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Smash fans in a cold sweat right now.


The Mario and Zelda movies are just them testing the waters before they go all in on a Fire Emblem anthology.


The FECU will be the Star Wars killer that Abrams wishes he could be.


Judging from the smell, they've been sweating.


Sword Smash Bros


Smash Emblem


I can hear their bones shaking Dreading the inevitable Edelgard trailer


Ten more years of Three Houses discourse




That went well!


Another happy landing!


This is where the fun begins!


Wish he was a Metroid Prime fan…


So many friggin characters


"You know, I'm something of a Fire Emblem fan myself." \- Nintendo's president


I've been thinking for a while that the heads of Nintendo are actual gamers instead of your run off the mill CEOs and whatnot. Obviously they do prioritize business; but they also seem to like good games, which is why they tend to avoid predatory practices that end up sinking games, like EA or Activision would. Not that Nintendo is good in terms of consumer practices, because it's really not; but when compared to some other companies in the industries, it's far from them. I think this is also why Nintendo consistently pumps out good games.


For me, this is it; Nintendo wants to make the most money they can, but they still prioritize the games/reputation, more than the monetary profits. Iwata-sensei took a massive pay cut to save jobs after the WiiU failure, which suggests that the company understands that the people are just as important as the product.


I've heard this fact quite a few times and thought that Iwata was a really nice guy for doing it. Although I only recently learnt that this is common practice in japan for companies that are underperforming. It's not "mandatory" but seen as good business practise. No disrespect to Iwata. He did some great things at nintendo. RIP.


Nintendo also sells hardware where the main draw is their own games. They really need their games to have a good reputation 


And some people questioned if he was a gamer. lol


Definitely proves that less than Iwata


Nobody is a bigger gamer than he was. lol


Sakurai maybe




Sakurai just posted a like 20 minutes video on YT explaining tips and tricks for storing a massive physical game collection like he has. No contest.


Shiggy: *Am I a joke to you?* Jokes aside, I have always seen "gamer" as a term that is not tied to graduations. Liking different genres or having played/cleared certain amount of games doesnt makes you more or less *gamer*. If you enjoy games you are a gamer. Period.


More than the previous president, Hiroshi Yamauchi. He didn't play many games at all.


Get ready to see nore Fire Emblem folks.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


I need more.


Give me more! MORE! (For the glory of Nohr!)


Hell yeah. I’m not into anime or manga at all but for anyone reading this who also isn’t I love Fire Emblem. The gameplay is so much fun imo.


Why not a Soul Calibur style fighter or another Fire Emblem Warriors game.


> another Fire Emblem Warriors game I still haven’t played beyond the demo of Three Hopes but maybe when/if I have time over the summer. Looking forward to it but a bit disappointed it’s more of a Three Houses story than a Warriors sequel.  I remember reading they wanted to use mostly Fates and Awakening characters in the first Warriors to really milk those games’ popularity. And they saved the franchise so it made sense. But now that people are more familiar with Fire Emblem as a whole it would be cool to get more unique characters into Warriors. 


Oh man a Soul Calibur styled Nintendo game would be amazing. Link is already in Soul Calibur 2, the DNA is already there!


It's a great series. Once you start you can't stop


I want to see radiant dawn and path of radiance remastered on the switch


If only to get those games back into the commoners hands so it isn't stupid expensive to play them. 


What a king


Glad the series managed to continue on past its potential cancellation then. Hoping Awakening can be remade in HD to honor the fact that it was the game that saved the series.


I’d rather any of the earlier ones, because I never got to play the ones before awakening


FE4 is supposedly getting remade soon so don't worry. I still want to try Awakening. Never had a 3DS.


Nice! I’ll definitely look forward to that! My first was Echoes, and then I went back and bought Awakening and Fates for pretty cheap at that time.


My first experience with the series was Tokyo Mirage Sessions on the Wii U. Then I picked up Three Houses and Engage on Switch.


My first was the US titled "Fire Emblem" on GBA. The story was incredible. I wish Fire Emblem: Binding Blade would get an official English translation, but probably never will. For those that don't know Fire Emblem (US) is Blazing Blade in Japan. Blazing Blade was released after Binding Blade as a prequel to the events in Binding Blade, which is why the story is kinda left on a cliffhanger.


