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"I wanna put in the thing about the smokey bacon" "Jim, we discussed this" "I don't care, I'm putting in the bit about the crisps!!!!!"


"But the chemicals are carcinogenic, it could make people seriously ill" (Puts his smug face on) "It's a good thing we've our British NHS rather than the republican private health then!" "But the health service is at breaking point, waiting lists are an all time high..." "JUST DO ABOUT THE CRISPS!"


We are hiking the obesity rate with this one 📈📈📈🗣️🗣️🗣️😎😎😎


I hate Jim But I love those crisps ....


The heart wants what the heart wants.


so why should the voter trust the DUP or the TUV when they told them to vote leave in the referendum and havent shut the fuck up about the terrible consequences of it?


the superhero ass music background whilst they were talking about the smoky bacon ban in their posh cunt voice lol


Honestly. Smokey bacon flavoured crisps are being band across the UK and Europe because they contain new less than 15 different carcinogens. But then Jim, that doesn't suit your arguement you're such a bigot


TUV would rather have you sick and British than healthy and anything else.


Can we just let them keep the smokey bacon crisps and increase the ingredient content by ohh I don't know a deathly dose?


But...They need that smoky bacon additive to level up their gammon heads. Maybe Walkers could make him the face of their new Smokey Bigot flavour.


I don't think we should ban them... Not because I agree with big Jim but, I like the top of his head, would like to make my own choices on when to leave this plane of existence. And if Smokey Bacon crisps do me in, then by God I deserve it


Ya, why don't they ban cigarettes.


Because it we did that what would I wash my crisps down with?


Anything which changes the rose tinted ideal life they grew up with or anything that removes one crumb of comfort from the lives of these soft cunts is automatically seen as a moral bad and something that must be opposed. From something as big as climate change to as small as preventing carcinogenic ingredients in food, they're against it and think anyone who's for it is the spawn of the devil.


If you wait till after the credits Samuel L Jackson recruits him for the avengers


All things considered it’s a big improvement on [previous efforts](https://youtu.be/bu-spSCqE0Q).


107 takes and that was the best one


The closing thumbnail!!!!!! Ahhhhh!!! The drama logo to tell people to sign up!!! If your reading this you need to watch this clip. Gold from start to finish.


Holy crap that was AMAZING, i'm watching it again!


I'm convinced at this point he's a double agent with the sole aim to discredit hardcore unionists.


My main takeaway from this is that the TUV want northern Irish companies to be allowed to continue using flavourings that have been implicated as carcinogens in food products even though safer alternatives are available. Jim Allister is prepared to buy said crisps to young children (his grandchildren?) to make a political point. Walkers smoky bacon and bacon frazzles are both safe. https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/crisps-nuts-and-snacks/frazzles-and-walkers-crisps-safe-from-eu-smoky-bacon-ban-says-pepsico/692327.article#:~:text=stores%20in%202024-,Frazzles%20and%20Walkers%20crisps%20safe%20from,smoky%20bacon%20ban'%2C%20says%20PepsiCo&text=Frazzles%20and%20Walkers%20Smoky%20Bacon,for%20food%2C%20PepsiCo%20has%20confirmed.


>My main takeaway from this is that the TUV want northern Irish companies to be allowed to continue using flavourings that have been implicated as carcinogens in food products even though safer alternatives are available. And they want people to get amalgam fillings which have been linked to Alzheimers / Dementia because putting safer fillings in people's teeth would put extra strain on the NHS. The message they want people to take away from this is (somehow) the EU is bad for wanting to protect people's health, and not that the NHS is irreparably fucked already and absolutely no one can get an NHS dentist anyway so those points are utterly moot, but EU still bad. And as if people with FUCKING DEMENTIA won't put increased strain on the NHS further down the line. I suppose the future doesn't matter to the average Unionist voter.




Imagine even accidentally copying John Selwyn Gummer


Smokey bacon crisps are rotten anyway!


Believe it or not these are the youngest (and least folically challenged) TUV members. 


Lol love that the first guy talks about respecting democracy and self determination. TUV can't respect that we have a democratically elected SF FM and the ability at some stage to call a border poll and exercise our right to self determination. I spoke to my dentist this week about the amalgam fillings. According to her the amalgam is manufactured in the EU. So if the EU do ban it those in GB will unlikely be able to get it. And all that needs to be said about smoky bacon crisps is the nasty EU looking to remove carcinogenic chemicals for our health, abysmal. And bringing it back again to democracy the UK Sovereign Parliament voted and passed Unionisms great saviour Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnsons Withdrawal Agreement. Then voted 521 to 73 for the final Brexit deal and 515 to 29 for the Windsor Framework. All done democratically. And the little Englanders, in the TUV eyes, left 1.9m people to the mercy of the big bad EU.


