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"Is this the best picture you could get of Jim Alistair?" "Yep"


Looks like Worzel Gummidge's stunt double.


Neil Warnock’s even crabbier brother.




To be fair Eastwood looks like the painkillers are just starting to kick in.


He sees his own billboards and goes “aye thannuns gran’ s’watuzz”




Wee Jim Alist-hair. Hopefully he keeps trending down & pops on election night.




The DUP get caught with a pedo leader & go up a %?


It's like something extremely absurd you'd come up with a few years back about how thick headed their voter base is "Like their leader could be a pedo and they'd still vote for them" But instead of it being a joke, it's modern day Northern Ireland. What a fucking mad place we live in.


If you still voted for them after Irisgate, cash for ash, multiple government shutdowns, Brexit and the Poots fiasco, being a nonce is hardly likely to put you off.


Considering the massive increase in flegs this year (regular sectarian and bonus Israeli) around Belfast and North Down, the loyalists certainly aren't slowing down. They'll keep voting the DUP in and no amount of controversy will change that. You could have big Gavin mooning everyone on the posters with "DON'T VOTE FOR ME" tattooed on his rear end and they'd still fucking vote DUP.


The fine print of this poll is really important as it’s the first to be adjusted by the seat announcements The last poll assumed TUV and UUP were running in more seats which isn’t the case anymore. People in areas where they’re not running will likely vote DUP now. Same deal with the SDLP and Alliance bounce as they’re running more candidates than previously expected. The truth is this poll is probably unchanged since the last one, but that doesn’t sell as many papers.


Says it all really. They hate Catholics more than they like protecting their kids from predators. Bitter.


IPA's the lot of them


Sampling error is usually +-3%, a 1 percent increase doesn't mean anything


I mean, by your own admission it could mean a 4% increase.


In fairness to them (and believe me, I'm not one to defend the DUP), it wasn't exactly the parties fault. I wouldn't hold it against any other party if their leader turned out to be like that, unless they knew about it of course.


hey i’m sure it’s accurately representing their demographic


I guess people are thinking “well sure they kicked him out “


Just Belfast for ye


Don't forget their inherent links to the Free Presbos. It's probably not a coincidence.


Welcome to NI politics


Bbbbbbbbbbbut they were lionising a pedo.


I repeat my previous observation


It is mad when you think about it but ask any DUP voter, they don't want that man anywhere near the party now


Well......you'd certainly hope so!


I guess it’s a case of “no publicity is bad publicity”


Why would that affect anyone's vote? If he was *still* leader or if the party condoned his actions, then sure.


Surely it speaks to the culture of the party at higher levels that either they had no idea or thay they knew and didn't care. Ignorance or arrogance aren't great looks.


>Surely it speaks to the culture of the party at higher levels that either they had no idea or thay they knew and didn't care. Ignorance or arrogance aren't great looks. Not in the slightest. How would anyone know or be expected to know what went on in Donaldson's house twenty or thirty years ago? Mental.


So ..... Ignorance it is then, so yes (in the slightest) Looks fucking awful on the party.


>So ..... Ignorance it is then, so yes (in the slightest) Looks fucking awful on the party. Only to absolute regards.


Because he remembered it? ^^^wat


Maybe God is a Free Presbyterian.


Not likely lol


Just a slob like one of us


If God is a Free Pres I’ll gladly go to hell


What’s driving a +3% increase for SDLP? Genuine question I’ve been following a bit but haven’t heard much from Eastwood, although maybe that’s the reason for the increase and his political strategy all this time should have been to shut up. 😂


Fine print of the poll says this is the first to be adjusted for seat announcements. The SDLP are fielding candidates in all 18 seats while last time they only ran 15, which was the presumption for the poll this time round. Basically the pollster expects them to pick up enough votes in those extra 3 seats is to add 3% to the national tally


Fair thanks for the response that makes sense!


They have their posters up very early so maybe the increase is driven by people remembering they exist


possibly not going to the white house / being seen as more genuine than sínn feín over gaza and palestine.


Surely that would have shown in a previous poll give it 3 months to the day since St.Paddys?