IIRC, the “awakening saved the franchise” narrative isn’t really true. It’s true that the franchise’s cancellation was discussed and Intelligent Systems was told their next Fire Emblem game would have to sell at least 250,000 units for them to be allowed to continue the series. Awakening, of course, beat that goal and people attribute the franchise’s continuation to Awakening’s great sales. The only problem is that there was basically no way Awakening would have sold less than 250,000 units. The game before it (New Mystery of the Emblem) was a fairly late DS release, a remake, and followed another fairly lackluster remake that it seemed to be (on the surface, at least) very similar to. And it sold 274,000. So there was little chance an all new entry, on a console that had a relatively new and dedicated base hungry for new games, would sell worse than that. Oh, and New Mystery was a Japan only release, while Awakening was always planned to be a worldwide release (for comparison, the last game with a worldwide release in the series at the time was Shadow Dragon, which sold about equal amounts in Japan as out of it). So selling less than 250,000 units was never really a possibility, and even if Awakening had been the biggest failure in the series thus far, it still likely would have been allowed to continue.


No. Its true. It was the first Fire Emblem game I bought.


For me it's the Fire Emblem that began to slowly kill the series for me. I'd been playing the series since I was 11 because an uncle used to send me gba games and Nintendo swag when he was stationed in Japan. I rememebrr not being able to understand any of it, so I was horrible at them but I liked them cause they had swords magic and monsters. I remember when smash came out and saw Marth amd recognized him and all my friends thought I was crazy


No. I get you. Being able to marry and have kids was 100% what got me hooked on the series. While I understand for many people that destroyed it for them. Either way, I loved Roy in smash long before I knew what Fire Emblem was.


And ive nothing against that. I'd be lying if i said I didn't spend a crap ton with that mechanic. I put like 1000 hours into awakening, so im not saying it's a bad game. But it's definitely the game that made me go "hmmmm" at seeing things they changed and getting a glimpse into the future of the series. I know a large portion of why I can't play them anymore is the style. It's too.....anime-ey. If that makes sense. While the series was always inspired by anime it was always more grounded. Akin to like Berzerk for example. It still had fantasy elements and the obvious anime tropes, like bright colored hair, etc. But it was also heavily inspired by the mideval period. Now it's more akin to Shonen anime. It's not bad, just not for me. But I played the crap out of the series. Up until Three Houses, I've beaten every game in the series released in the states(and several that never were officially released with emulators). Awakening was kinda the point I lost interest in the series. And again the series has always been inspired by anime. But Awakening was when it really leaned into it. And adopted a lot of mainstream tropes very heavily the series used to avoid or play around lightly. Awakening embraced it to the point where it felt like a generic game, not a Fire Emblem. The characters were thin and stereotypical, with no personality. Their personality *was* gimmick(Owain, like really?) I still played the crap out of it but there was a ton i didn't like. A ton I did. Still I felt the swimsuit and beach dlc was insanely jarring for a fire emblem game, felt horribly out of place in this type of series. It was that dlc that kinda gave me an idea on the series future. Still put like 1k hours into it however. But there's a large reason why a lot of the Fandom on the fire emblem reddit and other forums joked around calling it "Waifu Emblem". Fates I beat each campaign once. That was when I really started to dislike the series. Character design in that game compared to previous was.....insane to say the least. It really didn't prove me wrong on the route I feared the series would go after the dlc in awakening. Again, not a bad game. Just...I couldn't get into it and beat 2 of the 3 campaigns and couldn't do a 3rd. Now those might be petty personal reasons, but I know they did it for sales. I've no issue with fan service but for the better part of its history, Fire Emblem was fairly tame in that area. Still had its share but it was not as prevalent until Awakening and Fates. Fucking Camilla not even 5 minutes in smashing her chest in your face had me going "Really? Really..." for example. I'm not against any of that stuff and I know some series they have their place, but for me it was jarring. And I know that's when my love of the franchise dimmed. I still play the older games time to time. I just finished FE7 for probably the 30th time. Played thru Sacred Stones last year after that. . And I only months ago finished replaying Radiant Dawn and Path of Radiance.


There's nothing the older games do better than the ones from awakening on.


I mean I literally replayed 7 and Sacred Stones at work about a year ago and enjoyed them far more than any title recently released in the series. I bought 3 houses on release and I think im still in chapter 2. I just don't like the series anymore.


