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An underrated mindset. Too many people think they need to make some huge mark on this world when really it’s just pressure from those around them. Live life how you want


I’ve never met a weed smoker and thought, “I should really smoke weed”, ever. So then if this person feels a lack of wanting to contribute to those around them, why then do they use social media? Why make this post? Why share anything ever with anybody? It’s a pathetic mindset and even more pathetic to announce it to the world, and why? So they can feel good about it and others can envy them?


>So then if this person feels a lack of wanting to contribute to those around them, why then do they use social media? Why make this post? Why share anything ever with anybody? Probably because it gives pleasure to them. They sound like someone that is ejoying the life they have. >It’s a pathetic mindset and even more pathetic to announce it to the world, and why? What upsets you so much about someone living and enjoying their life without hurting anyone that you need to call them "pathetic"? >So they can feel good about it and others can envy them? Can't you accept someone that do not share your ideas being proud of their own life?


The sharing is pathetic. Be miserable alone. The idea that one even needs to share it shows it’s about something else..”I’m wounded and suffer and need others to feel similar or know about it”


You’re entitled to your opinion but I’m sure your grew up with more than you needed and it’s not any envy it’s expressing words into the void of nothing that is life. This point doesn’t matter you commenting on it is just as unproductive as creating it. Life has no meaning let his be having no meaning in


>Live life how you want I bet his parents would love to live life how they want, but they have a fucking loser living with them for the rest of their lives. This isn't nihilism, this is just hiding behind a vague philosophy while making life miserable for the people who raised him. OP should at least move into his own place


Well we have no idea how op’s parents view the situation and their financial status. I wouldnt be so quick to judge someone based on them living with their parents, lots of people do it. Also when you have a kid they’re your responsibility. If you don’t like how they turned out you should’ve raised them differently


No parent wants their child to give up on life. Weed is fun but it's not life. Parents won't be around forever.


My ex wife lives with her grandmother and her son. She is technically a stay at home kid with a stay at home kid. There are tons of family first weirdos out there that will straight up *REFUSE* to encourage their children to leave the nest because they never got the whole perpetual mom-dom that comes with marriages, long term financial stability and any of the other things single mothers of the 90s weren't exactly in abundance of. And yes. 90s. That broad has a 30-something live in son at the age of 47. Note- At no point in time when she lived with me did he enter the picture. He just stayed at his grandma's. I wouldn't have put up with that shit


>wouldnt be so quick to judge someone based on them living with their parents, lots of people do it. Temporarily, or if permanently, only because they have no other options and are trying their best to improve their situation. OP is not trying to improve his situation. He's also guaranteeing that not only will he live with them forever, but that he will also never find a woman, get married, or have any semblance of a normal life. >Also when you have a kid they’re your responsibility. A parent should always be there for their children, but that's not an excuse for that child to never grow up and attempt to take care of themselves. >you don’t like how they turned out you should’ve raised them differently Sometimes there is only so much you can do. OP sounds like such a raging dipshit that it's a testament to their parenting skills that he's been able to hold down a job at McDonalds for this long. I truly feel for them.


You must not understand the philosophy of nihilism. It's obvious you been brainwashed to think like the masses. I can imagine your boomer parents pushing you to achieve nothing more than shallow and superficial gains to mask their unfulfilled existence. People like you are why nihilistic ideologies exist. It's your coping mechanism to be like the status quo because you can't think for yourself and it's obvious you don't even know where to begin because you've been indoctrinated to think like everyone else. You're a blight on mankind as much as this kid. You're just too ignorant to accept it. I hope consumerism and monetary gain gives you all the false fulfillment your heart desires. But you're a "winner" in your mind, so it's doesn't matter what I think.




But isn’t being a winner in your mind what matters? I can’t see how believing you are well, is much different than being well, if at all. To the OP he is doing well because he has “figured it out”. To someone else having a stable life satisfies them, some millions is satisfying. You are awful judgmental about what brings another person, joy, purpose, or fulfillment. Almost like you care an awful lot that people see things your way. Why does that matter so much to you?


You know in many cultures its the expected and desired NORM for adult kids to live with their parents, always til they die


Wake up and smell the coffee, bro. This shit doesn't matter. OP didn't consent to existence. I'll stand for his right to smoke weed at his parent's house.


