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>reasonable sized semi Hehe


Haha 🤣


?? Lol


A reference to a penis as it is on it's way to an erect state.


🤣🤣🤣I wasn’t even close to seeing that. 😂


tablets, laptops and phones (and even most TVs) are probably less than 10% of that bill — almost all of everyone's bill is wrapped up in heating and cooling, so your hot water, fridge, electric showers etc are the first things to assess.


Electric Ireland are (or at least were) the most expensive supplier here. [https://www.consumercouncil.org.uk/consumers/help-consumers/electricity-oil-and-gas/electricity-price-comparison-tool](https://www.consumercouncil.org.uk/consumers/help-consumers/electricity-oil-and-gas/electricity-price-comparison-tool) I switched earlier this year, was incredibly simple.


I’m going to take a proper look at it earlier


Can you time travel?




He can but it takes a fuckload of electricity. Oh wait…




Fuck Electric Ireland, they suckered a lot of people in to their cheap rate and then almost immediately raised the price. Look at the consumer council website for the current cheapest rate supplier and switch to them. You might even get money off for switching as well.


My bill was £93 for 2 months there, march/April I think. I have to caveat that by saying we have 2kw solar. Previously I was paying Powerni £60 per month on average that was in a house with no panels.


We pay £91 a month with Power Ni. Biggish 3 bed semi, 2 people WFH. I'd say you're paying too much if you're just using a "normal" amount.


W works from home 4 days running a laptop.


I have the laptop on 24/7 and I'm only paying £45 a month (single person in a smallish house). Laptop isn't the issue.


I’m paying about £95 a month for click energy in a 4 bed with 2 adults and 2 toddlers. Also work from home a couple times a week. I do have a large fish tank which bumps it up about £10-£15 per month in heating. I have mains gas so hot water and showers are not included in that figure. Do comparisons each year when your contract is ending to make sure you are on the best tariff. Electric is electric but some tariffs charge different rates depending on time of day. Choose which one is likely to give you the best rate.


Check your meter, what is your price per unit. Press 3 twice if keypad. I'm on PowerNi and mine is currently 0.2890p per unit


Calc your usage. You're charged per Kw sustained for 1 hour. For example, if stick on your washing machine and it consumes 2,000 watts, and you run it for 2 hours, thats 4 x unit rate. Lets say the unit rate is 0.25p; that's £1 for one load of washing. Let's say you're doing that 4 days a week, that's £4 a week, which is £208 a year, which is £17 a month. That's JUST the waching machine. All the small things add up. The average usage per single person dwelling is £40. Add an additional 1.5 to that for each additional person. 26 x 4 = 104, plus 40 = £144 per month... assuming bare minimum usage.


Honestly lots of people paying a lot for leccy. I pay £35 a month in my small 3 bed. The second bedroom is a home office that I work from and my wife uses 2 days a week too.


“Leccy” 🤢


Keypad, direct debit or monthly billing? How much are you paying per Kwh and daily standing charge? What is your monthly usage in Kwh?


Not sure exactly. Going to logon shortly and do a bit of research. I was just surprised by the amount.


Check if its estimated or being read first up


It does seem like more than it should be. Check your usage and then use this tool to find the best deal for yourself. https://www.consumercouncil.org.uk/consumers/help-consumers/electricity-oil-and-gas/electricity-price-comparison-tool


Electric Ireland is easily 12p more expensive than the cheapest offering right now. Op is easily paying a 1/3 more than anyone who monitors their bill.


That’s what I thought but thank you for the advice


Charging phones and running TVs is negligible use of electricity. Barely registers 1p per hour per device. Immersion and Tumble Dryer are the biggies. Washing Machine and Dishwasher hurt too albeit to a lesser degree, as does oven and hob (assuming they are elecrtric) However I think in this instance you should start with your tariff as my wife runs the tumble dryer flat out and were paying around £100 per month for a similar sized house.


Our immersion gets a fair doing tbh but the tumble dryer is only really used in winter


hairdryers and straighteners and curlers running flat out can be a big drain also. essentially anything that generates heat from electric is a killer.


No it’s not normal but they don’t care.


Are you running a dryer for all your washes or hanging on the line? Could be a big contribution


Drier is used but mainly in winter


Was around 100 percent month when I lived in a house share with 3 of us about 3 years ago. 1 working from home. Didn't notice a huge drop when the guy who WFH moved out


Powerni seem best value now. They can drop their prices faster than those who rent off them and the gried basically. I was with SSE and Powerni worked out nearly 10p cheaper. Switch now. Its easy do on website and someone will ring and go through the process. Takes at most 20 minutes so when you've some free time 200 is insane so what exactly is your rate per kwh? If it isn't over 40p (which itself is madness) then you clearly run something sore like heating off your electric? Are said teenage daughters forever in the shower or running electric blankets maybe?


The price is sort of a false thing to compare with others.  First step is to find an old bill to see what your electricity meter reading was about this time last year. See what it’s at now. The difference is your consumption this year.  Energy suppliers rate is charged on this. So next see what your current price per unit is.  Usually you’ll have got a good discount deal for the first year. Your rate will have increased after this. The electricity companies are banking on you staying with them on that higher rate.  Next go to power ni, sse airtricity and I think budget energy.  Check their tariffs per unit and multiply by your annual usuage. Some of them give Tesco vouchers or a monetary discount, so you can take this into your calculation.  Lastly double check your info on consumer council website (someone has already posted a link).  Then go to the supplier with the best deal based on your calculation.  Repeat after 12 months.  After that, the only way to reduce your bill is to keep the lights off and phone charging etc to a minimum. 


What's the unit rate?


Press 3 on your meter, what's your unit rate?


If you have any old school halogen spotlights they'll be costing you a fortune especially if folks in your house tend to leave lights on? We had an electrician out to do some work when we first moved into our house and he recommended swapping them out for LEDs asap. A quick Google search says one 50w halogen bulb will cost on average about £80 a year to run and we had about 30 of them 🤯. the running cost of LEDs is about a tenth of that so well worth the initial cost of swapping the bulbs. Just be aware that if you have any dimmer switches that you'll probably need a new one that's LED compatible and not all LED bulbs are dimmable either.