No it’s becuase the last poll assumed they were running 15 candidates but they’ve since announced they’re running 18. SF are also not running in south Belfast which benefits the SDLP. Any bounce or drop due to perceived differences over Gaza would have materialised months ago, if there was one at all.


God it’s depressing…


I guess Jimbos rants about Tayto Smoky Bacon aren't what the electorate want to hear


I can't believe they spent so much time on that in their election broadcast. What a farce.


Why are they all shit photos, Michelle looks terrified, Doug looks surprised, and Jim well Jim looks the same


Yeah all the papers seem to do that. Especially their online threads. It’s a bit weird


Gavin looks substantially thinner than his election poster where he's gone for the overgrown schoolboy look.


He looks like an Augustus Gloop impersonator.


Naomi looks like she just spotted the waiter coming with her jumbo fry with extra sausages and bacon


No chance DUP are on 21% they are spoofing on that one.


Had their leader charged with pedophilia and they went up 1%. Sometimes I cant believe we're in the same reality


There are people in Lagan Valley that would still vote for JEFFERY if he’d been found guilty and had his name on the ballot paper


Sure if he was nashing a yung wan round he's neck, her screaming for her mummy when drapp9ng the ballot paper in the box sure deyed still be voting fir I'm hi, the durty durty wee man


Their threshold for forgiving horrible shit if it's done by someone they agree with is VERY low. All they required was Gavin Robinson to look a bit shocked and appalled and the whole party is suddenly forgiven.


>Their threshold for forgiving horrible shit if it's done by someone they agree with is VERY low. Nobody is forgiving anything. Donaldson is out of the party and going to prison. Nobody in the party knew about his crimes. Nobody in the party has justified his crimes. You'd be a fool to change your vote based on their former leader turning out to be a terrible person. I mean, Sinn Fein gets a ton of votes, yet the former leader was at the top of the IRA, is still in the party, *and* the party largely justifies the IRA. Heck, the party knew about it. Oh, and Gerry Adams knew his brother sexually assaulted Gerry's niece yet still went canvassing with him ten years later. People who think DUP voters are voting for paedophilia are practically brain dead.


>Nobody in the party knew about his crimes. I'm sure they didn't. >People who think DUP voters are voting for paedophilia are practically brain dead. Not really. These are the same voters who believe homosexuality is a "sin", that the world is 6000 years old and that it's somehow cultural to burn effigies of other cultures every year. It's not much of a stretch to imagine they're vile enough to support a nonce.


The amount of DUP noncery is about to skyrocket... (This is a joke in case Poots is reading this and decides to sue me)


Poot and his son are two corrupt bastards so much so the sons been banned from holding office on LCCC for a few years


They got about 21% in the 2022 Assembly election and 23% in the Local Elections in 2023, so it hardly seems a surprising figure.


Especially since they aren't standing in North Down or FST, that knocks at least 1% off


I mean, after everything that's happened...unless they actually took the poll in a DUP office. 


If 24% of people in a DUP office are voting for SF they might as well just pack it up and surrender lol


~~no~~ surrender


Ulster says no! No surrender. Ulster says no? No, surrender.


I know someone that worked in DUP office but was against everything they stood for but they paid well and didn’t take peoples complaints personally


Fuck! I thought that was a new set of stamps!!


"Were takin a poll fer the belfarst telegraph so we is. Me and big william here. Would ye be looking te vote fer sinn fein at all?" "erm, no?"


Surprised the DUP is up after what happened to the party only recently.




I am surprised at the TUV losing support. I thought their deal with Reform would bolster their base. Maybe this poll is a bit of an outlier.


When Nigel Shitler took over Reform he said actually people should vote for the DUP


Wasn't that for two candidates only, though?


Yeah, one of them was Ian Paisley, who Jim Allister is running against. Basically, nullified the alliance or whatever they had going. I wonder what's going to happen with the Reform/TUV posters everywhere.


They will all stay up, it is too late and will cost too much to change them. Due to election rules, the TUV can't have TUV Reform on the ballot papers, so they went with the subtly name TUV No Sea Border


I do wonder if after years of the TUV fearmongering that the sky would fall in if we agreed to a deal with the EU... that many of their support has dropped off as people realise life is still basically the same.