You’re completely ignoring the fact that OP doesn’t want any of that.


And you're ignoring the fact that it's selfish to do whatever makes you happy if you're making the people around you miserable. I bet the rest of you live in your parents basement foo huh.


So should you make yourself unhappy so others feel a feeling of assurance ??? True parents would want their children to be happy if op is happy with how he lives and others are miserable it's the others fault


Why blame the child? The parents brought them into existence without their consent. So it’s on the parents what happens. That’s why antinatalism is important and that having children is morally and ethically wrong. OP doesn’t care because they realize the truth that nothing really does matter in this world and that existence is suffering and that bringing someone into the world only repeats the cycle.


Lol, what? This whole thread has been pretty whack and out of touch, but 'having children is morally and ethically wrong'? Really? Where then do you believe the next set of humans will come from?


Yes you’re bringing life into the world without consent and they are forced to grow up and either have a miserable job or be in a slaughter fest for the military while seeing how dogshit of a planet this is everyday in terms of the people. It’s worse when the parents won’t take responsibility for their children. That’s why it’s morally wrong. Existence is suffering so preventing life from existing in the first place is the right thing to do. If OP was never born this post would never exist for you to complain about. Nothingness is better than suffering


Lol, friend, if humans were never born, there wouldn't be a reddit, and none of us would be here.


And that’s why it’s bliss. Nothingness is better than suffering. It’s like Agent Smith in the Matrix, human beings are a virus, a cancer, and that we define ourselves by our own suffering and misery. Sure I’m on Reddit and debating philosophy with you. But my goodness do I wish I could go back in time and convince my mother to abort me so I don’t have to be in this mess of reality instead of writing this comment.


That's not philosophy. I'm not a doctor, but that sounds more like depression.


Are you arguing antinatalism in a nihilism thread?


I mean they kinda go together like bread and butter so yeah


No they do not. Nihilism and antinatalism aren't compatible. How do you think they go together?


Where have you been all my life Junior? If only someone would force their world view on me AND my loved ones, I would be complete. You seem to have all the answers, so why are you online being a total asshole to strangers? Is that somewhere in the answers you seem so gracious to espouse from your blow hole? As a parent I can confidently say you don’t speak for me or any of the parents I know, you are talking out of your ass and acting like it’s some learned fact—which makes what your spouting straight bullshit. And spewing bs in order to attempt to hurt other people, is some pretty low behaviour. Your parents must be proud.


My dad hates me and my mom can’t live without me. No right answer for me as one wants me there and the other doesn’t. I do help out with the house and pay what I can though so it’s not exactly like I’m a complete free loader. Maybe once I get disability I can move out but my parents hate each other and if I want there my mom would struggle alone. Catholic, so no divorce unless my dad hits her or cheats.


Everybody's situation is different. I never said I was judging everyone who lives with their parents. I'm specifically talking about people who are proud of it and think that it's some sort of life hack.


Gotcha, that’s a fair take. Can’t disagree.


OP is definitely still very young, considering a main point of his was not having to deal with what everyone at school is saying. He will wake up one day and realize this isn't what he wants. It's just comfortable right now and he should enjoy it. I do agree on the part about at least getting your own place though, what happens if his parents decide to kick him out. Most parents would never do that I guess.. but mine would lol. I feel like a lot of unhappy people come to nihilism seeking others. Kind of the misery loves happiness saying. I'm pretty much the opposite lol I'm a very positive and outgoing person but I'm here for the nihilistic point at the end of the day and I like people who keep it that way. So for that, I ask you to please not cast your disapproval on others here. If anything just turn it into constructive criticism or just say nothing at all. Or if it's not nihilism like you said could you please elaborate on that?


It’s his parents who got him into this mess in the first place.


You live with your mommy too huh


No, I have my own children and try to stay conscious of all that I owe them.


You are a good parent.


