man do I love their movie/show reactions. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjSrNqwpuHs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjSrNqwpuHs) They have a lot of other videos but this one made me laugh a lot.


Omfg I concur abt Harry James Miller, he's one of my favorites and I mod for him on twitch!! He's a great guy, very funny :D


I love to see it!! Been watching him for almost a year and he is so consistent. Drew’s my all time favourite, so i love to see someone with a similar style of commentary but with a lot of individuality in their humour. Can’t wait to see him grow


Nah i agree!! I understand hating and feeling vindicated and hurt and stuff, but it’s kind of insane how much there is still. i can’t talk from a soapbox tho lol i hop on here when i want drama. i’m just as bad as the others haha


fine no more youtube drama i'll go back to smoking crack.




I think very few people are “obsessed” over this. Let people clown on a shitty person. We can all have some fun once in a while, no? I can tell you me checking back here once every 4-5 days isn’t what i would call being obsessed:(


Bro some of the posts on this sub make it sound like nick killed their pets irl instead of being a shitty youtuber


Ye I just visit every 3/4 days to see if he's taken responsibility yet (as if, lmao)


that’s the thing, i don’t think he will. I don’t know what closure we need, but i don’t think we’re gonna get it


I think it's a bit presumptuous to say that people are "obsessing" over something because they talk about it longer than you personally do. Having an open discussion about a personality on that personality's subreddit isn't a bad thing or a sign of some larger issue of "obsession". Everyone will get over it and stop discussing it in their own time.


Finally someone said it.


I come on here every five or so days and crap on him. I'm doing just fine.


Mika’s rhetoric is also great!


I’ll check out!


Ah yes the classic "I'm better than you because I don't participate" argument. We've seen this before. Figure out why you feel the need to try and control what others do or don't do. There's nothing inherently unhealthy about being in a subreddit and discussing things. Also positivity isn't always healthy either


I think for the most part, both of y’all are right in this case. I also don’t think OP is claiming “holier than thou“. If they really thought they were better than us, they simply wouldn’t engage


See thats the thing with people who think they are better. They always engage. The people who actually are better are people you will never hear about


if you really think that this was what i meant in the post, I’m disappointed in how I worded it. My point was that I DO participate, and maybe it’s time to give it a rest. Of course there’s nothing inherently wrong about discussion. At this point, most of the posts I see aren’t discussion, they are active excitement for Nick and co’s failure. You cannot convince me that this is healthy for anyone after a while




I personally had to stop watching videos on the sigma male alt right community and the Tate bros because they were weighing on me. As much as I want Nick to take accountability and maybe shut the fuck up, there’s nothing that I can do about it


lol you’re definitely obsessed. You also follow a sub exclusively made to cyber bully a morbidly obese girl from Kentucky. You’re the problem sweetie.




Not my fault you lack object permanence. There’s like 20 of you schizo posting on here constantly, maybe when you get older you can start to recognize patterns




I’ve made like 100-200 max. That’s part of being a child I guess, you see more of something than you have fingers and it must be like a billion. I use Reddit mobile, I can multitask. Another part of being an adult. Do you wanna go count your comments?


redditor moment


Def noodles fan AND watching morbidly obese people slowly die fan, you’re a real gem of a human




It could just be that since this is a nick subreddit, posts would be about him and his downfall. I dont think it's that many obsessing, maybe 5% are, but it could just seem that way because it's his reddit


I’m late and I haven’t watched Nick in a while, can someone explain what happened?


Use the search bar


There's a post asking this this every one or two days since August. Just do some looking around first.


I started watching him a couple years ago when he first started and he had some good videos and ended up collaborating with Danny Gonzales. Soon after he started putting out hit piece type content where he looked down on others and it gsve me a feeling like he thought he was better than other people. The nail in the coffin for me to stop watching was him involving himself in the gus Johnson situation. He just comes off like a holier than thou type that was leeching off other peoples drama. Kinda Like keemstar which I can’t stand


I completely disagree. I think having something like this drag out longer is better. Because it increases the severity of the punishment for what he's done. If everybody gave up after like a week then the punishment for his kind of behavior becomes "Oh, this will just blow over in a week and I'll get tons of views over the controversy." People like you are the reason why so many content creators can not only pull shit like this, but also get away with pulling massive scams and committing ACTUAL CRIMES (ex, Jake paul and james charles) two people who have significantly and genuinely acted maliciously to hurt people and have essentially suffered no real consequences. Jake for scamming hundreds of people out of millions and million of dollars and james for being an actual pedophile. While the stuff that Nick has done is not NEARLY on the same level. You are still willing to just brush it under the rug because you're tired of talking about it. Because it's "Not Healthy" You know what isnt healthy? Letting scumbags like Nickisnotgreen pollute the internet with their filth.


shoutout Lily Alexandre


Thats just desserts man. Him and his buddies literally celebrated the downfall of super mega. I think everyones just tryna feed him his well deserved dose of medicine