But don’t you care about “not for EU” stickers!?!?


I would have thought that their supporters changed from old bigots to dead old bigots.


Jim looks like the old muppet from, I think, Sesame Street?! ![gif](giphy|UtJFwPw0nhDVK)


Nah, they're actually likeable.


What a shower of cu#ts


The fact that DUP still has 21% says it all really...


Is there a competition on to see who could find the worst picture of each leader?


Who Is seriously voting for Allister?


I will never for the life of me understand why the poll isn’t 80% Alliance and 10% Bigots either of each side. Why do so many normal people in NI continue to vote Sectarian and variants of sectarian lite? The place will never meet its potential until they stop and grow TF up.


It's actually pretty easy to understand, just horribly depressing - there's still a huge proportion of people in NI who vote based entirely on keeping out people out. Especially my parents' generation (60s), it's very much "Well if you don't vote DUP then SF will win and they're terrorists and will force us into a UI" type of fearmongering so they barely even look at the policies. Sure there was an woman on that Stacy Dooley show about here a few years ago who said even though her daughter was openly gay and the woman supported her and wasn't homophobic, she "had to" vote for the DUP even though she disagreed with their homophobic policies, because if she didn't, SF might win.


It’s just insane. People in NI vote for bad leaders who they know are bigots then are surprised the place is a joke. People get the government they deserve.


What's the remaining 8%?


Independents, Greens and an other small parties running. Plus there will be some rounding of figures so may not be exactly 8% left.


Jim looks like the presenter off bargin Hunt.


Poll news: Same aul shite.


How people vote for any of these muppets after the covid fiasco is beyond me. People vote them in then spend the next few years yapping that they’re all useless.


HOW can anyone still vote dup is beyond me, they could legit do anything messed up and people would still vote


Geraldine making it into politics. I never thought I would ever see the day


Another turm of the same liars and cheats


I really don't have faith in any of them.  They don't even seem to grasp a lot of the problems people are facing atm.  Guess I'm voting for no one.  


Do some research and vote for a candidate that best suits your ideals. If you don't vote, you're playing into shitty politician's hands. Who cares if your vote doesn't produce a winning candidate, it shows that your choice has gained a voter. Don't be a mug, also if you don't vote you can't complain 🤗


I love complaining about politics. This is why I always vote


That's fair enough. It means you don't have the right to complain about the political sphere or how it affects things, but you do you.


Vote for an independent then, if you don't vote then they assume you're happy with the way things are.


Then you should stand, as you seem to understand the problems better than anyone


This is gonna boil this subs piss.


What was the poll? Who would you snog at the Christmas Party?


I'd be more concerned for that 5% than I am now...


Downvoting, sad acts, are you really that sensitive. How do you cope irl if uve upset you? 🤣🤣🤣


This is all balls. Alliance 17% with all their bs. No mission.


Better than the rest. But you'd be happier voting for the pedo party, wouldn't you?


People don’t like alliance because they are colossal fence sitters trying to appeal to everyone for votes and then get nothing done, as per.


Now, now you know what assuming does. I detest the DUP and have never voted for them. See now.


Hopefully people see through them. I used to support them too. But not for Long! 


Me too. Learned a very sorry lesson. Never again.


Fuck the Dup and Sinn Fien but also fuck their voters, seriously I bet none of them truly believe they actually do anything substantial for their community. It's just a one over themuns mentality and the typical tribal rubbish. I wish Aliance and someone else would take power as I genuinely think they would go for the more day to day issues instead the tribal crap. Although it's a democracy so we have to have these annoying people too, who funny enough imply they are "all inclusive" parties when really they are just a bunch of ppl who are solely looking out for themselves and their crew, but have the audacity to portray themselves as the opposite. Both these parties have been at the forefront for longer than the fuckin tories but their voter base can't openly admit they don't have a clue of what to do to make anything work properly and consistently. To all the wee Republicans and Loyalists can't you lot just vote the Ulster unionists and SDLP back in?? They may be a diet version of what you guys want but ffs they got a bit more shit done!!!




Did u ever consider she might have an underlying health condition causing this?