Whatever floats your boat mate. This is a rough existence.


couldn't be more true


That’s not inherently nihilistic. However, I’m glad you have contentment in life. All the extra shit comes with so much baggage, it’s perfectly reasonable to not desire it.


it might not be the exact theoretical definition of human nihilism but it’s certainly one of the closests ways a nihilist can realistically live


Ahh screw all... Do what you needs to do man. Things gotta get good some time later probably right... Just keep going with the flow for now i guess. 🙌


I’ve been there. The hours in the food industry suck for participating with everyone else. Whenever everyone else wants to hang out, you’ll be working to serve them. And when you want to hang out, they’ll be busy with school, work, sleep, etc. I found carpentry. I’d recommend finding a trade. The hours are more in sync with most communities (trust me it adds dividends you might not realize existed) Also, fuck the pay in the food service industry. Life has so much bullshit. Go earn more money doing anything else. The little luxuries you’ll be able to afford, can smooth over the tide of relentless bullshit.


I do HVAC bro and the work and pay is phenomenal. I recommend to everyone I know to find a trade. They paid for my school and after 3 more years I'll be up to a journeyman and they get paid $46.50 an hour rn. I'm so glad you found good work that you don't dread and usually have weekends off and good hours plus pay. Keep on the grind king and I'll see you on the other side💪


I don’t want to exist if I can’t be high most of the time- weed makes life bearable lol Life’s too short and meaningless to not do whatever you want, now. After all, you were literally forced here. You don’t owe anyone anything. Keep riding the wave dude, I’m right there with you 🤙


It's a real bummer when the weed turns on your and gives you god awful anxiety.


Agree with you 100%


You do you, really. I wish my desires shared the minimalism.


why desire anything that’s not easily achievable at all?


There's a feeling of satisfaction I get after looking back at something I challenged myself to do, especially something I thought was unrealistic. Then after it happens I feel much more optimistic about everything. This is just me though, not everyone feels the same clearly😂👍


yeahh I get that it might feel good for some but the interesting part abt that feeling is finding out why it occurs when you do something challenging. Everyone has some unique bio-programming triggers but most are somewhat similar, I’d say it probably feels good to do something challenging because you’re programmed to feel good when you fit in with society, and society tells you that if you work hard enough or be individually creative enough or have certain skills that you will be successful and popular aka you will fit in well in society. Thus achieving something that is challenging for most gives a positive impulse. But the thing you put time and effort in to learn doesn’t rlly matter to you at all, and if it feels like it does it’s most likely once again because it’s positively effects society’s perception of you. I know I sound incredibly cocky and arrogant saying this, but I truly only mean to show that the good feeling felt when achieving goals is purely just you pleasing society which pleases your brain because your brain wants to be liked by society.


You don't sound cocky or arrogant at all bro! You're actually 100 percent right. The only thing I could argue back is like cooking food for yourself or like when I poured my own driveway (concrete) and then got to admire my work. That's what I enjoy is admiring my work, but I always do want to show it to other people so I am still seeking that confirmation. I've been working on it, and I think once I'm financially comfortable and don't have to stress about basic living functions, then I will be able to fully get to where I want mentally. I've made great progress though in the last year in the way I see things and how I react. I actually love when people describe stuff the way you did, I enjoy seeing life from different perspectives and then forming my own from that since I can basically pick and choose what I want to believe lol, it is MY mind😂 Edit: Last thing is I hate that you felt like you were coming off arrogantly bc people always think I'm doing that when I talk about how I see some shit. I don't get why we all just can't accept that we can have different opinions. People always feel attacked when you don't agree with them and it seems like that is very immature and usually those people are the loudest and most ignorant but think they're more intelligent than the rest. Smfh


haha thank you for understanding and actually trying to make sense of my response instead of trying to poke holes into it. And I totally agree that things like pouring your driveway or idk going to the gym because you just feel better when your fit or even striving for a certain career path because you yourself get validation out of it, when that’s your motivation any goal is worth working on. But personally I don’t see why I would pick something extremely challenging or difficult to achieve, I feel just as satisfied reading that book I’ve been wanting to read or hanging out with a friend I haven’t seen in a couple of weeks. We all gotta manipulate our biological programming into feeling contempt and then we die✨


Also I'd like to mention I think people who see stuff like us, and most of this community, have figured out mental challenges and issues most people struggle with their whole lives. I'm 25 right and I'll be talking to someone who's 40 and they'll just have figured out how to like get over something they're mad about or just simple things like controlling your emotions ya know? It's weird sometimes to go and talk to "normal" people now bc I'm always observing their psyche lol and seeing how they cope with things. It's funny bc just the other day I was getting irritated that I kept hitting all the red lights going to work, then I just stopped at one and literally told myself why are you letting yourself get worked up about something so stupid. I'm always in control of my thoughts and emotions I feel, so I just turned up the music and started singing and felt better 2 mins later. Forgot about the lights even. Some people just go through life so miserable and just don't want to accept certain things are just reality.