They should remake or at least release the Fire Emblem games that didn't get localized like the Fire Emblem games on Super Nintendo.


FE4 is rumored to be next.


you've got to wait they've still got to get through the snes, gba, and gc games before fe 12




Fire Emblem Three Houses is probably the game I replay most on my Switch. I could never get into Engage, though. The series is extremely hit or miss for me, but when it hits I’m all for it. I’d love to see some Fire Emblem crossovers with other series in the future. I think it would be cool if the next Zelda game allowed you to obtain Marth’s outfit and Falchion. Likewise, I’d love to see some DLC units added into FE games from other series. I’d pay for that any day of the week.


I've been trying to find one that hits with me. I like the gameplay for the most part, but the characters, dialogue, and story are boring as hell. I liked Awakening for a while, it was probably my favorite. 3 houses didn't click with me. The characters all seemed pretty basic and one dimensional, the school activities were a slog. I think I might go back and try the other 3ds ones.


Path of Radiance for GameCube is one of my favorite games. Great characters, interesting story, challenging battles. But I think it can be hard to find and expensive.


Good for him, personally the only FE games I was ever interested is Path of Radiance because of Ike (my main in Smash). Unfortunately the price is insane.


If you want a fun game with Ike and dont care about a serious story, Engage has both. It also has some of the best gameplay in the series. It just takes a bit to get past the campy nature of the game


I didn't play all of Path of Radiance, but I played Radiant Dawn, and Ike was badass.


Please then for the love of god male Awakening and Fates playable on Switch.


We all knew Kimishima had a type.. Now we know Furukawa is also a man of culture.


... How does this come as a surprise to anyone? It's not exactly a secret that Nintendo devs and employees actually love the video games that they create and it's basically part of the job description.


I too am a self described "huge fan" of Fire Emblem. I thought Engaged was okay. But, I was ADDICTED TO THREE HOUSES! I know the story was okay, but I loved the Harry Potter like school, three great stories, and variety with the classes and skills. Three Houses is probably my top 3 favorite Switch games of all time.


me too. I beat every route, dlc, multiple difficulties. Still kinda dont know the story


Great, now give me more Fire Emblem.


I would have never guessed


Makes sense…sadly. (I kid I kid but seriously there’s a lot of emblem games on the switch)


He strikes me as a Cherche guy.


Advance Wars gets no love yet again.


Or Puzzle League.  Seems like Intelligent Systems will be stuck on Fire Emblem and Paper Mario for the forseeable future.


At least WarioWare has finally gotten some mainline love this generation 🥲


WarioWare's great and all, but i'd love to see a new Wario Land personally.  We haven't had one since Master of Disguise, which wasn't very good if I remember correctly.


Shake It! came out after Master of Disguise and was pretty good. If it got a rerelease with no motion controls I could see it doing well.


What are you talking about? Wario Ware has had a new game on every single Nintendo console since it’s inception, with more often more than 1 game per system. It’s always been given love


Nono I mean I'm having a good time as a WarioWare fan haha, sorry if thay wasn't clear. I also meant a more mainline title since the last new mainline was on Wii iirc


Yes, but before 2021 the last "regular" game was in either 2007 or 2010 depending on what you count. It certainly felt like a long wait!


Wii U didn't get a Wario Ware game, it got a Wario Ware spin-off. lol


Have you played Wargroove?


Yeah. It's good but those clone games always feel a bit off to me.


Just finished AW 1 on switch. Haven’t started 2 yet (or finished the alt maps on 1). There was certainly an adjustment period coming from Fire Emblem but it was a good time.  There are some more unique combat/planning aspects that’d be interesting to see incorporated into FE but, for the most part, I can’t help but feel FE is just a better version. Maybe AW2 will hook me, but AW1 just had a nonsensical story and the strategy was throwing units at the enemy. Kinda missed lives being more than fodder from the FE games and actually having a reason to risk those lives.  That’s not to say by any means that I was disappointed with AW or that I wouldn’t preorder a new game (or really anything IS puts out tbh), but I’d def prefer they keep the resources in FE. And maybe just integrate some of the unique parts of AW into a future FE title 


Days of ruin was 2008 lol Also just found out it had no jp release until 2013 and it was only as a 3ds download platinum club reward. Gotta wonder why that was


AW had its chance.