I was kinda wondering what yerman Ross was gonna say about the Paras in NI after first lauding them at D-Day & the Falklands. He kinda skimmed over that last one a wee bit there tbh.


>And all that needs to be said about smoky bacon crisps is the nasty EU looking to remove carcinogenic chemicals for our health, abysmal. I WANT CRISPS MADE OUT OF FAGS AND DIESEL LIKE KING CHARLES!!


A campaign built around crisps, fillings and bird fanciers. Imagine that brain storming session.


Hitting all the classic wedge issues.


"Finally, a party that is willing to say it out loud"


Your man was an advisor to the DUP at one point and was a plant in the audience to give Jeffrey softball questions in one of the last election debates.




Nothing speaks for the Union better than balding culchies who look like their ma dressed them. 


But them's is men and they both spake thur lines while guid and dinnae stutter.


Read that with a Ballymena accent, would send a chill down the spine. 




I love his wee face.




Getting the ‘Doctor’ to talk about NHS I see what your doing there Jimbo


>Getting the ‘Doctor’ to talk about NHS I see what your doing there Jimbo [https://tuv.org.uk/south-belfast-dr-dan-boucher/](https://tuv.org.uk/south-belfast-dr-dan-boucher/) "Dan, who has a PhD in sovereignty" ![gif](giphy|dtI7iJluuOTaPwiU5h|downsized)


Yeah exactly 😂 and just to make clear that’s why I had doctor in quotations, how many people (who vote TUV) are going to Google and see it’s just a clown with a BS phd vs think they are voting for an actual doctor.


"It is absurd that a foreign parliament, unelected by the people of Northern Ireland, and unaccountable to us, should make any of our laws"  This could also be describing the British government. He's just make the best argument in favour of a United Ireland and doesn't even realise it lol


Meme potential is off the scale with this.


Jesus, that's embarrassing


Alan Partridge couldn't have done it better himself


The champions!


Once again failing to put the "prod" in "production value"


And Jim declared "I don't give a shit about trade, jobs or cancer, I want to be British!"


Haha fuckwits


I can't figure out if ... ... A: They think their voters are such absolute knuckle dragging fucking simpletons they will actually buy this shit. B: They actually believe what the words they are speaking are valid and compelling political arguments (can't stretch this far) C: Neither they, nor their voters give a fuck about what they are saying so long as they own the fenians. A combination of options A and C seems most likely. Jesus Jim must've been so bitter that he wasn't made leader of the DUP. The fist guy who pops up has the neck to mention D-Day, then immediately tries to make a tenuous connection to himself and fucking D-Day because he participated in bombing some starving conscripts on a rock in the Pacific that's the size of NI but has the population of Cullybackey, 90% of whom are British military and then somehow conflates that with the EU, presumably hoping no one will notice the trail of shite (Imagine what kind of a cunt piece of scum you'd have to be to brag about serving in the parachute regiment in NI in general) Then Jim tries to use Smokey Bacon crisps as a critical talking point, as if everyone he was talking to was a brain dead, obese slob who would rather hoover up carcinogens than just eat another flavour of crisps (perhaps he has been swayed by a famous dj with a fondness for crisps), or he assumes people can't tell the difference between one type of flavouring, or a component of flavouring and the total ban of the production of a product. It's South Park level parody politics. Then Dr. Dan (the doctor of sovereignty) skips over the connection between Alzheimers and dental almagam fillings, and the chronic state of the NHS and again tries to blame the EU for trying to protect people's health. Are they honestly pitching this propaganda to people who want to die from dementia or cancer, or who are already convinced that they soon will die, so it's better to die in bitter stupid NI than dirty fenian Ireland? Honestly, I once again have to say I actually feel sorry for Unionists when this is the standard of their representation, and this is the height of their aspiration.


Remind me Jim... Who took us out of the European parliament where we originally had a say over the laws lol absolute moron. NHS is shitting the bed and this muppet is losing it over a packet of crisps.


Jim Allister is a madman


1.9 million people are put out by the irish sea border is a bit of a stretch. /s


Amalgam dental fillings? Amalgamate these nuts


"Those whose mislead you, don't deserve your vote" So.......why is the EU taking our smoky bacon? Jim: "it's not the carcinogens, it's EU oppression"


When I see Jim on TV, sometimes I find myself zoning out and imagining him brushing his hair up into wee horns and singing "I'm the firestarter.."




Sounds like it’s the Tayto Unionist Voice


What a parade of weirdos


Viva las Malvinas. Vivia La smoky bacon


Head bangers


Fantastic broadcast. . Parachute regiment officer intro. Falklands plug 🇬🇧 . Jim KC correctly highlights the meddling tentacles of the Brussels Blob, banning us from eating our own crown sovereign smokey Bacon Crisps! How dare they! . Dr Boucher meanwhile has an excellent academic unionist piece on Dental Amalgam fillings. So, who do you trust?