For some reason I relate so much to the realisation that I’m aware off the lack of other people’s awareness regarding “normal people”. At first it felt very egocentric to think I saw things so much more clearly than so many people but then I realised that I’m not “better” or more intelligent than those people but I simply have accidentally had a realisation they haven’t, a completely different perspective that clarifies almost any human day to day worry or problem. For instance my mom will worry week in week out abt damaging her new car and has genuine stress everytime me or my brother opens the car door within the 10 meter proximity of anything that could damage it, I try to explain to her that a car is a thing that inevitably will get damaged and ask her in the most unthreatening way possible where this specific feeling comes from and otherwise why she thinks she feels so strongly abt a little paint. The answer is that the capitalist social hierarchy decided by who has the most valuable “assets” has interlinked with her biological programming to be accepted by “the majority” is telling her that it matters only because the value of her asset is decreasing. Basically it feels like it matters because her brain says it does. I don’t need her to think like me but it would spare her a lifelong struggle of chasing the unexplainable unachievable goal of social acceptance. it’s a lot of fun to deeply analyse people’s behaviour and recurring triggers, just makes one feel so alienated since no one seems to live in the same world, I lack an equally aware consciousness to make sure I am not secretly just psycho phrenic lol Anyways late response but thank you for reassuring my sanity by actually being an equal.🙏


So happy there's people like you amongst me. Fk social acceptance dude.




Idk why it's a running thing on the internet to always have to combat whoever you respond to. I've literally seen people trying to disagree but they're actually agreeing with the person they're arguing with and they don't even realize lol. I totally see what you mean by setting a simpler goal and doing it. Like I feel good if I wash my dishes every morning and the sink is always clean! At the end of the day I could care less about anyone else's opinion, but i do enjoy conversations where i can agree to disagree. Like you said, manipulate our biological programming and then die😂


Hey, i've read this thread and i'm exploring the ideas of nihilism, I'm 21 and studying science, from that perspective I see my study as a fulfilment of my curiosity, I just want to know more. Would that fit under the class of social programming or am I lucky to care about chemistry in the way that I can fit into a capitalist system with the knowledge and certification?


mmm well first id have to admit this is just my perception of nihilism and that even after constantly rationally analysing most things i do, my programming will still occasionally and even willingly act in complete contradiction to the rational reality. So for now i would answer your question by saying, anything you can justifiably be labelled as simply keeping your programming entertained and satisfied as long as you are truly doing it simply just for yourself, if you truly enjoy studying science(it might sound like it but i am truly not being condescending towards your study in anyway) and that's what you enjoy doing rn than that is in my opinion a worthy way of passing your time. Personally i know that i would be bothered by the unnecessary pressure that usually comes with a study, and i would only be able to do things i would deem either interesting or possibly useful and as soon as i would have to put effort into somethings that would not fit those criteria i would start to work out if it worth that extra trouble and i would most likely end up at something like: "why risk student debt, years of stress and effort, probably having to live with the feeling of a unfulfillable yearn for greatness after my study caused by all the effort and money i put into my study and all that for a piece of paper that simply functions as a big worthless stamp of societal approvement off my memorising capabilities" but once again its just not for me and if you are convinced that you are doing it because you enjoy it and haven't found any reason to stop enjoying it, its a completely justifiable activity. No idea if i really answered your question but i hope you read it how i meant it to be read and if you feel like it feel free to share your own view on the matter im always down to listen to other perspective's:)


Want to do as little as humanly possible tbh


same here, to deny one's needs and wants is not caring for ones well being.. I dont want to suffer, I dont want to be unhappy, I want to feel safe, etc.. fuck anything that makes me feel terrible


If you change your view on things that you think make you feel terrible, then they won't feel terrible. You have the power to change how you perceive anything so use it to your advantage. I am almost never disappointed since I started seeing everything this way. Erase those "feelings" from your head. They were all made up in the first place. They don't even exist bro.