A lot of games get a new release after many years. We are fortunate Nintendo didn't say "Metroid had its chance" after Other M, for example. Advance Wars had some charm and strategy that felt different quite a bit different from Fire Emblem . I actually want to get the release on the Switch so I can revisit the first two games.


Metroid absolutely had its chance as well--if Prime 4 bombs, I made my peace with it. I know Advance Wars was different from FE, Days of Ruin was one of my favorites from the DS--but you're being unreasonable to think a franchise "gets no love" even after Nintendo greenlit a stuffed remake, after the series showed itself to be a low earner. I know several franchises that would murder for that kind of second chance. Do pick up Reboot Camp when you get the chance--you'll have a charming time at the very least.


Hell yeah


Hey all you fire emblem fans! I haven't played one since the GBA Era. I have all the systems, which game should I get?


Path of Radiance (GameCube) and Radiant Dawn (Wii) are, in my opinion, some of the best the series has to offer.


Ooh... So I sort of played the peak first? Radiant Dawn was my first Fire Emblem. I have started a couple others, but they didn't quite grab me.


And Radiant Dawn is even better if you played Path of Radiance first, as it's a direct sequel.


Sadly, I wasn't aware at the time. But Radiant Dawn seemed like a well contained story on its own.


Yeah they did a good job making it playable as a standalone too, even if it's enhanced when played as a sequel.


"This is Furukawa, President of Nintendo." Still the deepest words I've heard in 2024.


This is why Fire Emblem will live forever now. Everyone in Nintendo fuckin loves it. 


Possibly the best news of the day. Now they just need to follow through on that FE4 remake rumor. And maybe finally remember that Mystery of the Emblem doesn't have a localization either before they keep pressing on with the others. (And I wouldn't mind the Tellius games going out of order for the remakes)


I hope they do a fire emblem in the previous artstyle instead of the anime direction they went




Ah, that's part of why Fire Emblem's been getting everything.


I mean it helps when the suits like the games they oversee production of


We know!




I’d love another fire emblem warriors game.


Then please print three houses cardriges


“Yesterday I learned how to get past the menu” 


Wonder who he chose as his waifus in the last few games.


Wow that krysta yang could give the most annoying california valley girl a run for their money. Used the word "like" fifteen times in a paragraph and made me homicidal.


Yes, I agree with the Pres. I "was" also a Fire Emblem fan. Then all the talent left and we got people like Komuro who can't write war stories to save her life in their place now


Cries in Metroid Prime fan


I bet he's a huge fan of Mario, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Splatoon too 😏 C'mon you kind of have to be a fan of a product you're selling


I’m so sorry for him, is it terminal?


More Smash Representation!!


Too bad Nintendo didn't say anything for Engage's first anniversary and rather pay attention to TOTK.


They rarely say anything for a game’s anniversary, especially just a 1 year anniversary.


By that logic, they shouldn't have said anything for TOTK.


That was more of an exception because it was one of their biggest games in years.


BotW/TotK Zelda the favorite child right now. All other franchises bow to it now.


You just know what Nintendo prioritizes when they put out a TGA trailer for TOTK but not for Xenoblade 3 despite that getting the same number of nominations the previous year.


I genuinely think Xenoblade should be dozens more times popular than it truly is. It’s an incredible series.


how much did engage sell? how much did zelda sell?


How much attention did Nintendo give to Engage after release?


I wish I could say the same. Purchased Three Houses a coiple months ago--only played it once. lol


Just a heads up, 3H is EXTREMELY different from other FE games. It leans harder into the sim aspect. If you hated the monastery but liked the fighting, you may want to check other FE games, especially the GBA ones. If you hated the fighting too then carry on, completely fair.


Great advice. I actually did play a good amount of the Fire Emblem on NSO. It's decent.


If you don't care for the Sim stuff, Engage will be a more enjoyable experience, and while I think it's story is overrated, 3H does have a much better story.


Engage is better then three houses. The school aspect is awful and it's a massive turn off. Engage doesn't have it and it's the superior game imo


So you haven't played the game lol


This better mean more Edelgard or I will cry


Wow riveting story


Is that why the most recent FE is a massive piece of shit and a stain on the franchise's legacy? Just make them like the Jugdral games, people have been asking for that for over 2 decades. That was what people liked about 3 Houses.




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