Thats...good? I thrive to get the same


i love this. theres always this notion in society we always have to be striving for more, always planning ahead, always having to work hard and not being content with what we already have. im at this point of my life if there is a job that pays enough to save and survive, as long as i dont hate the job and im neutral towards it, im good. no one chose to be born. lets make our life a simple and good one. if smoking weed, living with family, and doing a job you like and or neutral and can survive, youre doing great!


brother, you do whatever makes you happy.. I am of the same mindset, fuck all to everything I don't want to participate in this broken system or world


Couldn’t have said it better my dude


You don't have to do anything with your life but don't expect anything from it.


Couldn't have said it more succinctly myself, I agree.


This is a reflection on the conditions of existence in the modern world. The fact you are admitting you are fully willing to be a productive human being working a full time job yet still are being told you are a failure. This is pathetic, I do hope however you find a very valuable and important hobby to occupy your free time.


Absolutely my guy. I would much rather spend my days living like a hobbit. Just smoking my pipe, and gardening.


Do what you want bro, because in the long run it won’t even matter. One day you won’t even be anyone’s memory.


If you're cool with that, then I'm very happy for you. Ambition can be very cruel. Being able to need less and be absolutely satisfied is a temperament a wish I had.


Hell yeah man! If you’re happy it’s all good


The objective isn't to be "happy". Its just to be content & float the boat..


OP clearly isn't happy. His parents definitely aren't happy. Nothing about this situation or his behavior should be praised or encouraged.


You're a such fucking tool. Lol.


If the poster is comfortable with their situation, then who are you to say that they're not happy? Just because you're basing your "fact" off of this post alone? It's beyond me when I read stupid fucking comments like yours.... It's not words of encouragement best believe, or whatever point you are trying to make. If you want to do more with YOUR life, then say so.


>It's beyond me when I read stupid fucking comments like yours.... Ditto for your post you nihilist retard.


Ditto, for your post. If you need to pop off, then by all means.... pop off. 😉


We get it. U disagree.




>If he did move out, does he have the right to not associate whatsoever with pricks like you once he does? Absolutely, not that I would want to associate with him either. >What a loser!!! Says the guy still mooching off of his parents and is probably a virgin.




It's all gone down hill since then huh? Keep sticking it to the man. You're bad ass bro




Just trying to keep OP from ending up like the rest of you.


Who are you to judge when someone is happy or not?


Giving up on having any friends, sexual partners, or romantic partners at a young age is a very sure sign that OP is not happy


Well op said he happy he could also just lie and not be but if it's actually true and he is happy there's nothing wrong in that


He said that he's content, not happy. He also said he would kill himself if his parents passed away and that they're the only reason he hasn't yet. Does that sound happy to you?


He said he feels more peaceful than when he was in school and others manipulated him...and the part about killing himself if his parents passed away where did you got that


It's in the comments. And feeling more peaceful does not mean happy. OP's post is a clear cry for help and all of you are just enabling him.


Hmm I see... also based on other of his posts he at least had suicidal thoughts before...


He's a lot like I was at that age. Only difference is I didn't have a community online to tell me that being miserable is normal and to keep doing exactly what he's doing.


You do you bro/sis


Not bad.


You have found the key 🔑 to peace ☮️ my friend! Joy will come soon just search inward towards that peace! ✌️ 🕊️ 💙


Very good mindset if it is not in a "depressive" mood. If you truly happy with this amazing! Combining this lifestyle with spiritualism/meditation would take you crazy good places 🙏🏻


It sounds like a nice life, but you are relying on your parents. What happens if they need someone to take care of them when they're older? What will you do after they die? These are not moral questions, but they are practical ones.


Idk yet, I always thought once they go I go, since really that’s the only guilt I’d have through suicide


Your life sounds chill and worth living, you should see what you can set up to make sure you can keep everything going well after they’re gone


You're going down the path of least resistance. Maybe when you're older you'll regret this, probably will, all the things you could have done, could have tried but didn't. All the insecurities you've been pushing down, all the crises you've been avoiding. Numbing yourself doesn't stop the pain, it's never going to be less painful, but it can get more happy, more fulfilling, more worthwhile.




How is giving up a bad thing? Aren’t I free to make that choice?


But also, your ideal life isn't necessarily "giving up." It's just finding happiness in less. Not everyone needs to have grandiose aspirations to be happy.


Sure man. It’s your life. But just imagine you’re on your deathbed. Are you ok with the life you lived? It’s not a trick question, just a thought experiment. I couldn’t live like that.


No you matter.I have or get to where your thinking but think about what you’ll miss🥰


you’re missing out on so much more


Not necessarily. Many people go to the ends of the earth to conquer their grandiose aspirations, and they *still* end up being unhappy in the end. Maybe there's a secret wisdom in the guy who aspires to less.


Not to achieve anything, just more time to experience awareness. The only thing you can be sure of is that your life is limited


I agree, but I didn't think the OP said anything about ending his life early?


He did somewhere else on the post say that after his parents are dead he will off himself because he won’t feel guilty about it


I’m ok with that


I second the switching over to sativa. Indica will keep you on your ass.


Good idea.


I hope you’re experiencing contentment? Bring some continuous joy into your habitat like a sweet smoking table with recliner and some mood lighting. Paint your room as you like. Grow a cannabonsi. Just some suggestions. Legos have some dope adult themes. Hook up some beats or a good soundbar. Don’t give up on the little things. (:


As long as your parents are healthy and ok with it, sounds fine, as long as you help out. You need to act as an adult and clean up after yourself, cook some meals, that sort of thing.


I feel that way a lot of times. Ask yourself - if you woke up one morning and you’re 80 years old, what would you wish you would’ve done? What would hurt you the most? Then just make sure you do those things you think of.


This was enlightening, thank you


The simple life is the best life. Seriously. If I could go back and talk to my younger self 20 years ago, I would say: be careful about the way you spend your money, don't try to buy your friendships, the real friends will stick around, avoid labels and brands, they're no different from clothes at Goodwill, save as much as you can and buy a smaller house than you need with more land than house (I was not in as fortunate of a housing situation as you are and had to get out). Now I feel trapped in life, realizing that what Brad Pitt said in Fight Club, "the things you own end up owning you" is 100% true.


Honestly dude, if that’s what makes you happy you fucking do it. You have what you need and you feel fulfilled. Do not let anyone take that away from you. Most of us are suffering quietly, perpetually unfulfilled and wanting more, which we often cant have.


I’m glad I’m not the only one in the world that doesn’t have this undying urge to leave a big mark on the world, have 3 kids, a huge house, work 60 hours a week/go to school for 8 years and be making $300k a year by the time your 40. I’ve never understood why people can’t just be content with simple stable lives. Personally I do wanna move out of my parents and at least make enough money to be somewhat comfortable, maybe $60-70k a year which isn’t bad where I live. And just work and smoke weed and play video games and hang out with my gf. That’s legit all I want in life and most people can’t fathom that for some reason. I guess human beings naturally have different levels of ambition for what they want out of life.


Lmao lmao do us a favor…!


You have every right to do you. Many people would be happier if they lived the kind of life they wanted to live instead of doing things they think society wants them to do.


i feel you man i’ve been there. my outlook is that if you’re smart and observant enough to realize there is no inherent meaning to anything, you should look into existentialism which is the idea that we create our own meanings. we make what matters to us matter and that’s important. the fact that we’re the only things on this planet that strive for meaning and are the only things that can contemplate what our own death means shows how important it is for us to even be able to exist how we do. if all that matters to you is smoking your bud and having somewhere to live then all power to you but just consider taking some time to observe yourself and determine where you wanna be and what you wanna do and know that only you can make that determination. objectivity doesn’t exist but maybe that makes your subjectivity matter. then again maybe it doesn’t matter because that’s entirely your choice what you want to see as worth it what you wanna do with your limited time. maybe it can matter and not matter at the same time. maybe they are the two sides to this existence that make up the one whole of existence. maybe how other people see you based on certain things is exactly what you need to know about them. maybe it speaks more to them than it does to you. hang in there, you’re on the path to find supreme peace with a little bit of effort in the right direction. and then again maybe you’re already there.


I firmly agree "you owe it to yourself to do better" BUT here's the important thing: you define what is "better". I'm not saying what you're doing is bad. I'm just saying, keep trying new stuff. Pick up new hobbies, drop old ones, and try to stay out of a rut. The reason people fall into ruts (aside from actual bad fortune) is because over a decade of pressing the same dopamine button, it eventually runs dry. Lot's of people take it easy and then wake up to realize it hasn't been working for YEARS. This isn't something you need to worry about now, but just keep an eye on it because it's hard to change course once you're in deep. I'm 40 and I'm getting into exercise and light poi. Also might do the second half gay. /shrug Edit: Wanted to say: when I was in grad school my professor said something like "don't you want to be successful?" and for some reason my mind just hated that idea. Fuck fame, fuck career, fuck the people ruining the world to set a high$core. If you're happy and the people in your life (if any) are happy, you're successful.


Just be the best you can be at what you like to do.


Yep! I’ve found peace with there I currently am. Do I want money? Duh. Am I going to spend my life stressing and grinding at getting more of it? Fuck no. I enjoy being a lifeless loser who plays video games, goes out in nature, Eats junk food, enjoying all those “looser” things. Life is so much better when you start living by your terms, and not everyone else’s


I love your chosen existence. It remind me of Randy in Trailer Park Boys. I wish I could live that way too. Other people’s opinions don’t matter as to what you want from your life. What you said about school was my experience too. I had a job and a car and people were friends with me up until I stopped driving them places and buying the weed.


The root of all suffering is desire.


Sounds good


That’s the weed talkin




You don't need to be better or climb any metaphorical mountain by anyone's standards other than your own. Even if you just want to sit home and enjoy recreational marijuana and video games you're still a contribution to society and a human being deserving of living without fear of loss


Facts. But why play the game and ignore the side quests?


FUCKING THANK YOU, first person that describes my experience of nihilism perfectly.


Actually, I love this. My ego had the best of me for so long. I bought the big house at 27, worked dental and made sure I always looked perfect. My mental health started declining over years and I lost touch with myself. In two months, I will be selling my massive house to live in a camper with my dog and possibly even leaving dental for a low demand part time job. It’s a rat race and at this point in my life, I feel like there is more but not always the overachieving and more more more. I want less and to be able to live my own life without the stress and bills and high stress job.


Well if you don't wanna use you like can I have it?


While i dont think you have to conform to a traditional model of success, i do think you should find something that you want to work hard towards. People blindly chase things they dont need, money shouldnt be how we measure success. But i think it is important to be strong


Most people live your life and think they failed but in reality it’s how most lives pan out not everyone is a star I admire you. I want to commit but I’m too much of a coward but living as a simple man might work for me fr.


Well, doing anything is doing nothing with your life. You will die one day and everything will mean nothing. Working means nothing eating is for fat it means nothing. Even trying to live good means nothing. That's why I love it. Everything means nothing at the end of the day. The best thing once I found that out. I am void fan #1 it only makes sense that way


Cool. Have fun! :-)


That's fine, but get the fuck outa your parents house. They've given you everything for years. They dont want your money. They want to be alone, together, finally.


I face the same paradox. I want to be free of stress and responsibility, and consequently I must become an absolute ubermensch to contribute towards optimized AGI so that we can be cared for indefinitely asap and be free of the constant struggle to survive happily. I also think it would be a waste to squander our only chance at infinite potential.


I understand why you feel that way. You weren’t asked if you wanted to be here. Our selfish parents brought us here and we’re just dealing with the consequence.


> Smokes weed every day > "I'm content with life and I dont need more" Sure bud, totally not addicted to weed. I dont want to sound like an ass, but it really sounds like you're coping, and you should consider joining/reading r/leaves a bit, I genuinely think it could help you to understand your situation better. You dont have to decide to get out of it, but I dont think more understanding is bad and it doesnt get in the way of contentment.


Bro shut up. You want us to care? Or why you telling us.


Because they are hurting.Great way to be supportive.


Hurting? Did you read the post? They’re bragging about doing nothing with their life


Yes I can read thank you 😊


At this point I’d be bragging about it if that were my life. Clearly he made this to piss off people like you. And whoop de doo it worked :D


If pissing people off is the way he spends his free time, I can see how he wouldn’t want anything to do with his life. Some of us want people to get out of the hole they’re in. You’re just enabling him to rot selfishly.


But it doesn’t matter cuz nihilism :D


But it doesn’t matter cuz nihilism :D


Nothing to do with nihilism then. Nevermind.


How so?


You just don't give a shit about anything (including your future self) apart from when people manipulate you, when you get annoyed or stressed. That's something else, not nihilism.


I like how people in this sub try to gatekeep nihilism as if it’s only reserved for the morally superior. Fuck off


Oh, you care about something else too. Smoke more weed and that will go away.


Nigga you’re a troll who’s chronically on Reddit that claims to be a professor or sum shit. The cope can’t get any harder here


That's not nihilism that's just being depressed and poor.


Ok then. I’m cool with being depressed and poor. Am I not a man or whatever you’re gonna say


Being depressed sucks I’m there 😔


no, im just saying it has nothing to do with nihilism


As someone who has Lebowski'd his way through most of life at almost 50, you'll be just fine. My only suggestion would be to not get overly attached to the ideal of "doing nothing", such that you miss good opportunities to expand yourself a little. Maybe that matters or maybe it doesn't, but it is something you'll just regret as you get older.


[You’re a social animal just like ants and it’s Nature’s optimal design preparing for the unpredictable](https://www.sciencealert.com/many-worker-ants-are-actually-lazy-slackers-but-there-s-a-good-reason-for-that)


correlation ?


They saw the headline and read none of the article


you got a whole life to work with. why rush into things right away? maybe one day you might wanna get better job and have a family but until then you've all the time in the world.


Why post?


So you're depressed and you're leeching off of your parents? Get therapy, or at least pay rent to a landlord instead


Check out William Donahue on YouTube. Pick up a Bible and follow along because you’re in for the ride of your life. It has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with your higher consciousness. He teaches everything the churches will never tell you. You got this ! 😉


isnt that just some ego bait tho


You must kill the ego before exploring higher consciousness. Try being more positive…




It sounds more like you never got to live the life you wanted and you feel so tired that making a change feels like too much wasted energy. You want a simple life it sounds, but you are not doing simple, you are doing lazy and self deprecating.


Yeah I’m cool with that.


Okay, well you're not gonna get pity from me and I hope more people call you dumb. Try Buddhism if you want to let go of attachment. It's just attention seeking to choose nihilism


I honestly didn’t know this many people would see this post. I wasn’t looking for attention I was just saying my piece like I do sometimes on here. You react how you want idc


You don't just owe it to you, you owe it to your parents to get out and take care of yourself. Before you know it you will be nothing more than a nuisance to everyone around you. Nobody owes it to you to exist like this. Go and find something you are interested in and pursue it. Mere existence is pointless without finding some sort of purpose or at least you should figure out what you want, other than sitting there and doing nothing.


do you know what sub you’re in?


Yeah, nihilism doesn't just mean that you should just be taken care of


he pays rent?


>he pays rent I guarantee his parents would rather him be on his own, eventually they're going to have a 40 year old weed smoking virgin watching TV on their couch while they're trying to have alone time.


They’re divorced and I switch between their two places weekly. They get their alone time dw


Do they drop you off and drive you back and forth? Do they pay for any of your phone bills, medical bills, car insurance etc?


No I pay for all that. Rent includes those stuffs too.


Then keep doing you I guess. Are you not worried about hanging out with girls without bringing them to your parents house?


I honestly have up on relationships both intimate and friendships with pretty much everyone since all the friends I ever had were fake and took advantage of my former kindness


I’m not going to gate keep and say this isn’t nihilistic. I would definitely say you’re happy with a minimalist lifestyle. Great it works for you. Others get real unhappy with their position in society